--[[ ## StreetsMod 2.0 ## Submod: workshop Optional: false ]] streets.dyes = { { color = "white", name = "White", hex = "#ffffff" }, { color = "yellow", name = "Yellow", hex = "#ffff00" }, { color = "orange", name = "Orange", hex = "#ff7f00" }, { color = "red", name = "Red", hex = "#ff0000" }, { color = "green", name = "Green", hex = "#00ff00" }, { color = "blue", name = "Blue", hex = "#0000ff" }, { color = "brown", name = "Brown", hex = "#854c30" }, { color = "grey", name = "Grey", hex = "#808080" }, { color = "black", name = "Black", hex = "#000000" }, } local on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_int("progress", 0) meta:set_string("working_on", "") meta:set_string("selection", "") meta:set_int("maxpage", 1) meta:set_int("page", 1) meta:set_int("maxpage", 1) meta:set_string("section", "") meta:set_string("category", "") meta:set_int("tab", 1) meta:set_int("locked", 1) meta:set_int("creative_enabled", 1) meta:set_int("clear_selection", 1) meta:set_string("color", "white") meta:set_string("rotation", "r0") for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do meta:set_float(dye.color .. "_storage", 0) end end local update_formspec = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local tab = meta:get_int("tab") local section = meta:get_string("section") local selection = meta:get_string("selection") local category = meta:get_string("category") local page = meta:get_int("page") local rotation = meta:get_string("rotation") local color = meta:get_string("color") local maxpage = meta:get_int("maxpage") -- luacheck: no unused local locked = meta:get_int("locked") local creative_enabled = meta:get_int("creative_enabled") local clear_selection = meta:get_int("clear_selection") local fs = "size[9,9;]" fs = fs .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img .. default.gui_slots fs = fs .. "tabheader[0,0;tabs;Tutorial,Dye Storage,Select Section: Signs,Select Section: Asphalt,Craft,Setup" fs = fs .. ";" .. tab .. ";true;false]" if tab == 1 then -- Tutorial fs = fs .. "label[0,0;" fs = fs .. "Welcome to the Tutorial! The Streets Workshop is a new method of crafting.\n" fs = fs .. "You can craft traffic signs, roadmarkings and colored asphalt in this workshop.\n" fs = fs .. "First of all, you have to select a section.\n" fs = fs .. "For this, you either have to click on \"Select Section: Signs\" or \"Select Section: Asphalt\".\n" fs = fs .. "There, you have further options: \n" fs = fs .. "You can select what kind of sign respectively roadmarking you want to produce.\n" fs = fs .. "In the \"Craft\" tab, you will be able to select an item to craft.\n" fs = fs .. "Then you have to provide a base material:\n" fs = fs .. "Steel ingots for roadmarkings, steel signs for traffic signs and black asphalt for coloring asphalt.\n" fs = fs .. "Additionlly, you will need dye. Which dye you will need is stated in the craft tab.\n" fs = fs .. "For using dye in the workshop, you have to fill the \"Dye Storage\":\n" fs = fs .. "Put the dyes in the slots at the top (according to the color).\n" fs = fs .. "]" elseif tab == 2 then -- Dye Storage local x = 0 for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do fs = fs .. "list[context;" .. dye.color .. "_dye;" .. x .. ",0;1,1]" fs = fs .. "image[" .. x .. ",0;1,1;dye_grey.png^[multiply:#333333^[colorize:#ffffff:100]" fs = fs .. "box[" .. x .. ",1;0.8,2;#141318]" local height = math.max(0.05, meta:get_float(dye.color .. "_storage") * 2) fs = fs .. "box[" .. x .. "," .. 3 - height .. ";0.8," .. height .. ";" .. dye.hex .. "]" fs = fs .. "item_image[" .. x .. ",3;1,1;dye:" .. dye.color .. "]" x = x + 1 end elseif tab == 3 then -- Select Section: Signs local x_pos = 0.5 local y_pos = 0 for k, v in pairs(streets.signs.sections) do fs = fs .. "button[" .. x_pos .. "," .. y_pos .. ";2.5,1;" fs = fs .. minetest.formspec_escape(v.name) .. ";" fs = fs .. minetest.formspec_escape(v.friendlyname) .. "]" y_pos = y_pos + 0.8 if y_pos > 4 then y_pos = 0 x_pos = x_pos + 2.5 end end elseif tab == 4 then -- Select Section: Asphalt local x_pos = 0.5 local y_pos = 0 for k, v in pairs(streets.labels.sections) do fs = fs .. "button[" .. x_pos .. "," .. y_pos .. ";3.5,1;" fs = fs .. minetest.formspec_escape(v.name) .. ";" fs = fs .. minetest.formspec_escape(v.friendlyname) .. "]" y_pos = y_pos + 0.8 if y_pos > 4 then y_pos = 0 x_pos = x_pos + 3.5 end end fs = fs .."button[4,4;3.5,1;color_asphalt;Color Asphalt]" elseif tab == 5 then -- Craft if category == "signs" then local x = 0 local y = 0 local count = 0 local items = {} for k, v in pairs(streets.signs.signtypes) do if v.section == section then local item = "streets:" .. v.name count = count + 1 table.insert(items, item) end end maxpage = math.ceil(count / 12) if page < 1 then page = maxpage elseif page > maxpage then page = 1 end meta:set_int("maxpage", maxpage) meta:set_int("page", page) for k, v in ipairs(items) do if k > (page - 1) * 12 and k <= page * 12 then fs = fs .. "item_image_button[" .. x + 0.5 .. "," .. y .. ";1,1;" .. v .. ";" .. v .. ";]" x = x + 1 if x >= 3 then x = 0 y = y + 1 end end end if maxpage > 1 then fs = fs .. "button[3.75,2.25;1,1;prevpage;<-]" fs = fs .. "button[3.75,3.25;1,1;nextpage;->]" fs = fs .. "label[3.75,4;" .. string.format("Page %s of %s", page, maxpage) .. "]" end fs = fs .. "button[3.75,1;1,1;noselection;X]" fs = fs .. "tooltip[noselection;Remove Current Selection]" if streets.signs.signtypes[selection] then local sign = streets.signs.signtypes[selection] fs = fs .. "label[4.9,1.7;Needed dye:]" local y_pos = 2.2 for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do if sign.dye_needed[dye.color] then fs = fs .. "label[4.9," .. y_pos .. ";" fs = fs .. minetest.colorize(dye.hex, dye.name .. ": " ..sign.dye_needed[dye.color] * 5 .. "%") .. "]" y_pos = y_pos + 0.4 end end end fs = fs .. "label[6.9,2.3;Steel]" fs = fs .. "label[6.9,2.5;Sign]" fs = fs .. "image[6.9,3;1,1;default_sign_steel.png^[makealpha:170,170,170^[makealpha:181,181,181" fs = fs .. "^[makealpha:192,192,192^[makealpha:196,196,196^[multiply:#333333^[colorize:#ffffff:100]" fs = fs .. "list[context;sign_input;6.9,3;1,1]" fs = fs .. "label[8,0.2;Current]" fs = fs .. "label[8,0.5;Selection]" fs = fs .. "item_image[8,1;1,1;" .. selection .. "]" fs = fs .. "image[8,2;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[lowpart:" .. meta:get_int("progress") * 10 .. ":gui_furnace_arrow_fg.png^[transformR180]" fs = fs .. "list[context;output;8,3;1,1]" fs = fs .. "label[4.9,0;Trash]" fs = fs .. "list[context;trash;4.9,0.4;1,1]" if creative then fs = fs .. "image[4.96,0.5;0.8,0.8;creative_trash_icon.png]" end elseif category == "labels" then fs = fs .. "label[0,0;Select]" fs = fs .. "label[0,0.3;Color]" fs = fs .. "image_button[0,0.8;1,1;dye_white.png;color_white;]" fs = fs .. "image_button[0,1.8;1,1;dye_yellow.png;color_yellow;]" fs = fs .. "label[1.25,0;Rotation]" fs = fs .. "button[1.25,0.5;1,1;r0;0°]" fs = fs .. "button[1.25,1.5;1,1;r90;90°]" fs = fs .. "button[1.25,2.5;1,1;r180;180°]" fs = fs .. "button[1.25,3.5;1,1;r270;270°]" local x = 0 local y = 0 local count = 0 local items = {} for k, v in pairs(streets.labels.labeltypes) do if v.section == section then local item = "" if not streets.only_basic_stairsplus and v.rotation then if v.rotation.r90 and rotation == "r90" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) .. "_r90" elseif v.rotation.r180 and rotation == "r180" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) .. "_r180" elseif v.rotation.r270 and rotation == "r270" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) .. "_r270" end elseif streets.only_basic_stairsplus and v.basic_rotation then if v.basic_rotation.r90 and rotation == "r90" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) .. "_r90" elseif v.basic_rotation.r180 and rotation == "r180" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) .. "_r180" elseif v.basic_rotation.r270 and rotation == "r270" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) .. "_r270" end end if rotation == "r0" then item = "streets:tool_" .. v.name:gsub("{color}", color:lower()) end if item ~= "" then count = count + 1 table.insert(items, item) end end end maxpage = math.ceil(count / 12) if page < 1 then page = maxpage elseif page > maxpage then page = 1 end meta:set_int("maxpage", maxpage) meta:set_int("page", page) for k, v in ipairs(items) do if k > (page - 1) * 12 and k <= page * 12 then fs = fs .. "item_image_button[" .. x + 2.5 .. "," .. y .. ";1,1;" .. v .. ";" .. v .. ";]" x = x + 1 if x >= 3 then x = 0 y = y + 1 end end end if maxpage > 1 then fs = fs .. "button[5.75,2.25;1,1;prevpage;<-]" fs = fs .. "button[5.75,3.25;1,1;nextpage;->]" fs = fs .. "label[5.75,4;" .. string.format("Page %s of %s", page, maxpage) .. "]" end fs = fs .. "button[5.75,1;1,1;noselection;X]" fs = fs .. "tooltip[noselection;Remove Current Selection]" if selection:sub(1,13) == "streets:tool_" then local sel = selection:sub(14) local markingcolor if sel:find("white") then markingcolor = "White" elseif sel:find("yellow") then markingcolor = "Yellow" end sel = sel:gsub("white", "{color}") sel = sel:gsub("yellow", "{color}") sel = sel:gsub("_r90", "") sel = sel:gsub("_r180", "") sel = sel:gsub("_r270", "") local dye_needed = streets.labels.labeltypes[sel].dye_needed * 5 fs = fs .. "label[6.9,0.7;" .. markingcolor .. "]" fs = fs .. "label[6.9,1;dye]" fs = fs .. "label[6.9,1.3;needed:]" fs = fs .. "label[6.9,1.6;" .. dye_needed .. "%]" end fs = fs .. "label[6.9,2.3;Steel]" fs = fs .. "label[6.9,2.5;Ingot]" fs = fs .. "image[6.9,3;1,1;default_steel_ingot.png^[multiply:#333333^[colorize:#ffffff:100]" fs = fs .. "list[context;steel_input;6.9,3;1,1]" fs = fs .. "label[8,0.2;Current]" fs = fs .. "label[8,0.5;Selection]" fs = fs .. "item_image[8,1;1,1;" .. selection .. "]" fs = fs .. "image[8,2;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[lowpart:" .. meta:get_int("progress") * 10 .. ":gui_furnace_arrow_fg.png^[transformR180]" fs = fs .. "list[context;output;8,3;1,1]" fs = fs .. "label[0,3.1;Trash]" fs = fs .. "list[context;trash;0,3.5;1,1]" if creative then fs = fs .. "image[0.06,3.6;0.8,0.8;creative_trash_icon.png]" end elseif category == "asphalt" then fs = fs .. "label[0.5,0.65;Red Asphalt]" fs = fs .. "label[0.5,1.65;Blue Asphalt]" fs = fs .. "label[0.5,2.65;Sidewalk]" fs = fs .. "item_image_button[2.5,0.5;1,1;streets:asphalt_red;streets:asphalt_red;]" fs = fs .. "item_image_button[2.5,1.5;1,1;streets:asphalt_blue;streets:asphalt_blue;]" fs = fs .. "item_image_button[2.5,2.5;1,1;streets:sidewalk;streets:sidewalk;]" fs = fs .. "button[5,1;1,1;noselection;X]" fs = fs .. "tooltip[noselection;Remove Current Selection]" local asphalt_color = "" local asphalt_dye if selection == "streets:asphalt_red" then asphalt_color = "red" elseif selection == "streets:asphalt_blue" then asphalt_color = "blue" elseif selection == "streets:sidewalk" then asphalt_color = "white" end if selection == "streets:asphalt_red" or selection == "streets:asphalt_blue" or selection == "streets:sidewalk" then for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do if dye.color == asphalt_color then asphalt_dye = dye end end fs = fs .. "label[5,0;Needed dye:]" fs = fs .. "label[5,0.3;" fs = fs .. minetest.colorize(asphalt_dye.hex, asphalt_dye.name .. ": 5%") .. "]" end fs = fs .. "label[6.4,2.3;Black]" fs = fs .. "label[6.4,2.5;Asphalt]" fs = fs .. "list[context;asphalt_input;6.4,3;1,1]" fs = fs .. "label[7.5,0.2;Current]" fs = fs .. "label[7.5,0.5;Selection]" fs = fs .. "item_image[7.5,1;1,1;" .. selection .. "]" fs = fs .. "image[7.5,2;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[lowpart:" .. meta:get_int("progress") * 10 .. ":gui_furnace_arrow_fg.png^[transformR180]" fs = fs .. "list[context;output;7.5,3;1,1]" fs = fs .. "label[3.75,0;Trash]" fs = fs .. "list[context;trash;3.75,0.4;1,1]" if creative then fs = fs .. "image[3.81,0.5;0.8,0.8;creative_trash_icon.png]" end end elseif tab == 6 then -- Setup fs = fs .. "label[0.5,0.65;Locked]" if locked == 1 then fs = fs .. "button[1.5,0.5;1,1;unlock;" .. minetest.colorize("#008800", "ON") .. "]" else fs = fs .. "button[1.5,0.5;1,1;lock;" .. minetest.colorize("#dd0000", "OFF") .. "]" end fs = fs .. "label[0.5,1.65;Creative]" if creative_enabled == 1 then fs = fs .. "button[1.5,1.5;1,1;turn_creative_off;" .. minetest.colorize("#008800", "ON") .. "]" else fs = fs .. "button[1.5,1.5;1,1;turn_creative_on;" .. minetest.colorize("#dd0000", "OFF") .. "]" end fs = fs .. "label[0.5,2.65;Clear selection on section change]" if clear_selection == 1 then fs = fs .. "button[3.5,2.5;1,1;turn_clear_off;" .. minetest.colorize("#008800", "ON") .. "]" else fs = fs .. "button[3.5,2.5;1,1;turn_clear_on;" .. minetest.colorize("#dd0000", "OFF") .. "]" end end fs = fs .. "list[current_player;main;0.5,5;8,4]" meta:set_string("formspec", fs) end local update_inventory = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("output", 1) inv:set_size("steel_input", 1) inv:set_size("sign_input", 1) inv:set_size("asphalt_input", 1) inv:set_size("trash", 1) local storage_per_dye = 0.25 for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do inv:set_size(dye.color .. "_dye", 1) while inv:get_stack(dye.color .. "_dye", 1):get_count() > 0 and inv:get_stack(dye.color .. "_dye", 1):get_name() == "dye:" .. dye.color and meta:get_float(dye.color .. "_storage") <= (1 - storage_per_dye) do meta:set_float(dye.color .. "_storage", meta:get_float(dye.color .. "_storage") + storage_per_dye) inv:remove_item(dye.color .. "_dye", { name = "dye:" .. dye.color, count = 1 }) end end update_formspec(pos) end local on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local name = sender:get_player_name() if meta:get_int("locked") == 1 and minetest.is_protected(pos, name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, { protection_bypass = true }) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, name) return end local creative_enabled = meta:get_int("creative_enabled") == 1 and creative and creative.is_enabled_for(name) local clear_selection = meta:get_int("clear_selection") == 1 local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=name}) if fields.tabs then meta:set_int("tab", fields.tabs) elseif fields.color_white then meta:set_string("color", "white") elseif fields.color_yellow then meta:set_string("color", "yellow") elseif fields.r0 then meta:set_string("rotation", "r0") elseif fields.r90 then meta:set_string("rotation", "r90") elseif fields.r180 then meta:set_string("rotation", "r180") elseif fields.r270 then meta:set_string("rotation", "r270") elseif fields.prevpage then meta:set_int("page", meta:get_int("page") - 1) elseif fields.nextpage then meta:set_int("page", meta:get_int("page") + 1) elseif fields.noselection then meta:set_string("selection", "") elseif fields.color_asphalt then if clear_selection then meta:set_string("selection", "") end meta:set_string("category", "asphalt") meta:set_int("tab", 5) elseif fields.lock then meta:set_int("locked", 1) elseif fields.unlock then meta:set_int("locked", 0) elseif fields.turn_creative_on then meta:set_int("creative_enabled", 1) elseif fields.turn_creative_off then meta:set_int("creative_enabled", 0) elseif fields.turn_clear_on then meta:set_int("clear_selection", 1) elseif fields.turn_clear_off then meta:set_int("clear_selection", 0) elseif fields["streets:asphalt_red"] then if creative_enabled then local stack = ItemStack("streets:asphalt_red") if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then inv:add_item("main", stack) end else meta:set_string("selection", "streets:asphalt_red") end elseif fields["streets:asphalt_blue"] then if creative_enabled then local stack = ItemStack("streets:asphalt_blue") if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then inv:add_item("main", stack) end else meta:set_string("selection", "streets:asphalt_blue") end elseif fields["streets:sidewalk"] then if creative_enabled then local stack = ItemStack("streets:sidewalk") if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then inv:add_item("main", stack) end else meta:set_string("selection", "streets:sidewalk") end else for k, v in pairs(streets.signs.sections) do if fields[v.name] then if clear_selection then meta:set_string("selection", "") end meta:set_string("section", v.name) meta:set_string("category", "signs") meta:set_int("tab", 5) end end for k, v in pairs(streets.labels.sections) do if fields[v.name] then if clear_selection then meta:set_string("selection", "") end meta:set_string("section", v.name) meta:set_string("category", "labels") meta:set_int("tab", 5) end end for k, v in pairs(streets.signs.signtypes) do v = "streets:" .. v.name if fields[v] then if creative_enabled then local stack = ItemStack(v) if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then inv:add_item("main", stack) end else meta:set_string("selection", v) end end end for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do if fields[k] and k:sub(1,13) == "streets:tool_" then if creative_enabled then local stack = ItemStack(k) if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then inv:add_item("main", stack) end else meta:set_string("selection", k) end end end end end local enough_supply = function(pos, selection) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if streets.signs.signtypes[selection] then local sign = streets.signs.signtypes[selection] for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do if sign.dye_needed[dye.color] and meta:get_float(dye.color .. "_storage") < sign.dye_needed[dye.color] * 0.05 then return false end end if inv:get_stack("sign_input", 1):get_name() == "default:sign_wall_steel" and inv:get_stack("sign_input", 1):get_count() >= 1 then return true end elseif selection:sub(1,13) == "streets:tool_" then selection = selection:sub(14) local markingcolor if selection:find("white") then markingcolor = "white" elseif selection:find("yellow") then markingcolor = "yellow" end selection = selection:gsub("white", "{color}") selection = selection:gsub("yellow", "{color}") selection = selection:gsub("_r90", "") selection = selection:gsub("_r180", "") selection = selection:gsub("_r270", "") local dye_needed = streets.labels.labeltypes[selection].dye_needed * 0.05 if meta:get_float(markingcolor .. "_storage") >= dye_needed and inv:get_stack("steel_input", 1):get_name() == "default:steel_ingot" and inv:get_stack("steel_input", 1):get_count() >= 1 then return true end elseif selection == "streets:asphalt_red" and meta:get_float("red_storage") >= 0.05 and inv:get_stack("asphalt_input", 1):get_name() == "streets:asphalt" and inv:get_stack("asphalt_input", 1):get_count() >= 1 then return true elseif selection == "streets:asphalt_blue" and meta:get_float("blue_storage") >= 0.05 and inv:get_stack("asphalt_input", 1):get_name() == "streets:asphalt" and inv:get_stack("asphalt_input", 1):get_count() >= 1 then return true elseif selection == "streets:sidewalk" and meta:get_float("white_storage") >= 0.05 and inv:get_stack("asphalt_input", 1):get_name() == "streets:asphalt" and inv:get_stack("asphalt_input", 1):get_count() >= 1 then return true end return false end local remove_supply = function(pos, selection) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() if streets.signs.signtypes[selection] then local sign = streets.signs.signtypes[selection] for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do if sign.dye_needed[dye.color] then meta:set_float(dye.color .. "_storage", meta:get_float(dye.color .. "_storage") - sign.dye_needed[dye.color] * 0.05) end end inv:remove_item("sign_input", { name = "default:sign_wall_steel", count = 1 }) elseif selection:sub(1,13) == "streets:tool_" then selection = selection:sub(14) local markingcolor if selection:find("white") then markingcolor = "white" elseif selection:find("yellow") then markingcolor = "yellow" end selection = selection:gsub("white", "{color}") selection = selection:gsub("yellow", "{color}") selection = selection:gsub("_r90", "") selection = selection:gsub("_r180", "") selection = selection:gsub("_r270", "") local dye_needed = streets.labels.labeltypes[selection].dye_needed * 0.05 meta:set_float(markingcolor .. "_storage", meta:get_float(markingcolor .. "_storage") - dye_needed) inv:remove_item("steel_input", { name = "default:steel_ingot", count = 1 }) elseif selection == "streets:asphalt_red" then meta:set_float("red_storage", meta:get_float("red_storage") - 0.05) inv:remove_item("asphalt_input", { name = "streets:asphalt", count = 1 }) elseif selection == "streets:asphalt_blue" then meta:set_float("blue_storage", meta:get_float("blue_storage") - 0.05) inv:remove_item("asphalt_input", { name = "streets:asphalt", count = 1 }) elseif selection == "streets:sidewalk" then meta:set_float("white_storage", meta:get_float("white_storage") - 0.05) inv:remove_item("asphalt_input", { name = "streets:asphalt", count = 1 }) end end local can_dig = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local dye_empty = true for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do if not inv:is_empty(dye.color .. "_dye") then dye_empty = false end end return dye_empty and inv:is_empty("sign_input") and inv:is_empty("steel_input") and inv:is_empty("asphalt_input") and inv:is_empty("output") end local on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end local on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) end local on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) end local allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0 end local allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local name = player:get_player_name() if meta:get_int("locked") == 1 and minetest.is_protected(pos, name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, { protection_bypass = true }) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, name) return 0 end if listname == "steel_input" and stack:get_name() == "default:steel_ingot" then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "sign_input" and stack:get_name() == "default:sign_wall_steel" then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "asphalt_input" and stack:get_name() == "streets:asphalt" then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "trash" then return -1 else for _, dye in ipairs(streets.dyes) do if listname == dye.color .. "_dye" and stack:get_name() == "dye:" .. dye.color then return stack:get_count() end end return 0 end end local allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local name = player:get_player_name() if meta:get_int("locked") == 1 and minetest.is_protected(pos, name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, { protection_bypass = true }) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, name) return 0 end return stack:get_count() end ts_workshop.register_workshop("streets", "workshop", { description = "Streets Workshop (New)", tiles = { "default_steel_block.png^(streets_asphalt.png^[opacity:200)", "default_steel_block.png^(streets_asphalt.png^[opacity:200)", "default_steel_block.png^(streets_asphalt.png^[opacity:200)", "default_steel_block.png^(streets_asphalt.png^[opacity:200)", "default_steel_block.png^(streets_asphalt.png^[opacity:200)", "default_steel_block.png^(streets_asphalt.png^[opacity:200)", }, drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { cracky = 1, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2 }, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.5 }, -- NodeBox1 { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.375, 0.5, 0.5 }, -- NodeBox2 { 0.375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, -- NodeBox3 { -0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, -- NodeBox4 { -0.5, 0.3125, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.4375, -0.3125 }, -- NodeBox5 } }, selection_box = { type = "regular" }, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), on_construct = on_construct, on_receive_fields = on_receive_fields, allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take, allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move, allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, on_metadata_inventory_move = on_metadata_inventory_move, on_metadata_inventory_put = on_metadata_inventory_put, on_metadata_inventory_take = on_metadata_inventory_take, can_dig = can_dig, enough_supply = enough_supply, remove_supply = remove_supply, update_inventory = update_inventory, update_formspec = update_formspec, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "streets:workshop", recipe = { { "streets:asphalt", "streets:asphalt", "streets:asphalt" }, { "streets:asphalt", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "streets:asphalt" }, { "streets:asphalt", "streets:asphalt", "streets:asphalt" }, } }) minetest.register_alias("streets:asphalt_workshop", "streets:workshop") minetest.register_alias("streets:sign_workshop", "air")