#include "nuklear.h" #include "nuklear_internal.h" /* =============================================================== * * GROUP * * ===============================================================*/ NK_API int nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, nk_uint *x_offset, nk_uint *y_offset, const char *title, nk_flags flags) { struct nk_rect bounds; struct nk_window panel; struct nk_window *win; win = ctx->current; nk_panel_alloc_space(&bounds, ctx); {const struct nk_rect *c = &win->layout->clip; if (!NK_INTERSECT(c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h) && !(flags & NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE)) { return 0; }} if (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) flags |= NK_WINDOW_ROM; /* initialize a fake window to create the panel from */ nk_zero(&panel, sizeof(panel)); panel.bounds = bounds; panel.flags = flags; panel.scrollbar.x = *x_offset; panel.scrollbar.y = *y_offset; panel.buffer = win->buffer; panel.layout = (struct nk_panel*)nk_create_panel(ctx); ctx->current = &panel; nk_panel_begin(ctx, (flags & NK_WINDOW_TITLE) ? title: 0, NK_PANEL_GROUP); win->buffer = panel.buffer; win->buffer.clip = panel.layout->clip; panel.layout->offset_x = x_offset; panel.layout->offset_y = y_offset; panel.layout->parent = win->layout; win->layout = panel.layout; ctx->current = win; if ((panel.layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_CLOSED) || (panel.layout->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) { nk_flags f = panel.layout->flags; nk_group_scrolled_end(ctx); if (f & NK_WINDOW_CLOSED) return NK_WINDOW_CLOSED; if (f & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) return NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; } return 1; } NK_API void nk_group_scrolled_end(struct nk_context *ctx) { struct nk_window *win; struct nk_panel *parent; struct nk_panel *g; struct nk_rect clip; struct nk_window pan; struct nk_vec2 panel_padding; NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current); if (!ctx || !ctx->current) return; /* make sure nk_group_begin was called correctly */ NK_ASSERT(ctx->current); win = ctx->current; NK_ASSERT(win->layout); g = win->layout; NK_ASSERT(g->parent); parent = g->parent; /* dummy window */ nk_zero_struct(pan); panel_padding = nk_panel_get_padding(&ctx->style, NK_PANEL_GROUP); pan.bounds.y = g->bounds.y - (g->header_height + g->menu.h); pan.bounds.x = g->bounds.x - panel_padding.x; pan.bounds.w = g->bounds.w + 2 * panel_padding.x; pan.bounds.h = g->bounds.h + g->header_height + g->menu.h; if (g->flags & NK_WINDOW_BORDER) { pan.bounds.x -= g->border; pan.bounds.y -= g->border; pan.bounds.w += 2*g->border; pan.bounds.h += 2*g->border; } if (!(g->flags & NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) { pan.bounds.w += ctx->style.window.scrollbar_size.x; pan.bounds.h += ctx->style.window.scrollbar_size.y; } pan.scrollbar.x = *g->offset_x; pan.scrollbar.y = *g->offset_y; pan.flags = g->flags; pan.buffer = win->buffer; pan.layout = g; pan.parent = win; ctx->current = &pan; /* make sure group has correct clipping rectangle */ nk_unify(&clip, &parent->clip, pan.bounds.x, pan.bounds.y, pan.bounds.x + pan.bounds.w, pan.bounds.y + pan.bounds.h + panel_padding.x); nk_push_scissor(&pan.buffer, clip); nk_end(ctx); win->buffer = pan.buffer; nk_push_scissor(&win->buffer, parent->clip); ctx->current = win; win->layout = parent; g->bounds = pan.bounds; return; } NK_API int nk_group_scrolled_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, struct nk_scroll *scroll, const char *title, nk_flags flags) { return nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin(ctx, &scroll->x, &scroll->y, title, flags); } NK_API int nk_group_begin_titled(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *id, const char *title, nk_flags flags) { int id_len; nk_hash id_hash; struct nk_window *win; nk_uint *x_offset; nk_uint *y_offset; NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(id); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout); if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !id) return 0; /* find persistent group scrollbar value */ win = ctx->current; id_len = (int)nk_strlen(id); id_hash = nk_murmur_hash(id, (int)id_len, NK_PANEL_GROUP); x_offset = nk_find_value(win, id_hash); if (!x_offset) { x_offset = nk_add_value(ctx, win, id_hash, 0); y_offset = nk_add_value(ctx, win, id_hash+1, 0); NK_ASSERT(x_offset); NK_ASSERT(y_offset); if (!x_offset || !y_offset) return 0; *x_offset = *y_offset = 0; } else y_offset = nk_find_value(win, id_hash+1); return nk_group_scrolled_offset_begin(ctx, x_offset, y_offset, title, flags); } NK_API int nk_group_begin(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, nk_flags flags) { return nk_group_begin_titled(ctx, title, title, flags); } NK_API void nk_group_end(struct nk_context *ctx) { nk_group_scrolled_end(ctx); } NK_API void nk_group_get_scroll(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *id, nk_uint *x_offset, nk_uint *y_offset) { int id_len; nk_hash id_hash; struct nk_window *win; nk_uint *x_offset_ptr; nk_uint *y_offset_ptr; NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(id); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout); if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !id) return; /* find persistent group scrollbar value */ win = ctx->current; id_len = (int)nk_strlen(id); id_hash = nk_murmur_hash(id, (int)id_len, NK_PANEL_GROUP); x_offset_ptr = nk_find_value(win, id_hash); if (!x_offset_ptr) { x_offset_ptr = nk_add_value(ctx, win, id_hash, 0); y_offset_ptr = nk_add_value(ctx, win, id_hash+1, 0); NK_ASSERT(x_offset_ptr); NK_ASSERT(y_offset_ptr); if (!x_offset_ptr || !y_offset_ptr) return; *x_offset_ptr = *y_offset_ptr = 0; } else y_offset_ptr = nk_find_value(win, id_hash+1); if (x_offset) *x_offset = *x_offset_ptr; if (y_offset) *y_offset = *y_offset_ptr; } NK_API void nk_group_set_scroll(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *id, nk_uint x_offset, nk_uint y_offset) { int id_len; nk_hash id_hash; struct nk_window *win; nk_uint *x_offset_ptr; nk_uint *y_offset_ptr; NK_ASSERT(ctx); NK_ASSERT(id); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current); NK_ASSERT(ctx->current->layout); if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout || !id) return; /* find persistent group scrollbar value */ win = ctx->current; id_len = (int)nk_strlen(id); id_hash = nk_murmur_hash(id, (int)id_len, NK_PANEL_GROUP); x_offset_ptr = nk_find_value(win, id_hash); if (!x_offset_ptr) { x_offset_ptr = nk_add_value(ctx, win, id_hash, 0); y_offset_ptr = nk_add_value(ctx, win, id_hash+1, 0); NK_ASSERT(x_offset_ptr); NK_ASSERT(y_offset_ptr); if (!x_offset_ptr || !y_offset_ptr) return; *x_offset_ptr = *y_offset_ptr = 0; } else y_offset_ptr = nk_find_value(win, id_hash+1); *x_offset_ptr = x_offset; *y_offset_ptr = y_offset; }