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COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Conversion of System Rules Document monster information to XML format Copyright 2001 John Hanju Kim. Aboleth Huge Aberration (Aquatic) 8d8+40 (76) +1 (Dex) 10 ft., swim 60 ft. 16 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural) 4 tentacles +12 melee Tentacle 1d6+9 and transformation 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Transformation, psionics, enslave Mucus cloud Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +11 Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 17 Concentration +16, Knowledge (any one) +7, Listen +16,Spot +16 Alertness, Combat Casting, Iron Will Any underground 1-4, 2-4 plus 7-12 skum 7 Double standard Usually lawful evil 9-16 HD (Huge); 17-24 HD (Gargantuan)

Aboleth speak their own language, as well as Undercommon and Aquan.

An aboleth attacks by flailing with its long, slimy tentacles, though it prefers to fight from a distance using its illusion powers.

Transformation (Ex): A blow from an aboleth's tentacle can cause a terrible transformation. Affected creatures must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or begin to transform over the next 1d4+1 minutes, the skin gradually becoming a clear, slimy membrane. A transformed creature must remain moistened with cool, fresh water or suffer 1d12 points of damage every 10 minutes. A remove disease spell cast before the transformation is complete will restore an afflicted creature to normal. Afterward, however, only a heal or mass heal spell can reverse the change.

Psionics (Sp): At will: hypnotic pattern, illusory wall, mirage arcana, persistent image, programmed image, project image, and veil. These effects are as the spells cast by a 16th-level sorcerer (save DCs, where applicable, are 13 + spell level).

Enslave (Su): Three times a day, an aboleth can attempt to enslave any one living creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or be affected as though by a dominate person spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer. An enslaved creature obeys the aboleth's telepathic commands (but will not fight on its behalf) until freed by remove curse or dispel magic, and can attempt a new Will save every 24 hours to break free. The control is also broken if the aboleth dies or travels more than one mile from its slave.

Mucus Cloud (Ex): An aboleth underwater surrounds itself with a viscous cloud of mucus roughly 1 foot thick. Any creature coming into contact with and inhaling this substance must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or lose the ability to breathe air for the next 3 hours. The affected creature suffocates in 2d6 minutes if removed from the water. Renewed contact with the mucus cloud and failing another Fortitude save continues the effect for another 3 hours.

Achaierai Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 6d8+12 (39) +1 (Dex) 50 ft. 20 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural) 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee Claw 2d6+4, bite 4d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Black cloud SR 19 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +7 Str 19, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16 Climb +13, Jump +13, Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11 Dodge, Mobility Any land and underground 1, 5-8 5 Double standard Always lawful evil 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)

Achaierai speak Infernal.

In close combat, achaierai lash out with two of their four legs and snap with their powerful beaks. These attack modes alone would make them deadly warriors.

Black Cloud (Ex): Up to three times per day an achaierai can release a choking, toxic black cloud. Those other than achaierai within 10 feet instantly take 2d6 points of damage. They must also succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be affected for 3 hours as though by an insanity spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer.

Allip Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal) 4d12 (26) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 30 ft. (perfect) 15 (+1 Dex, +4 deflection) Incorporeal touch +3 melee Incorporeal touch 1d4 permanent Wisdom drain 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Babble, Wisdom drain, madness Undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4 Str -, Dex 12, Con -, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 18 Hide +8, Intimidate +11, survival +4, Listen +7,Search +7, Spot +7 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 3 None Always neutral evil 5-12 HD (Medium-size)

Allips are unable to cause physical harm, although they don't appear to know that. They keep flailing away at their enemies, yet they inflict no wounds.

Babble (Su): An allip constantly mutters and whines to itself, creating a hypnotic effect. All sane creatures within 60 feet of the allip must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) or be affected as though by a hypnotism spell for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion. Opponents who successfully save cannot be affected by the same allip's babble for one day.

Wisdom Drain (Su): Those whose Wisdom is reduced to 0 by the allip become helpless until at least 1 point of Wisdom is restored.

Madness (Su): Anyone targeting the allip with a mind-control or telepathic ability makes direct contact with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage.

Ankheg Large Beast 3d10+9 (25) +0 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) Bite +6 melee Bite 2d6+7 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, acid, spit acid Tremorsense Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6 Listen +4 Temperate and warm plains, forest, andunderground 1-4 3 None Always neutral 4 HD (Large); 5-9 HD (Huge)

An ankheg usually lies 5 to 10 feet below the surface until its antennae detect the approach of prey. It then burrows up to attack. (Treat this as a charge.)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ankheg must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it deals automatic bite damage each round the hold is maintained. If the ankheg is damaged after grabbing its prey, it retreats backward down its tunnel at burrowing speed, dragging the victim with it.

Acid (Ex): Acidic enzymes drip from an ankheg's mouth each round it maintains a hold. It automatically deals 1d4 points of acid damage each round in addition to bite damage.

Spit Acid (Ex): Stream of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 30 feet long, once every 6 hours; damage 4d4, Reflex half DC 14. One such attack depletes the ankheg's acid supply for 6 hours. It cannot spit acid or deal acid damage during this time. Ankhegs do not use this ability unless they are desperate or frustrated. They most often spit acid when reduced to fewer than half their hit points or when they have not successfully grabbed an opponent.

Tremorsense (Ex): Ankhegs can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Aranea Medium-Size Shapechanger 3d8+6 (19) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft., climb 25 ft. 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d6 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spells, web (+4 ranged), poison Alternate form Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4 Str 11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14 Climb +14, Concentration +8, Craft (weaving) +8, Escape Artist +8, Jump +6, Listen +3, Spot +3 Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm forest and underground 1, 3-6 4 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Usually neutral By character class

Araneas speak Common and Sylvan.

Araneas avoid physical combat and use their webs and spells when they can. In a battle, they try to immobilize or distract the most aggressive opponents first. Araneas often subdue opponents for ransom.

Spells: Araneas cast spells as 3rd-level sorcerers (save DC 12 + spell level). They prefer illusions and charms but avoid fire spells.

Web (Ex): In spider or hybrid form (see Alternate Form, below), an aranea can cast a web up to six times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Large size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 20) or burst the web with a successful Strength check (DC 26). The web has 6 hit points and takes double damage from fire.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Alternate Form (Su): An aranea's natural form is that of a Large monstrous spider. It can assume two other forms. The first is a Small or Medium-size humanoid (the exact form is fixed at birth). The second form is a Medium-size, spider-humanoid hybrid. Changing form is a standard action. In humanoid form, the aranea gains all the abilities of the form (for example, an aranea in dwarf form has dwarven racial traits). The aranea keeps its ability scores and can cast spells, but it cannot use webs or poison in humanoid form. In hybrid form, an aranea looks like a humanoid at first glance, but a successful Spot check (DC 18) reveals the creature's fangs and spinnerets. The aranea can use weapons and webs in this form. An aranea remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does the aranea revert to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell, however, reveals its natural form if it is in humanoid or hybrid form.

Assassin Vine Large Plant 4d8+12 (30) +0 0 ft. 15 (-1 size, +6 natural) Slam +7 melee Slam 1d6+7 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with vine) Entangle, improved grab, constrict 1d6+7 Camouflage, electricity immunity, cold and fire resistance 20, blindsight Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2 Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 9 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-4 3 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 5-16 HD (Huge); 17-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33+ HD(Colossal)

Assassin vines use simple tactics: They lie still until prey comes within reach, then attack. They use their entangle ability both to catch prey and to deter counterattacks.

Entangle (Su): An assassin vine can animate plants within 30 feet of itself as a free action. The effect lasts until the vine dies or decides to end it (also a free action). The ability is otherwise similar to entangle as cast by a 4th-level druid (save DC 13).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the assassin vine must hit with its slam attack.

Constrict (Ex): An assassin vine deals 1d6+7 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures.

Blindsight (Ex): Assassin vines have no visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using sound, scent, and vibration.

Camouflage (Ex): Since an assassin vine looks like a normal plant when at rest, it takes a successful Spot check (DC 20) to notice it before it attacks. Anyone with Survival or Knowledge (plants or herbs) can use those skills instead of Spot to notice the plant. Dwarves can use stonecunning to notice the subterranean version.

Athach Huge Aberration 14d8+70 (133) +1 (Dex) 50 ft. 20 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +3 hide, +8 natural) Huge club +12/+7 melee, 2 Huge crude clubs +12 melee, bite +14melee; rock +5/+0 ranged, 2 crude rocks +5 ranged Huge club 2d6+8, 2 Huge crude clubs 2d6+4, bite 2d8+4 (20/x2) poison; rock 2d6+8, 2 crude rocks 2d6 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Poison Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10 Str 27, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6 Climb +16, Jump +16, Listen +7, Spot +7 Multiattack, Multiweapon Fighting Temperate and warm hill, mountains, andunderground 1, 2-4, 7-12 7 1/2 coins; double goods; standard items Often chaotic evil 15-28 HD (Huge)

Athachs speak a crude dialect of Giant.

Athachs charge into melee combat unless their opponents are out of reach, in which case they throw rocks. They sometimes try to overrun armored opponents to reach unarmored opponents in back ranks. With their first few melee attacks, athachs tend to flail about indiscriminately. After a few rounds, they concentrate on foes that have been hitting them most often and use their bites on whoever has dealt them the most damage.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 22); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Azer Medium-Size Outsider (Fire, Lawful) 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 19 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, +2 large shield) Warhammer +3 melee; or halfspear +3 ranged Warhammer 1d8+2 (20/x3) fire; or halfspear 1d6+2 (20/x2) fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Heat SR 13, fire subtype Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9 Climb +2, Craft (any one) +6, Hide -1, Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +5 Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2, 4 2 Standard coins; double goods (nonflammables only);standard items (nonflammables only) Always lawful neutral By character class

Azers speak Ignan and Common.

Azers use broad-headed spears or well-crafted hammers in combat. When unarmed, they attempt to grapple foes. They wear no armor, for their tough skin provides ample protection.

Heat (Ex): Azers' bodies are intensely hot, so their unarmed attacks deal additional fire damage. Their metallic weapons also conduct this heat.

Basilisk Medium-Size Magical Beast (Reptilian) 6d10+12 (45) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 16 (-1 Dex, +7 natural) Bite +8 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 15, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +0*, Listen +7, Spot +7 Alertness, Great Fortitude Any land and underground 1, 3-6 5 None Always neutral 7-10 HD (Medium-size); 11-18 HD (Large)

Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, range 30 feet; Fortitude negates DC 13.

Skills: *The basilisk's dull coloration and its ability to remain motionless for long periods of time grant it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks in natural settings.

Behir Huge Magical Beast (Electricity) 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 15 ft. 16 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural) Bite +15 melee, 6 claws +10 melee Bite 2d4+8, claw 1d4+4 10 ft. by 30 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon, improved grab, swallow whole,constrict 2d8+8 Electricity immunity, scent, can't betripped Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 26, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 12 Climb +18, Hide +5, Spot +7 Cleave, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2 8 Standard Often neutral 10-13 HD (Huge); 14-27 HD (Gargantuan)

Behirs speak Common.

A behir usually bites and grabs its prey first, then either swallows or constricts the opponent. If beset by a large number of foes, it uses its breath weapon.

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet wide, 5 feet high, and 20 feet long, once a minute; damage 7d6, Reflex half DC 19.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the behir must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can attempt to swallow or constrict the opponent.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A behir can try to swallow a grabbed Medium-size or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check. A behir that swallows an opponent can use its Cleave feat to bite and grab another opponent. The swallowed creature takes 2d8+8 points of crushing damage and 8 points of acid damage per round from the behir's gizzard. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must again cut its own way out. The behir's gizzard can hold two Medium-size, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Constrict (Ex): A behir deals 2d8+8 damage with a successful grapple check against Gargantuan or smaller creatures. It can use its claws against the grappled foe as well.

Monster id="srd:Beholder"> Beholder Large Aberration 11d8+11 (60) +4 (Improved Initiative) 5 ft., fly 20 ft. (good) 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) Eye rays +7 ranged touch, bite +2 melee Bite 2d4 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Eye rays All-around vision, antimagic cone, fly Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +11 Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 15 Hide +7, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Listen +15, Search +18,Spot +20 Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,Shot on the Run Any land and underground 1-2, 3-6 13 Double standard Usually lawful evil 12-16 HD (Large); 17-33 HD (Huge)

Beholders speak their own language and the Common tongue.

Eye Rays (Su): Each of the ten small eyes can produce a magical ray once a round, even when the beholder is attacking physically or moving at full speed. The creature can easily aim all its eyes upward, but its own body tends to get in the way when it tries to aim the rays in other directions. During a round, the creature can aim only three eye rays at targets in any one arc other than up (forward, backward, left, right, or down). The remaining eyes must aim at targets in other arcs or not at all. A beholder can tilt and pan its body each round to change which rays it can bring to bear in an arc. Each eye's effect resembles a spell cast by a 13th-level sorcerer but follows the rules for a ray. All rays have a range of 150 feet and a save DC of 18.

  • Charm Person: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the spell. Beholders use this ray to confuse the opposition, usually employing it early in a fight. The beholder generally instructs a charmed target to either restrain a comrade or stand aside.
  • Charm Monster: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the spell. Beholders use this ray in the same manner as the charm person ray.
  • Sleep: This works like the spell, except that it affects one creature with any number of Hit Dice. The target must succeed at a Will save to resist. Beholders like to use this ray against warriors and other physically powerful creatures. They know their foes can quickly awaken the sleepers, but they also know that doing so takes time and can delay an effective counterattack.
  • Flesh to Stone: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the spell. Beholders like to aim this ray at enemy spellcasters. They also use it on any creature whose appearance they find interesting. (After the fight, the beholder takes the statue to its lair as a decoration.)
  • Disintegrate: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the spell. The beholder likes to use this ray on any foe it considers a real threat.
  • Fear: This works like the spell, except that it targets one creature. The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the spell. Beholders like to use this ray against warriors and other powerful creatures early in a fight, to break up the opposition.
  • Slow: This works like the spell, except that it affects one creature. The target must make a Will save to resist. Beholders often use this ray against the same creature targeted by their disintegrate, flesh to stone, or finger of death rays. If one of the former rays fails to eliminate the foe, this ray might at least hamper it.
  • Inflict Moderate Wounds: This works just like the spell, causing 2d8+10 points of damage (Will half).
  • Finger of Death: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be slain as though by the spell. The target suffers 3d6+13 damage if his saving throw succeeds. Beholders use this ray to eliminate dangerous foes quickly.
  • Telekinesis: The beholder can move objects or creatures that weigh up to 325 pounds, as though with a telekinesis spell. Creatures can resist the effect with a successful Will save.
  • All-Around Vision (Ex): Beholders are exceptionally alert and circumspect. Their many eyes give them a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks, and they can't be flanked.

Antimagic Cone (Su): A beholder's central eye continually produces a 150-foot antimagic cone extending straight ahead from the creature's front. This functions just like antimagic field cast by a 13th-level sorcerer. All magical and supernatural powers and effects within the cone are suppressed-even the beholder's own eye rays. Once each round, during its turn, the beholder decides which way it will face, and whether the antimagic cone is active or not (the beholder deactivates the cone by shutting its central eye). Note that a beholder can bite only creatures to its front.

Flight (Ex): A beholder's body is naturally buoyant. This buoyancy allows it to fly as the spell, as a free action, at a speed of 20 feet. This buoyancy also grants it a permanent feather fall effect with personal range.

Belker Large Elemental (Air) 7d8+7 (38) +5 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) 22 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +8 natural) 2 wings +9 melee, bite +4 melee, 2 claws +4 melee Wing 1d6+2, bite 1d4+1, claw 1d3+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Smoke claws Smoke form Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Spot +9 Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (wing) Any land and underground 1-4 6 None Usually neutral evil 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

In most cases, a belker fights with its nasty claws and painful bite.

Smoke Claws (Ex): A belker in smoke form (see below) can engulf opponents by moving on top of them. It fills the air around one Medium-size or smaller opponent without provoking an attack of opportunity. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or inhale part of the creature. Smoke inside the victim solidifies into a claw or talon and begins to rip at the surrounding organs, dealing 3d4 points of damage per round. The affected creature can attempt another Fortitude save each subsequent round to cough out the semivaporous menace.

Smoke Form (Su): Most of the time a belker is more or less solid, but at will it can assume a smoke form. It can switch forms once a round as a free action and can spend up to 20 rounds per day in smoke form. A belker in smoke form can fly at a speed of 50 feet (perfect maneuverability). The ability is otherwise similar to a gaseous form spell cast by a 7th-level sorcerer.

Blink Dog Medium-Size Magical Beast 4d10 (22) +3 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blink, dimension door, scent Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11 Hide +8, Listen +8, Sense Motive +5, Spot +8 Iron Will Temperate plains 1-2, 7-16 2 None Always lawful good 5-7 HD (Medium-size); 8-12 HD (Large)

They speak their own language.

Blink dogs hunt in packs, teleporting in a seemingly random fashion until they surround their prey, allowing some of them to make flank attacks.

Blink (Su): A blink dog can blink as the spell cast by an 8th-level sorcerer, and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Dimension Door (Su): A blink dog can teleport as dimension door cast by an 8th-level sorcerer, once per round as a free action. The ability affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after teleporting.

Bodak Medium-Size Undead 9d12 (58) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +6 melee Slam 1d8+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Death gaze Damage reduction 15/silver, fire and acid resistance 20, electricity immunity, sunlight vulnerability, flashbacks Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +7 Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 12 Listen +11, Move Silently +14, Spot +13 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (slam) Any land and underground 1-4 8 None Always chaotic evil 10-13 HD (Medium-size); 14-27 HD (Large)

Bodaks love to approach their opponents at a leisurely pace, letting their gaze do its work before closing.

Death Gaze (Su): Death, range 30 feet, Fortitude negates DC 15. Humanoids who die from this attack are transformed into bodaks in one day.

Sunlight Vulnerability (Ex): Bodaks loathe sunlight, for its merest touch burns their impure flesh. Each round of exposure to the direct rays of the sun deals 1 point of damage to the creature.

Flashbacks (Ex): From time to time, a bodak sees something that reminds it of its almost-forgotten life. At the start of every encounter, there is a 5% chance that it notices something about an opponent (randomly determined, if more than one opponent is present) that causes it to recall its life. If this happens, the bodak takes no action for 1 round and thereafter suffers a -2 morale penalty to all attacks directed at that opponent.

Bugbear Medium-Size Humanoid (Goblinoid) 3d8+3 (16) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 17 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +2 leather, +1 small shield) Morningstar +4 melee; or javelin +3 ranged Morningstar 1d8+2 (20/x2); or javelin 1d6+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9 Climb +2, Hide +3, Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot +3 Alertness Any underground 1-4 2 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Bugbears speak Goblin and Common.

Bugbears prefer to ambush opponents whenever possible. When hunting, they normally send scouts ahead of the main group who, if they spy prey, return to report and bring up reinforcements. Bugbear attacks are coordinated, and their tactics are sound if not brilliant.

Skills: Bugbears receive a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.

A bugbear's favored class is rogue. Most bugbear leaders are fighters or fighter/rogues. Bugbear clerics (favored weapon: morningstar) can choose any two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, and War.

Bulette Huge Beast 9d10+45 (94) +2 (Dex) 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. 22 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 claws +7 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Leap Scent, tremorsense Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +4 Str 27, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 Jump +12, Listen +6 Temperate land and underground 1-2 7 None Always neutral 10-16 HD (Huge); 17-27 HD (Gargantuan)

A bulette attacks anything it regards as edible, choosing the easiest or closest prey first. The only creatures it refuses to eat are elves, and it dislikes dwarves. When burrowing underground, the landshark relies on vibrations to detect prey. When it senses something edible (that is, senses movement), it breaks to the surface, crest first, and begins its attack.

Leap (Ex): A bulette can jump into the air during combat. This allows it to make four claw attacks instead of two, but it cannot bite. The attack bonus is +12.

Tremorsense (Ex): Bulettes can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Monster id="srd:CarrionCrawler"> Carrion Crawler Large Aberration 3d8+6 (19) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 15 ft. 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) 8 tentacles +3 melee, bite -2 melee Tentacle paralysis, bite 1d4+1 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Paralysis Scent Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 15, Cha 6 Climb +10, Listen +6, Spot +6 Alertness Any underground 1-5 4 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Large); 5-9 HD (Huge)

Carrion crawlers use their keen senses of sight and smell to detect carcasses and potential prey. When attacking, a crawler lashes out with all eight tentacles and tries to paralyze its victim. The tentacles deal no other damage. The creature then kills the paralyzed victim with its bite and devours the flesh. Multiple crawlers do not fight in concert, but each paralyzes as many opponents as possible. The unintelligent creature continues to attack as long as it faces any moving opponents.

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a carrion crawler's tentacle attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be paralyzed for 2d6 minutes.

Centaur Large Monstrous Humanoid 4d8+8 (26) +2 (Dex) 50 ft. 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 large shield) Greatclub +7 melee, 2 hooves +3 melee; heavy lance +7 melee, 2 hooves +3 melee ; mighty composite longbow +5 ranged Greatclub 1d10+4, hooves 1d6+2; heavy lance 1d8+4, hooves 1d6+2; mighty composite longbow 1d8+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5 Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 11 Hide +2 Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4,Survival +5 Weapon Focus (hoof) Temperate forest 1, 5-8 3 Standard Usually neutral good By character class

Centaurs speak Sylvan and Elven.

Centaurs usually don't provoke a fight. Their normal response to aggression is swift retreat, perhaps launching a few arrows to discourage pursuit. Against creatures dangerous to their communities, they use much the same tactics, except that about half their number will circle around to lie in ambush or attack the foe from the rear.

Centaurs sometimes become bards, rangers, or druids. Their favored class is ranger. Centaur rangers often choose a magical beast or some variety of humanoid as their favored enemy. Centaur clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Animal, Good, and Plant.

Chaos Beast Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic) 8d8+8 (44) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) 2 claws +10 melee Claw 1d3+2 and corporeal instability 5 ft. by 5 ft. to 10 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Corporeal instability SR 15, immune to transformation, immune tocritical hits Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Climb +12, Escape Artist +11, Hide +10, Jump +10,Listen +9, Spot +9, Tumble +10 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility Any land and underground 1 7 None Always chaotic neutral 9-12 HD (Medium-size); 13-24 HD (Large)

Chaos beasts do not speak.

Regardless of form, the creature seems unable to manage more than two attacks per round. Its continual transmutations prevent the coordination needed to do more.

Corporeal Instability (Su): A blow from a chaos beast can cause a terrible transformation. A living creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or become a spongy, amorphous mass. Unless controlled through an act of will, the victim's shape melts, flows, writhes, and boils. The affected creature is unable to hold or use any item. Clothing, armor, rings, helmets, and backpacks become useless. Large items: armor, backpacks, even shirts hamper more than help, reducing the creature's Dexterity score by 4. Soft or misshapen feet and legs reduce speed to 10 feet or one-quarter normal, whichever is less. Searing pain courses along the nerves, so strong that the creature cannot act coherently. It cannot cast spells or use magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable to distinguish friend from foe (-4 penalty to hit and a 50% miss chance, regardless of the attack roll). Each round the creature spends in an amorphous state deals 1 point of permanent Wisdom drain from mental shock. If the creature's Wisdom score falls to 0, it becomes a chaos beast itself. A creature with a strong sense of self can regain its own shape by taking a standard action to attempt a Charisma check (DC 15). A success reestablishes the creature's normal form for 1 minute. On a failure, the creature can still repeat the check each round until successful. Corporeal instability is not a disease or a curse and so is hard to remove. A shapechange or stoneskin spell does not cure the afflicted creature but fixes its form for the duration of the spell. A restoration, heal, or greater restoration spell removes the affliction (a separate restoration is necessary to restore any lost Wisdom).

Immune to Transformation (Ex): No mortal magic can affect or fix a chaos beast's form. Effects such as polymorph or petrification force the creature into a new shape for a moment, but it immediately returns to its mutable form as a free action.

Chimera Large Magical Beast 9d10+27 (76) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor) 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) Bite +12 melee, minor bite +10 melee, butt +10 melee, 2 claws +10 melee Bite 2d6+4, minor bite 1d8+2, butt 1d8+2, claw 1d6+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon Scent Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +4 Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 10 Hide +4, Listen +9, Spot +9 Alertness, Multiattack Any land and underground 1, 3-13 7 Standard Usually chaotic evil 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Chimeras can speak Draconic but seldom bother to do so, except when toadying to more powerful creatures.

A deadly foe, the chimera prefers to surprise prey. It often swoops down from the sky or lies concealed until it charges. The dragon head can loose a breath weapon instead of biting. Several chimeras attack in concert.

Breath Weapon (Su): Every 1d4 rounds, damage 3d8, Reflex half DC 17. Use all rules for dragon breath of the appropriate variety (see the Dragon entry) except as specified in the table below. To determine the head color and breath weapon randomly, roll 1d10 and consult the table.

1d10	Head Color	Breath Weapon
----	----------	-------------
1-2	Black		Line of acid
3-4	Blue		Line of lightning
5-6	Green		Cone of gas
7-8	Red		Cone of fire
9-10	White		Cone of cold
A line is always 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 40 feet long. A cone is always 20 feet long.

Skills: The chimera's three heads give it a +2 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

Choker Small Aberration 3d8+3 (16) +4 (Improved Initiative) 20 ft., climb 10 ft. 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) 2 tentacle slaps +6 melee Tentacle slap 1d3+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Haste, improved grab, constrict 1d3+3 Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4 Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 7 Climb +16, Hide +7, Move Silently +4 Improved Initiative Any underground 1 2 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually chaotic evil 4-6 HD (Small); 7-12 HD (Medium-size)

Chokers speak Undercommon.

A choker likes to perch near the ceiling, often at intersections, archways, wells, or staircases, and reach down to attack its prey.

Haste (Su): Although not particularly dexterous, a choker is supernaturally quick. It can take an extra partial action each round, as if affected by a haste spell.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the choker must hit an opponent of up to Large size with a tentacle attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A choker deals 1d3+3 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Large or smaller creatures. Because it seizes victims by the neck, a creature in the choker's grasp cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.

Chuul Large Aberration 11d8+44 (93) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., swim 20 ft. 22 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural) 2 claws +12 melee Claw 2d6+5 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, paralysis Paralysis and poison immunity Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 Str 20, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 5 Hide +13, Jump +11, Listen +13, Spot +13 Alertness, Improved Initiative Temperate and warm forest, marsh, andunderground 1-5 7 1/10th coins; 50% goods; standard items Usually chaotic evil 12-16 HD (Large); 17-33 HD (Huge)

A chuul prefers to wait by the shore, submerged in murky water, until it hears nearby prey (in or out of the water) that it can attack with surprise. A chuul facing multiple opponents grabs with its claws and crushes its foes, then passes one opponent to its tentacles. It tries to always have one claw free, so if it faces a great number of opponents, it drops paralyzed or dead victims without eating them and continues grabbing, crushing, and paralyzing the rest.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the chuul must hit with a claw attack.

Squeeze (Ex): A chuul that gets a hold automatically deals claw damage, with an additional 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the crushing force, each round the hold is maintained.

Paralysis (Ex): The chuul can transfer grabbed victims from a claw to its tentacles as a partial action. The tentacles grapple with the same strength as the claw but deal no damage. However, they exude a paralytic secretion. Those held in the tentacles must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be paralyzed for 6 rounds. While held in the tentacles, paralyzed or not, the victim automatically takes 1d8+2 points of damage each round from the creature's mandibles.

Cloaker Large Aberration 6d8+18 (45) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural) Tail slap +8 melee, bite +3 melee Tail slap 1d6+5, bite 1d4+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (5 ft. with bite) Moan, engulf Shadow shift Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7 Str 21, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15 Hide +12, Listen +11, Move Silently +12, Spot +11 Alertness, Improved Initiative Underground 1, 3-12 5 Standard Usually chaotic neutral 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)

Cloakers usually lie still, watching and listening for prey. If facing a single opponent, a cloaker uses its engulf attack. Against multiple foes, it lashes with its tail in concert with its moan and shadow shift abilities to reduce the opposition's numbers, then engulfs a survivor. Multiple cloakers usually split up, leaving one or two behind to use special abilities while the rest attack.

Moan (Ex): A cloaker can emit a dangerous subsonic moan instead of biting. By changing the frequency, the cloaker may cause one of four effects. Cloakers are immune to these sonic, mind-affecting attacks. Unless noted otherwise, creatures who successfully save against these effects cannot be affected by the same moan effect from the same cloaker for one day.

  • Unnerve: All within an 80-foot spread automatically suffer a -2 morale penalty to attack and damage rolls. Those forced to hear the moan for more than 6 consecutive rounds must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or enter a trance, unable to attack or defend themselves until the moaning stops. Even on a success, they must repeat the save in each round the moaning continues.
  • Fear: All those within a 30-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or flee in terror for 2 rounds.
  • Nausea: Everyone in a 30-foot cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be overcome by nausea and weakness. Affected characters fall to the ground and are unable to take any actions, including defending themselves, for 1d4+1 rounds.
  • Stupor: A single creature within 30 feet of the cloaker must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be affected as though by a hold person spell for 5 rounds. Even after a successful save, the creature must repeat the save if the cloaker uses this effect again.

Engulf (Ex): A cloaker can try to wrap a Medium-size or smaller creature in its body as a standard action. The cloaker attempts a grapple that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it bites the engulfed victim with a +4 attack bonus. It can still use its whiplike tail to strike at other targets. Attacks that hit an engulfing cloaker deal half their damage to the monster and half to the trapped victim.

Shadow Shift (Su): Cloakers can manipulate shadows. This ability is effective only in shadowy areas and has several possible effects.

  • Obscure Vision: The cloaker gains one-quarter concealment (10% miss chance) for 1d4 rounds.
  • Dancing Images: This duplicates a mirror image spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer.
  • Silent Image: This duplicates a silent image spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer.

Cockatrice Small Magical Beast 5d10 (27) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4-2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Petrification SR 12 Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Alertness, Dodge Any temperate and warm land and underground 1-4, 6-13 3 None Always neutral 6-8 HD (Small); 9-15 HD (Medium-size)

The cockatrice fiercely attacks anything that it deems a threat to itself or its lair. Flocks of cockatrices do their utmost to overwhelm and confuse their foes, and sometimes fly directly into their opponents' faces.

Petrification (Su): A cockatrice can turn beings to stone with a touch. Creatures hit by a cockatrice must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or instantly turn to stone.

Petrification Immunity (Ex): Cockatrices are immune to the petrifying ability of other cockatrices, but other petrifying attacks affect them normally (a medusa's gaze, gorgon's breath, a flesh to stone spell, etc.).

Couatl Large Outsider (Good, Lawful) 9d8+18 (58) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +12 melee Bite 1d3+6 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/5 ft. Spells, psionics, poison, constrict 2d8+6 Telepathy, ethereal jaunt Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +10 Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 17 Concentration +14, Knowledge (any three) +8, Listen +16,Search +15, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15, Spot +16, Tumble +15 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Still Spell Warm forest 1-6 10 Standard Always lawful good 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Couatls speak Common, Draconic, and Celestial and also have the power of telepathy.

A couatl seldom attacks without provocation, though it always attacks evildoers caught red-handed. Since it is highly intelligent, a couatl usually casts spells from a distance before closing. If more than one couatl is involved, they discuss their strategy before a battle.

Spells: A couatl casts spells as a 9th-level sorcerer, except that it does not need material components. It can also cast spells from the cleric list and from the Air, Good, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Psionics (Su): At will: detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect thoughts, invisibility, plane shift, and polymorph self. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 16); initial damage 2d4 temporary Strength, secondary damage 4d4 temporary Strength.

Constrict (Ex): A couatl deals 2d8+6 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Huge or smaller creatures. Often, a couatl uses a stilled and quickened spell against other opponents while constricting a foe.

Telepathy (Su): A couatl can communicate telepathically with any creature within 90 feet that has an Intelligence score of at least 1. The creature can respond to the couatl if it wishes-no common language is needed.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su): This works like the spell as cast by a 16th-level sorcerer.

Skills: Arcana, history, and nature are favored Knowledge skills among couatls.

Darkmantle Small Magical Beast 1d10+1 (6) +4 (Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor) 17 (+1 size, +6 natural) Slam +5 melee Slam 1d4+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkness, improved grab, constrict 1d4+4 Blindsight Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0 Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10 Hide +11, Listen +5* Improved Initiative, improved grapple, Any underground 1-15 1 None Always neutral 2-3 HD (Small)

A darkmantle attacks by dropping onto its prey and wrapping its tentacles around the opponent's head. Once attached, it squeezes and tries to suffocate the foe. A darkmantle that misses its initial attack often flies up and tries to drop on the opponent again.

Darkness (Su): Once per day a darkmantle can cause darkness as the spell cast by a 5th-level sorcerer. It most often uses this ability just before attacking.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the darkmantle must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A darkmantle deals 1d4+4 damage with a successful grapple check.

Blindsight (Ex): A darkmantle can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allows it to ascertain objects and creatures within 90 feet. A silence spell negates this and effectively blinds the darkmantle.

Skills: A darkmantle receives a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks. *This bonus is lost if its blindsight is negated. The creature's variable coloration gives it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Delver Huge Aberration 15d8+75 (142) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. 14 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) 2 slams +17 melee Slam 1d6+8 and 2d6 acid 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Acid Acid immunity, corrosive slime, tremorsense,stone shape Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +11 Str 27, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12 survival +9, Knowledge (geology) +9, Listen +13,Move Silently +19, Spot +13 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Any underground 1 9 None Usually neutral 16-30 HD (Huge); 31-45 HD (Gargantuan)

Delvers speak Terran and Undercommon.

Delvers prefer to fight from their tunnels, which they use to protect their flanks while lashing out with their flippers.

Corrosive Slime (Ex): Delvers produce a mucuslike slime that contains a highly corrosive substance. The slime is particularly effective against stone. A delver's mere touch deals 2d6 points of damage to organic creatures or objects. Against metallic creatures or objects, a delver's slime deals 4d8 points of damage, and against stony creatures (including earth elementals) or objects it deals 8d10 points of damage. A slam attack by a delver leaves a patch of slime that deals 2d6 points of damage on contact and another 2d6 points of damage in each of the next 2 rounds. A large quantity (at least a quart) of water or weak acid, such as vinegar, washes off the slime. An opponent's armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless the wearer succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 22). Weapons that strike a delver also dissolve immediately unless the wielder succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 22). Creatures attacking the delver with natural weapons take damage from the slime each time their attacks hit unless they succeed at Reflex saves (DC 22).

Tremorsense (Ex): A delver can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Stone Shape (Ex): A delver can alter its slime to temporarily soften stone instead of dissolving it. Once every 10 minutes, a delver can soften and shape up to 25 cubic feet of stone, as stone shape cast by a 15th-level druid.

Destrachan Large Aberration 8d8+24 (60) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +9 melee Claw 1d6+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Destructive harmonics, reverberating harmonics Blindsight, protection from sonics Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +10 Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12 Hide +7, survival +10, Listen +25, Move Silently +10 Dodge, Improved Initiative Any underground 1, 3-5 8 None Usually neutral evil 9-16 HD (Large); 17-24 HD (Huge)

A destrachan speaks no language but understands Common. If one must communicate, it does so through action.

A destrachan uses its claws only as a last resort or to finish off foes weakened by its sonic attacks. Being extremely intelligent, it often enters battle with surprise if possible. It first focuses on destroying metal armor and weapons and then changes to harmonics that disrupt flesh.

Destructive Harmonics (Su): A destrachan can blast sonic energy in a cone up to 80 feet long. It can tune the harmonics of this destructive power to affect different types of targets.

  • Flesh: Disrupting tissue and rending bone, this horrible attack deals 4d6 points of damage to all within the cone (Reflex half DC 15).
  • Nerves: The destrachan can focus its harmonics to subdue rather than slay. This attack plays havoc with nerves and sensory systems, dealing 6d6 points of subdual damage to all within the cone (Reflex half DC 15).
  • Material: The destrachan chooses wood, stone, metal, or glass. All objects made of that material within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or shatter. Objects (or portions of objects) that have up to 30 hit points are potentially affected by this attack.

Reverberating Harmonics (Su): The destrachan can use a wall, a ceiling, or even a floor to reflect any of the sonic attacks listed above (except those that would damage the reflecting surface). This attack affects all within 30 feet of the destrachan, which is immune to the effects of its own ability.

Blindsight (Ex): A destrachan can use hearing to ascertain all foes within 100 feet as a sighted creature would.

Protection from Sonics (Ex): While they can be affected by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence), destrachans are less vulnerable to sound-based attacks (+4 circumstance bonus on all saves) because they can protect their ears. A destrachan whose sense of hearing is impaired is effectively blind, treating all targets as totally concealed.

Skills: With perhaps the most sophisticated auditory organs in existence, the destrachan gains a +10 racial bonus to Listen checks.

Devourer Large Undead 12d12 (78) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) 2 claws +11 melee Claw 1d6+5 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Energy drain, trap essence, spell-like abilities Undead, spell deflection, SR 21 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +11 Str 21, Dex 10, Con -, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17 Climb +10, Concentration +18, Jump +17, Listen +17, Move Silently +12, Spot +17 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise,Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (claw) Any land and underground 1 11 None Always neutral evil 13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a devourer's claw attack or spectral hand ability receive one negative level. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 19.

Trap Essence (Su): The devourer is named for its ability to consume an enemy's life essence. To do so, it must forgo its normal melee attacks and make a trap essence attack. This requires a normal attack roll to hit but deals no damage. The affected creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or die instantly. The slain creature's essence is trapped within the devourer's ribs, and the diminutive figure takes on that victim's features. The trapped essence cannot be raised or resurrected, but a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell frees it, as does destroying the devourer. A devourer can hold only one essence at a time. The trapped essence provides the devourer with enough power to use five spell-like abilities per HD or level of the trapped creature. As this energy is expended, the twisted soul fades away until it evaporates completely. The trapped essence receives one negative level for every five spell-like uses. When the number of negative levels equals the creature's total HD or level, the essence is destroyed. If an essence is freed, the restored creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) for each negative level or lose that level permanently.

Spell-Like Abilities: At the start of any encounter, the trapped essence within a devourer is assumed to have 3d4+3 levels (enough fuel for 30 to 75 uses). Once per round, the devourer can use one of following as the spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level): confusion, control undead, ghoul touch, lesser planar ally, ray of enfeeblement, spectral hand, suggestion, and true seeing.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Spell Deflection (Su): The trapped essence provides a measure of magical protection. If any of the following spells are cast at the devourer and overcome its spell resistance, they affect the imprisoned essence instead: banishment, chaos hammer, confusion, detect thoughts, dispel evil, dominate person, emotion, fear, geas/quest, holy word, hypnosis, imprisonment, magic jar, maze, suggestion, trap the soul, or any form of charm or compulsion. In many cases, this effectively neutralizes the spell (charming a trapped essence, for example, is useless). Some of them (banishment, for example), might eliminate the trapped essence, robbing the devourer of its magical powers until it can consume another.

Digester Medium-Size Magical Beast 8d10+24 (68) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 60 ft. 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural) Rake +11 melee Rake 1d8+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Acid spray (burst and single) Scent, acid immunity Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +11, Listen +6, Jump +7, Spot +6 Alertness, Improved Initiative Temperate and warm land and underground 1, 3-6 6 None Always neutral 9-12 HD (Medium-size); 13-24 HD (Large)

When hunting, it looks about for a likely target, then charges forth and delivers a gout of acid. If the initial attack is insufficient to kill the prey, the digester attacks with its hind feet until it can spray acid again.

Acid Spray (Ex): A digester can spray acid in a cone 20 feet long, dealing 4d8 points of damage to everything in the area.Once a digester uses this ability, it can't use it again until 1d4 rounds later. The creature can also produce a concentrated stream of acid that deals 8d8 points of damage to a single target within 5 feet. In either case, a successful Reflex save (DC 17) halves the damage.

Skills: The digester's coloration gives it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks. It also has a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks.

Monster id="srd:DisplacerBeast"> Displacer Beast Large Magical Beast 6d10+18 (51) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural) 2 tentacles +9 melee, bite +4 melee Tentacle 1d6+4, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (15 ft. with tentacles) Displacement, resistance to ranged attacks Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 8 Hide +12, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +6 Alertness, Dodge Temperate forest, hill, or mountains andunderground 1-2, 6-10 4 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually lawful evil 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)

Displacer beasts rake opponents with their tentacles and bite foes that get close.

Displacement (Su): A light-bending glamer continually surrounds a displacer beast, making it difficult to surmise the creature's true location. Any melee or ranged attack directed at it has a 50% miss chance unless the attacker can locate the beast by some means other than sight. A true seeing effect allows the user to see the beast's position, but see invisibility has no effect.

Resistance to Ranged Attacks (Su): A displacer beast gains a +2 resistance bonus to saves against any ranged spell or ranged magical attack that specifically targets it (except for ranged touch attacks).

Skills: A displacer beast receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks, thanks to its displacement power.

Doppelganger Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger) 4d8+4 (22) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 slams +4 melee Slam 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Detect thoughts Alter self, immunities, mind immunity 5 detect thoughts (caster level 18, Will DC 13) Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 13 Bluff +12*, Disguise +12*, Listen +11, Sense Motive +6,Spot +8 Alertness, Dodge Any land and underground 1-6 3 Double standard Usually neutral By character class

Detect Thoughts (Su): A doppelganger can continuously detect thoughts as the spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 13). It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Alter Self (Su): A doppelganger can assume the shape of any Small or Medium-size humanoid. This works like alter self as cast by an 18th-level sorcerer, but the doppelganger can remain in the chosen form indefinitely. It can assume a new form or return to its own as a standard action.

Immunities (Ex): Doppelgangers are immune to sleep and charm effects.

Skills: A doppelganger receives a +4 racial bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks. *When using alter self, a doppelganger receives an additional +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. If it can read an opponent's mind, it gets a further +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks.

Dragonne Large Magical Beast 9d10+27 (76) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor) 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 claws +7 melee Bite 2d6+4, claw 2d4+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Roar Scent Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4 Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 12 Listen +12, Spot +13 Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative Temperate and warm desert, hill, andunderground 1-2, 5-10 7 Double standard Usually neutral 10-12 HD (Large); 13-27 HD (Huge)

Dragonnes speak Draconic.

If opponents attempt to charge or encircle it, the dragonne simply takes to the air and finds a more defensible position. Dragonnes prefer not to fight in the air, since they are very slow and maneuver poorly compared to most other flying creatures.

Roar (Su): A dragonne can loose a terrifying roar every 1d4 rounds. All creatures (except dragonnes) within 120 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be weakened with fear, losing half their current Strength scores for 2d6 rounds. Those within 30 feet become deafened for 2d6 rounds: Creatures with 8 or fewer HD get no saving throw, but others can negate the effect with a successful Fortitude save (DC 15). Deafened creatures cannot be affected again by the dragonne's roar.

Skills: Dragonnes receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Dragon Turtle Huge Dragon (Aquatic) 12d12+60 (138) +0 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 20 (-2 size, +12 natural) Bite +18 melee, 2 claws +13 melee Bite 4d6+8, claw 2d8+4 30 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon, snatch, capsize Scent, fire immunity Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +9 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Hide +7*, Intimidate +16, survival +10,Listen +18, Search +16, Spot +18 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack Temperate aquatic 1 9 Triple standard Usually neutral 13-24 HD (Huge); 25-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Dragon turtles speak Aquan, Draconic, and Common.

Breath Weapon (Su): Cloud of superheated steam 20 feet high, 25 feet wide, and 50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 20d6, Reflex half DC 21; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Snatch (Ex): A dragon turtle that hits with a bite attack attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold on a creature three or more sizes smaller, it seizes the creature with its mouth and automatically deals bite damage each round. If it does not move and takes no other action in combat, it deals double bite damage to the snatched creature. A snatched creature gets no saving throw against the dragon turtle's breath weapon. The dragon turtle can drop a creature it has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 60 feet and takes 6d6 points of damage.

Capsize (Ex): A submerged dragon turtle that surfaces under a boat or ship less than 20 feet long capsizes the vessel 95% of the time. It has a 50% chance to capsize a vessel from 20 to 60 feet long and a 20% chance to capsize one over 60 feet long.

Skills: *Dragon turtles receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks when submerged.

Drider Large Aberration 6d8+18 (45) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 15 ft. 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) 2 short swords +3 melee, bite +0 melee; or shortbow +5ranged Short sword 1d6+2, short sword 1d6+1, bite 1d4+1;shortbow 1d6 10 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Spells, spell-like abilities, poison SR 14 Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +8 Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16 Climb +14, Concentration +10, Hide +8, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Spellcraft +10, Spot +9 Ambidexterity, Combat Casting, Two-Weapon Fighting Underground 1-2, 1-2 plus 7-12 Medium-size monstrous spiders 7 Double standard Always chaotic evil By character class

Driders speak Drow, Common, and Undercommon.

Driders seldom pass up an opportunity to attack other creatures, especially from ambush. They usually begin with a spell assault and often levitate out of the enemy's reach.

Spells: Driders may be 6th-level clerics, wizards, or sorcerers. Drider clerics can choose from the following domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and Trickery.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-dancing lights, darkness, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, faerie fire, and levitate. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level). Once per day a drider cleric can additionally use clairaudience/clairvoyance, discern lies, dispel magic, and suggestion as a 6th-level caster.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 16), initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Strength.

Skills: A drider receives a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks.

Dryad Medium-Size Fey 2d6 (7) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 12 (+2 Dex) Dagger +1 melee Dagger 1d4 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities 5 entangle (DC 13), 5 speak with plants, 5 tree shape; 3 charm person (DC 13), 3 deep slumber (DC 15), 3 tree stride, 1 suggestion (DC 15) Symbiosis Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 18 Animal Empathy +9, Craft (any one) or Knowledge (any one) +6, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +9, Survival +7 Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative Temperate and warm forest 1, 4-7 1 Standard Always chaotic good 3-4 HD (Medium-size)

Dryads speak Common, Elven, and Sylvan.

Spell-Like Abilities: Dryads can communicate with plants at will (as speak with plants). They can also, at will, step inside any tree and use dimension door as cast by a 7th-level sorcerer to reach their own oak tree. A dryad can use charm person three times per day, as cast by a 4th-level sorcerer; targets must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be charmed for 4 hours.

Symbiosis (Su): Each dryad is mystically bound to a single, enormous oak tree and must never stray more than 300 yards from it. Any who do become ill and die within 4d6 hours. A dryad's oak does not radiate magic.

Ethereal Filcher Medium-Size Aberration 5d8 (22) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Ethereal jaunt, detect magic Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +8, Pick Pocket +12, Spot +8 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 3 No coins; standard goods; double items Usually neutral 6-7 HD (Medium-size); 8-15 HD (Large)

Ethereal filchers do not speak.

An ethereal filcher lurks on the Ethereal Plane waiting for a likely mark. Upon locating one, it shifts to the Material Plane, attempting to catch its victim unawares. The creature attempts to snatch an item, then retreats quickly back to the Ethereal. It is not above delivering a bite to distract its target.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal filcher can shift from the Ethereal to the Material Plane as part of any move action, and shift back again as a free action. It can remain on the Ethereal Plane for 1 round before returning to the Material. The ability is otherwise identical with ethereal jaunt cast by a 15th-level sorcerer.

Detect Magic (Su): Ethereal filchers continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 5th-level sorcerer. A filcher can suppress or restart the ability once per round as a free action.

Ethereal Marauder Medium-Size Magical Beast 2d10 (11) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Ethereal jaunt Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 14, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 3 None Always neutral 5-7 HD (Medium-size); 8-15 HD (Large)

Once a marauder locates prey, it shifts to the Material Plane to attack, attempting to catch its victim flat-footed. The creature bites its victim, then retreats quickly back to the Ethereal Plane. When badly hurt or wounded, the marauder escapes to its home plane rather than continue the fight.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal marauder can shift from the Ethereal to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move-equivalent action (or as part of a move-equivalent action). The ability is otherwise identical with ethereal jaunt cast by a 15th-level sorcerer.

Ettercap Medium-Size Aberration 5d8+5 (27) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +3 melee, 2 claws +1 melee Bite 1d8 (20/x2) poison, claws 1d3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Web, poison Low-light vision Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 8 Climb +8, Craft (any one) +2, Hide +3*, Listen +10, Spot +10* Multiattack Temperate and warm forests 1-2, 1-2 plus 2-4 monstrous spider 4 Standard Usually neutral evil 6-7 HD (Medium-size); 8-15 HD (Large)

Ettercaps speak Common.

Ettercaps are not brave creatures, but their cunning traps often ensure that the enemy never draws a weapon. When an ettercap does engage its enemies, it attacks with its keen-edged claws and venomous bite.

Web (Ex): An ettercap can cast a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Medium-size (see page 102 in the Player's Handbook for details on net attacks). The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 20) or burst the web with a successful Strength check (DC 26). The web has 6 hit points and takes double damage from fire. Ettercaps can also create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square. They usually position these to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to notice a web or stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-square section has 6 hit points and takes double damage from fire. An ettercap can move across its own sheet web at its climb speed and can determine the exact location of any creature touching the web.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial damage 1d6 temporary Dexterity, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Dexterity.

Skills: *Ettercaps in shadow receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks.

Ettin Large Giant 10d8+20 (65) +3 (-1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural, +3 hide) 2 greatclubs +12/+7 melee; or 2 longspears +5/+0 ranged Greatclub 1d10+6; longspear 1d8+6 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Superior two-weapon fighting Darkvision 90 ft. Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 11 Listen +10, Search +0, Spot +10 Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Cold and temperate hill, mountains, andunderground 1-4, 1-5 plus 1-2 brownbears 5 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Ettins have no language of their own but speak a pidgin of Orc, Goblin, and Giant. Creatures that can speak any of these languages must succeed at an Intelligence check (DC 15) to communicate with an ettin. Check once for each bit of information: If the other creature speaks two of these languages, the DC is 10, and for someone who speaks all three, the DC is 5.

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): An ettin fights with a club or spear in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the ettin does not suffer an attack or damage penalty for attacking with two weapons.

Skills: An ettin's two heads give it a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Spot, and Search checks.

Frost Worm Huge Magical Beast (Cold) 14d10+70 (147) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. 18 (-2 size, +10 natural) Bite +20 melee Bite 2d6+12 and 1d8 cold 5 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Trill, cold, breath weapon Cold subtype, death throes Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +6 Str 26, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 5 Hide +3*, Listen +5, Spot +4 Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will Any cold land 1 12 None Usually neutral 15-21 HD (Huge); 22-42 HD (Gargantuan)

Frost worms lurk under the snow, waiting for prey to come near. They begin their attack with trilling and then attack helpless prey with their bite.

Trill (Su): The frost worm can emit a noise that forces its prey to stand motionless. This sonic, mind affecting compulsion affects all creatures other than frost worms within a 100-foot spread. Creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or be stunned for as long as the worm trills, even if they are attacked. However, if attacked or violently shaken (a full-round action), a victim is allowed another saving throw. Once a creature has resisted or broken the effect, it cannot be affected again by that frost worm for one day. The effect's caster level is 14.

Cold (Ex): Frost worms' bodies generate intense cold, dealing 1d8 points of damage with their touch. Creatures attacking a frost worm unarmed or with natural weapons take cold damage each time their attacks hit.

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of cold, 30 feet long, once per hour; damage 15d6, Reflex half DC 22. Opponents held motionless by the frost worm's trill get no saving throw.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Death Throes (Ex): When killed, a frost worm turns to ice and shatters in an explosion that deals 12d6 points of cold damage and 8d6 points of piercing damage to everything within 100 feet (Reflex half DC 22).

Skills: *A frost worm, due to its coloration and its affinity for burying itself in the snow, receives a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks in its native environment.

Gargoyle Medium-Size Magical Beast (Earth) 4d10+16 (38) +2 (Dex) 45 ft., fly 75 ft. (average) 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +6 melee, bite +4 melee, gore +4 melee Claw 1d4 (20/x2), bite 1d6 (20/x2), gore 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Damage reduction 15/+1, freeze Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 11, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7 Hide +9*, Listen +4, Spot +4 Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (claw), Weapon Finesse (bite), Weapon Finesse (gore) Any land, aquatic, and underground 1-2, 5-16 4 Standard Always chaotic evil 5-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large)

Gargoyles speak Common and Terran.

Gargoyles either remain still, then suddenly attack, or dive onto their prey.

Freeze (Ex): A gargoyle can hold itself so still it appears to be a statue. An observer must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to notice the gargoyle is really alive.

Skills: *Gargoyles receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks when concealed against a background of worked stone.

Giant Eagle Large Magical Beast 4d10+4 (26) +3 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee Claw 1d6+4 (20/x2), bite 1d8+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Evasion Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 18, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10 Knowledge (nature) +2, Listen +5, Sense Motive +8,Spot +11*, Survival +8 Alertness Any forest, hill, mountains, and plains 1-2 3 None Usually neutral good 5-8 HD (Huge); 9-12 HD (Gargantuan)

Giant eagles speak Common and Auran.

A giant eagle typically attacks from a great height, diving earthward at tremendous speed. When it cannot dive, it uses its powerful talons and slashing beak to strike at its target's head and eyes.

Skills: *Giant eagles receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight hours.

Training a giant eagle as an aerial mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 24 for a young creature, or DC 29 for an adult) and that the creature be willing.

Giant eagle eggs are worth 2,500 gp apiece on the open market, while chicks are worth 4,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a giant eagle, and riding one requires an exotic saddle. A giant eagle can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a giant eagle is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.

Giant Owl Large Magical Beast 4d10+4 (26) +3 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 70 ft. (average) 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee Claw 1d6+4 (20/x2), bite 1d8+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Superior low-light vision Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 18, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10 Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +16, Move Silently +9*,Spot +10* Alertness Any forest, hill, mountains and plains 1-5 3 None Usually neutral good 5-8 HD (Huge); 9-12 HD (Gargantuan)

Giant owls speak Common and Sylvan.

A giant owl attacks by gliding silently just a few feet above its prey and plunging to strike when directly overhead.

Superior Low-Light Vision (Ex): A giant owl can see five times as far as a human can in dim light.

Skills: Giant owls receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen checks. *They also receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks in dusk and darkness; when in flight, they gain a +8 bonus to Move Silently checks.

Training a giant owl as an aerial mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 24 for a young creature, or DC 29 for an adult) and that the creature be willing.

Giant owl eggs are worth 2,500 gp apiece on the open market, while chicks are worth 4,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a giant owl, and riding one requires an exotic saddle. A giant owl can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a giant owl is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.

Gibbering Mouther Medium-Size Aberration 4d8+4 (22) +1 (Dex) 10 ft., swim 20 ft. 19 (+1 Dex, +8 natural) 6 bites +4 melee Bite 1d4-4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Gibbering, spittle, improved grab, blood drain,engulf, ground manipulation Amorphous Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 13 Listen +8, Spot +12 Weapon Finesse (bite), improved grapple Any land, aquatic, and underground 1 5 None Usually neutral 5-12 HD (Large)

Gibbering mouthers can speak Common, but seldom say anything other than gibbering.

Gibbering mouthers attack by shooting out strings of protoplasmic flesh, each ending in one or more eyes and a mouth that bites at the enemy. A mouther can send out a total of six such members in any round.

Gibbering (Su): As soon as a mouther spots something edible, it begins a constant gibbering as a free action. All creatures (other than mouthers) within a 60-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 13) or be affected as though by a confusion spell for 1d2 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion effect. Opponents who successfully save cannot be affected by the same gibbering mouther's gibbering for one day.

Spittle (Ex): At the start of every combat, and every 2 rounds thereafter, a gibbering mouther looses a stream of spittle. This ignites on contact with the air, creating a blinding flash of light. All sighted creatures within 60 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be blinded for 1d3 rounds.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the gibbering mouther must hit with a bite attack.

Blood Drain (Ex): On a second successful grapple check after grabbing, that mouth attaches to the opponent. It automatically deals bite damage and drains blood, dealing 1 point of temporary Constitution damage each round. A mouth can be ripped off (dealing 1 point of damage) with a successful Strength check (DC 12) or severed by a normal attack that deals at least 2 points of damage (AC 18). A severed mouth continues to bite and drain blood for 1d4 rounds after such an attack. A creature whose Constitution is reduced to 0 is killed and absorbed by the mouther, which gains 1 hit point and adds another mouth and pair of eyes to its body.

Engulf (Ex): A gibbering mouther can try to engulf a Medium-size or smaller opponent grabbed by three or more mouths. The opponent must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 14) or fall and be engulfed. On the next round, the mouther makes twelve bite attacks instead of six (each with a +4 attack bonus). An engulfed creature cannot attack the mouther from within. The previously attached mouths are now free to attack others.

Ground Manipulation (Su): At will, as a standard action, a gibbering mouther can cause stone and earth within 5 feet of it to become a morass akin to quicksand. Softening earth, sand, or the like takes 1 round, while stone takes 2 rounds. Anyone other than the mouther in that area must take a move equivalent action to avoid becoming mired (treat as being pinned).

Amorphous (Ex): A gibbering mouther is not subject to critical hits. It has no clear front or back, so it cannot be flanked.

Skills: Thanks to their multiple eyes, gibbering mouthers receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Girallon Large Beast 7d10+14 (52) +3 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 40 ft. 16 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural) 4 claws +12 melee, bite +7 melee Claw 1d4+8, bite 1d8+4 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rend 2d4+12 Scent Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 26, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 7 Climb +16, Move Silently +8, Spot +7 Warm forest, mountains, and underground 1, 5-8 5 None Always chaotic evil 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

A solitary girallon usually conceals itself in the branches of a tree or under a pile of leaves and brush, with only its nose showing. When it spots or scents prey, it charges to the attack. The girallon picks up prey that is small enough to carry and withdraws, often vanishing into the trees before the victim's companions can do anything to retaliate. Against larger foes, the girallon seeks to tear a single opponent to bits as quickly as it can.

Rend (Ex): A girallon that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d4+12 points of damage.

Gnoll Medium-Size Humanoid (Gnoll) 2d8+2 (11) +0 20 ft. (scale mail), base 30 ft. 17 (+1 natural, +4 scale, +2 large shield) Battleaxe +3 melee; or shortbow +1 ranged Battleaxe 1d8+2 (20/x3); or shortbow 1d6 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft. Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Listen +3, Spot +3 Power Attack Temperate or warm land and underground 1-5 1 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Gnolls speak Gnoll and sometimes Goblin or Orc.

Because of its armor and shield, a gnoll's Hide score is -6, which means gnolls always take special care to seek favorable conditions when laying ambushes (such as darkness, heavy cover, or some other form of concealment).

A gnoll's favored class is ranger.

Goblin Small Humanoid (Goblinoid) 1d8 (4) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +3 studded leather) Morningstar +1 melee; or javelin +3 ranged Morningstar 1d8-1 (20/x2); or javelin 1d6-1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft. Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8 Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3 Alertness Temperate and warm land and underground 4-9 1/4 Standard Usually neutral evil By character class

Goblins speak Goblin; those with Intelligence scores of 12 or above also speak Common.

They favor ambushes, overwhelming odds, dirty tricks, and any other edge they can devise.

Skills: Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks. Goblin cavalry (mounted on worgs) gain a +6 bonus to Ride checks and the Mounted Combat feat (neither of these benefits is included in the statistics block).

A goblin's favored class is rogue. Goblin clerics can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, and Trickery. Most goblin spellcasters are adepts. Goblin adepts favor spells that fool or confuse enemies.

Gorgon Large Magical Beast 8d10+24 (68) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) Gore +12 melee Gore 1d8+7 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, trample 1d8+7 Scent Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Alertness, Improved Initiative Temperate and warm land and underground 1-13 8 None Always neutral 9-15 HD (Large); 16-24 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Turn to stone permanently, cone, 60 feet, every 1d4 rounds (but no more than five times per day); Fortitude save (DC 17).

Trample (Ex): A gorgon can trample Small or smaller creatures for 1d8+7 points of damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the gorgon can attempt a Reflex save (DC 23) to halve the damage.

Gray Render Large Beast 10d10+70 (125) +0 30 ft. 19 (-1 size, +10 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 claws +7 melee Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d6+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, rend 3d6+9 Scent Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 8 Hide +7, Spot +8 Any land and underground 1 8 None Usually neutral 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)

A gray render attacks to kill, whether to bring down prey or to protect itself or those it has adopted. When hunting, it sometimes attempts to hide and wait for prey to wander close.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the gray render must hit with its bite attack.

Rend (Ex): A gray render that gets a hold latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals 3d6+9 points of damage.

Skills: Gray renders receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks due to their six keen eyes.

Grick Medium-Size Aberration 2d8 (9) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) 4 tentacle rakes +3 melee, bite -2 melee Tentacle rake 1d4+2 (20/x2), bite 1d3+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent, damage reduction 15/+1 Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5 Str 14, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 5 Climb +10, Hide +4*, Listen +7, Spot +7 Alertness Underground 1-4 3 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

They hunt by holing up near high-traffic areas, using their natural coloration to blend into convenient shadows. When prey (virtually anything that moves) ventures near, they lash out with their tentacles. A grick's rubbery body seems to shed blows of any kind. Its jaws are relatively small and weak compared to its body mass, so rather than consume its kill immediately, the grick normally drags its victim back to its lair to be eaten at its leisure.

Skills: *Their coloration affords gricks a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks when in natural rocky areas.

Griffon Large Beast 7d10+21 (59) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) Bite +8 melee, 2 claws +3 melee Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d4+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, rake 1d6+2 Scent Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 8 Jump +8, Listen +6, Spot +11* Temperate and warm hill and mountains 1-2, 6-10 4 None Always neutral 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Griffons prefer to pounce on their prey, either diving to the attack or leaping from above.

Pounce (Ex): If a griffon dives or leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A griffon that pounces on an opponent can make two rake attacks (+8 melee) with its hind legs for 1d6+2 slashing damage each.

Skills: Griffons receive a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks. *They also receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks in daylight.

Training a griffon as an aerial mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 21 for a young creature, or DC 28 for an adult) and that the creature be willing. Griffons mature in about two years. Trainers can reduce the DC by 5 and the rearing time by one-half by using a magic bridle enchanted for this purpose.

Griffon eggs are worth 3,500 gp apiece on the open market, while young are worth 7,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,500 gp to rear or train a griffon. Riding a trained griffon requires an exotic saddle. A griffon can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a griffon is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.

Grimlock Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Battleaxe +4 melee Battleaxe 1d8+3 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blindsight Immunities, scent Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6 Climb +7, Hide +6*, Listen +6, Search +5, Spot +3 Alertness Any mountains and underground 2-4, 10-20 1 Standard coins; standard goods (gems only); standarditems Always neutral evil By character class

Blindsight (Ex): Grimlocks can ascertain all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as totally concealed. Grimlocks are susceptible to sound and scent based attacks, however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and overpowering odors (such as stinking cloud or incense-heavy air). Negating a grimlock's sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight (as the feat). If both are negated, the grimlock is effectively blinded.

Immunities (Ex): Grimlocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

Skills: *A grimlock's dull gray skin helps it hide in its native terrain, conferring a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks when in mountains or underground.

Grimlocks favor the barbarian class.

Harpy Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid 7d8 (31) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) Club +7/+2 melee, or 2 claws +2 melee Club 1d4 (20/x2), or claw 1d3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 15 Bluff +8, Listen +7, Perform +9, Spot +6 Dodge, Flyby Attack Temperate and warm land and underground 1-2, 7-12 4 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

When a harpy engages in battle, it prefers to use Flyby Attack and strike with a melee weapon.

Captivating Song (Su): The most insidious ability of the harpy is its song. When a harpy sings, all creatures (other than harpies) within a 300-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or become utterly captivated. This is a sonic, mind-affecting charm. If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that harpy's song for one day. A captivated victim walks toward the harpy, taking the most direct route available. If the path leads into a dangerous area, that creature gets a second saving throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the harpy stands there and offers no resistance to the monster's attacks. The effect continues for as long as the harpy sings. A bard's countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save.

Hell Hound Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Fire, Lawful) 4d8+4 (22) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d8+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4 Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6 Hide +11, Listen +5, Move Silently +13, Spot +7*,Survival +0* Improved Initiative, Track Any land and underground 1-2, 5-12 3 None Always lawful evil 5-8 HD (Large)

Hell hounds do not speak but understand Infernal.

Hell hounds are efficient hunters. A favorite pack tactic is to surround prey quietly, then attack with one or two hounds, driving it with their fiery breath toward the rest. If the prey doesn't run, the pack closes in. Hell hounds track fleeing prey relentlessly.

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of fire, 30 feet, every 2d4 rounds; damage 1d4+1, Reflex half DC 13. The fiery breath also ignites any flammable materials within the cone. Hell hounds can use their breath weapon while biting.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hell hounds receive a +5 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. *They also receive a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks and Survival checks when tracking by scent, due to their keen sense of smell.

Hippogriff Large Beast 3d10+9 (25) +2 (Dex) 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +5 melee, bite +0 melee Claw 1d4+4, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 8 Listen +4, Spot +7* Temperate and warm hill and plains 1-2, 7-12 2 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)

Hippogriffs dive at their prey and strike with their taloned forelegs. When they cannot dive, they slash with claws and beak.

Skills: *Hippogriffs receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight hours.

Training a hippogriff as an aerial mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 21 for a young creature, or DC 28 for an adult) and that the creature be willing. Hippogriffs mature at the same rate as horses. Trainers can reduce the DC by 5 and the rearing time by one-half by using a magic bridle enchanted for this purpose.

Hippogriff eggs are worth 2,000 gp apiece on the open market, while young are worth 3,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a hippogriff. Riding a trained hippogriff requires an exotic saddle. A hippogriff can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a hippogriff is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.

Hobgoblin Medium-Size Humanoid (Goblinoid) 1d8+1 (5) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or javelin +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or javelin 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft. Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Hide +1, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3 Alertness Temperate and warm land and underground 4-9 1/2 Standard Usually lawful evil By character class

Hobgoblins speak Goblin and Common.

These creatures have a strong grasp of strategy and tactics and are capable of carrying out sophisticated battle plans. Under the leadership of a skilled strategist or tactician, their discipline can prove a deciding factor. Hobgoblins hate elves and attack them first, in preference to other opponents.

Skills: Hobgoblins receive a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.

A hobgoblin's favored class is fighter. Hobgoblin clerics can choose two of the following domains: Evil, Destruction, and Trickery.

Homunculus Tiny Construct 2d10 (11) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (good) 14 (+2 Dex, +2 size) Bite +2 melee Bite 1d4-1 (20/x2) poison 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Poison Construct Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7 Any land and underground 1 1 None Any (same as creator) 3-6 HD (Tiny)

Homunculi land on their victims and bite with their venomous fangs.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial damage sleep for 1 minute, secondary damage sleep for another 5d6 minutes.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

A homunculus costs 100 gp to create, including 20 gp for the body. This cost includes all the materials and spell components that are consumed by or become a permanent part of the creation.

Creating the body requires a Craft (sculpture or masonry) check (DC of 12).

After the body is sculpted, it is animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a 7th-level character with the Craft Wondrous Item feat. This ritual requires a week to complete: The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom, similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costing 500 gp to establish. If the creator is personally constructing the creature's body, the building and ritual can be performed together.

A character not actively working on the ritual must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If he or she misses a day, the process fails, and the ritual must be started anew; any gp spent on the failed ritual is lost (but not XP). The previously crafted body can be reused, as can the laboratory.

Completing the ritual requires casting arcane eye, mirror image, and mending on the final day of the ritual and drains 25 XP from the creator. He or she must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.

Howler Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 6d8+12 (39) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 60 ft. 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +10 melee, 3 quills +5 melee Bite 2d8+5, quill 1d4+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Quills, howl Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 Str 21, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 8 Climb +10, Hide +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +8, Search +1, Spot +11 Alertness, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 3 None Always chaotic evil 7-9 HD (Large); 11-18 HD (Huge)

Howlers attack in groups, for they are cowardly and cruel. They prefer to charge into combat, race out, and then charge in again.

Quills (Ex): The howler's neck bristles with long quills. While biting, the creature thrashes about, striking with 1d4 of them. An opponent hit by the howler's quill attack must make a Reflex save (DC 16) or have the quill break off in his or her flesh. A lodged quill imposes a -1 circumstance penalty to attacks, saves, and checks. Removing the quill deals 1d6 additional points of damage.

Howl (Ex): All beings other than outsiders that hear the creature's howling for an hour or more are subject to its effect, though it does not help the howler in combat. Those within a 100-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 12) or take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. The save must be repeated for each hour of exposure. This is a sonic, mind-affecting attack; deafened creatures are not subject to it.

Small and Medium-size infernal creatures such as quasits, abyssal orcs, or even succubi sometimes use howlers as mounts or pack animals. They are particularly useful underground. Larger and more powerful demons use them like hunting dogs.

Training a howler requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 23 for a young creature, or DC 30 for an adult) and that the creature be willing. Trainers can reduce the DC by 5 and the rearing time by one-half by using a magic harness enchanted for the purpose. Riding a howler requires an exotic saddle. A howler can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a howler is up to 460 pounds; a medium load, 461-920 pounds; and a heavy load, 921-1,380 pounds. A howler can drag 6,900 pounds.

Invisible Stalker Large Elemental (Air) 8d8+16 (52) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect) 17 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +10/+5 Slam 2d6+6 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Elemental, natural invisibility, improvedtracking Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +4 Str 18, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 11 Listen +11, Move Silently +15, Search +11, Spot +13 Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (slam) Any land and underground 1 7 None Usually neutral 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge)

These creatures speak only Auran but can understand Common.

An invisible stalker attacks by using the air itself as a weapon. It creates a sudden, intense vortex of wind that pounds a single target on the same plane as the creature.

Invisible stalkers can be killed only when on the Elemental Plane of Air. When performing tasks elsewhere, they automatically return to their home plane when they suffer sufficient damage to destroy them.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Natural Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing the stalker to remain invisible even when attacking. This ability is inherent and not subject to the invisibility purge spell.

Improved Tracking (Ex): Invisible stalkers are consummate trackers and make Spot checks instead of the usual Wilderness Lore checks to trace a creature's passage.

Kobold Small Humanoid (Reptilian) 1/2d8 (2) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather) Halfspear -1 melee; or light crossbow +2 ranged Halfspear 1d6-2 (20/x3); or light crossbow 1d8 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Craft (trapmaking) +2, Hide +8, Listen +2, Move Silently +4, Search +2, Spot +2 Alertness Any forest and underground 4-9 1/6 Standard Usually lawful evil By character class

Kobolds speak Draconic with voices that sound like yapping dogs.

They begin a fight by slinging bullets, closing only when they can see that their foes have been weakened. Whenever they can, kobolds set up ambushes near trapped areas. They aim to drive enemies into the traps, where other kobolds wait to pour flaming oil over them, shoot them, or drop poisonous vermin onto them.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Kobolds suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Skills: Kobolds receive a +2 racial bonus to Craft (trapmaking), Profession (mining), and Search checks.

A kobold's favored class is sorcerer. Kobold clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Luck, and Trickery.

Kraken Gargantuan Magical Beast (Aquatic) 20d10+180 (290) +4 (Improved Initiative) Swim 20 ft. 20 (-4 size, +14 natural) 2 tentacle rakes +28 melee, 6 arms +23 melee, bite +23melee Tentacle rake 2d8+12, arm 1d6+6, bite 4d6+6 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. (100 ft. with tentacle) Improved grab, constrict 2d8+12 or 1d6+6 Jet, ink cloud, spell-like abilities Fort +21, Ref +12, Will +13 Str 34, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 10 Concentration +19, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge(nature) +10, Listen +15, Search +15, Spot +15 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, ImprovedCritical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Iron Will Any aquatic 1 12 Triple standard Always neutral evil 21-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33-60 HD (Colossal)

Krakens speak Common and Aquan.

Krakens strike their opponents with their barbed tentacles, then grab and crush with their arms or drag victims into their huge jaws.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the kraken must hit an opponent of up to Huge size with an arm or tentacle attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A kraken deals automatic arm or tentacle damage with a successful grapple check against Huge or smaller creatures.

Jet (Ex): A kraken can jet backward once per round as a double move action, at a speed of 280 feet.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A kraken can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 80 feet high by 80 feet wide by 120 feet long once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the kraken normally uses to escape a losing fight. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-control weather, control winds, dominate animal, and resist elements. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level druid (save DC 15 + spell level).

Krenshar Medium-Size Magical Beast 2d10 (11) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +2 melee, 2 claws +0 melee Bite 1d6 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scare Scent Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13 Hide +4, Jump +4, Listen +4, Move Silently +6 Multiattack Temperate and warm forest and plains 1-2, 6-10 1 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-8 HD (Large)

Krenshars use solitary scouts to drive prey into the waiting clutches of the pack. The scout appears from hiding, uses its scare ability, then chases the fleeing target to join the attack.

Scare (Ex or Su): As a standard action, a krenshar can pull the skin back from its head, revealing the musculature and bony structures of its skull. This alone is usually sufficient to scare away foes (treat as a Bluff check with a +3 bonus). Combining this scare ability with a loud screech produces an unsettling effect that works like scare cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer (save DC 12). If the save is successful, that opponent cannot be affected again by that krenshar's scare ability for one day. The shriek does not affect other krenshars.

ChallengeRating Value="2">2 Standard Often neutral evil By character class

Kuotoas speak Kuo-Toan, Undercommon, and Aquan.

Kuo-toan tactics and weapons vary greatly depending upon the training and skills of the individual encountered. A group of kuo-toa warriors usually fight in formation, throwing their spears before closing to melee range.

Lightning Bolt (Su): Two or more kuo-toa clerics (known as "whips") operating together can generate a stroke of lightning every 1d4 rounds. The whips must join hands to launch the bolt but need merely remain within 30 feet of one another while it builds. The lightning bolt deals 1d6 points of damage per whip, but a successful Reflex save halves this amount (save DC 13 + number of whips).

Pincer Staff (Ex): Many kuo-toa fighters and all whips above 6th level carry this Large exotic weapon. A pincer staff deals 1d10 points of bludgeoning damage, threatens a critical hit on a 20, and deals double damage on a critical hit. It has a 10-foot reach and cannot be used against an adjacent opponent. A wielder that hits an opponent of at least Small but no larger than Large size attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the wielder gets a hold, the staff grabs the opponent and deals 1d10 points of damage each round the hold is maintained.

Keen Sight (Ex): Kuo-toas have excellent vision thanks to their two independently focusing eyes. Their eyesight is so keen that they can spot a moving object or creature even if it is invisible, ethereal, or astral. Only by remaining perfectly still can such objects or creatures avoid their notice.

Slippery (Ex): All kuo-toas secrete an oily film that makes them difficult to grapple or snare. Webs, magic or otherwise, don't affect kuo-toas, and they usually can wriggle free from most other forms of confinement.

Adhesive (Ex): Kuo-toas use their own body oil and other materials to give their shields a finish almost like flypaper, holding fast any creatures or items touching them. Anyone who makes an unsuccessful melee attack against a kuo-toa must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 14), or the attacker's weapon sticks to the shield and is yanked out of the wielder's grip. Creatures using natural weapons are automatically grappled if they get stuck.

Immunities (Ex): Kuo-toas are immune to poison and paralysis. The various hold spells also have no effect on them, and their keen sight automatically detects figments for what they are.

Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds kuo-toas for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light.

Amphibious (Ex): Although kuo-toas breathe by means of gills, they can survive indefinitely on land.

Skills: Kuo-toas receive a +15 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks and a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks.

A kuo-toa's favored class is rogue. Whips can choose any two of the following domains: Destruction, Evil, and Water.

Lamia Medium-Size Magical Beast 9d10+9 (58) +2 (Dex) 60 ft. 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural) Touch +9 melee; or dagger +11/+6 melee Touch 1 permanent Wisdom drain; or dagger 1d4 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, Wisdom drain Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12 Bluff +13, Concentration +11, Hide +14 Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (dagger) Any desert, hill, andunderground 1-4 6 Standard Usually chaotic evil 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-charm person, major image, mirror image, and suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Wisdom Drain (Su): By making a successful touch attack, a lamia permanently drains 1 point of Wisdom. Lamias try to use this power early in an encounter to make foes more susceptible to charm person and suggestion.

Lammasu Large Magical Beast 7d10+21 (59) +0 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) 14 (-1 size, +5 natural) 2 claws +12 melee Claw 1d6+6 5 ft. by 10 ft./ 5 ft. Spells, pounce, rake 1d6+3 Magic circle against evil, spell-likeabilities Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 14 Concentration +12, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Listen +8,Sense Motive +12, Spot +8* Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Flyby Attack, Iron Will,Lightning Reflexes Any warm land and underground 1 8 Standard Always lawful good 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Lammasus speak Common, Draconic, and Celestial.

Spells: A lammasu casts spells as a 7th-level cleric, choosing from any two of the following domains: Good, Healing, Knowledge, and Law. Save DC is 13 + spell level.

Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A lammasu has a continuous magic circle against evil that affects a 20-foot radius. The aura can be dispelled, but the lammasu can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-improved invisibility; 1/day-dimension door. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7th-level sorcerer.

Pounce (Ex): If a lammasu leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A lammasu that pounces on a creature can make two rake attacks (+12 melee) with its hind legs for 1d6+3 slashing damage each.

Skills: *Lammasus gain a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight hours.

Lillend Large Outsider (Chaotic, Good) 7d8+14 (45) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 70 ft. (average) 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural) Sword +11/+6 melee, tail slap +6 melee Sword 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, constrict 2d6+5, spells, spell-like abilities, bardic music Poison immunity, fire resistance 20 Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8 Str 20, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18 Appraise +12, Concentration +12, Knowledge (arcana) +12,Listen +13, Perform +14, Spellcraft +12, Survival +17 Combat Casting, Extend Spell Any land and underground 1-4 7 Standard Always chaotic good 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Lillends speak Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, and Common.

Spells: A lillend casts arcane spells as a 6th-level bard. Save DC is 14 + spell level.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness, hallucinatory terrain, knock, and light; 1/day-charm person, speak with animals, and speak with plants. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 10th-level bard (save DC 14 + spell level).

Bardic Music (Su):A lillend also has the bardic music ability as a 6th-level bard.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the lillend must hit an opponent of up to Medium-size with its tail slap attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A lillend deals 2d6+5 points of damage with a successful grapple check against opponents of up to Medium-size. This uses the entire lower portion of its body, so it cannot take any move actions when constricting, though it can still attack with its sword.

Fire Resistance (Ex): A lillend is immune to nonmagical fire and has magic fire resistance 20.

Skills: Lillends receive a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks.

Lizardfolk Medium-Size Humanoid (Aquatic, Reptilian) 2d8+2 (11) +0 30 ft. 15 (+5 natural) or 17 (+5 natural, +2 large shield) 2 claws +2 melee, bite +0 melee; greatclub +2 melee, bite +0 melee; javelin +1 ranged Claw 1d4+1 (20/x2), greatclub 1d10+1 (20/x2), bite 1d4 (20/x2); javelin 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10 Balance +4, Jump +7, Swim +9 Multiattack Temperate and warm marsh 2-3 1 50% coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral By character class

Lizardfolk speak Draconic.

Skills: Thanks to their tails, lizardfolk receive a +4 racial bonus to Jump, Swim, and Balance checks (the numbers in the statistics block do not reflect check penalties for large shields).

A lizardfolk's favored class is druid. Lizardfolk clerics (shamans) can choose any two of the following domains: Animal, Plant, and Water.

Locathah Medium-Size Humanoid (Aquatic) 2d8 (9) +1 (Dex) 10 ft., swim 60 ft. 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural) Longspear +1 melee; or light crossbow +2 ranged Longspear 1d8 (20/x3); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1 Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 11 Craft (any one) +3, Listen +4, Spot +4 Blind-Fight Warm aquatic 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

A locathah's favored class is barbarian. Locathah clerics can choose two of the following domains: Animal, Protection, and Water.

Magmin Small Elemental (Fire) 2d8 (9) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural) Burning touch +1 melee Burning touch 1d8 fire (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Combustion, fiery aura Elemental, fire subtype, melt weapons, damage reduction 15/+1 Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0 Str 9, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10 Climb +4, Escape Artist +5, Jump +4, Spot +4 Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 3 Standard coins; standard goods (nonflammables only);standard items (nonflammables only) Always chaotic neutral 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium-size)

Magmins speak Ignan.

Combustion (Ex): Anyone a magmin touches must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 11) or take an additional 1d8 points of fire damage as clothes ignite or armor becomes searing hot. The damage continues for another 1d4+2 rounds after the magmin's last successful attack. Magmins can also ignite flammable materials with a touch.

Fiery Aura (Ex): Anyone within 30 feet of a magmin must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11) or suffer 1d6 points of heat damage from the intense heat. Treat this effect as an emanation.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Melt Weapons (Ex): Any metal weapon that strikes a magmin must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11) or melt away into slag.

Manticore Huge Magical Beast 6d10+24 (57) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy) 16 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +9 melee, bite +7 melee; or 6 spikes +6 ranged Claw 2d4+5, bite 1d8+2; or spike 1d8+2 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Spikes Scent Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 20, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9* Warm and temperate land and underground 1-6 5 Standard Usually lawful evil 7-16 HD (Huge); 17-18 HD (Gargantuan)

A manticore begins most attacks with a volley of spikes, then closes. In the outdoors, it often uses its powerful wings to stay aloft during battle.

Spikes (Ex): With a snap of its tail, a manticore can loose a volley of six spikes as a standard action. This attack has a range of 180 feet with no range increment. A spike threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 19 or 20. The creature can launch only twenty-four spikes in any one day.

Skills: *Manticores receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks in daylight.

Medusa Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid 6d8+6 (33) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Shortbow +8/+3 ranged; or dagger +6/+1 melee, snakes +3 melee Shortbow 1d6 (20/x3); or dagger 1d4 (19/x2), snakes 1d4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Petrifying gaze, poison Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6 Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15 Bluff +11, Disguise +11, Move Silently +9, Spot +10 Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse (snakes) Any land and underground 1-4 7 Double standard Usually lawful evil By character class

Petrifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Fortitude save (DC 15).

Poison (Ex): Snakes, Fortitude save (DC 14); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Merfolk Medium-Size Humanoid (Aquatic) 1d8+1 (5) +1 (Dex) 5 ft., swim 50 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 leather) Trident +1 melee; or heavy crossbow +2 ranged Trident 1d8 (20/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 13 Listen +4, Spot +4 Alertness Temperate aquatic 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Merfolk speak Common and Aquan.

Merfolk favor heavy crossbows of shell and coral that fire bolts fashioned from blowfish spines, with an underwater range of 30 yards. Merfolk often barrage their enemies before closing, when they resort to tridents.

A merfolk's favored class is bard. Merfolk clerics can choose two of the following domains: Animal, Protection, and Water.

Mimic Large Aberration 7d8+21 (52) +1 (Dex) 10 ft. 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +8 melee Slam 1d8+6 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Adhesive Mimic shape, acid immunity Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10 Climb +9, Disguise +12, Listen +11, Spot +6 Skill Focus (Disguise) Any land and underground 1 4 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Mimics speak Common.

A mimic often surprises the unsuspecting adventurer, lashing out with a heavy pseudopod. Mimics are smart enough to avoid fights to the death by extorting treasure or food from a party.

Adhesive (Ex): A mimic exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items touching it. An adhesive-covered mimic automatically grapples any creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the mimic is alive without removing the adhesive first. A mimic makes one automatic slam attack each round against any creature stuck to it. A weapon that strikes an adhesive-coated mimic is also stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 16). A successful Strength check (DC 16) is needed to pry it off. Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive. A pint of wine or a similar liquid weakens it, but the mimic still has a +4 bonus to grapple checks. A mimic can dissolve its adhesive at will, and the substance breaks down 5 rounds after the creature dies.

Mimic Shape (Ex): A mimic can assume the general shape of any object that fills roughly 150 cubic feet (5 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet), such as a massive chest, a stout bed, or a wide door frame. The creature cannot substantially alter its size, though. A mimic's body is hard and has a rough texture, no matter what appearance it might present. Anyone who examines the mimic can detect the ruse with a successful Spot check opposed by the mimic's Disguise check. Of course, by this time it is generally far too late.

Monster id="srd:MindFlayer"> Mind Flayer Medium-Size Aberration 8d8+8 (44) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) 4 tentacles +8 melee Tentacle 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Mind blast, psionics, improved grab, extract 5 astral projection, 5 charm monster, 5 detect thoughts, 5 levitate, 5 plane shift, 5 suggestion SR 25, telepathy Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +9 Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 17 Bluff +8, Concentration +12, Hide +8, Intimidate +10,Knowledge (any two) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +7, Spot +10 Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, improved grapple, Any underground 1-5, 3-5 plus 6-10 grimlock 8 Double standard Usually lawful evil By character class

Mind flayers speak Undercommon but prefer to communicate telepathically.

Mind flayers like to fight from a distance, using their psionic abilities, particularly their mind blast. If pressed into melee combat, a mind flayer lashes its enemies with the tentacles ringing its mouth.

Mind Blast (Sp): This attack is a cone 60 feet long. Anyone caught in this cone must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Mind flayers often hunt using this power and then drag off one or two of their stunned victims to feed upon.

Psionics (Sp): At will-astral projection, charm monster, detect thoughts, levitate, plane shift, and suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the mind flayer must hit a Small to Large creature with its tentacle attack. If it gets a hold, it attaches the tentacle to the opponent's head. A mind flayer can grab a Huge or larger creature, but only if it can somehow reach the foe's head. After a successful grab, the mind flayer can try to attach its remaining tentacles with a single grapple check. The opponent can escape with a single successful grapple check or Escape Artist check, but the mind flayer gets a +2 circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was attached at the beginning of the opponent's turn.

Extract (Ex): A mind flayer that begins its turn with all four tentacles attached and successfully maintains its hold automatically extracts the opponent's brain, instantly killing that creature.

Telepathy (Su): Mind flayers can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Minotaur Large Monstrous Humanoid 6d8+12 (39) +0 30 ft. 14 (-1 size, +5 natural) Huge greataxe +9/+4 melee, gore +4 melee Huge greataxe 2d8+4, gore 1d8+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Charge 4d6+6 Scent, natural cunning Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8 Intimidate +5, Jump +8, Listen +8, Search +6, Spot +8 Great Fortitude, Power Attack Any underground 1-4 4 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Minotaurs speak Giant.

Charge (Ex): A minotaur typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, this allows the beast to make a single gore attack that deals 4d6+6 points of damage.

Natural Cunning (Ex): Although minotaurs are not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. This makes them immune to maze spells, prevents them from ever becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies. Further, they are never caught flat-footed.

Skills: Minotaurs receive a +4 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks.

Mohrg Medium-Size Undead 14d12 (91) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 slams +12 melee, tongue +7 melee touch Slam 1d6+5 (20/x2), tongue 1d1 (20/x2) paralysis 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, paralyzing touch, create spawn Undead Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +9 Str 21, Dex 13, Con -, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10 Climb +11, Hide +15, Listen +12, Move Silently +15, Spot +12, Swim +10 Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility Any land and underground 1-4, 2-4 plus 5 zombie 8 None Always chaotic evil 15-21 HD (Medium-size); 22-28 HD (Large)

Like zombies, mohrgs attack by slamming enemies with their powerful fists. They often catch opponents flat-footed, for they move much faster than zombies.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the mohrg must hit with its slam attack.

Paralyzing Touch (Su): A mohrg lashes out with its tongue in combat. An opponent the tongue touches must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or become paralyzed for 1d4 minutes.

Create Spawn (Su): Creatures killed by a mohrg rise after 1d4 days as zombies under the morhg's control. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Mummy Medium-Size Undead 6d12+3 (42) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 17 (-1 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +6 melee Slam 1d6+4 and mummy rot 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Despair, mummy rot Undead, resistant to blows, damage reduction 5/+1, fire vulnerability Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +7 Str 17, Dex 8, Con -, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 15 Hide +8, Listen +9 Move Silently +8, Spot +9 Alertness, Toughness Any desert and underground 1-4, 6-10 3 Standard Always lawful evil 7-12 HD (Medium-size); 13-18 HD (Large)

Despair (Su): At the mere sight of a mummy, the viewer must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that mummy's despair ability for one day.

Mummy Rot (Su): Supernatural disease [slam, Fortitude save (DC 20), incubation period 1 day; damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.] Unlike normal diseases, mummy rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution 0 (and dies) or receives a remove disease spell or similar magic. An afflicted creature that dies shrivels away into sand and dust that blow away into nothing at the first wind unless both a remove disease and raise dead are cast on the remains within 6 rounds.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Resistant to Blows (Ex): Physical attacks deal only half damage to mummies. Apply this effect before damage reduction.

Fire Vulnerability (Ex): A mummy takes double damage from fire attacks unless a save is allowed for half damage. A successful save halves the damage and a failure doubles it.

Night Hag Medium-Size Outsider (Evil) 8d8+8 (44) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural) Bite +12 melee Bite 2d6+6 and disease 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, dream haunting Immunities, SR 25, damage reduction 20/+3 Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +10 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 12 Bluff +11, Concentration +12, Intimidate +11, Listen +14,Ride +11, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +13, Spot +14 Alertness, Combat Casting, Mounted Combat Any land and underground 1 9 Standard Always neutral evil 9-16 HD (Medium-size)

Night hags speak Infernal, Abyssal, and Celestial.

Disease (Ex): Demon fever [bite, Fortitude save (DC 18), incubation period 1 day; damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.] Each day thereafter, on a failed save, the creature must immediately succeed at another Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of permanent Constitution drain.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, magic missile, polymorph self, ray of enfeeblement, and sleep. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level). A night hag can use etherealness at will as a 16th-level sorcerer so long as it possesses its heartstone (see below).

Dream Haunting (Su): Night hags can visit the dreams of chaotic or evil individuals by using a special periapt known as a heartstone to become ethereal, then hovering over the creature. Once the hag invades someone's dreams, it rides on the victim's back until dawn. The sleeper suffers from tormenting dreams and suffers 1 point of permanent Constitution drain upon awakening. A sleeper reduced to a Constitution score of 0 dies. Only another ethereal being can stop these nocturnal intrusions, by confronting and defeating the night hag.

Immunities (Ex): Night hags are immune to fire and cold, and to charm, sleep, and fear effects.

Heartstone (Su): All night hags carry this periapt, which instantly cures any disease contracted by the holder. In addition, a heartstone imparts a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws. A night hag that loses this charm can no longer use etherealness until it can manufacture another (which takes one month). Good-aligned creatures can also benefit from the heartstone's powers, but the periapt shatters after ten uses and does not bestow etherealness.

Nightmare Large Outsider (Evil) 6d8+18 (45) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +13 natural) 2 hooves +9 melee, bite +4 melee Hooves 1d8+7 fire, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Flaming hooves, smoke Astral projection, etherealness Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6 Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12 survival +10, Listen +12, Move Silently +11,Search +10, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12 Alertness, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 5 None Always neutral evil 7-10 HD (Large); 11-18 HD (Huge)

Nightmares do battle by biting with their viperish fangs and kicking with their powerful legs. A nightmare can fight while mounted, but the rider cannot also fight unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Flaming Hooves (Su): A blow from a nightmare's hooves sets combustible materials alight.

Smoke (Su): During the excitement of battle, a nightmare often snorts and neighs with rage. This fills a 15-foot cone with a hot, sulfurous smoke that chokes and blinds opponents. Anyone in the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16) or suffer a -2 morale penalty to all attack and damage rolls until 1d6 minutes after they leave the cone. The nightmare gains one-half concealment against creatures 5 feet away and total concealment against creatures 10 feet away. The smoke does not obscure the nightmare's vision at all. The nightmare can suppress the smoke as a free action.

Astral Projection and Etherealness (Su): These function just like the spells of the same names as cast by a 20th-level sorcerer.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a nightmare is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.

Nymph Medium-Size Fey 3d6 (10) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 20 ft. 11 (+1 Dex) Dagger +1 melee Dagger 1d4 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blinding beauty, unearthly beauty Spell-like abilities Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +8 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19 Animal Empathy +10, Craft (any one) or Knowledge (anyone) +7, Escape Artist +7, Heal +9, Hide +7, Listen +11, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +9, Spot +11 Ability Focus (unearthly beauty), Alertness, Dodge, Iron Will Any land 1 6 Standard Always chaotic good 4-9 HD (Medium-size)

Nymphs speak Sylvan and Common.

Blinding Beauty (Su): This ability operates continuously, affecting all humanoids within 60 feet of the nymph. Those who look directly at the nymph must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be blinded permanently as though by the blindness spell. The nymph can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Unearthly Beauty (Su): The nymph can evoke this ability once every 10 minutes. Those within 30 feet of the nymph who look directly at it must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or die.

Spell-Like Abilities: Nymphs can use dimension door once per day as cast by a 7th-level sorcerer. They can also replicate druid spells as 7th-level casters (save DC 13+ spell level).

Orc Medium-Size Humanoid (Orc) 1d8 (4) +0 20 ft. 14 (+4 scale mail) Greataxe +3 melee; or javelin +1 ranged Greataxe 1d12+3 (18/x2); or javelin 1d6+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8 Listen +2, Spot +2 Alertness Any land and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orcs suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

An orc's favored class is barbarian. Orc clerics can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War.

Otyugh Large Aberration 6d8+6 (33) +0 20 ft. 17 (-1 size, +8 natural) 2 tentacle rakes +3 melee, bite -2 melee Tentacle rake 1d6, bite 1d4 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle) Improved grab, constrict 1d6, disease Scent Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +5*, Listen +6, Spot +9 Alertness Any underground 1-4 4 Standard Always neutral 7-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

Otyughs speak Common.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the otyugh must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): An otyugh deals automatic tentacle damage to a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a successful grapple check.

Disease (Ex): Filth fever [bite, Fortitude save (DC 12), incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 temporary Dexterity and 1d3 temporary Constitution.]

Skills: *An otyugh receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks when in its lair, due to its natural coloration.

Owlbear Large Beast 5d10+20 (47) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee Claw 1d6+5, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Scent Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +8, Spot +7 Temperate forest 1-2, 5-8 4 None Usually chaotic evil 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

A lair usually has 1d6 young, fetching a price of 3,000 gp each in many civilized areas. While owlbears cannot be domesticated, they can still be placed in strategically important areas as free-roaming guardians. A professional trainer charges 2,000 gp to rear or train an owlbear (DC 23 for a young creature, DC 30 for an adult).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the owlbear must hit with a claw attack.

Pegasus Large Magical Beast 4d10+12 (34) +2 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (average) 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) 2 hooves +7 melee, bite +2 melee Hooves 1d6+4, bite 1d3+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Scent, spell-like abilities Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13 Listen +12, Sense Motive +7, Spot +12, Survival +3 Iron Will Temperate and warm forest 1-2, 6-10 3 None Always chaotic good 5-8 HD (Large)

Pegasi attack with their sharp hooves and powerful bite. Mated pairs and herds attack as a team, fighting to the death to defend their eggs and young, which fetch a handsome price in many civilized areas.

Spell-Like Abilities: Pegasi can detect good and detect evil at will within a 60-yard radius, as the spells cast by a 5th-level sorcerer.

Skills: Pegasi receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Pegasus eggs are worth 2,000 gp each on the open market, while young are worth 3,000 gp per head. Pegasi mature at the same rate as horses. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a pegasus, which serves its master with absolute faithfulness for life.

Training a pegasus requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 22 for a young creature, DC 29 for an adult) and that the creature be willing. Trainers can reduce the DC by 5 and the training time by half by using a magic bridle enchanted for the purpose. A pegasus can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a pegasus is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601-900 pounds.

Phantom Fungus Medium-Size Plant 2d8+6 (15) +0 20 ft. 14 (+4 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Plant, Improved invisibility, mind immunity Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 9 Move Silently +5 Any underground 1 3 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Improved Invisibility (Su): This ability is constant, allowing the phantom fungus to remain invisible even when attacking. This works just like improved invisibility cast by a 12th-level sorcerer, and lasts as long as the phantom fungus is alive. This ability is not subject to the invisibility purge spell. Once killed, a phantom fungus becomes visible after 1 minute.

Skills: Phantom fungus has a +5 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.

Phase Spider Large Magical Beast 5d10+15 (42) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., climb 20 ft. 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +7 melee Bite 1d6+4 (20/x2) poison 10 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Ethereal jaunt, poison Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 10 Climb +12, Move Silently +11, Spot +9 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-5 5 None Always neutral 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

Phase spiders dwell and hunt on the Material Plane. Once a spider locates prey, however, it shifts to the Ethereal Plane to attack, attempting to catch its victim flat-footed. The spider shifts in, bites its victim, and retreats quickly back to the Ethereal Plane.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su): A phase spider can shift from the Ethereal to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move-equivalent action (or during a move-equivalent action). The ability is otherwise identical with ethereal jaunt cast by a 15th-level sorcerer.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 15); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Constitution.

Phasm Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid (Shapechanger) 15d8+30 (97) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural) 2 slams +12 melee Slam 1d3+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Amorphous, scent, alternate form, telepathy,tremorsense Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11 Str 12, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +15, Climb +7, Craft (any one) +7, Disguise +7*,Knowledge (any one) +7, Listen +10, Spot +10, Survival +6 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Skill Focus (Disguise) Any land and underground 1 7 Standard Usually neutral 15-21 HD (Huge); 22-42 HD (Gargantuan)

Phasms can speak Common but prefer telepathic communication.

If pursued or harassed, a phasm transforms into the most fearsome creature it knows, such as an adult white dragon or a fire giant, and attacks. When seriously hurt, it changes to some fast or agile form and tries to escape.

Amorphous (Ex): A phasm in its natural form is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stun, and polymorph. It is not subject to critical hits and, having no clear front or back, cannot be flanked.

Alternate Form (Su): Phasms can assume the form of any corporeal creature or object from Diminutive to Large size as a standard action. This ability is otherwise similar to shapechange as cast by a 20th-level sorcerer.

Telepathy (Su): Phasms can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Tremorsense (Ex): A phasm can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground, so long as it is touching the ground itself.

Skills: *When using alternate form, a phasm receives a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.

Pseudodragon Tiny Dragon 2d12+2 (15) +0 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 18 (+2 size, +6 natural) Sting +4 melee, bite -1 melee Sting 1d3 (20/x2) poison, bite 1d1 (20/x2) 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. (5 ft. with tail) Poison See invisibility, telepathy, immunities, SR 19 Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 Str 11, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +16*, survival +3, Listen +5, Search +2,Spot +5 Alertness Temperate and warm forest 1-5 1 None Always neutral good 3-4 HD (Tiny)

A pseudodragon egg can fetch a price of up to 10,000 gp, and a hatchling as much as 20,000 gp.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 12); initial damage sleep for 1 minute, secondary damage sleep for 1d3 days.

See Invisibility (Ex): Pseudodragons continuously see invisibility as the spell, with a range of 60 feet.

Telepathy (Su): Pseudodragons can communicate telepathically with creatures that speak Common or Sylvan, provided they are within 60 feet.

Immunities (Ex): Pseudodragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

Skills: Pseudodragons have a chameleonlike ability that grants them a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks. *In forests or overgrown areas, this bonus improves to +8.

Purple Worm Gargantuan Beast 16d10+112 (200) -2 (Dex) 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 19 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +15 natural) Bite +20 melee, sting +15 melee Bite 2d8+12 (20/x2), sting 2d6+6 (20/x2) poison 30 ft. by 30 ft. (coiled)/ 15 ft. Improved grab, swallow whole, poison Tremorsense Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +4 Str 35, Dex 6, Con 25, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 8 Climb +14 Any aquatic and underground 1 12 No coins, 50% goods (stone only), no items Always neutral 16-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33-45 HD (Colossal)

In battle, a purple worm forms into a coil 15 feet across, biting and stinging anything within reach.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the purple worm must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage and can attempt to swallow the foe.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A purple worm can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of crushing damage plus 1d8 points of acid damage per round from the worm's gizzard. A swallowed creature can climb out of the gizzard with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the worm's maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The worm's interior can hold two Large, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 24); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Tremorsense (Ex): A purple worm can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Rakshasa Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 7d8+21 (52) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 21 (+2 Dex, +9 natural) 2 claws +8 melee, bite +3 melee Claw 1d4+1 (20/x2), bite 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Detect thoughts, spells Alternate form, spell immunity, vulnerable toblessed crossbow bolts, damage reduction 20/+3 5 detect thoughts (caster level 18; Will DC 15 negates), Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6 Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 17 Bluff +16*, Disguise +17*, Listen +11, Move Silently +11,Perform +12, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12 Alertness, Dodge Warm forest and marsh 1 9 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful evil 8-14 HD (Medium-size)

Rakshasas speak Common, Infernal, and Undercommon.

Detect Thoughts (Su): A rakshasa can continuously detect thoughts as the spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 15). It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Spells: A rakshasa casts spells as a 7th-level sorcerer, and can also cast 1st-level cleric spells as arcane spells.

Alternate Form (Su): A rakshasa can assume any humanoid form, or revert to its own form, as a standard action. This ability is similar to the alter self spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer, but the rakshasa can remain in the new form indefinitely.

Spell Immunity (Su): Rakshasas ignore the effects of spells and spell-like abilities of 8th level or less, just as if the spellcaster had failed to overcome spell resistance.

Vulnerable to Blessed Crossbow Bolts (Ex): Any hit scored with a blessed crossbow bolt instantly slays a rakshasa.

Skills: A rakshasa receives a +4 racial bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks. *When using alternate form, it gains an additional +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. If reading an opponent's mind, its circumstance bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks increases by a further +4.

Rast Medium-Size Outsider (Fire) 4d8+4 (22) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 50 ft. (good) 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) 4 claws +6 melee; or bite +6 melee Claw 1d4+2 (20/x2); or bite 1d8+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Paralyzing gaze, improved grab, blood drain Fire subtype, flight Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 12 Hide +5, Listen +7, Move Silently +7 Dodge, Improved Initiative, improved grapple Any land and underground 1-6 5 None Usually neutral 5-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large)

Rasts attack in swarms, with a frightening, brutal cunning. The creatures paralyze as many of their foes as possible, then attack any that are still moving. A rast can claw or bite, but cannot do both during the same round.

Paralyzing Gaze (Su): Paralysis for 1d6 rounds, 30 feet, Fortitude save (DC 13).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the rast must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage.

Blood Drain (Ex): A rast drains blood from a grabbed opponent, dealing 1 point of temporary Constitution damage each round it maintains the hold.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Flight (Su): A rast can fly as the spell cast by an 11th-level sorcerer, as a free action. A rast that loses this ability falls and can perform only partial actions.

Ravid Medium-Size Outsider 3d8+3 (16) +0 Fly 60 ft. (perfect) 25 (+15 natural) Tail slap +4 melee, claw +2 melee Tail slap 1d6+1 (20/x2) positive, claw 1d4 (20/x2) positive 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Positive energy lash, animate objects Fire immunity, flight Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 14 Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Spot +7 Multiattack* Any land and underground 1 plus 1-15 animated object 5 None Always neutral 4 HD (Medium-size); 5-9 HD (Large)

Ravids fight only in self-defense. A ravid itself is not very powerful but is always accompanied by at least one animated object that defends it.

Positive Energy Lash (Su): A ravid can make a touch attack or hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target with positive energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in living creatures, and against undead foes (even incorporeal ones) it deals 2d10 points of damage.

Animate Objects (Su): Once per round, a random object within 20 feet of the ravid animates as though by the spell animate objects cast by a 20th-level cleric. These objects defend the ravid to the best of their ability, but the ravid isn't intelligent enough to give them specific commands.

Flight (Su): A ravid can fly as the spell cast by an 11th-level sorcerer, as a free action. A ravid that loses this ability falls and can perform only partial actions.

Feats: *Ravids have the Multiattack feat even through they do not have the requisite three natural weapons.

Remorhaz Huge Magical Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. 20 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural) Bite +13 melee Bite 2d8+12 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, swallow whole Heat, tremorsense Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 26, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +10, Spot +9 Power Attack Any cold land 1 7 None Usually neutral 8-10 HD (Huge); 11-21 HD (Gargantuan)

Remorhazes hide under the snow and ice until they hear movement above them, then attack from below and surprise prey.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the remorhaz must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage and can attempt to swallow the opponent.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A remorhaz can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of crushing damage plus 10d10 points of fire damage per round from the creature's blazing gut. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the remorhaz's gut (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The remorhaz's interior can hold two Large, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Heat (Ex): An enraged remorhaz generates heat so intense that anything touching its body takes 10d10 points of fire damage. This is usually enough to melt nonmagical weapons, but magic weapons get a Fortitude save (DC 18).

Tremorsense (Ex): A remorhaz can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Skills: Remorhazes receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks.

Roc Gargantuan Beast 18d10+126 (225) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) 14 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +21 melee, bite +16 melee Claw 2d6+12, bite 2d8+6 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Snatch Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +7 Str 34, Dex 15, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11 Listen +4, Spot +4* Temperate and warm mountains 1-2 9 None Always neutral 19-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33-54 (Colossal)

A roc attacks from the air, swooping earthward to snatch prey in its powerful talons and carry it off for itself and its young to devour. A solitary roc is typically hunting and will attack any Medium-size or larger creature that appears edible. A mated pair of rocs attack in concert, fighting to the death to defend their nests or hatchlings.

Snatch (Ex): A roc that hits a creature of at least Small size, but no larger than Huge, with a claw attack attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the roc achieves a hold, it can fly off with its prey and automatically make a bite attack each round in lieu of a claw attack. It can drop a snatched creature as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 90 feet and takes 9d6 points of damage. If the roc flings it while flying, the creature suffers this amount of damage or falling damage, whichever is greater.

Skills: *Rocs receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight hours.

Roper Large Magical Beast 10d10+30 (85) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 10 ft. 24 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +14 natural) 6 strands +11 ranged, bite +8 melee Strand (see text), bite 2d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (50 ft. with strand) Strands, attach, weakness Electricity immunity, cold resistance 30, firevulnerability, SR 28 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8 Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12 Climb +7, Hide +10*, Listen +13, Spot +13 Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Focus(strand) Any underground 1-6 10 No coins; 50% goods (stone only); no items Usually chaotic evil 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)

A roper hunts by standing very still and imitating a bit of rock. This usually allows it to attack with surprise. When it notices prey, it lashes out with its strands and bites adjacent opponents with its powerful maw.

Strands (Ex): Most encounters with a roper begin when it fires its strong, sticky strands. The creature has six such members that can strike up to 50 feet away (no range increment). A single attack with a slashing weapon that deals at least 10 points of damage severs a strand (AC 20).

Attach (Ex): If a roper hits with a strand attack, the strand latches onto the opponent's body. This deals no damage but draws the stuck opponent 10 feet closer each subsequent round (no attack of opportunity) unless that creature breaks free, which requires a successful Escape Artist check (DC 23) or Strength check (DC 19). The roper can draw in a creature within 10 feet of itself and bite with a +4 attack bonus, in that round.

Weakness (Ex): A roper's strands can sap an opponent's strength. Anyone caught by a strand must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) or take 2d8 points of temporary Strength damage.

Fire Vulnerability (Ex): A roper takes double damage from fire attacks unless a save is allowed for half damage. A successful save halves the damage and a failure doubles it.

Skills: *Ropers receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks in stony or icy areas.

Rust Monster Medium-Size Aberration 5d8+5 (27) +3 (Dex) 40 ft. 18 (+3 Dex, +5 natural) Antennae touch +3 melee, bite -2 melee Antennae touch rust, bite 1d3 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Rust Scent Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8 Listen +9, Spot +9 Alertness Any underground 1-2 3 None Always neutral 6-8 HD (Medium-size); 9-15 HD (Large)

A rust monster can scent a metal object up to 90 feet away, dashing toward the source and attempting to strike it with its antennae. The creature is relentless, chasing adventurers over long distances if they still possess intact metal objects but usually ceasing its attacks to devour a freshly rusted meal. A clever (or desperate) adventurer can often distract a hungry rust monster by tossing it some metal objects, then fleeing while it consumes them.

The creature targets the largest metal object available, striking first at armor, then shields and smaller items. It prefers ferrous metals (steel or iron) over precious metals (such as gold or silver) but will devour the latter if given the opportunity.

Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and becoming useless immediately. The size of the object is immaterial-a full suit of armor rusts away as quickly as a sword. Magic armor and weapons, and other enchanted items made of metal, must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) or be dissolved. A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster also corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic weapons are unaffected.

Sahuagin Medium-Size Humanoid (Aquatic) 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 60 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) Trident +3 melee, 2 rakes +1 melee, bite +1 melee; 2 rake slash +3 melee,2 claws +1 melee, bite +1 melee; heavy crossbow +2 ranged Trident 1d8+2 (20/x2), rake 1d4+1 (20/x2), rake slash 1d4+2 (20/x2), claw 1d2+1 (20/x2), bite 1d4+1 (20/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blood frenzy Speak with sharks, underwater sense, lightblindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 9 Animal Empathy +2, Hide +6*, Listen +7*, Profession(hunt) +2, Spot +7*, Survival +1* Multiattack Warm aquatic 1-2, 5-8 2 Standard Always lawful evil By character class

Sahuagin are savage fighters, asking for and giving no quarter. When swimming, a sahuagin rakes with its feet as it strikes with its claws or a weapon. About half of any group of sahuagin are also armed with nets.

Blood Frenzy: Once per day a sahuagin that takes damage in combat can fly into a frenzy the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitution and +2 Strength, and suffers a -2 AC penalty. The sahuagin cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.

Speak with Sharks (Ex): Sahuagin can communicate telepathically with sharks up to 150 feet away. The communication is limited to fairly simple concepts such as "food," "danger," and "enemy." Sahuagin can use Animal Empathy to befriend and train sharks.

Underwater Sense (Ex): A sahuagin can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability negates the effects of invisibility and poor visibility. It is less effective against creatures without central nervous systems, such as undead, oozes, and constructs; a sahuagin can locate such creatures only within a 15-foot radius. Sahuagin are not fooled by figments when underwater.

Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds sahuagin for 1 round. In addition to temporary blindness, they suffer a -1 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light.

Amphibious (Ex): Sahuagin can survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution.

Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A sahuagin fully immersed in freshwater must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or leave the water immediately. If the sahuagin fails and cannot escape, it suffers a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.

Skills: Sahuagin receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks. *Underwater, the bonus improves to +8. They receive a +8 bonus to Survival and Profession (hunt) checks within fifty miles of their homes.

A male sahuagin's favored class is ranger. Female sahuagin favor the cleric class. Sahuagin clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Strength, and War.

Sahuagin:Malenti Medium-Size Humanoid (Aquatic) 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 40 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) Trident +3 melee, 2 rakes +1 melee, bite +1 melee; 2 rake slash +3 melee,2 claws +1 melee, bite +1 melee; heavy crossbow +2 ranged Trident 1d8+2 (20/x2), rake 1d4+1 (20/x2), rake slash 1d4+2 (20/x2), claw 1d2+1 (20/x2), bite 1d4+1 (20/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blood frenzy Speak with sharks, underwater sense, light sensitivity, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 9 Animal Empathy +2, Hide +6*, Listen +7*, Profession(hunt) +2, Spot +7*, Survival +1* Multiattack Warm aquatic 1-2, 5-8 2 Standard Always lawful evil By character class

If a community of aquatic elves is located within a hundred miles of a sahuagin community, about one in one hundred sahuagin looks just like an aquatic elf. These creatures are called malenti.

Malenti are savage fighters, asking for and giving no quarter. When swimming, a sahuagin rakes with its feet as it strikes with its claws or a weapon. About half of any group of sahuagin are also armed with nets.

Blood Frenzy: Once per day a malenti that takes damage in combat can fly into a frenzy the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitution and +2 Strength, and suffers a -2 AC penalty. The malenti cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.

Speak with Sharks (Ex): Malenti can communicate telepathically with sharks up to 150 feet away. The communication is limited to fairly simple concepts such as "food," "danger," and "enemy." Malenti can use Animal Empathy to befriend and train sharks.

Underwater Sense (Ex): A malenti can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability negates the effects of invisibility and poor visibility. It is less effective against creatures without central nervous systems, such as undead, oozes, and constructs; a malenti can locate such creatures only within a 15-foot radius. Malenti are not fooled by figments when underwater.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Malenti suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Amphibious (Ex): Malenti can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution.

Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A malenti fully immersed in freshwater must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or leave the water immediately. If the malenti fails and cannot escape, it suffers a -1 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.

Skills: Malenti receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks. *Underwater, the bonus improves to +8. They receive a +8 bonus to Survival and Profession (hunt) checks within fifty miles of their homes.

A male malenti's favored class is ranger. Female malenti favor the cleric class. Malenti clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Strength, and War.

Sahuagin:Sahuagin Mutant Medium-Size Humanoid (Aquatic) 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 60 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) Trident +3 melee, 2 rakes +1 melee, bite +1 melee; 2 rake slash +3 melee,4 claws +1 melee, bite +1 melee; or heavy crossbow +2 ranged Trident 1d8+2 (20/x2), rake 1d4+1 (20/x2), rake slash 1d4+2 (20/x2), claw 1d2+1 (20/x2), bite 1d4+1 (20/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blood frenzy Speak with sharks, underwater sense, lightblindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 9 Animal Empathy +2, Hide +6*, Listen +7*, Profession(hunt) +2, Spot +7*, Survival +1* Multiattack Warm aquatic 1-2, 5-8, 2 Standard Always lawful evil By character class

About one in two hundred sahuagin has four arms.

Sahuagin mutants are savage fighters like regular sahuagin. When swimming, a sahuagin rakes with its feet as it strikes with its four claws or uses extra weapons.

Blood Frenzy: Once per day a sahuagin that takes damage in combat can fly into a frenzy the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +2 Constitution and +2 Strength, and suffers a -2 AC penalty. The sahuagin cannot end its frenzy voluntarily.

Speak with Sharks (Ex): Sahuagin can communicate telepathically with sharks up to 150 feet away. The communication is limited to fairly simple concepts such as "food," "danger," and "enemy." Sahuagin can use Animal Empathy to befriend and train sharks.

Underwater Sense (Ex): A sahuagin can locate creatures underwater within a 30-foot radius. This ability negates the effects of invisibility and poor visibility. It is less effective against creatures without central nervous systems, such as undead, oozes, and constructs; a sahuagin can locate such creatures only within a 15-foot radius. Sahuagin are not fooled by figments when underwater.

Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds sahuagin for 1 round. In addition to temporary blindness, they suffer a -1 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light.

Amphibious (Ex): Sahuagin can survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution.

Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A sahuagin fully immersed in freshwater must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or leave the water immediately. If the sahuagin fails and cannot escape, it suffers a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.

Skills: Sahuagin receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks. *Underwater, the bonus improves to +8. They receive a +8 bonus to Survival and Profession (hunt) checks within fifty miles of their homes.

A male sahuagin's favored class is ranger. Female sahuagin favor the cleric class. Sahuagin clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Strength, and War.

Orc:Half Orc Medium-Size Humanoid (Orc) 1d8 (4) +0 20 ft. 14 (+4 scale mail) Greataxe +2 melee; or javelin +1 ranged Greataxe 1d12+1 (18/x2); or javelin 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision 60 ft. Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8 Listen +2, Spot +2 Alertness Any land and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

A half-orc's favored class is barbarian.

Satyr Medium-Size Fey 5d6+5 (22) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Gore +2 melee, dagger -3 melee; or shortbow +3 ranged Gore 1d6 (20/x2), dagger 1d4 (19/x2); or shortbow 1d6 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13 Bluff +9, Hide +13, Listen +15, Move Silently +13,Perform +9, Spot +15 Alertness, Dodge, Mobility Temperate forest 1-11 2 Standard Usually chaotic neutral 6-10 HD (Medium-size)

Once engaged in battle, an unarmed satyr attacks with a powerful head butt. A satyr expecting trouble is likely to be armed with a bow and a dagger and typically looses arrows from hiding, weakening an enemy before closing.

Skills: Satyrs receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, and Spot checks.

Satyr with pipes Medium-Size Fey 5d6+5 (22) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Gore +2 melee, dagger -3 melee; or shortbow +3 ranged Gore 1d6 (20/x2), dagger 1d4 (19/x2); or shortbow 1d6 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Pipes Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13 Bluff +9, Hide +13, Listen +15, Move Silently +13,Perform +9, Spot +15 Alertness, Dodge, Mobility Temperate forest 1-11 4 Standard Usually chaotic neutral 6-10 HD (Medium-size)

Once engaged in battle, an unarmed satyr attacks with a powerful head butt. A satyr expecting trouble is likely to be armed with a bow and a dagger and typically looses arrows from hiding, weakening an enemy before closing.

Pipes (Su): Satyrs can play a variety of magical tunes on their pan pipes. Usually, only one satyr in a group carries pipes. When it plays, all creatures within a 60-foot spread (except satyrs) must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or be affected by charm person, sleep, or fear, as the spells cast by a 10th-level sorcerer (the satyr chooses the tune and its effect). In the hands of other beings, these pipes have no special powers. A creature that successfully saves against any of the pipe's effects cannot be affected by the same set of pipes again for one day. A satyr often uses its pipes to charm and seduce especially comely women or to put a party of adventurers to sleep and then steal their valuables.

Skills: Satyrs receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, and Spot checks.

Sea Lion Large Beast 6d10+18 (51) +1 (Dex) Swim 40 ft. 18 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural) 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee Claw 1d6+4, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Rend 2d6+6 Scent Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 10 Listen +7, Spot +7 Temperate and warm aquatic 1-2, 5-12 4 None Always neutral 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)

Rend (Ex): A sea lion that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This automatically deals an additional 2d6+6 points of damage.

Shadow Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal) 3d12 (19) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) 13 (+2 Dex, +1 deflection) Incorporeal touch +3 melee Incorporeal touch 1d6 temporary Strength 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Strength damage, create spawn Undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13 Hide +8, survival +5, Listen +7, Spot +7 Any land and underground 1-11 3 None Always chaotic evil 4-9 HD (Medium-size)

Strength Damage (Su): The touch of a shadow deals 1d6 points of temporary Strength damage to a living foe. A creature reduced to Strength 0 by a shadow dies.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid reduced to Strength 0 by a shadow becomes a shadow under the control of its killer within 1d4 rounds.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Incorporeal: Can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or magic, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. Can pass through solid objects at will, and own attacks pass through armor. Always moves silently.

Shadow Mastiff Medium-Size Outsider (Evil) 4d8+12 (30) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +7 melee Bite 1d6+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Bay, trip Shadow blend, scent Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 13 Listen +8, Spot +8, Survival +7* Dodge, Improved Initiative, improved trip Any land and underground 1-2, 5-12 5 None Always neutral evil 5-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large)

Bay (Su): When a shadow mastiff howls or barks, all creatures except evil outsiders within a 300-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 13) or become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to that mastiff's bay for one day.

Trip (Ex): A shadow mastiff that hits with its bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the shadow mastiff.

Shadow Blend (Su): During any conditions other than full daylight, a shadow mastiff can disappear into the shadows, giving it nine-tenths concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability. A daylight spell, however, will.

Skills: A shadow mastiff receives a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Shambling Mound Large Plant 8d8+24 (60) +0 20 ft. 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) 2 slams +10 melee Slam 2d6+5 5 ft by 5 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, constrict 2d6+7 Plant, electricity immunity, fire resistance 30 Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 9 Hide +0*, Listen +4, Move Silently +4 Temperate and warm forest, marsh, andunderground 1 6 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the shambler must hit an opponent of up to Large size with both arm attacks. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A shambler deals 2d6+7 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Large or smaller creatures. The shambler can still move but cannot take any attack actions when constricting.

Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Electricity Immunity (Ex): Shamblers take no damage from electricity. Instead, any electrical attack (such as shocking grasp or lightning bolt) used against a shambler grants it 1d4 points of temporary Constitution. The shambler loses these points at the rate of 1 per hour.

Skills: Shamblers receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Move Silently checks. *They receive a +12 bonus to Hide checks when in a swampy or forested area.

Shield Guardian Large Construct 15d10 (82) +0 30 ft. 24 (-1 size, +15 natural) Slam +16/+11/+6 melee Slam 1d8+9 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell storing Construct, fast healing 5, shield other, guard, find master Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 22, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 8 None Always neutral 16-24 HD (Large); 25-45 HD (Huge)

A shield guardian when fashioned is keyed to a particular amulet. Henceforth, it regards the wearer of that amulet to be its master, protecting and following that person everywhere (unless specifically commanded not to do so).

Spell Storing (Sp): The shield guardian can store one spell of 4th level or lower that is cast into it by another creature. It "casts" this spell when commanded or when a predetermined situation arises. Once this is used, it can store another spell (or the same spell).

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Shield Other (Sp): The wearer of the keyed amulet can activate this defensive ability if within 100 feet of the shield guardian. Just as the spell of the same name, this transfers to the guardian half the damage that would be dealt to the amulet wearer (this ability does not provide the spell's AC or save bonuses, but see below).

Guard (Ex): The shield guardian moves swiftly to defend the amulet wearer by its side, blocking blows and disrupting foes. All attacks against the amulet wearer suffer a -2 deflection penalty.

Find Master (Su): No matter the distance, as long as they are on the same plane, the shield guardian can find the amulet wearer (or just the amulet, if it is removed after the guardian is called).

A shield guardian costs 100,000 gp to create. This cost includes the construct's physical body, the keyed amulet, and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of them. This cost includes 1,000 gp for the body and 500 gp for the amulet.

Creating the body requires a successful Profession (engineering) or Craft (sculpture) check (DC 16).

The second requirement is creating the keyed amulet from bronze, which requires a successful Craft (metalworking) check (DC 12).

After the body and amulet are fashioned, the creature must be animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a week to complete. Understanding the ritual requires a 12th-level character with the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom. The chamber is similar to both an alchemist's laboratory and a smithy and costs 1,000 gp to establish.

When not working on the ritual, the character must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If personally constructing the creature's body, the creator can perform the building and ritual together. If the creator misses a day of the ritual, the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The shield guardian's body can be reused, as can the chamber.

Completing the ritual drains 2,000 XP from the creator and requires limited wish, locate object, make whole, shield, and shield other, which must be cast on the final day of the ritual. The creator must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.


If the keyed amulet is destroyed, the guardian ceases to function until a new one is created. If the wearer dies but the amulet is intact, the shield guardian carries out the last command given.

Shocker Lizard Small Magical Beast 2d10+2 (13) +2 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Stunning shock, lethal shock Electricity sense, electricity immunity Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6 Climb +12, Hide +11, Jump +4, Listen +4, Spot +4 Alertness Warm aquatic, marsh, and underground 1-11 2 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

A shocker lizard relies on its electrical abilities in combat. A lizard tends to bite only after its shock has rendered an opponent unconscious or when the shock seems to have no effect at all. Lone lizards flee once they deliver their shocks, but if others are nearby, they all home in on their comrade's discharges and administer deadly shocks to the foe.

Stunning Shock (Su): Once per round, a shocker lizard can deliver an electrical shock to a single opponent within 5 feet. This attack deals 2d8 points of subdual damage to living opponents (Reflex half DC 12).

Lethal Shock (Su): Whenever two or more shocker lizards are within 25 feet of each other, they can work together to create a lethal shock. This effect has a radius of 25 feet, centered on any one contributing lizard. The shock deals 2d8 points of damage for each lizard contributing to it (Reflex half DC 10 + number of lizards contributing).

Electricity Sense (Ex): Shocker lizards automatically detect any electrical discharges within 100 feet.

Skills: Shocker lizards receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks due to their coloration.

Skum Medium-Size Aberration (Aquatic) 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 40 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +5 melee, 2 claws +0 melee, 2 rakes +0 melee Bite 2d6+4 (20/x2), claw 1d4+2 (20/x2), rake 1d6+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3 Str 19, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6 Climb +9, Hide +6*, Listen +7*, Move Silently +3,Spot +7* Alertness Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 2-15 2 None Always lawful evil 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

Skum can breathe both air and water. They speak Aquan.

In the water, skum are dangerous enemies who attack by biting, clawing, and raking with their rear legs. On land they are less dangerous, for they cannot rake and suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls. Skum serving an aboleth are sometimes trained to fight with weapons, usually two-handed melee weapons with reach (such as longspears) and simple ranged weapons such as javelins, tridents, or slings.

Skills: *Skum receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks underwater.

Spectre Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal) 7d12 (45) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (good) 15 (+3 Dex, +2 deflection) Incorporeal touch +6 melee Incorporeal touch 1d8 and energy drain 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Energy drain, create spawn Undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance,unnatural aura, sunlight powerlessness Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7 Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15 Hide +13, Intimidate +12, survival +10, Listen +13, Search +10, Spot +13 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-4, 6-11 7 None Always lawful evil 8-14 HD (Medium-size)

In close combat a spectre attacks with its numbing, life-draining touch. It makes full use of its incorporeal nature, moving through walls, ceilings, and floors as it attacks.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a spectre's incorporeal touch attack receive two negative levels. The Fortitude save to remove a negative level has a DC of 15.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a spectre becomes a spectre in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the spectre that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Incorporeal: Can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or magic, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. Can pass through solid objects at will, and own attacks pass through armor. Always moves silently.

Unnatural Aura (Su): Both wild and domesticated animals can sense the unnatural presence of a spectre at a distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex): Spectres are utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it. A spectre caught in sunlight cannot attack and can take only partial actions.

Spider Eater Huge Magical Beast 4d10+20 (42) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 13 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) Sting +7 melee, bite +2 melee Sting 1d8+5 (20/x2) poison, bite 1d8+2 (20/x2) 10 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Poison, implant Freedom of movement, scent Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +7, Spot +7 Dodge Temperate and warm land and underground 1 5 None Always neutral 5-12 HD (Huge)

A spider eater attacks with its venomous sting and powerful mandibles. Its usual tactic is to deliver a sting, then back off, hovering out of reach until the venom takes effect. Spider eaters do not like to give up their prey, and foes who harry them with spells or ranged attacks provoke a determined counterattack.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 17); initial damage none, secondary damage paralysis for 1d8+5 weeks.

Implant (Ex): Female spider eaters lay their eggs inside paralyzed creatures of Huge or larger size. The young emerge about six weeks later, literally devouring the host from inside.

Freedom of Movement (Su): Spider eaters have freedom of movement as though from the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. The effect can be dispelled, but the spider eater can create it again the next round as a free action. When the spider eater serves as a mount, this effect does not extend to its rider.

Skills: Spider eaters receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Training a spider eater as an aerial mount requires a successful Handle Animal check (DC 24 for a young creature, or DC 29 for an adult). A spider eater matures in six months.

Spider eater eggs are worth 2,000 gp apiece on the open market, while young are worth 3,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 3,000 gp to rear or train a spider eater. Riding a trained spider eater requires an exotic saddle. A spider eater can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a spider eater is up to 612 pounds; a medium load, 613-1,224 pounds; and a heavy load, 1,225-1,840 pounds.

Stirge Tiny Beast 1d10 (5) +4 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 16 (+2 size, +4 Dex) Touch +6 melee Touch 1d3-4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Attach, blood drain Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +14 Weapon Finesse (touch) Temperate and warm forest and underground 2-13 1/2 None Always neutral

A stirge attacks by landing on a victim, finding a vulnerable spot, and plunging its proboscis into the flesh. This is a touch attack and can target only Small or larger creatures.

Attach (Ex): If a stirge hits with a touch attack, it uses its eight pincers to latch onto the opponent's body. An attached stirge has an AC of 12.

Blood Drain (Ex): A stirge drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage each round it remains attached. Once it has drained 4 points of Constitution, it detaches and flies off to digest the meal.

Tarrasque Colossal Magical Beast 48d10+576 (840) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft. 35 (-8 size, +3 Dex, +30 natural) Bite +57 melee, 2 horns +52 melee, 2 claws +52 melee,tail slap +52 melee Bite 4d8+17, horn 1d10+8, claw 1d12+8, tail slap 3d8+8 40 ft. by 40 ft./25 ft. Frightful presence, rush, improved grab, swallowwhole, augmented criticals Damage reduction 25/+5, carapace, immunities,regeneration 40, scent, SR 32, fire immunity Fort +38, Ref +29, Will +20 Str 45, Dex 16, Con 35, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 14 Listen +21, Spot +21 Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,Iron Will Any land 1 20 None Always neutral 49+ HD (Colossal)

Frightful Presence (Su): The tarrasque can inspire terror by charging or attacking. Affected creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 26) or become shaken, remaining shaken until they leave the area of effect.

Rush (Ex): Once per minute, the normally slow-moving tarrasque can move at a speed of 150 feet.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the tarrasque must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the foe.

Swallow Whole (Ex): The tarrasque can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+8 points of crushing damage plus 2d8+6 points of acid damage per round from the tarrasque's digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to the tarrasque's digestive tract (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The tarrasque's gullet can hold two Huge, four Large, eight Medium-size, or sixteen Small or smaller creatures.

Augmented Criticals (Ex): The tarrasque threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage on a successful critical hit.

Carapace (Ex): The tarrasque's armorlike carapace is exceptionally tough and highly reflective, deflecting all rays, lines, cones, and even magic missile spells. There is a 30% chance of reflecting any such effect back at the caster; otherwise, it is merely negated. Check for reflection before rolling to overcome the creature's spell resistance.

Immunities (Ex): The tarrasque has fire, poison, and disease immunity.

Regeneration (Ex): No form of attack deals normal damage to the tarrasque. The tarrasque regenerates even if disintegrated or slain with death magic: These attack forms merely reduce it to -10 hit points. It is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as a sword of wounding, mummy rot, or a clay golem's wound ability. The tarrasque can be permanently slain only by reducing it to -30 hit points and using a wish or miracle spell to keep it dead. If the tarrasque loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes (the detached piece dies and decays normally). The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

Skills: The tarrasque receives a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Tendriculos Huge Plant 9d8+54 (94) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 16 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +9 natural) Bite +13 melee, 2 tendrils +8 melee Bite 2d8+9, tendril 1d6+4 10 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft. Improved grab, swallow whole, paralysis Plant, regeneration 10 Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 28, Dex 9, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 3 Temperate and warm forest, hill, and marsh 1 6 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 10-16 HD (Huge); 17-27 HD (Gargantuan)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the tendriculos must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage and can try to swallow the opponent. A tendriculos that hits with a tendril attack grabs as above. If it gets a hold, it picks up the opponent and transfers it to the mouth as a partial action, automatically dealing bite damage as above.

Swallow Whole/Paralysis (Ex): A tendriculos can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside the plant's mass, the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds by the tendriculos's digestive juices, taking 2d6 points of acid damage per round. A new save is required each round inside the plant. A swallowed creature that avoids paralysis can climb out of the mass with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the plant's maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the tendriculos's interior (AC 15). Once the creature exits, the plant's amazing regenerative capacity closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must again cut its own way out. The tendriculos's interior can hold two Large, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Regeneration (Ex): Bludgeoning weapons and acid deal normal damage to a tendriculos. A tendriculos that loses part of its body mass can regrow it in 1d6 minutes. Holding the severed portion against the mass enables it to reattach instantly.

Thoqqua Medium-Size Elemental (Earth, Fire) 3d8+3 (16) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. 18 (+1 Dex, +7 natural) Slam +4 melee Slam 3d6+3 fire (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Heat, burn Fire subtype, tremorsense Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 10 survival +4, Jump +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +5 Any underground 1-2 2 None Usually neutral 4-9 HD (Large)

When a thoqqua is disturbed, its first instinct is to attack. Its favored tactic is to spring directly at a foe, either by bursting out of the rock or by coiling up its body and launching itself like a spring. In either case, treat the maneuver as a charge.

Heat (Ex): Merely touching or being touched by a thoqqua automatically deals 2d6 fire damage.

Burn (Ex): When a thoqqua hits with its slam attack, the opponent must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds if not extinguished sooner. The burning creature can use a full-round action to put out the flame.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Tremorsense (Ex): Thoqquas can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Titan Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Good) 20d8+120 (210) +1 (Dex) 90 ft. 22 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural) Gargantuan warhammer +31/+26/+21/+16 melee; or Huge javelin +19/+14/+9/+4 ranged Gargantuan warhammer 4d6+19; or Huge javelin 2d6+13 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Spell-like abilities, spells Damage reduction 15/+1, SR 25 Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +17 Str 37, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 21, Wis 20, Cha 18 Bluff +27, Climb +21, Concentration +29, Craft (any one) +27, Jump +36, Knowledge (any one) +28, Knowledge (religion) +28, Listen +30, Perform +27, Sense Motive +28, Spot +30, Swim +36 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave,Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2 21 Triple standard Always chaotic good 21-30 HD (Huge); 31-60 HD (Gargantuan)

Titans speak Common, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, and Sylvan.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: alter self, bless, charm person or animal, commune with nature, cure light wounds, eyebite, fire storm, halt undead, hold monster, invisibility, levitate, light, magic circle against evil, mirror image, pass without trace, persistent image, produce flame, summon nature's ally II, remove curse, remove fear, shield, speak with plants, summon swarm, and whispering wind; 2/day-astral projection and etherealness. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level). Once every other round, a titan can use holy smite as a 20th-level cleric.

Spells: A titan can use arcane spells as a 20th-level wizard or divine spells as a 20th-level cleric, from the cleric list and from the Chaos and Good domains.

Treant Huge Plant 7d8+35 (66) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 20 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +13 natural) 2 slams +12 melee Slam 2d6+9 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Animate trees, trample, double damage againstobjects Plant, fire vulnerability, half damage frompiercing Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +6 Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12 Hide -9*, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (any one) +8, Listen +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +9, Survival +9 Iron Will, Power Attack Any forest 1, 4-7 8 Standard Always neutral good 8-16 HD (Huge); 17-21 HD (Gargantuan)

Treants speak their own language, plus Common and Sylvan.

Treants prefer to watch potential foes carefully before attacking. They often charge suddenly from cover to trample the despoilers of forests. If sorely pressed, they animate trees as reinforcements.

Animate Trees (Sp): A treant can animate trees within 180 feet at will, controlling up to two trees at a time. It takes a full round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter it moves at a speed of 10 and fights as a treant in all respects. Animated trees lose their ability to move if the treant who animated them is incapacitated or moves out of range. The ability is otherwise similar to liveoak as cast by a 12th-level druid.

Trample (Ex): A treant or animated tree can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for 2d12+5 points of damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the treant or animated tree can attempt a Reflex save (DC 20) to halve the damage.

Double Damage against Objects (Ex): A treant or animated tree that makes a full attack against an object or structure deals double damage.

Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Fire Vulnerability (Ex): A treant or animated tree takes double damage from fire attacks unless the attack allows a save, in which case it takes double damage on a failure and no damage on a success.

Half Damage from Piercing (Ex): Piercing weapons deal only half damage to treants, with a minimum of 1 point of damage.

Skills: Treants receive skills as though they were fey*. They have a +16 racial bonus to Hide checks made in forested areas.

Triton Medium-Size Outsider (Water) 3d8+3 (16) +0 Swim 40 ft. 16 (+6 natural) Trident +4 melee; or heavy crossbow +3 ranged Trident 1d8+1; or heavy crossbow 1d10 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 11 Craft (any one) +4, Hide +6, Listen +7, Ride +6, Spot +7 Mounted Combat Any aquatic 2-11, 20-80 4 Standard Always neutral good 4-9 HD (Medium-size)

Tritons speak Common and Aquan.

Spell-Like Abilities: A triton can use summon nature's ally III once per day as the spell cast by a 5th-level sorcerer, often choosing water elementals for their companions.

Troglodyte Medium-Size Humanoid (Reptilian) 2d8+4 (13) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (-1 Dex, +6 natural) Club +1 melee, bite -1 melee; 2 claws +1 melee, bite -1 melee; javelin +1 ranged Club 1d8 (20/x2), bite 1d4 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2); or javelin 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Stench, darkvision 90 ft. Fort +5, Ref -1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10 Hide +6*, Listen +3 Multiattack, Weapon Focus (javelin) Any mountains and underground 2-5, 6-11 plus 1-2 giant lizard 1 50% coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always chaotic evil By character class

Troglodytes speak Draconic.

Half of a group of troglodytes are armed only with claws and teeth; the rest carry one or two javelins and longspears. They normally conceal themselves, launch a volley of javelins, then close to attack. If the battle goes against them, they retreat and attempt to hide.

Stench (Ex): When a troglodyte is angry or frightened, it secretes an oily, musklike chemical that nearly every form of animal life finds offensive. All creatures (except troglodytes) within 30 feet of the trog must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be overcome with nausea. This lasts for 10 rounds and deals 1d6 points of temporary Strength damage.

Skills: The skin of a troglodyte changes color somewhat, allowing it to blend in with surroundings like a chameleon and conferring a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks. *In rocky or subterranean settings, this bonus improves to +8.

A troglodyte's favored class is cleric. Troglodyte clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Evil.

Troll Large Giant 6d8+36 (63) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural) 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee Claw 1d6+6, bite 1d6+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rend 2d6+9 Regeneration 5, scent, darkvision 90 ft. Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 Listen +5, Spot +5 Alertness, Iron Will Any land and underground 1-4 5 Standard Always chaotic evil By character class

Trolls speak Giant.

Trolls have no fear of death: They launch themselves into combat without hesitation, flailing wildly at the closest opponent. Even when confronted with fire, they try to get around the flames and attack.

Rend (Ex): If a troll hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+9 points of damage.

Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal damage to a troll. If a troll loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

Unicorn Large Magical Beast 4d10+20 (42) +3 (Dex) 60 ft. 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural) Horn +11 melee, 2 hooves +3 melee Horn 1d8+8, hooves 1d4+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with horn) Magic circle against evil, spell-likeabilities, immunities Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +6 Str 20, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 24 Animal Empathy +11, Listen +11, Move Silently +9, Spot +11, Survival +9* Alertness Temperate forest 1-6 3 None Always chaotic good 5-8 HD (Large)

Evil and unscrupulous beings sometimes hunt a unicorn for its horn, which can fetch up to 2,000 gp, for use in various healing potions and devices.

Unicorns speak Sylvan and Common.

They either charge, impaling foes with their horns like lances, or strike with their hooves. The horn is a +3 magic weapon, though its power fades if removed from the unicorn.

Magic Circle against Evil (Su): This ability continuously duplicates the effects of the spell. The unicorn cannot suppress this ability.

Spell-Like Abilities: Unicorns can detect evil at will as a free action. Once per day a unicorn can use teleport without error to move anywhere within its home. It cannot teleport beyond the forest boundaries nor back from outside. A unicorn can use cure light wounds three times per day and cure moderate wounds once per day, as cast by a 5th-level druid, by touching a wounded creature with its horn. Once per day it can use neutralize poison, as cast by an 8th-level druid, with a touch of its horn.

Immunities (Ex): Unicorns are immune to all poisons and to charm and hold spells or abilities.

Skills: *Unicorns receive a +3 competence bonus to Wilderness Lore checks within the boundaries of their forest.

Vampire Spawn Medium-Size Undead 4d12 (26) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +5 melee Slam 1d6+4 and energy drain 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Charm, energy drain, blood drain Undead, +2 turn resistance, damage reduction 10/silver, cold and electricity resistance 10, gaseous form, spider climb, fast healing 2 Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 14 Bluff +8, Climb +8, Craft (any one) or Profession (anyone) +10, Hide +10, Jump +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +11, Search +8, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11 Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,Skill Focus (any Craft or Profession) Any land and underground 1-5 4 Standard Always chaotic evil

Vampire spawn speak Common.

Vampire spawn use their inhuman strength when engaging mortals, hammering their foes with powerful blows and dashing them against rocks or walls. They also use their gaseous form and flight abilities to strike where opponents are most vulnerable.

Charm (Su): This is similar to the vampire's domination ability, but the save DC is 14, and the effect is similar to charm person as cast by a 5th-level sorcerer. A charmed subject allows the vampire spawn to drain his or her blood (see below).

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a vampire spawn's slam attack receive one negative level. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 14.

Blood Drain (Ex): A vampire spawn can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent Constitution drain each round.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a vampire spawn can assume gaseous form at will, as the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer, but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Spider Climb (Ex): A vampire spawn can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire spawn heals 2 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. Once at rest in its coffin, it regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then resumes healing at the rate of 2 hit points per round.

Slaying (Ex): Vampire spawn are equally vulnerable to attacks which slay vampires. Exposing a vampire spawn to direct sunlight disorients it: It can take only partial actions and is destroyed utterly on the next round if it cannot escape. Similarly, immersing a vampire spawn in running water robs it of one-third of its hit points each round until it is destroyed at the end of the third round.

Skills: Vampire spawn receive a +4 racial bonus to Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

Vargouille Small Outsider (Evil) 1d8+1 (5) +1 (Dex) Fly 30 ft. (good) 12 (+1 size, +1 Dex) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Shriek, poison, kiss Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 8 Listen +4, Spot +3 Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 2-11 2 None Always neutral evil 2-3 HD (Small)

Shriek (Su): Instead of biting, a vargouille can open its distended mouth and let out a terrible shriek. Those within 60 feet (except other vargouilles) who both hear the shriek and can clearly see the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be paralyzed with fear until the monster attacks them, goes out of range, or leaves their sight. A paralyzed creature is susceptible to the vargouille's kiss. If the save is successful, that opponent cannot be affected again by that vargouille's shriek for one day.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 12) or be unable to heal the bite damage naturally or magically. A neutralize poison or heal spell removes the effect, while delay poison allows magical healing.

Kiss (Su): A vargouille can kiss a paralyzed target with a successful melee touch attack, beginning a terrible transformation. The affected opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or begin to transform, losing all his or her hair 1d6 hours later. After another 1d6 hours, the ears grow into leathery wings, tentacles sprout on the chin and scalp, and the teeth become long, pointed fangs. During the next 1d6 hours, the victim suffers 1d6 points of permanent Intelligence and Charisma drain. The transformation is complete 1d6 hours later, when the head breaks free of the body (which promptly dies) and becomes a vargouille. This transformation is interrupted by sunlight, and even a daylight spell can delay death, but to reverse the transformation requires remove disease.

Wight Medium-Size Undead 4d12 (26) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +3 melee Slam 1d4+1 and energy drain 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Energy drain, create spawn Undead Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15 Climb +5, Hide +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +16, Search +7, Spot +8 Blind-Fight Any land and underground 1-11 3 None Always lawful evil 5-8 HD (Medium-size)

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wight's slam attack receive one negative level. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 14.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the wight that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Skills: Wights receive a +8 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.

Will-o'-wisp Small Aberration (Air) 9d8 (40) +13 (+9 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 50 ft. (perfect) 29 (+1 size, +9 Dex, +9 deflection) Shock +16 melee Shock 2d8 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell immunity, natural invisibility Fort +3, Ref +12, Will +9 Str -, Dex 29, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 12 Bluff +11, Listen +17, Search +14, Spot +17 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative Any swamp 1-4 6 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always chaotic evil 10-18 HD (Small)

Spell Immunity (Ex): The only spells that can affect will-o'-wisps are magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic missile, maze, protection from chaos, and protection from evil.

Natural Invisibility (Ex): A startled or frightened will-o'-wisp can extinguish its glow, effectively becoming invisible as the spell.

Winter Wolf Large Magical Beast (Cold) 6d10+18 (51) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +9 melee Bite 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, trip Scent, cold subtype Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 18, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 10 Hide +6*, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Spot +9,Survival +1* Alertness, Improved Initiative Any cold land and underground 1-5 5 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral evil 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)

Winter wolves can speak Giant and Common.

Winter wolves typically hunt in packs. Their size, cunning, and formidable breath weapon allow them to hunt and kill creatures much larger than themselves. A pack usually circles an opponent, each wolf attacking in turn to exhaust it. If they're in a hurry, white wolves try to pin their foes.

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of cold, 15 ft., every 1d4 rounds; damage 4d6, Reflex half DC 16. Winter wolves can use their breath weapon while biting.

Trip (Ex): A winter wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the winter wolf.

Cold Subtype: Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Winter wolves receive a +1 racial bonus to Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks, and a +2 racial bonus to Hide checks. *Their natural coloration grants winter wolves a +7 racial bonus to Hide checks in areas of snow and ice. A winter wolf has a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Worg Medium-Size Magical Beast 4d10+8 (30) +2 (Dex) 50 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +7 melee Bite 1d6+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Trip Scent Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 10 Hide +7, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Spot +9, Survival +2* Alertness,improved trip Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains 1-2, 6-11 2 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral evil 5-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large)

More intelligent than their smaller cousins, worgs speak their own language. Some can also speak Common and Goblin.

Mated pairs work together to bring down large game, while lone worgs usually chase down creatures smaller than themselves. Both often use hit-and-run tactics to exhaust their quarry. A pack usually circles a larger opponent: Each wolf attacks in turn, biting and retreating, until the creature is exhausted, at which point the pack moves in for the kill. If they get impatient or heavily outnumber the opponent, worgs attempt to pin it.

Trip (Ex): A worg that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the worg.

Skills: A worg receives a +1 racial bonus to Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks, and a +2 racial bonus to Hide checks. A worg has a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Wraith Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal) 5d12 (32) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 15 (+3 Dex, +2 deflection) Incorporeal touch +5 melee Incorporeal touch 1d4 and 1d6 permanent Constitution drain 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Constitution drain, create spawn Undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance,unnatural aura, daylight powerlessness Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6 Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15 Hide +11, Intimidate +10, survival +6, Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-11 5 None Always lawful evil 6-10 HD (Medium-size)

Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wraith's incorporeal touch attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer 1d6 points of permanent Constitution drain.

Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wraith becomes a wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the wraith that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Unnatural Aura (Su): Both wild and domesticated animals can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Incorporeal: Can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or magic, with a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. Can pass through solid objects at will, and own attacks pass through armor. Always moves silently.

Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Wraiths are utterly powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee from it.

Wyvern Huge Dragon 7d12+14 (59) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) 17 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural) Sting +9 melee, bite +4 melee, 2 wings +4 melee; 2 claws +9 melee Sting 1d6+4 (20/x2) poison, bite 2d8+2 (20/x2), wing 1d8+2 (20/x2); claw 1d6+4 (20/x2) 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Poison, improved grab, snatch Scent Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 9 Listen +13, Move Silently +9, Spot +13* Alertness, Flyby Attack Temperate and warm forest, hill, andmountains 1-6 6 Standard Usually neutral 8-10 HD (Huge); 11-21 HD (Gargantuan)

Some wyverns speak Draconic, but most are too stupid to understand any language.

A wyvern can slash with its claws only when making a flyby attack, and it cannot make bite, sting, or wing attacks.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 17); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Constitution.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the wyvern must hit with both claw attacks. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Snatch (Ex): If a wyvern gets a hold on a creature four or more sizes smaller, it automatically deals damage with both claws and its sting attacks each round the hold is maintained. The wyvern can drop a creature it has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 30 feet and takes 3d6 points of damage. If the wyvern flings it while flying, the creature suffers this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.

Skills: *Wyverns receive a +3 racial bonus to Spot checks when flying during daylight hours.

Xill Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 5d8+10 (32) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 20 (+3 Dex, +7 natural) a short sword +7 melee,another short sword +7 melee, a claw +2 melee, another claw +2 melee;2 a claw +7 melee,2 another claw +7 melee; 2 longbows +8 ranged;longbows +8 ranged a short sword 1d6+2 (19/x2), another short sword 1d6+1 (19/x2), a claw 1d4+1 (20/x2); another claw 1d4+2 (20/x2), longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, paralysis, implant SR 21, planewalk Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 15, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 11 Escape Artist +11, survival +6, Listen +9, Move Silently +11, Spot +9, Tumble +11 Improved Initiative, Multiweapon Fighting,improved grapple, Any land and underground 1-5 6 Standard Always lawful evil 6-8 HD (Medium-size); 9-15 HD (Large)

Xills are dangerous opponents, attacking with all four limbs at no penalty. More civilized ones use weapons, usually fighting with two at a time so as to leave two claws free for grab attacks.

Xills typically lie in wait on the Ethereal Plane for suitable prey to happen by, then ambush it using their planewalk ability. They make full use of their Tumble skill in combat: Usually, one or two distract physically powerful enemies by attacking, then assuming a defensive stance while their fellows maneuver to advantage.

Xills seldom destroy enemies in combat but take prisoners whenever they can, dragging them back to the Ethereal Plane and implanting them with eggs.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the xill must hit with one or more claw attacks. The grapple check has a +2 bonus for each claw that hits. If it gets a hold and maintains it the next round, it automatically bites the foe at that time. The bite deals no damage but injects a paralyzing venom.

Paralysis (Ex): Those bitten by a xill must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 1d4 hours. Barbaric xills secrete enough venom to bite two opponents every 6 hours, while their civilized cousins can bite only once per day.

Planewalk (Su): These planar travelers like to slip between the folds of space to attack enemies as though from thin air. They can cross from the Ethereal Plane with a move action but take 2 rounds to cross back, during which time they are immobile. As a xill fades away, it becomes harder to hit: Opponents suffer a 20% miss chance on the first round and a 50% miss chance on the second.

Implant (Ex): Xills lay their eggs inside paralyzed creatures. The young emerge about 90 days later, literally devouring the host from inside. A remove disease spell rids a victim of the egg, as does a successful Heal check (DC 20) by someone with that skill. If the check fails, the healer can try again, but each attempt (successful or not) deals 1d4 points of damage to the patient.

Xill clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Strength, and Travel.

Yeth Hound Medium-Size Outsider (Evil) 3d8+6 (19) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 70 ft. (good) 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural) Bite +6 melee Bite 1d8+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Bay, trip Scent, flight, damage reduction 10/silver Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 10 Listen +8, Spot +8, Survival +8* Improved Initiative,improved trip, Any land and underground 1-2, 6-11 3 None Always neutral evil 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-9 HD (Large)

Bay (Su): When a yeth hound howls or barks, all creatures except other evil outsiders within a 300-foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 12) or become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect. Whether or not the save is successful, an affected creature is immune to that hound's bay for one day.

Trip (Ex): A yeth hound that hits with its bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the yeth hound.

Flight (Su): A yeth hound can fly as the spell cast by an 11th-level sorcerer, as a free action. A yeth hound that loses this ability falls and can perform only partial actions.

Skills: *A yeth hound receives a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent.

Yrthak Huge Magical Beast 12d10+36 (102) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) 18 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural) Bite +15 melee, 2 claws +13 melee Bite 2d8+5, claw 1d6+2 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Sonic lance +12 ranged touch, explosion, snatch Blindsight, sonic vulnerability Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +5 Str 20, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 11 Listen +19, Move Silently +10 Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Multiattack Any hill and mountains 1-4 9 None Often neutral 13-16 HD (Huge); 17-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Despite their intelligence, yrthaks do not speak.

An yrthak prefers to attack from the air, strafing the ground with sonic attacks or snatching up and dropping prey (eventually landing to devour the flattened mess).

Sonic Lance (Su): Every 2 rounds, an yrthak can focus sonic energy in a ray up to 60 feet long. This is a ranged touch attack that deals 6d6 points of damage to a single target.

Explosion (Su): The yrthak can fire its sonic lance at the ground, a large rock, a stone wall, or the like to create an explosion of shattered stone. This attack deals 2d6 points of piercing damage to all within 10 feet of the effect's center. This counts as a use of the sonic lance and thus is usable only once every 2 rounds, and never on a round following a sonic lance attack.

Snatch (Ex): An yrthak that hits a Medium-size or smaller creature with a claw attack attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can fly off with its prey and deal automatic claw damage, though it prefers to drop victims from a height. It can drop a snatched creature as a free action, which deals normal falling damage if the yrthak is flying.

Blindsight (Ex): An yrthak can ascertain all foes within 120 feet. Beyond that range it is considered blinded. Yrthaks are invulnerable to gaze attacks, visual effects of spells such as illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. An yrthak whose sense of hearing is impaired is effectively blind, treating all targets as totally concealed.

Sonic Vulnerability (Ex): Yrthaks are affected by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and are more susceptible to sound-based attacks, suffering a -2 racial penalty to all saves.

Skills: Yrthaks receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks.

Animal:Ape Large Animal 4d8+8 (26) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee Claw 1d6+5 (20/x2), bite 1d6+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7 Climb +18, Listen +6, Spot +6 Warm forest and mountains 1-5 2 None Always neutral 5-8 HD (Large) Animal:Baboon Medium-Size Animal 1d8+1 (5) +2 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 30 ft. 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +2 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4 Climb +13, Listen +5, Spot +5 Warm desert and plains 1, 10-40 1/2 None Always neutral 2-3 HD (Medium-size) Animal:Badger Tiny Animal 1d8+2 (6) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex) 2 claws +5 melee, bite +0 melee Claw 1d2-1, bite 1d3-1 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Rage Scent Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Escape Artist +7, Listen +4, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (bite), Weapon Finesse (claw) Temperate forest, hill, plains, and underground 1-5 1/2 None Always neutral 2 HD (Tiny)

Rage (Ex): A badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Animal:Bat Diminutive Animal 1/4d8 (1) +2 (Dex) 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex) 1 ft. by 1 ft./0 ft. Blindsight Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 Listen +9, Move Silently +6, Spot +9* Temperate and warm desert, forest, hill, plains, and underground 10-50 1/10 None Always neutral

Blindsight (Ex): Bats can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the bat to rely on its weak vision, which has a maximum range of 10 feet.

Skills: *Bats receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.

Animal:Black bear Medium-Size Animal 3d8+6 (19) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) 2 claws +6 melee, bite +1 melee Claw 1d4+4 (20/x2), bite 1d6+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Climb +6, Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +8 Temperate and warm forest, hill, and mountains 1-2 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size) Animal:Brown bear Large Animal 6d8+24 (51) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) 2 claws +11 melee, bite +6 melee Claw 1d8+8, bite 2d8+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Scent Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 27, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +14 Any forest, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 4 None Always neutral 7-10 HD (Large) Animal:Polar bear Large Animal 8d8+32 (68) +1 (Dex) 40 ft., swim 30 ft. 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) 2 claws +13 melee, bite +8 melee Claw 1d8+8, bite 2d8+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Scent Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 27, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide -2*, Listen +4, Spot +7 Any cold land 1-2 4 None Always neutral 9-12 HD (Large)

Skills: *A polar bear's white coat bestows a +12 racial bonus to Hide checks in snowy areas.

Animal:Bison Large Animal 5d8+15 (37) +0 40 ft. 13 (-1 size, +4 natural) Butt +6 melee Butt 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Stampede Scent Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Listen +8, Spot +5 Temperate plains 1, 6-30 2 None Always neutral 6-7 HD (Large)

Stampede (Ex): A frightened herd of bison flees as a group in a random direction (but always away from the perceived source of danger). They literally run over anything of size Large or smaller that gets in their way, dealing 1d12 points of damage for each five bison in the herd. A successful Reflex save (DC 16) halves the damage.

Animal:Boar Medium-Size Animal 3d8+9 (22) +0 40 ft. 16 (+6 natural) Gore +4 melee Gore 1d8+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Ferocity Scent Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4 Listen +7, Spot +5 Temperate and warm forest 1 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size)

Ferocity (Ex): A boar is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.

Animal:Camel Large Animal 3d8+6 (19) +3 (Dex) 50 ft. 13 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d4+6 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 4 Listen +5, Spot +5 Any desert, hill, and mountains 1 1 None Always neutral

The two-humped, or Bactrian, camel is suited to cooler, rocky areas. It is stockier, slower (speed 40), and has a better Constitution score (16).

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a camel is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; a heavy load, 601-900 pounds. A camel can drag 4,500 pounds.

Animal:Cat Tiny Animal 1/2d8 (2) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) 2 claws +4 melee, bite -1 melee Claw 1d2-4, bite 1d3-4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7 Balance +10, Climb +5, Hide +17*, Listen +4, Move Silently +9, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (claw), Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land 1 1/4 None Always neutral

Skills: Cats receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises to +8.

Animal:Cheetah Medium-Size Animal 3d8+6 (19) +4 (Dex) 50 ft. 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +6 melee, 2 claws +1 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2), claw 1d2+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Trip Sprint Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +7, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Spot +5 Weapon Finesse (bite), Weapon Finesse (claw),improved trip, Warm plains 1-5 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size)

Trip (Ex): A cheetah that hits with a claw or bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the cheetah.

Sprint (Ex): Once an hour, a cheetah can take a charge action to move ten times its normal speed (500 feet).

Animal:Crocodile Medium-Size Animal 3d8+9 (22) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Bite +6 melee; or tail slap +6 melee Bite 1d8+6 (20/x2); tail slap 1d12+6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Hide +7*, Listen +5, Spot +5 Warm marsh and aquatic 1, 6-11 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the crocodile must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, the crocodile grabs the opponent with its mouth and drags it into deep water, attempting to pin it to the bottom. The crocodile automatically deals bite damage each round it maintains the pin.

Skills: *A crocodile gains a +12 racial bonus to Hide checks when submerged.

Animal:Crocodile, Giant Huge Animal 7d8+28 (59) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 16 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural) Bite +11 melee; or tail slap +11 melee Bite 2d8+12; tail slap 1d12+12 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Improved grab Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 27, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Hide +0*, Listen +5, Spot +5 Warm marsh and aquatic 1, 6-11 4 None Always neutral 8-14 HD (Huge)

Giant crocodiles can grab and hold creatures of Large or smaller size but otherwise fight and behave like their smaller cousins.

Animal:Dog Small Animal 1d8+2 (6) +3 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +2 melee Bite 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 13, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Survival +1* Any land 1 1/3 None Always neutral

Skills: *Dogs receive a +8 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Animal:Riding dog Medium-Size Animal 2d8+4 (13) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Survival +1* Any land 1 1 None Always neutral

If trained for war, these animals can make trip attacks just as wolves do (see the Wolf entry). A riding dog can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Skills: *Riding dogs receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a riding dog is up to 100 pounds; a medium load, 101-200 pounds; a heavy load, 201-300 pounds. A riding dog can drag 1,500 pounds.

Animal:Donkey Medium-Size Animal 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +1 melee Bite 1d2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 4 Balance +3, Listen +5, Spot +5 Temperate and warm desert, hill, plains, and mountains 1 1/6 None Always neutral

Skills: Donkeys receive a +2 racial bonus to Balance.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a donkey is up to 50 pounds; a medium load, 51-100 pounds; a heavy load, 101-150 pounds. A donkey can drag 750 pounds.

Animal:Eagle Small Animal 1d8+1 (5) +2 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural) 2 claws +3 melee, bite -2 melee Claw 1d3 (20/x2), bite 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6* Weapon Finesse (claw), Weapon Finesse (bite) Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains 1-2 1/2 None Always neutral 2-3 HD (Medium-size)

Skills: *Eagles receive a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight.

Animal:Elephant Huge Animal 11d8+55 (104) +0 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (-2 size, +7 natural) Slam +16 melee, 2 stamps +11 melee; or gore +16 melee Slam 2d6+10, stamp 2d6+5; gore 2d8+15 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Trample 2d8+15 Scent Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +4 Str 30, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7 Listen +6, Spot +6 Warm forest and plains 1, 6-30 8 None Always neutral 12-22 HD (Huge)

This entry describes an African elephant. Indian elephants are slightly smaller and weaker (Strength 28), but more readily trained (Wisdom 15). These statistics can also represent prehistoric creatures such as mammoths and mastodons.

Trample (Ex): An elephant can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for automatic gore damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the elephant can attempt a Reflex save (DC 20) to halve the damage.

Animal:Hawk Tiny Animal 1d8 (4) +3 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Claws +5 melee Claws 1d4-2 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6* Weapon Finesse (claws) Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains 1-2 1/3 None Always neutral

Skills: *Hawks gain a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks in daylight.

Animal:Horse, Heavy Large Animal 3d8+6 (19) +1 (Dex) 50 ft. 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) 2 hooves +3 melee Hooves 1d6+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6 Any land 1 1 None Always neutral

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a heavy horse is up to 200 pounds; a medium load, 201-400 pounds; a heavy load, 401-600 pounds. A heavy horse can drag 3,000 pounds.

Animal:Horse, Heavy War Large Animal 4d8+12 (30) +1 (Dex) 50 ft. 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 hooves +6 melee; bite +1 melee Hooves 1d6+4; bite 1d4+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 Listen +7, Spot +7 Any land 1-2 2 None Always neutral

These animals are similar to heavy horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression. A heavy warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check (DC 10).

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a heavy warhorse is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301-600 pounds; a heavy load, 601-900 pounds. A heavy warhorse can drag 4,500 pounds.

Animal:Horse, Light Large Animal 3d8+6 (19) +1 (Dex) 60 ft. 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) 2 hooves +2 melee Hooves 1d4+1 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6 Any land 1 1 None Always neutral

A light horse cannot fight while carrying a rider.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light horse is up to 150 pounds; a medium load, 151-300 pounds; a heavy load, 301-450 pounds. A light horse can drag 2,250 pounds.

Animal:Horse, Light War Large Animal 3d8+9 (22) +1 (Dex) 60 ft. 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 hooves +4 melee; bite -1 melee Hooves 1d4+3; bite 1d3+1 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 Listen +7, Spot +7 Any land 1 1 None Always neutral

A light warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check (DC 10).

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light warhorse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231-460 pounds; a heavy load, 461-690 pounds. A light warhorse can drag 3,450 pounds.

Animal:Leopard Medium-Size Animal 3d8+6 (19) +4 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 20 ft. 15 (+4 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +6 melee; 2 claws +1 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2); claw 1d3+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d3+1 Scent Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Balance +12, Climb +11, Hide +9*, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6 Weapon Finesse (bite), Weapon Finesse (claw),improved grapple Warm forest and plains 1-2 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size)

Pounce (Ex): If a leopard leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the leopard must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A leopard that gets a hold can make two rake attacks (+6 melee) with its hind legs for 1d3+1 damage each. If the leopard pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Leopards receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8.

Animal:Lion Large Animal 5d8+10 (32) +3 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee Claw 1d4+5, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+2 Scent Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 21, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Balance +7, Hide +4*, Jump +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spot +5 Warm plains 1-2, 6-10 3 None Always neutral 6-8 HD (Large)

Pounce (Ex): If a lion leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the lion must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A lion that gets a hold can make two rake attacks (+7 melee) with its hind legs for 1d4+2 damage each. If the lion pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Lions receive a +4 racial bonus to Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +12.

Animal:Lizard Tiny Animal 1/2d8 (2) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +13, Listen +4, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (bite) Any warm land 1 1/6 None Always neutral

Skills: Lizards use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks and receive a +8 bonus to Balance checks.

Animal:Giant lizard Medium-Size Animal 3d8+9 (22) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 30 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d8+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Climb +9, Hide +7*, Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4 Any warm land 1 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size)

Skills: Giant lizards receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. *In forested or overgrown areas, the Hide bonus improves to +8.

Animal:Monkey Tiny Animal 1d8 (4) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 30 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d3-4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5 Balance + 10, Climb +13, Hide +13, Listen +4, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (bite) Warm forest 10-40 1/6 None Always neutral 2-3 HD (Medium-size)

Skills: Monkeys use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks and receive a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks.

Animal:Mule Large Animal 3d8+9 (22) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) 2 hooves +4 melee Hooves 1d4+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6 Warm plains 1 1 None Always neutral

Skills: Mules receive a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity checks to avoid slipping or falling.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a mule is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231-460 pounds; a heavy load, 461-690 pounds. A mule can drag 3,450 pounds.

Animal:Octopus Small Animal 2d8 (9) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 16 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) 8 arms +5 melee, bite +0 melee Arms 1d1-1 (20/x2), bite 1d3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Ink cloud, jet Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 12, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3 Hide +15, Listen +5, Spot +5 Weapon Finesse (arms), Weapon Finesse (bite),improved grapple, Temperate and warm aquatic 1 1 None Always neutral 3-6 HD (Medium-size); 7 HD (Large)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the octopus must hit with its arms attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage each round the hold is maintained.

Ink Cloud (Ex): An octopus can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once a minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the octopus normally uses to escape a losing fight. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.

Jet (Ex): An octopus can jet backward once a round as a double move action, at a speed of 200 feet.

Skills: An octopus can change colors, giving it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Animal:Octopus, Giant Large Animal 8d8+8 (44) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural) 8 tentacle rakes +10 melee, bite +5 melee Tentacle rake 1d4+5, bite 1d8+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, constrict Ink cloud, jet Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 20, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3 Hide +11, Listen +4, Spot +4 Temperate and warm aquatic 1 8 None Always neutral 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge) -

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant octopus must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle rake attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A giant octopus deals 2d8+6 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A giant octopus can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 20 feet high by 20 feet wide by 20 feet long once a minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the octopus normally uses to escape a losing fight. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.

Jet (Ex): A giant octopus can jet backward once a round as a double move action, at a speed of 200 feet.

Skills: A giant octopus can change colors, giving it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Animal:Owl Tiny Animal 1d8 (4) +3 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Claws +5 melee Claws 1d2-2 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 Listen +14, Move Silently +20, Spot +6* Weapon Finesse (claws) Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains 1 1/4 None Always neutral 1 HD (Medium-size); 2 HD (Large)

Skills: Owls receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen checks, and a +14 to Move Silently checks. *They receive a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks in dusk and darkness.

Animal:Pony Medium-Size Animal 2d8+2 (11) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) 2 hooves +2 melee Hooves 1d3+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Listen +5, Spot +5 Any land 1 1/4 None Always neutral

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a pony is up to 75 pounds; a medium load, 76-150 pounds; and a heavy load, 151-225 pounds. A pony can drag 1,125 pounds.

Animal:War Pony Medium-Size Animal 2d8+4 (13) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) 2 hooves +3 melee Hooves 1d3+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Scent Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Listen +5, Spot +5 Any land 1 1/4 None Always neutral

A warpony can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds at a Ride check.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a warpony is up to 100 pounds; a medium load, 101-200 pounds; and a heavy load, 201-300 pounds. A warpony can drag 1,500 pounds.

Animal:Porpoise Medium-Size Animal 2d8+2 (11) +3 (Dex) Swim 80 ft. 15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) Butt +4 melee Butt 2d4 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blindsight Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 11, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +10*, Spot +10* Weapon Finesse (butt) Any aquatic 1-20 1/2 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

Blindsight (Ex): Porpoises can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the porpoise to rely on its vision, which is approximately as good as a human's.

Skills: Porpoises gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. *These bonuses are lost if blindsight is negated.

Animal:Rat Tiny Animal 1/4d8 (1) +2 (Dex) 15 ft., climb 15 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d3-4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Scent Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +18, Move Silently +10 Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 10-100 1/8 None Always neutral

Skills: Rats receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks.

Animal:Raven Tiny Animal 1/4d8 (1) +2 (Dex) 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Claws +4 melee Claws 1d2-5 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6 Weapon Finesse (claws) Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains 1 1/6 None Always neutral Animal:Rhinoceros Large Animal 8d8+40 (76) +0 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (-1 size, +7 natural) Gore +13 melee Gore 2d6+12 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 26, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 2 Listen +11 Warm plains 1-12 4 None Always neutral 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge) Animal:Shark, Medium-Size Medium-Size Animal 3d8+3 (16) +2 (Dex) Swim 60 ft. 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d6+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Keen scent Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 13, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Listen +7, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (bite) Any aquatic 1-11 1 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Medium-size)

Keen Scent (Ex): A shark can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.

Animal:Shark, Large Large Animal 7d8+7 (38) +2 (Dex) Swim 60 ft. 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural) Bite +7 melee Bite 1d8+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Keen scent Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Listen +7, Spot +7 Any aquatic 1-11 2 None Always neutral 8-10 HD (Large)

Keen Scent (Ex): A shark can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.

Animal:Shark, Huge Huge Animal 10d8+20 (65) +2 (Dex) Swim 60 ft. 15 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +10 melee Bite 2d6+7 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Keen scent Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 21, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Listen +7, Spot +7 Any aquatic 1-11 4 None Always neutral 11-17 HD (Huge)

Keen Scent (Ex): A shark can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.

Animal:Snake, Constrictor Medium-Size Animal 3d8+3 (16) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d3+4 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/5 ft. Improved grab, constrict 1d3+4 Scent Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +14, Hide +11, Listen +9, Spot +9 Warm forest and aquatic 1 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Medium-size); 6-10 HD (Large)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the constrictor snake must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A constrictor snake deals 1d3+4 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Snake, Giant Constrictor Huge Animal 11d8+11 (60) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural) Bite +13 melee Bite 1d8+10 15 ft. by 15 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Improved grab, constrict 1d8+10 Scent Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 Str 25, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +18, Hide +3, Listen +9, Spot +9 Warm forest and aquatic 1 5 None Always neutral 12-16 HD (Huge); 17-33 HD (Gargantuan)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the constrictor snake must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A giant constrictor snake deals 1d8+10 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Large size or smaller creatures.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Snake, Tiny Viper Tiny Animal 1/4d8 (1) +3 (Dex) 15 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft. 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d1 (20/x2) poison 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft. (coiled)/0 ft. Poison Scent Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +12, Hide +18 Listen +8, Spot +8 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land, aquatic, and underground 1 1/3 None Always neutral

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11 for all sizes Large and smaller, DC 13 for a Huge viper); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Snake, Small Viper Small Animal 1d8 (4) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d2-2 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/5 ft. Poison Scent Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +12, Hide +15, Listen +9, Spot +9 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land, aquatic, and underground 1 1/2 None Always neutral

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11 for all sizes Large and smaller, DC 13 for a Huge viper); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Snake, Medium-Size Viper Medium-Size Animal 2d8 (9) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4-1 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/5 ft. Poison Scent Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +12, Listen +9, Spot +9 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land, aquatic, and underground 1 1 None Always neutral

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11 for all sizes Large and smaller, DC 13 for a Huge viper); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Snake, Large Viper Large Animal 3d8 (13) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Poison Scent Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +9, Spot +9 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land, aquatic, and underground 1 2 None Always neutral

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11 for all sizes Large and smaller, DC 13 for a Huge viper); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Snake, Huge Viper Huge Animal 4d8+4 (22) +4 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d4 (20/x2) poison 15 ft. by 15 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Poison Scent Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2 Str 10, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +3, Listen +9, Spot +9 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land, aquatic, and underground 1 3 None Always neutral 5-6 HD (Huge); 7-12 HD (Gargantuan)

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11 for all sizes Large and smaller, DC 13 for a Huge viper); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.

Skills: Snakes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They can use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is better.

Animal:Squid Medium-Size Animal 3d8 (13) +3 (Dex) Swim 60 ft. 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) 10 arms +4 melee, bite -1 melee Arms 1d1-1, bite 1d6+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Ink cloud, jet Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Listen +7, Spot +7 Any aquatic 1, 6-11 1 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-11 HD (Large)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the squid must hit with its arms attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage each round the hold is maintained.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A squid can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once a minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the squid normally uses to escape a losing fight. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.

Jet (Ex): A squid can jet backward once a round as a double move action, at a speed of 240 feet.

Animal:Squid, Giant Huge Animal 12d8+12 (66) +3 (Dex) Swim 80 ft. 17 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural) 10 tentacle rakes +15 melee, bite +10 melee Tentacle rakes 1d6+8, bite 2d8+4 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. (40 ft. with tentacle) Improved grab, constrict 1d6+8 Ink cloud, jet Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +5 Str 26, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2 Listen +8, Spot +8 Any aquatic 1 9 None Always neutral 13-18 HD (Huge); 19-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant squid must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle rake attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A giant squid deals automatic tentacle rake damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A giant squid can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 20 feet high by 20 feet wide by 40 feet long once a minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the squid normally uses to escape a losing fight. Creatures within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.

Jet (Ex): A giant squid can jet backward once a round as a double move action, at a speed of 320 feet.

Animal:Tiger Large Animal 6d8+18 (45) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee Claw 1d8+6, bite 2d6+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d8+3 Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Balance +6, Hide +5*, Listen +3, Move Silently +9, Spot +3, Swim +11 Any forest, hill, mountains, and plains 1 4 None Always neutral 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)

Pounce (Ex): If a tiger leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the tiger must hit with a claw or bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A tiger that gets a hold can make two rake attacks (+9 melee) with its hind legs for 1d8+3 damage each. If the tiger pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Tigers receive a +4 racial bonus to Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8.

Animal:Toad Diminutive Animal 1/4 d8 (1) +1 (Dex) 5 ft. 15 (+4 size, +1 Dex) 1 ft. by 1 ft./0 ft. Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 4 Hide +21, Listen +5, Spot +5 Temperate and warm land and aquatic 10-100 1/10 None Always neutral

Skills: A toad's coloration gives it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Animal:Weasel Tiny Animal 1/2 d8 (2) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d3-4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Attach Scent Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5 Balance +10, Climb +11, Hide +13, Move Silently +9, Spot +4 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate forest, hill, mountains, and plains 1 1/4 None Always neutral

Attach (Ex): If a weasel hits with a bite attack, it uses its powerful jaws to latch onto the opponent's body and automatically deals bite damage each round it remains attached. An attached weasel has an AC of 12.

Skills: Weasels receive a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks.

Animal:Whale, Baleen Gargantuan Animal 12d8+72 (126) +1 (Dex) Swim 40 ft. 16 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural) Tail slap +17 melee Tail slap 1d8+18 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Blindsight Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +5 Str 35, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Listen +10*, Spot +11* Any aquatic 1 5 None Always neutral 13-18 HD (Gargantuan); 19-36 HD (Colossal)

Blindsight (Ex): Whales can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the whale to rely on its vision, which is approximately as good as a human's.

Skills: Whales gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. *These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.

Animal:Whale, Cachalot Gargantuan Animal 12d8+84 (138) +1 (Dex) Swim 40 ft. 16 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural) Bite +17 melee, tail slap +12 melee Bite 4d6+12, tail slap 1d8+6 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Blindsight Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +6 Str 35, Dex 13, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +11*, Spot +12* Any aquatic 1, 6-11 6 None Always neutral 13-18 HD (Gargantuan); 19-36 HD (Colossal)

Blindsight (Ex): Whales can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the whale to rely on its vision, which is approximately as good as a human's.

Skills: Whales gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. *These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.

Animal:Whale, Orca Huge Animal 9d8+45 (85) +2 (Dex) Swim 50 ft. 16 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) Bite +12 melee Bite 2d6+12 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Blindsight Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +5 Str 27, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +12*, Spot +12* Any aquatic 1, 6-11 5 None Always neutral 10-13 HD (Huge); 14-27 HD (Gargantuan)

Blindsight (Ex): Whales can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the whale to rely on its vision, which is approximately as good as a human's.

Skills: Whales gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. *These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.

Animal:Wolf Medium-Size Animal 2d8+4 (13) +2 (Dex) 50 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Trip Scent Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Survival +1* Weapon Finesse (bite),improved trip, Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains 1-2, 7-16 1 None Always neutral 3 HD (Medium-size); 4-5 HD (Large)

Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

Skills: *Wolves receive a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Animal:Wolverine Medium-Size Animal 3d8+12 (25) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 10 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) 2 claws +4 melee; bite -1 melee Claw 1d4+2 (20/x2); bite 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Rage Scent Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10 Climb +15, Listen +6, Spot +6 Cold and temperate forest and hill 1 2 None Always neutral 4-5 HD (Large)

Rage (Ex): A wolverine that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage the following round, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. An enraged wolverine gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Vermin:Giant Ant Worker Medium-Size Vermin 2d8 (9) +0 50 ft., climb 20 ft. 17 (+7 natural) Bite +1 melee Bite 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Vermin Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 9 Climb +8, Listen +5, Spot +5 Temperate and warm desert, forest, hill, plains, and underground 2-6, 6-11 plus 1 giant ant soldier 1 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant ant must hit with its bite attack. A giant ant soldier that gets a hold can sting.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Ant Soldier Medium-Size Vermin 2d8+2 (11) +0 50 ft., climb 20 ft. 17 (+7 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 2d4+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, acid sting Vermin Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 11 Climb +10, Listen +6, Spot +6 Temperate and warm desert, forest, hill, plains, and underground 1-4 2 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant ant must hit with its bite attack. A giant ant soldier that gets a hold can sting.

Acid Sting (Ex): The giant ant soldier has a stinger and an acid-producing gland and in its abdomen. If it successfully grabs an opponent, it can attempt to sting each round using its full attack bonus. A hit with the sting attack deals 1d4+1 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of acid damage.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Ant, Queen Large Vermin 4d8+4 (22) -1 (Dex) 40 ft. 17 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +9 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 2d6+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab Vermin Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +2 Str 16, Dex 9, Con 13, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 11 Listen +7, Spot +7 Temperate and warm desert, forest, hill, plains, and underground 1 plus 10-100 giant ant worker plus 5-20 giant ant soldier 2 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 5-6 HD (Large); 7-8 HD (Huge)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant ant must hit with its bite attack. A giant ant soldier that gets a hold can sting.

Acid Sting (Ex): The giant ant soldier has a stinger and an acid-producing gland and in its abdomen. If it successfully grabs an opponent, it can attempt to sting each round using its full attack bonus. A hit with the sting attack deals 1d4+1 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of acid damage.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Bee Medium-Size Vermin 3d8 (13) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (good) 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Sting +2 melee Sting 1d4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 9 survival +6, Spot +6 Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5, 11-20 1/2 No coins; 1/4 goods (honey only); no items Always neutral 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-9 HD (Large)

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution. A bee that successfully stings another creature pulls away, leaving its stinger in the creature. The bee then dies.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Bombardier Beetle Medium-Size Vermin 2d8+4 (13) +0 30 ft. 16 (+6 natural) Bite +2 melee Bite 1d4+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Acid spray Vermin Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +5 Temperate and warm land and underground 2-11 2 None Always neutral 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)

Acid Spray (Ex): When attacked or disturbed, a giant bombardier beetle can release a 10-foot cone of acidic vapor once per round. Those within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 1d4+2 points of damage.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Fire Beetle Small Vermin 1d8 (4) +0 30 ft. 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) Bite +1 melee Bite 2d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Vermin Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 7 Climb +4, Listen +3, Spot +3 Temperate and warm land and underground 2-11 1/3 None Always neutral 2-3 HD (Small)

They have two glands, one above each eye, that produce a red glow. The glands' luminosity persists for 1d6 days after removal from the beetle, illuminating a roughly circular area with a 10-foot radius

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Stag Beetle Large Vermin 7d8+21 (52) +0 20 ft. 19 (-1 size, +10 natural) Bite +10 melee Bite 4d6+9 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Trample 2d8+3 Vermin Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 17, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +7 Hide +1*, Temperate and warm forest and underground 2-11 4 None Always neutral 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Trample (Ex): A giant stag beetle can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for 2d8+3 points of damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the giant stag beetle can attempt a Reflex save (DC 19) to halve the damage.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Giant Praying Mantis Large Vermin 4d8+8 (26) -1 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) 14 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural) Claws +6 melee, bite +1 melee Claws 1d8+4, bite 1d6+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, squeeze Vermin Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +3 Str 19, Dex 8, Con 15, Int -, Wis 14, Cha 11 Listen +5, Spot +8 Any land and underground 1 2 None Always neutral 5-8 HD (Large); 9-12 HD (Huge)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant praying mantis must hit an opponent of Medium-size or smaller with its claws attack. If it gets a hold, it squeezes.

Squeeze (Ex): A giant praying mantis that gets a hold on a Medium-size or smaller opponent automatically deals 1d8+4 points of claw damage and bites at its full attack value of +6 each round the hold is maintained.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: *Because of its camouflage, a mantis surrounded by foliage receives an additional +8 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Vermin:Giant Wasp Large Vermin 5d8+10 (32) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) Sting +6 melee Sting 1d3+6 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 11 survival +7, Spot +9 Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5, 11-20 3 None Always neutral 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 18); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Vermin:Monstrous Centipede, Tiny Tiny Vermin 1/4 d8 (1) +2 (Dex) 20 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d3-5 (20/x2) poison 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +3, Hide +17, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 8-16 1/8 None Always neutral

Length 2 feet, Width 3 inches (including legs), Body Width 1 inch, Height 1 1/2 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and secondary damage 1 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Small Monstrous Centipede Small Vermin 1/2 d8 (2) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d4-3 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Str 5, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +5, Hide +13, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 2-11 1/4 None Always neutral

Length 4 feet, Width 6 inches (including legs), Body Width 2 inches, Height 3 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and secondary damage 1d2 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Centipede Medium-Size Vermin 1d8 (4) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +2 melee Bite 1d6-1 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 Str 9, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +8, Hide +8, Spot +8 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 1/2 None Always neutral

Length 8 feet, Width 1 foot (including legs), Body Width 4 inches, Height 6 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial and secondary damage 1d3 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Centipede, Large Large Vermin 2d8 (9) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +2 melee Bite 1d8+1 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 15 ft./5 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0 Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +10, Hide +3, Spot +8 Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 1 None Always neutral 3 HD (Large)

Length 15 feet, Width 2 feet (including legs), Body Width 8 inches, Height 1 foot.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 16); initial and secondary damage 1d4 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Centipede, Huge Huge Vermin 4d8 (18) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 2d6+4 (20/x2) poison 10 ft. by 30 ft./10 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +11, Hide +1, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 2 None Always neutral 5-15 HD (Huge)

Length 30 feet, Width 4 feet (including legs), Body Width 1 1/2 feet, Height 2 feet.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 18); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Centipede, Gargantuan Gargantuan Vermin 16d8 (72) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 18 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural) Bite +13 melee Bite 2d8+7 (20/x2) poison 15 ft. by 60 ft./10 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 21, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +13, Hide -3, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1 6 None Always neutral 17-31 HD (Gargantuan)

Length 60 feet, Width 8 feet (including legs), Body Width 3 feet, Height 4 feet.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 26); initial and secondary damage 1d8 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Centipede, Colossal Colossal Vermin 32d8 (144) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 20 (-8 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural) Bite +23 melee Bite 4d6+10 (20/x2) poison 30 ft. by 120 ft./15 ft. Poison Vermin Fort +18, Ref +12, Will +10 Str 25, Dex 15, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +15, Hide -7, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1 8 None Always neutral 33-64 HD (Colossal)

Length 120 feet, Width 16 feet (including legs), Body Width 5 feet, Height 8 feet.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 36); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Dexterity.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous centipedes receive a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Scorpion, Tiny Tiny Vermin 1/2 d8+2 (4) +0 20 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 natural) 2 claws +2 melee, sting -3 melee Claw 1d2-4 (20/x2), sting 1d2-4 (20/x2) poison 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Improved grab, poison Vermin Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 3, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +4, Hide +15, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (claw, sting) Temperate and warm land and underground 8-16 1/4 None Always neutral

Length 2 feet, Width 1 foot (including legs), Body Width 4 inches, Body Height 1 1/2 inches (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and secondary damage 1d2 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Small Monstrous Scorpion Small Vermin 1d8+2 (6) +0 30 ft. 14 (+1 size, +3 natural) 2 claws +1 melee, sting -4 melee Claw 1d3-1 (20/x2), sting 1d3-1 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, poison Vermin Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 9, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +6, Hide +12, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (claw, sting) Temperate and warm land and underground 2-11 1/2 None Always neutral

Length 4 feet, Width 2 feet (including legs), Body Width 8 inches, Body Height 3 inches (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and secondary damage 1d3 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Scorpion Medium-Size Vermin 2d8+4 (13) +0 40 ft. 14 (+4 natural) 2 claws +2 melee, sting -3 melee Claw 1d4+1 (20/x2), sting 1d4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, poison Vermin Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +8, Hide +8, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 1 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral

Length 6 feet, Width 3 feet (including legs), Body Width 1 foot, Body Height 6 inches (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 15); initial and secondary damage 1d4 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Scorpion, Large Large Vermin 4d8+8 (26) +0 50 ft. 14 (-1 size, +5 natural) 2 claws +5 melee, sting +0 melee Claw 1d6+3 (20/x2), sting 1d6+1 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, poison Vermin Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +11, Hide +3, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 2 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 5-15 HD (Large)

Length 10 feet, Width 5 feet (including legs), Body Width 1 1/2 feet, Body Height 1 1/2 feet (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 18); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Scorpion, Huge Huge Vermin 16d8+32 (104) +0 50 ft. 16 (-2 size, +8 natural) 2 claws +15 melee, sting +10 melee Claw 1d8+5 (20/x2), sting 2d4+2 (20/x2) poison 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, poison Vermin Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +12, Hide +0, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 6 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 17-31 HD (Huge)

Length 20 feet, Width 10 feet (including legs), Body Width 3 feet, Body Height 2 1/2 feet (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 26); initial and secondary damage 1d8 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan Gargantuan Vermin 32d8+64 (208) +0 50 ft. 18 (-4 size, +12 natural) 2 claws +27 melee, sting +22 melee Claw 2d6+7 (20/x2), sting 2d6+3 (20/x2) poison 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, poison Vermin Fort +20, Ref +10, Will +10 Str 25, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +14, Hide -4, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 33-63 HD (Gargantuan)

Length 40 feet, Width 20 feet (including legs), Body Width 7 feet, Body Height 5 feet (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 36); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Scorpion, Colossal Colossal Vermin 64d8+128 (416) +0 50 ft. 20 (-8 size, +18 natural) 2 claws +49 melee, sting +44 melee Claw 2d8+9 (20/x2), sting 2d8+4 (20/x2) poison 40 ft. by 80 ft./15 ft. Improved grab, squeeze, poison Vermin Fort +36, Ref +21, Will +21 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +16, Hide -8, Spot +7 Temperate and warm land and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral

Length 80 feet, Width 40 feet (including legs), Body Width 13 feet, Body Height 10 feet (not including stinger).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 54); initial and secondary damage 2d8 temporary Strength.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the monstrous scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Squeeze (Ex): A monstrous scorpion that gets a hold on an opponent of its size or smaller automatically deals damage with both claws, biting and stinging at its full attack value.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: A monstrous scorpion receives a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Spider, Tiny Tiny Vermin 1/2 d8 (2) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 10 ft. 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d3-4 (20/x2) poison 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0 Str 3, Dex 17, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +8, Hide +18, Jump -4*, Spot +7* Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 8-16 1/4 None Always neutral

Diameter 2 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 8 inches, Height 2 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and secondary damage 1d2 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 16, Break DC 22, Hit Points 2.

Both types of monstrous spiders often wait in their webs or in trees, then lower themselves silently on silk strands and leap onto prey passing beneath. A single strand is strong enough to support the spider and one creature of the same size. Web-spinning spiders can cast a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size smaller that the spider. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst it with a Strength check. Both are standard actions whose DCs are given in the description for each size. Web-spinning spiders often create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square, depending on the size of the spider. They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section has the hit points given in the description for each size, and sheet webs have damage reduction 5/fire. A monstrous spider can move across its own sheet web at its climb speed and can determine the exact location of any creature touching the web.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Vermin:Small Monstrous Spider Small Vermin 1d8 (4) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. (40 ft., climb 20 ft.) 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4-2 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0 Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +10, Hide +14, Jump -2*, Spot +7* Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 2-11 1/2 None Always neutral

Diameter 3 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 1 foot, Height 3 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 11); initial and secondary damage 1d3 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 18, Break DC 24, Hit Points 4.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Spider Medium-Size Vermin 2d8+2 (11) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. (40 ft., climb 20 ft.) 14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d6 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +12, Hide +10, Jump +0*, Spot +7* Weapon Finesse (bite) Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 1 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 3 HD (Medium-size)

Diameter 5 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 1 1/2 feet, Height 6 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 14); initial and secondary damage 1d4 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 20, Break DC 26, Hit Points 6.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Spider, Large Large Vermin 4d8+4 (22) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. (40 ft., climb 20 ft.) 14 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2) poison 10 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +14, Hide +6, Jump +2*, Spot +7* Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 2 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 6-9 HD (Large)

Diameter 10 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 3 feet, Height 6 inches.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 16); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 26, Break DC 32, Hit Points 12.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Spider, Huge Huge Vermin 10d8+10 (55) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. (40 ft., climb 20 ft.) 16 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +9 melee Bite 2d6+6 (20/x2) poison 15 ft. by 15 ft./10 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 19, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +16, Hide +2, Jump +4*, Spot +7* Temperate and warm land and underground 1-5 4 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 11-23 HD (Huge)

Diameter 15 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 5 feet, Height 2 1/2 feet.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 22); initial and secondary damage 1d8 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 28, Break DC 34, Hit Points 14.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan Gargantuan Vermin 24d8+24 (132) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. (40 ft., climb 20 ft.) 18 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural) Bite +20 melee Bite 2d8+9 (20/x2) poison 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +8 Str 23, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +18, Hide -2, Jump +6*, Spot +7* Temperate and warm land and underground 1 7 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 25-47 HD (Gargantuan)

Diameter 20 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 7 feet, Height 5 feet.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 31); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 30, Break DC 36, Hit Points 16.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Vermin:Monstrous Spider, Colossal Colossal Vermin 48d8+48 (264) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 20 ft. (40 ft., climb 20 ft.) 20 (-8 size, +3 Dex, +15 natural) Bite +36 melee Bite 4d6+12 (20/x2) poison 40 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft. Poison, web Vermin Fort +27, Ref +19, Will +16 Str 27, Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2 Climb +20, Hide -6, Jump +8*, Spot +7* Temperate and warm land and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 49-64 HD (Colossal)

Diameter 40 feet (including legs), Body Diameter 13 feet, Height 10 feet.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 35); initial and secondary damage 2d8 temporary Strength.

Web (Ex): Escape DC 32, Break DC 38, Hit Points 18.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects.

Skills: Monstrous spiders receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. *Monstrous spiders gain a +8 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs. *Hunting spiders receive a +6 racial bonus to Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Animated Object:Tiny Animated Object Tiny Construct 1/2 d10 (2) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. (50 ft. legs, 60 ft. multiple legs, 80 ft. wheels) 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex) Slam +1 melee Slam 1d3-1 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. See text See text Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5 Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 4 1/2 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Small Animated Object Small Construct 1d10 (5) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. (40 ft. legs, 50 ft. multiple legs, 70 ft. wheels) 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural) Slam +1 melee Slam 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. See text See text Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -5 Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 2 1 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Animated Object Medium-Size Construct 2d10 (11) +0 30 ft. (40 ft. legs, 50 ft. multiple legs, 70 ft. wheels) 14 (+4 natural) Slam +2 melee Slam 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. See text See text Fort +0, Ref +0, Will -5 Str 12, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 2 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Large Animated Object Large Construct 4d10 (22) +0 20 ft. (30 ft. legs, 40 ft. multiple legs, 60 ft. wheels) 14 (-1 size, +5 natural) Slam +5 melee Slam 1d8+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (long) 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (tall) See text See text Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -4 Str 16, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 3 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Huge Animated Object Huge Construct 8d10 (44) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. (30 ft. legs, 40 ft. multiple legs, 60 ft. wheels) 13 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural) Slam +9 melee Slam 2d6+7 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. (long) 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. (tall) See text See text Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -3 Str 20, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 5 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Gargantuan Animated Object Gargantuan Construct 16d10 (88) -2 (Dex) 10 ft. (20 ft. legs, 30 ft. multiple legs, 50 ft. wheels) 12 (-4 size, -2 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +15 melee Slam 2d8+10 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft. (long) 20 ft. by 20 ft./20 ft. (tall) See text See text Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +0 Str 24, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 7 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Animated Object:Colossal Animated Object Colossal Construct 32d10 (176) -3 (Dex) 10 ft. (20 ft. legs, 30 ft. multiple legs, 50 ft. wheels) 11 (-8 size, -3 Dex, +12 natural) Slam +25 melee Slam 4d6+13 40 ft. by 80 ft./15 ft. (long) 40 ft. by 40 ft./25 ft. (tall) See text See text Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 28, Dex 4, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 10 None Always neutral

An animated object's abilities vary depending on its form. It always has the construct qualities, and can have one or more of the following special abilities.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it gets a hold, it wraps itself around the opponent's head, blinding that creature until removed. The blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to perception, such as Listen.

Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. An object of at least Large size can make constrict attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the object and fit under it.

Trample (Ex): An animated object of at least Large size and with a hardness of at least 10 can trample creatures two or more sizes smaller for the object's slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 object's HD) to halve the damage.

Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same hardness it had before it was animated.

Improved Speed (Ex): The base speeds given in the statistics block assume that animated objects lurch, rock, or slither along. Objects with two legs (statues, ladders) or a similar shape that allows faster movement have a speed bonus of 10 feet. Objects with multiple legs (tables, chairs) have a speed bonus of 20 feet. Wheeled objects gain a speed bonus of 40 feet. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wooden object can float and has a swim speed equal to half its land speed. A rope or similar sinuous object has a climb speed equal to half its land speed. A sheetlike object can fly (clumsy maneuverability) at half its normal speed.

Arrowhawk:Juvenile arrowhawk Small Outsider (Air) 3d8+3 (16) +5 (Dex) Fly 60 ft. (perfect) 20 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +4 natural) Electricity ray +9 ranged touch; or bite +9 melee Electricity ray 2d6 (20/x2); or bite 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Electricity ray Acid electricity and poison immunity, fire resistance 20, cold resistance 20 Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +4 Str 12, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13 survival +2, Listen +7, Search +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 1-4 3 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Small)

Arrowhawks speak Auran, but they are not talkative creatures.

Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowhawk can fire this ray once a round, with a range of 45 feet.

Immunities (Ex): Arrowhawks have acid, electricity, and poison immunity.

Arrowhawk:Arrowhawk Medium-Size Outsider (Air) 7d8+7 (38) +5 (Dex) Fly 60 ft. (perfect) 21 (+5 Dex, +6 natural) Electricity ray +12 ranged touch; or bite +12 melee Electricity ray 2d8 (20/x2); or bite 1d8+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Electricity ray Acid electricity and poison immunity, fire reistance 20, cold resistance 20 Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6 Str 14, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13 Escape Artist +15, survival +7, Listen +11, Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11 Dodge, Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 1-4 5 None Always neutral 8-14 HD (Medium-size)

Arrowhawks speak Auran, but they are not talkative creatures.

Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowhawk can fire this ray once a round, with a range of 45 feet.

Immunities (Ex): Arrowhawks have acid, electricity, and poison immunity.

Arrowhawk:Elder Large Outsider (Air) 15d8+45 (112) +5 (Dex) Fly 60 ft. (perfect) 22 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +8 natural) Electricity ray +19 ranged touch; or bite +20 melee Electricity ray 2d8; or bite 2d6+9 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Electricity ray Acid electricity and poison immunity, fire reistance 20, cold resistance 20 Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +10 Str 22, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13 Escape Artist +23, survival +16, Knowledge (Plane of Air) +15, Listen +19, Search +18, Sense Motive +19, Spot +19 Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 1-4 8 None Always neutral 16-24 HD (Large); 25-32HD (Gargantuan)

Arrowhawks speak Auran, but they are not talkative creatures.

Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowhawk can fire this ray once a round, with a range of 45 feet.

Immunities (Ex): Arrowhawks have acid, electricity, and poison immunity.

Barghest:Barghest Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 6d8+6 (33) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. or 60 ft. 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural) Bite +9 melee, 2 claws +4 melee Bite 1d6+3, claw 1d4+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (wolf form) Spell-like abilities, feed Damage reduction 15/+1, scent, alternate form Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 Bluff +11, Hide +11*, Intimidate +11, Jump +12, Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Spot +11 Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1, 3-6 4 Double standard Always lawful evil 7-8 HD (Medium-size)

Barghests speak Goblin, Worg, and Infernal.

Barghests can claw and bite, no matter what their form, and usually disdain weapons. Though they love killing, they have little stomach for direct combat and attack from ambush whenever possible. Once battle is joined, barghests hide and use project image to conceal their true numbers and locations, with emotion and charm person to keep opponents off balance. They try to pit as many of themselves against as few of the enemy as possible, and use their high speed to stay way from the enemy's main strength.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-levitate, misdirection, and project image; 1/day-charm monster, charm person, dimension door, and emotion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the barghest's HD (save DC 12 + spell level).

Feed (Su): When a barghest slays a humanoid opponent, it can feed on the corpse, devouring both flesh and life force, as a full-round action. For every 8 HD or levels a barghest consumes, it gains 1 Hit Die. Feeding destroys the victim's body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. A wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim to life, but there is a 50% chance that even such powerful magic will fail.

Alternate Form (Su): A barghest can assume the form of a goblin or a large wolf as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell, except that it allows only goblin and wolf forms. *While in wolf form, a barghest gains the higher of the two listed speeds and a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide checks.

Pass Without Trace (Ex): A barghest in wolf form can pass without trace (as the spell) as a free action.

Barghest:Greater Barghest Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 9d8+18 (58) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. or 60 ft. 20 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 claws +7 melee Bite 1d8+4, claw 1d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (goblin form) 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (wolf form) Spell-like abilities, feed Damage reduction 15/+1, scent, alternate form Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +10 Str 19, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18 Bluff +16, Concentration +14, Hide +10*, Intimidate +18, Jump +16, Listen +16, Move Silently +14, Sense Motive +16, Spot +16 Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1, 3-6 5 Double standard Always lawful evil 10-14 HD (Large); 15-18 HD (Huge)

Barghests speak Goblin, Worg, and Infernal.

Barghests can claw and bite, no matter what their form, and usually disdain weapons. Though they love killing, they have little stomach for direct combat and attack from ambush whenever possible. Once battle is joined, barghests hide and use project image to conceal their true numbers and locations, with emotion and charm person to keep opponents off balance. They try to pit as many of themselves against as few of the enemy as possible, and use their high speed to stay way from the enemy's main strength.

Occasionally, a greater barghest uses a magic two-handed weapon in combat, giving it multiple attacks (attack bonus +13/+8). It can also make one bite attack (attack bonus +8) each round. The save DC against a greater barghest's spell-like abilities is 14 + spell level.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-levitate, misdirection, and project image; 1/day-charm monster, charm person, dimension door, and emotion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the barghest's HD (save DC 12 + spell level).

Feed (Su): When a barghest slays a humanoid opponent, it can feed on the corpse, devouring both flesh and life force, as a full-round action. For every 8 HD or levels a barghest consumes, it gains 1 Hit Die. Feeding destroys the victim's body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. A wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim to life, but there is a 50% chance that even such powerful magic will fail.

Alternate Form (Su): A barghest can assume the form of a goblin or a large wolf as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell, except that it allows only goblin and wolf forms. *While in wolf form, a barghest gains the higher of the two listed speeds and a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide checks.

Pass Without Trace (Ex): A barghest in wolf form can pass without trace (as the spell) as a free action.

Celestial:Lantern Archon Small Outsider (Good, Lawful) 1d8 (4) +4 (Improved Initiative) Fly 60 ft. (perfect) 15 (+1 size, +4 natural) 2 light ray +2 ranged touch Light ray 1d6 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, aura of menace Damage reduction 20/+1, electricity and petrification immunity, magic circle against evil, teleport, tongues, poison saves, keen vision Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 1, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 10 Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Knowledge (the planes) +2, Listen +4, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-5 2 None Always lawful good 2-4 HD (Small)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Light Ray (Ex): A lantern archon's light rays have a range of 30 feet.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, detect evil, and continual flame. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds a lantern archon that fights or gets angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed at a Will save (DC 11) to resist its effects. Those who fail suffer a -2 morale penalty to attacks, AC, and saves for one day or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by that archon's aura for one day.

Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A magic circle against evil effect always surrounds archons, identical with the spell cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the archon's Hit Dice. The effect can be dispelled, but the archon can create it again during its next turn as a free action. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in the statistics block.)

Teleport (Su): Archons can teleport without error at will, as the spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer, except that the creature can transport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Celestial:Hound Archon Medium-Size Outsider (Good, Lawful) 6d8+6 (33) +4 (Improved Initiative) 40 ft. or 60 ft.* 19 (+9 natural) Bite +8 melee, 2 slams +3 melee; or greatsword +8/+3 melee, bite +3 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), slam 1d4+1 (20/x2); greatsword 2d6+2 (19/x2), bite 1d8+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, aura of menace 5 aid, 5 continual flame, 5 detect evil, 5 message Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 16, scent, alternate form, magic circle against evil, electricity and petrification immunity, teleport, tongues, poison saves, keen vision Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12 Concentration +8, Hide +7*, Jump +9, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Sense Motive +8, Spot +7, Survival +1* Improved Initiative, Track Any land and underground 1-5 4 No coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful good 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-18 HD (Large)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, continual flame, detect evil, and message. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer.

Alternate Form (Su): Hound archons can assume any canine form (except that of a werewolf or other lycanthrope) as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only canines. *While in canine form, a hound archon gains the higher of the two listed speeds and a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide and Survival checks.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds a hound archon that fights or gets angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) to resist its effects. Those who fail suffer a -2 morale penalty to attacks, AC, and saves for one day or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by that archon's aura for one day.

Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A magic circle against evil effect always surrounds archons, identical with the spell cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the archon's Hit Dice. The effect can be dispelled, but the archon can create it again during its next turn as a free action. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in the statistics block.)

Teleport (Su): Archons can teleport without error at will, as the spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer, except that the creature can transport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Celestial:Avoral (Guardinal) Medium-Size Outsider (Good) 7d8+7 (38) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) 21 (+3 Dex, +8 natural) 2 claws +9 melee; 2 wings +9 melee Claw 2d6+2 (20/x2); wing 2d8+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, fear aura 5 aid, 5 blur (self only), 5 command (DC 14), 5 detect magic, 5 dimension door, 5 dispel magic, 5 gust of wind (DC 15), 5 hold person (DC 16), 5 light, 5 magic circle against evil (self only), 5 magic missile, 5 see invisibility, 5 lightning bolt (DC 16) Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 25, lay on hands, animal telepathy, true seeing, electricity and petrification immunity, cold and acid resistance 20, tongues, poison saves, keen vision Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +8 Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16 Animal Empathy +10, Concentration +8, Hide +10, Knowledge (any two) or Craft (any two) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +9, Spot +18 Improved Initiative, Flyby Attack Any land and underground 1-5 9 No coins; double goods; standard items Always neutral good 8-14 HD (Medium-size); 15-21 HD (Large)

Their visual acuity is unbelievable: They can see detail on objects up to 10 miles away and are said to be able to discern the color of a creature's eyes at 200 paces.

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, blur (self only), command, detect magic, dimension door, dispel magic, gust of wind, hold person, light, magic circle against evil (self only), magic missile, and see invisibility; 1/day-lightning bolt. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Fear Aura (Su): Once per day an avoral can create an aura of fear in a 20-foot radius. It is otherwise identical with fear as cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 17).

Lay on Hands (Su): This works just like the paladin's ability, but the avoral can heal as much damage per day as its own undamaged hit point total.

Animal Telepathy (Su): An avoral can mentally communicate with animals as a free action. This works exactly like speak with animals as cast by an 8th-level druid but does not require sound.

True Seeing (Su): This is identical with true seeing as cast by a 14th-level cleric, except that it has personal range and the avoral must concentrate for 1 full round before it takes effect. Thereafter it remains in effect as long as the avoral concentrates on it.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Skills: An avoral's sharp eyes give it a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks.

Celestial:Ghaele (Eladrin) Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Good) 10d8+20 (65) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (perfect) 25 (+1 Dex, +14 natural) +4 greatsword +21/+16 melee; or 2 light rays +11 ranged touch +4 greatsword 2d6+14 positive; light ray 2d12 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, spells, gaze, positive energy Damage reduction 25/+3, SR 28, alternate form, protective aura, electricity and petrification immunity, cold and acid resistance 20, tongues, poison saves, keen vision Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +10 Str 25, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 16 Animal Empathy +13, Concentration +12, Escape Artist +11, Hide +11, Knowledge (any three) or Craft (any three) +13, Listen +15, Move Silently +11, Sense Motive +13, Spot +15 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-5 13 No coins; double goods; standard items Always chaotic good 11-15 HD (Medium-size); 16-30 HD (Large)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, alter self, charm monster, color spray, comprehend languages, continual flame, cure light wounds, dancing lights, detect evil, detect thoughts, dispel magic, hold monster, improved invisibility (self only), major image, see invisibility, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 1/day-chain lightning, prismatic spray, and wall of force. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Spells: Ghaeles in humanoid form can cast divine spells from the cleric list and the Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, and Plant domains as 14th-level clerics (save DC 13 + spell level).

Gaze (Su): In humanoid form-slay evil creatures of 5 or fewer HD, range 60 feet, Will negates DC 18. Even if the save succeeds, the creature is affected as though by a fear spell for 2d10 rounds. Nonevil creatures, and evil creatures with more than 5 HD, must succeed at a Will save (DC 18) or suffer the fear effect.

Positive Energy (Ex): The ghaele's incandescent sword deals an additional 2d6 points of positive energy damage to evil creatures.

Light Ray (Ex): A ghaele in globe form can project light rays with a range of 300 feet.

Alternate Form (Su): A ghaele can shift between its humanoid and globe forms as a standard action. In humanoid form, it cannot fly or use its light rays, but it can use its gaze attack and spell-like abilities, make physical attacks, and cast spells. In globe form, it can fly, use its light rays, and use spell-like abilities, but it cannot cast spells or use its gaze attack.

A ghaele remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does the ghaele revert to any particular form when killed. A true seeing spell, however, reveals both forms simultaneously.

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, ghaeles can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equal to the celestial's Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Celestial:Trumpet Archon Medium-Size Outsider (Good, Lawful) 12d8+12 (66) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., Fly 90 ft. (good) 27 (+3 Dex, +14 natural) +4 greatsword +21/+16/+11 melee +4 greatsword 2d6+11 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, spells, trumpet, aura of menace 5 detect evil, 5 continual flame, 5 message Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 29, magic circle against evil, electricity and petrification immunity, teleport, tongues, poison saves, keen vision Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +11 Str 20, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16 Animal Empathy +15, Concentration +13, Escape Artist +15, Hide +15, Knowledge (any three) +15, Listen +15, Move Silently +15, Sense Motive +15, Spot +15 Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-5 14 No coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful good 13-18 HD (Medium-size); 19-36 HD (Large)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: detect evil, continual flame, and message. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Spells: Trumpet archons can cast divine spells from the cleric list and from the Air, Destruction, Good, Law, and War domains as 14th-level clerics (save DC 13 + spell level).

Trumpet (Su): The archon's trumpet produces music of utter clarity, piercing beauty, and, if the trumpet archon wills it, paralyzing awe. All creatures except archons within 100 feet of the blast must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. The archon can also command its trumpet to become a +4 greatsword as a free action.

If the trumpet is ever stolen, it becomes a chunk of useless lead until the archon can recover it. Woe betide any thief caught with it.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds a trumpet archon that fights or gets angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of the archon must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) to resist its effects. Those who fail suffer a -2 morale penalty to attacks, AC, and saves for one day or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by that archon's aura for one day.

Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A magic circle against evil effect always surrounds archons, identical with the spell cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the archon's Hit Dice. The effect can be dispelled, but the archon can create it again during its next turn as a free action. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in the statistics block.)

Teleport (Su): Archons can teleport without error at will, as the spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer, except that the creature can transport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Celestial:Astral Deva Medium-Size Outsider (Good) 12d8+48 (102) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (good) 29 (+4 Dex, +15 natural) +3 heavy mace of disruption +21/+16/+11 melee +3 heavy mace of disruption 1d8+12 and stun 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Stun, spell-like abilities Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 30, uncanny dodge, protective aura, immunities, fire resistance 20, poison saves, tongues, keen vision Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +12 Str 22, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 20 Concentration +19, Escape Artist +19, Hide +19, Knowledge (any three) or Craft (any three) +17, Listen +25, Move Silently +19, Sense Motive +19, Spot +25 Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-5 14 No coins; double goods; standard items Always good (any) 13-18 HD (Medium-size); 19-36 HD (Large)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Stun (Su): If an astral deva strikes an opponent twice in one round with its mace, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, continual flame, detect evil, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, invisibility sphere (self only), polymorph self, remove curse, remove disease, and remove fear; 7/day-see invisibility and cure light wounds; 1/day-heal and blade barrier. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Astral devas are never caught flat-footed and cannot be flanked.

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, devas can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equal to the celestial's Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Immunities (Ex): Devas are immune to electricity, petrification, cold, and acid.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Skills: Extremely alert, astral devas receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

Celestial:Planetar Large Outsider (Good) 14d8+70 (133) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) 32 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +19 natural) +3 greatsword +23/+18/+13 melee +3 greatsword 2d6+13 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, spells Damage reduction 30/+3, SR 30, regeneration 10, protective aura, immunities, fire resistance 20, tongues, poison saves, keen vision Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +15 Str 25, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Concentration +16, Escape Artist +20, Hide +17, Knowledge (any five) or Craft (any five) +21, Listen +23, Move Silently +17, Sense Motive +23, Search +19, Spot +23 Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2 16 No coins; double goods; standard items Always good (any) 15-21 HD (Large); 22-42 HD (Huge)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: continual flame, dispel magic, holy smite, improved invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, and speak with dead; 3/day-blade barrier, flame strike, and raise dead; 1/day-earthquake, greater restoration, shapechange, and symbol (any). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17th-level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

The following abilities are always active on the planetar's person, as the spells cast by a 17th-level sorcerer: detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, and true seeing. They can be dispelled, but the planetar can reactivate them as a free action.

Spells: Planetars can cast divine spells from the cleric list and from the Air, Destruction, Good, Law, and War domains as 17th-level clerics (save DC 16 + spell level).

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, planetars can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equal to the celestial's Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Immunities (Ex): Planetars are immune to electricity, petrification, cold, and acid.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Celestial:Solar Large Outsider (Good) 22d8+110 (209) +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (good) 35 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +21 natural) +5 dancing vorpal greatsword +35/+30/+25/+20/15 melee; or +2 mighty composite longbow (+5) +28/+23/+18/+13/+8 ranged +5 dancing vorpal greatsword 2d6+18; +2 mighty composite longbow (+5) 1d8+7 and slaying 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, spells Damage reduction 35/+4, SR 32, regeneration 15, protective aura, immunities, fire resistance 20, poison saves, tongues, keen vision Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +20 Str 28, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 23, Wis 25, Cha 25 Concentration +16, Escape Artist +30, Hide +26, Knowledge (any five) or Craft (any five) +28, Listen +32, Move Silently +30, Search +30, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +19, Spot +32 Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2 19 No coins; double goods; standard items Always good (any) 23-33 HD (Large); 34-66 HD (Huge)

Celestials speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, animate objects, commune, continual flame, dimensional anchor, greater dispelling, holy smite, imprisonment, improved invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, resist elements, summon monster VII, and speak with dead; 3/day-blade barrier, earthquake, heal, permanency, resurrection, and shapechange; 1/day-greater restoration, mass charm, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic spray, symbol (any), and wish. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

The following abilities are always active on the solar's person, as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer: detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies, see invisibility, and true seeing. They can be dispelled, but the solar can reactivate them as a free action.

Spells: Solars can cast divine spells from the cleric list and from the Air, Destruction, Good, Law, and War domains as 20th-level clerics (save DC 17 + spell level).

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, solars can surround themselves with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a sorcerer whose level equal to the celestial's Hit Dice. The aura can be dispelled, but the celestial can create it again as a free action on its next turn.

Tongues (Su): All celestials can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level sorcerer. This ability is always active.

Immunities (Ex): Solars are immune to electricity, petrification, cold, and acid.

Poison Saves (Ex): All celestials receive a +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison.

Keen Vision (Ex): All celestials have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Dretch Small Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 2d8 (9) +0 20 ft. 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) 2 claws +3 melee, bite +1 melee Claw 1d4 (20/x2), bite 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, summon tanar'ri 1 scare (DC 12), 1 stinking cloud (DC 13) Damage reduction 5/silver, SR 5, tanar'ri qualities, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 11 Multiattack Any land and underground 1-4, 6-40 2 None Always chaotic evil 3-6 HD (Small)

Dretches speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-darkness, scare, and telekinesis; 1/day-stinking cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 2nd-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a dretch can attempt to summon another dretch with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Immunities (Ex): Dretches are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Dretches can communicate telepathically with creatures within 100 feet that speak Abyssal.

Demon:Quasit Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 3d8 (13) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) 18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +8 melee, bite +3 melee Claw 1d3-1 (20/x2) poison, bite 1d4-1 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Spell-like abilities, poison Damage reduction 5/silver, SR 5, poison immunity, fire resistance 20, alternate form, regeneration 2 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +14, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Search +4, Spellcraft +4, Spot +6 Weapon Finesse (bite), Weapon Finesse (claw) Any land and underground 1 3 None Always chaotic evil 4-6 HD (Tiny)

Quasits speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only); 1/day-cause fear (as the spell, except that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level). Once per week a quasit can use commune to ask six questions (this is otherwise as the spell cast by a 12th-level cleric).

Poison (Ex): Claw, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial damage 1d4 temporary Dexterity, secondary damage 2d4 temporary Dexterity.

Alternate Form (Su): A quasit can assume other forms at will as a standard action. This ability functions as polymorph self cast by a 12th-level sorcerer, except that any individual quasit can assume only one or two forms no larger than Medium-size. Common forms include bat, monstrous centipede, toad, and wolf.

Regeneration (Ex): Quasits take normal damage from acid, and from holy and blessed weapons.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Succubus Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 6d8+6 (33) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural) 2 claws +7 melee Claw 1d3+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, energy drain, summon tanar'ri 5 charm monster (DC 22), 5 detect good, 5 detect thoughts (DC 20), 5 ethereal jaunt, 5 suggestion (DC 21), 5 greater teleport Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 12, tanar'ri qualities, alternate form, tongues, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20 Bluff +11, Concentration +7, Disguise +11*, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Knowledge (any one) +9, Listen +16, Move Silently +7, Ride +7, Search +9, Spot +16 Dodge, Mobility,improved grapple, Any land and underground 1 9 Standard Always chaotic evil 7-12 HD (Medium-size)

Succubi speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-charm monster, clairaudience/ clairvoyance, darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect thoughts, doom, ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), suggestion, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 1/day unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Energy Drain (Su): A succubus drains energy from a mortal it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the succubus must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The succubus's kiss or embrace inflicts one negative level; the victim must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 15) to even notice. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 18.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a succubus can attempt to summon one balor with a 10% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Alternate Form (Su): Succubi can assume any humanoid form of Small to Large size as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only humanoid forms. *While using this ability, a succubus gains a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.

Tongues (Su): A succubus has a permanent tongues ability as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. Succubi usually use verbal communication with mortals and save telepathic communication for conversing with other fiends.

Immunities (Ex): A succubus is immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): A succubus can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Succubi receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks. *When using alternate form, a succubus receives an additional +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.

Demon:Bebilith Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 12d8+48 (102) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., climb 20 ft. 25 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +16 natural) Bite +19 melee, 2 claws +14 melee Bite 2d6+9 and poison, claw 2d4+4 and armor damage 15 ft. by 15 ft./10 ft. Web, poison, armor damage Damage reduction 30/+3, protective aura, plane shift, scent, telepathy Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9 Str 28, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 13 Climb +21, Hide +11, Jump +21, Listen +17, Move Silently +15, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, Spot +17 Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Any land and underground 1 9 None Always chaotic evil 13-18 HD (Huge); 19-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Bebiliths do not speak but understand Abyssal. Their telepathy allows them to communicate silently with one another.

Web (Ex): Four times per day a bebilith can shoot webs from its abdomen. This attack is like a web spell, with a few exceptions. The range is 30 feet, and the webs are permanent, nonmagical, and cannot be dispelled. The DC for evading or breaking free from the webs is 20, and there is a 75% chance that the webbing won't burn if any sort of fire is applied to it (check each round).

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 20); initial damage 1d6 temporary Constitution, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Constitution. Bebilith venom is highly perishable, losing its potency and becoming inert, foul-smelling goo almost as soon as it comes into contact with air.

Armor Damage (Ex): A bebilith's claws can catch and tear an opponent's armor. If the opponent has both armor and a shield, roll 1d6: A roll of 1-4 affects the armor and a roll of 5-6 affects the shield. Make a grapple check whenever the bebilith hits with a claw attack, adding to the opponent's roll any magical bonus for the armor or shield. If the bebilith wins, the affected armor or shield is torn away and ruined.

Protective Aura (Su): A magic circle against chaos, evil, good, or law effect always surrounds a bebilith, identical with the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. The bebilith usually chooses magic circle against chaos but can change the aura each round as a free action. The aura can be dispelled, but the bebilith can create it again during its next turn as a free action. (The defensive benefits from the aura are not included in the creature's statistics.)

Plane Shift (Su): This ability affects only the bebilith. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Skills: The bebilith's mottled coloration gives it a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Demon:Retriever Huge Construct 10d10 (55) +1 (Dex) 50 ft. 22 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural) 4 claws +12 melee Claw 2d6+7 10 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft. Eye rays +6 ranged touch, improved grab, find target Construct, regeneration 5 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 25, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1 10 None Always chaotic evil 11-15 HD (Huge); 16-30 HD (Gargantuan)

Retrievers speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Eye Rays (Su): A retriever's eyes can produce four different magical rays with a range of 100 feet. Each round, it can fire two rays, but an individual ray is usable only once every 6 rounds. It cannot fire rays in the same round as it makes physical attacks. Each effect follows the rules for a ray. Save DC is 16. The four eye effects are:

  • Fire: Deals 12d6 fire damage to the target and to all those within 5 feet (those nearby are allowed Reflex saves to halve the damage).
  • Cold: Deals 12d6 cold damage to the target.
  • Electricity: Deals 12d6 electricity damage to the target.
  • Petrification: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or turn to stone permanently.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the retriever must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it holds the opponent fast in its mouth. This is how it usually "retrieves" things.

Find Target (Sp): When ordered to find an item or being, a retriever does so unerringly, as though guided by discern location.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Regeneration (Ex): Blessed and holy weapons deal normal damage to retrievers.

A retriever that loses a limb or body part can reattach it by holding the severed member to the stump. Reattachment takes 1 minute. A retriever regrows lost body parts in one day (lost parts become inert).

Demon (Tanar'ri):Vrock Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 8d8+24 (60) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 25 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +14 natural) 2 claws +11 melee, bite +9 melee, 2 rakes +9 melee Claw 1d8+4, bite 1d6+2, rake 1d4+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, spores, screech, dance of ruin, summon tanar'ri Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 22, tanar'ri qualities, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8 Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12 Concentration +14, Hide +9, Knowledge (any one) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +13, Search +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +12, Spot +12 Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 13 Standard Always chaotic evil 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge)

Vrocks speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, mass charm, mirror image, telekinesis, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Spores (Ex): A vrock can release masses of spores from its body once every 3 rounds. The spores automatically deal 1d8 points of damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the vrock. They then penetrate the skin and grow, dealing an additional 1d2 points of damage each round for 10 rounds. At the end of this time, the victim is covered with a tangle of viny growths. A delay poison spell stops the spores' growth for its duration. Bless, neutralize poison, or remove disease kills the spores, as does sprinkling the victim with a vial of holy water.

Stunning Screech (Su): Once per hour a vrock can emit a piercing screech. Every creature within a 30-foot radius must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be stunned for 1 round.

Dance of Ruin (Su): To use this ability, a group of five or more vrocks join hands in a circle, dancing wildly and chanting. If they dance for 3 rounds, a wave of crackling energy flashes outward in a 100-foot radius. All nondemon creatures within the radius take 2d20 points of damage (Reflex half DC 15). Forcing the vrocks to break the circle stops the dance.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a vrock can attempt to summon 2d10 dretches or another vrock with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Immunities (Ex): Vrocks are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Vrocks can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Vrocks receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Hezrou Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 9d8+27 (67) +0 30 ft. 26 (-1 size, +17 natural) 2 Bite +13 melee, 2 claws +8 melee melee Bite 4d4+5, claw 1d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, stench, improved grab, summon tanar'ri Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 23, tanar'ri qualities, half damage, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +8 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 Concentration +15, Hide +14, Listen +22, Move Silently +12, Search +14, Spellcraft +14, Spot +22 Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-4 14 Standard Always chaotic evil 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Hezrous speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate object, blasphemy, blink, chaos hammer, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, dispel good, magic circle against good, produce flame, summon swarm, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), and unholy blight; 3/day-gaseous form. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Stench (Ex): A hezrou's skin produces a foul-smelling, toxic liquid whenever it fights. All creatures (except other tanar'ri) within 10 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be overwhelmed by nausea. They are rendered helpless from gagging and vomiting for as long as they remain in the affected area and for 1d4 rounds afterward. Creatures who successfully save suffer a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls but cannot be affected again by the same hezrou's stench for one day. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from one creature.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the hezrou must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with both claw attacks.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a hezrou can attempt to summon 4d10 dretches or another hezrou with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Half Damage (Ex): Any nonmagical attack against a hezrou, including hits from enchanted weapons, deals only half damage. This effect does not stack with the hezrou's damage reduction; apply either the damage reduction or the half damage, whichever results in the least amount of damage suffered.

Immunities (Ex): Hezrous are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Hezrous can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Hezrous receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Glabrezu Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 10d8+40 (85) +0 40 ft. 27 (-2 size, +19 natural) 2 pincers +15 melee, 2 claws +13 Pincer 2d6+7, claw 1d3+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Spell-like abilities, improved grab, summon tanar'ri Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 21, tanar'ri qualities, detect magic, true seeing, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +10 Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16 Bluff +13, Concentration +14, Hide +2, Knowledge (any one) +13, Listen +21, Move Silently +10, Scry +13, Search +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +13, Spot +21 Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack Any land and underground 1, 1 glabrezu plus 1 succubus plus 2-5 vrocks 15 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always chaotic evil 11-15 HD (Huge); 16-30 HD (Gargantuan)

Glabrezu speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-burning hands, chaos hammer, charm person, confusion, death knell, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, dispel magic, enlarge, mirror image, reverse gravity, shatter, and unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 10th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

A glabrezu also can teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only) at will as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. Seven times per day it can cast power word, stun as a 15th-level sorcerer.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the glabrezu must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a pincer attack. If it gets a hold, it deals automatic pincer damage each round the hold is maintained.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a glabrezu can attempt to summon 4d10 dretches or 1d2 vrocks with a 50% chance of success, or another glabrezu with a 20% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Detect Magic (Su): Glabrezu continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

True Seeing (Su): Glabrezu continuously use true seeing as the spell cast by a 12th-level cleric.

Immunities (Ex): Glabrezu are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Glabrezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Glabrezu receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Nalfeshnee Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 11d8+44 (93) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) 28 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +19 natural) Bite +15 melee, 2 claws +13 melee Bite 2d4+6, claw 1d4+3 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Spell-like abilities, smite, summon tanar'ri Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 24, tanar'ri qualities, know alignment, see invisibility, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +13 Str 23, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 16 Bluff +17, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +17, Hide +7 Knowledge (arcana) +16, Listen +26, Move Silently +15, Scry +19, Search +20, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +20, Spot +26 Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack Any land and underground 1, 1 plus 1 hezrou plus 2-5 vrocks 16 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always chaotic evil 12-17 HD (Huge); 18-33 HD (Gargantuan)

Nalfeshnees speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-alter self, call lightning, chaos hammer, chill touch, death knell, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect magic, feeblemind, forget, greater dispelling, invisibility (self only), magic circle against good (self only), mirror image, raise dead, slow, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy aura, unholy blight, and web. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Smite (Su): Three times per day a nalfeshnee can create a nimbus of unholy light. When the demon triggers the ability, rainbow-colored beams play around its body. One round later they burst in a 60-foot radius. Affected creatures take 15 points of damage (Reflex half DC 18). They also must succeed at a Will save (DC 18) or be in a stupor for 1d10 rounds as visions of their worst fears hound them. They receive full Dexterity and shield bonuses to AC if attacked but can take no actions. Other tanar'ri are immune to this effect.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Twice per day a nalfeshnee can attempt to summon 1d4 vrocks, 1d4 hezrous, or one glabrezu with a 50% chance of success, or another nalfeshnee with a 20% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Know Alignment (Su): Nalfeshnees always know the alignment of any creature that they look upon.

See Invisibility (Su): Nalfeshnees continuously see invisibility as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Immunities (Ex): Nalfeshnees are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Nalfeshnees can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Nalfeshnees receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Marilith Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 9d8+45 (85) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 29 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +18 natural) Weapon +13/+8 melee, 5 another weapon +13 melee, tail slam +11 melee Weapon 1d8+5, another weapon 1d8+2, tail slam 4d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, improved grab, constrict 4d6+7, summon tanar'ri Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 25, tanar'ri qualities, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +10 Str 21, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16 Bluff +14, Concentration +15, Hide +10, Listen +24, Move Silently +12, Scry +14, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +14, Spot +24 Cleave, Multiattack, Multidexterity, Multiweapon Fighting, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2 17 Standard coins; double goods; standard items, plus 1d4 magic weapons Always chaotic evil 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Mariliths speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dead, bestow curse, chaos hammer, cloudkill, comprehend languages, darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect magic, inflict serious wounds, magic circle against good (self only), magic weapon, project image, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, see invisibility, shatter, telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy aura, and unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the marilith must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with its tail slam attack. If it succeeds, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A marilith deals 4d6+7 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures. The constricted creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or lose consciousness for at long as it remains in the coils and for 2d4 rounds thereafter.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a marilith can attempt to summon 4d10 dretches, 1d4 hezrou, or one nalfeshnee with a 50% chance of success, or one glabrezu or another marilith with a 20% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Immunities (Ex): Mariliths are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Mariliths can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Mariliths receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Feats: A marilith receives the Multidexteriry and Multiweapon Fighting feats as bonus feats. In combination with its natural abilities, these feats allow the marilith to attack with all its arms at no penalty.

Demon (Tanar'ri):Balor Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) 13d8+52 (110) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) 30 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +20 natural) +1 vorpal greatsword +18/+13/+8 melee, whip +17 melee; or 2 slams +19 melee +1 vorpal greatsword 2d6+8, whip 1d4+3 and entangle; or slam 1d6+7 and fear 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with whip) Spell-like abilities, fear, entangle, body flames, summon tanar'ri Damage reduction 30/+3, SR 28, tanar'ri qualities, death throes, cold fire and acid resistance 20 Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +13 Str 25, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 16 Bluff +18, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +17, Hide +13, Knowledge (any one) +13, Listen +28, Move Silently +13, Scry +21, Search +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +21, Spot +29 Ambidexterity, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Two-Weapon Fighting Any land and underground 1, 1 plus 1 marilith plus 2-5 hezrous 18 Standard coins; double goods, plus whip; standard items, plus +1 vorpal greatsword Always chaotic evil 14-19 HD (Large); 20-39 HD (Huge)

Balors speak Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-blasphemy, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, fear, greater dispelling, pyrotechnics, read magic, suggestion, symbol (any), telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, and wall of fire; 1/day-fire storm and implosion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Fear (Su): A creature hit by a balor's slam attack must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or flee in terror for 1d6 rounds.

Entangle (Ex): A balor's whip entangles foes much like an attack with a net. The whip has a maximum range of 40 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and 20 hit points. The whip needs no folding. If it hits, the target and the balor immediately make opposed Strength checks; if the balor wins, it drags the target against its flaming body (see below). The target remains anchored against the balor's body until it escapes the whip.

Body Flames (Su): Balors can wreathe their bodies in roaring flames as a free action. The balor suffers no harm, but anyone grappling with it takes 4d6 points of fire damage each round.

Vorpal Sword (Su): Every balor carries a +1 vorpal greatsword that looks like a flame or a bolt of lightning. The sword also has the spell-like ability to detect good as cast by a 12th-level sorcerer, except that its range is 30 feet.

Detect Magic (Su): Balors continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer.

See Invisibility (Su): Balors continuously see invisibility as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a balor can automatically summon 4d10 dretches, 1d4 hezrous, or one nalfeshnee, glabrezu, marilith, or balor. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'ri that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Death Throes (Ex): When killed, a balor explodes in a blinding flash of light that deals 50 points of damage to everything within 100 feet (Reflex half DC 20).

Immunities (Ex): Balors are immune to poison and electricity.

Telepathy (Su): Balors can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Skills: Balors receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Devil:Lemure (Baatezu) Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 2d8 (9) +0 20 ft. 13 (+3 natural) 2 claws +2 melee Claw 1d3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Damage reduction 5/silver, SR 5, baatezu qualities, mindless, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 5 Any land and underground 1-4, 6-40 1 None Always lawful evil 3-6 HD (Small)

Lemures speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Mindless (Ex): Lemures are immune to all mind-influencing effects.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Devil:Imp Tiny Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 3d8 (13) +3 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) 18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Sting +8 melee Sting 1d4 (20/x2) poison 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Spell-like abilities, poison Damage reduction 5/silver, SR 5, poison immunity, fire resistance 20, see in darkness, polymorph, regeneration 2 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +15, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +5 Dodge, Weapon Finesse (sting) Any land and underground 1 2 None Always lawful evil 4-6 HD (Tiny)

Imps speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: detect good, detect magic, and invisibility (self only); 1/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Once per week an imp can use commune to ask six questions. The ability otherwise works as the spell cast by a 12th-level cleric.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial damage 1d4 temporary Dexterity, secondary damage 2d4 temporary Dexterity.

Polymorph (Su): An imp can assume other forms at will as a standard action. This ability functions as polymorph self cast by a 12th-level sorcerer, except that an individual imp can assume only one or two forms no larger than Medium-size. Common forms include monstrous spider, raven, rat, and boar.

Regeneration (Ex): Imps take normal damage from acid, and from holy and blessed weapons (if silver or enchanted).

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Devil:Osyluth (Baatezu) Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 5d8+10 (32) +4 (Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 17 (-1 size, +8 natural) Bite +9 melee, 2 claws +4 melee, sting +4 melee Bite 1d8+5 (20/x2), claw 1d4+2 (20/x2), sting 3d4+2 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, fear aura, poison, summon baatezu Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 22, baatezu qualities, know alignment, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 Concentration +8, Hide +3, Listen +11, Move Silently +8, Search +8, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12 Alertness, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 6 Standard Always lawful evil 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

Osyluths speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dead, charm person, dimensional anchor, doom, fly, invisibility (self only), major image, suggestion, and wall of ice. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

An osyluth can also teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only) at will as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Fear Aura (Su): Osyluths can radiate a 5-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. Affected creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or be affected as though by a fear spell cast by a 7th-level sorcerer. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same osyluth's aura for one day. Other baatezu are immune to the aura.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 14); initial damage 1d6 temporary Strength, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day an osyluth can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures with a 50% chance of success, or another osyluth with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Know Alignment (Su): Osyluths always know the alignment of any creature they look upon.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Baatezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Devil:Kyton Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 8d8+8 (44) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 18 (+8 natural) 2 chain rakes +9 melee Chain rake 1d8+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Dancing chains, unnerving gaze Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 17, cold immunity, regeneration 2 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 Str 13, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 12 Climb +12, Craft (blacksmithing) +10, Escape Artist +11, Listen +13, Spot +13 Alertness, Improved Critical (chain), Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-4, 6-20 6 Standard Always lawful evil 9-16 HD (Medium-size)

Kytons speak Infernal and Common.

Dancing Chains (Su): A kyton's most awesome attack is its ability to control all chains within 20 feet as a standard action, making them dance or move as it wishes. In addition, the kyton can increase the chains' length by up to 15 feet and cause them to sprout razor-edged barbs. These chains attack as effectively as the kyton itself. A kyton can climb chains it controls at its normal speed without a Climb check.

Unnerving Gaze (Su): A kyton can make its face resemble one of the opponent's departed loved ones or bitter enemies. Those subjected to the gaze must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or suffer a -1 morale penalty to all attack rolls for 1d3 rounds.

Regeneration (Ex): Kytons take normal damage from fire, acid, and blessed weapons. A kyton that loses a piece of its body regrows it in 2d6x10 minutes. Holding the severed member against the stump enables it to reattach instantly.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Skills: Kytons receive a +8 racial bonus to Craft skills involving metalwork.

Devil:Hellcat Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 7d8+21 (52) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +12 melee, bite +7 melee Claw 1d4+6, bite 2d6+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3 Scent, invisible in light, SR 16, damage reduction 20/+2, fire resistance 20 Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7 Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10 Climb +16, Jump +16, Listen +16, Move Silently +16, Spot +12, Swim +12 Dodge, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-2, 6-10 7 None Always lawful evil 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Hellcats use a natural telepathy to communicate with one another and those they encounter.

Pounce (Ex): If a hellcat leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the hellcat must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A hellcat can make two rake attacks (+12 melee) against a held creature with its hind legs for 1d4+3 damage each. If the hellcat pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Invisible in Light (Ex): A hellcat is invisible in any area lit well enough for a human to see. In a darkened area, it shows up as a faintly glowing outline visible up to 30 feet away (60 feet if the viewer has low-light vision). Magical darkness smothers the glow and conceals the outline.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Skills: Hellcats receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Move Silently checks.

Devil:Barbazu (Baatezu) Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 6d8+6 (33) +4 (Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 17 (+7 natural) Glaive +8/+3 melee; or claws +8 melee Glaive 1d10+3 and wounding; claw 1d4+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Wounding, beard, battle frenzy, summon baatezu Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 23, baatezu qualities, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 15, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10 Concentration +7, Hide +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6 Cleave, Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 7 Standard Always lawful evil 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-18 HD (Large)

Barbazu speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate dead, charm person, command, desecrate, magic weapon, major image, produce flame, and suggestion. Barbazu also can induce fear by touch as the spell, except it affects only the creature touched. These abilities are as cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level). A barbazu can teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only) at will as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Wound (Su): A hit from a barbazu's glaive causes a bleeding wound. The injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round until the wound is bound (a DC 10 Heal check) or the creature dies. This is an ability of the barbazu, not of the weapon.

Beard (Ex): If a barbazu hits a single opponent with both claw attacks, it automatically hits with its beard. The affected creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be infected with a vile disease called devil chills (incubation period 1d4 days, damage 1d4 points of temporary Strength). Damage is dealt each day until the afflicted creature succeeds at three consecutive Fortitude saves, the disease is cured magically, or the creature dies. The beard also causes 1d8+2 damage.

Battle Frenzy (Ex): A barbazu can work itself into a battle frenzy similar to the barbarian's rage ability (+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 morale bonus to Will saves, -2 AC penalty), for a +2 morale bonus to attacks and damage and 12 extra hit points. The frenzy lasts 6 rounds, and the barbazu suffers no ill effects afterward.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day a barbazu can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures with a 50% chance of success, or another barbazu with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Baatezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Devil:Erinyes (Baatezu) Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 6d8+6 (33) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural) Longsword +8/+3 melee; or longbow +7/+2 ranged; or rope +7 ranged Longsword 1d8+3; or longbow 1d8; or rope entangle 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Rope entangle, charm person, summon baatezu Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 12, baatezu qualities, tongues, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 20 Concentration +9, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +8, Hide +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +9, Search +9, Spot +10 Dodge, Mobility Any land and underground 1 7 Standard, plus rope Always lawful evil 7-12 HD (Medium-size)

Erinyes speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate dead, charm monster, desecrate, invisibility (self only), magic circle against good (self only), major image, polymorph self, produce flame, see invisibility, suggestion, and unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

An erinyes also can teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only) at will as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Charm Person (Su): An erinyes can charm a humanoid creature with a look. This is not a gaze attack, and the target need not meet the erinyes's eye. The ability has a range of 60 feet; an affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 18) or become utterly loyal to the erinyes. The victim will do anything to protect the erinyes, even if that means slaying his or her companions or facing certain death. The ability is otherwise similar to charm person cast by an 8th-level sorcerer.

Entangle (Ex): Each erinyes carries a stout rope some 50 feet long that entangles opponents of any size as an animate rope spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer. The erinyes can hurl the rope 30 feet with no range penalty.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day an erinyes can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures with a 50% chance of success, or 1d4 barbazu with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Tongues (Su): An erinyes has a permanent tongues ability as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. Erinyes usually use verbal communication when dealing with mortals and save telepathic communication for conversing with other fiends.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Erinyes can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Devil:Hamatula Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 9d8+9 (49) +0 30 ft. 22 (+12 natural) 2 claws +12 melee Claw 2d4+3 (20/x2) fear 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fear, improved grab, impale 3d4+4, summon baatezu Damage reduction 10/+1, SR 23, baatezu qualities, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +8 Str 17, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10 Concentration +13, Hide +12, Listen +15, Move Silently +12, Search +13, Sense Motive +13, Spot +15 Alertness, Cleave, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 8 Standard Always lawful evil 10 HD (Medium-size); 11-21 HD (Large)

Hamatulas speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate dead, charm person, desecrate, doom, hold person, major image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, and suggestion; 1/day-order's wrath or unholy blight. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level). A hamatula can teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only) at will as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.

Fear (Su): A creature hit by a hamatula must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or be affected as though by fear cast by a 9th-level sorcerer. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that hamatula's fear ability for one day.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the hamatula must hit with a claw attack. If it gets a hold, it can impale the opponent on its barbed body.

Impale (Ex): A hamatula deals 3d4+4 points of damage to a grabbed opponent with a successful grapple check.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day a hamatula can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures with a 50% chance of success, or another hamatula with a 35% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Hamatula can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Devil:Cornugon (Baatezu) Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 11d8+33 (82) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 25 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +15 natural) Whip +15/+10/+5 melee, bite +9 melee, tail +9 melee;claw +15/+15 melee, bite +9 melee, tail +9 melee Whip 1d6+5 and stun, claw 1d4 +5; bite 1d4+2, tail 1d3+2 and wound 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Spell-like abilities, fear aura, stun, wound, summon baatezu Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 24, baatezu qualities, regeneration 5, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +9 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 Bluff +14, Climb +16, Concentration +15, Hide +7, Listen +14, Move Silently +14, Search +14, Sense Motive +14, Spot +14 Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10 10 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful evil 12-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)

Cornugons speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate dead, charm person, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel chaos, dispel good, magic circle against good, major image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, suggestion, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 3/day-fireball and lightning bolt; 1/day-wall of fire. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a cornugon can create an aura of fear in a 5-foot radius. It is otherwise identical with fear cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 17). If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that cornugon's fear aura for one day. Other baatezu are immune to the aura.

Stun (Su): Whenever a cornugon hits with a whip attack, the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Wound (Su): A hit from a cornugon's tail attack causes a bleeding wound. The injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round until the wound is bound (a DC 10 Heal check) or the creature dies.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day a cornugon can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures or 1d6 barbazu with a 50% chance of success, 1d6 hamatulas with a 35% chance of success, or another cornugon with a 20% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Regeneration (Ex): Cornugons take normal damage from acid, and from holy and blessed weapons of at least +2 enchantment.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Baatezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Devil:Gelugon (Baatezu) Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 12d8+60 (114) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 28 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +18 natural) Longspear +17/+12/+7 melee, bite +12 melee, tail +12 melee;Claw +17/+17 melee, bite +12 melee, tail +12 melee Longspear 1d8+9 cold, claw 1d8+6, bite 2d4+3, tail 3d4+3 cold 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Spell-like abilities, fear aura, cold, summon baatezu Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 25, baatezu qualities, regeneration 5, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +14 Str 23, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 16 Bluff +16, Climb +20, Concentration +20, Disguise +17, Jump +19, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Listen +22, Move Silently +16, Search +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +20, Spot +22 Alertness, Cleave, Dodge, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-4, 6-10, 1-2 plus 7-12 barbazu plus 1-4 osyluths 13 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful evil 13-18 HD (Large); 19-33 HD (Huge)

Gelugons speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dead, charm monster, cone of cold, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, fly, magic circle against good, major image, polymorph self, suggestion, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy aura, and wall of ice. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a gelugon can create an aura of fear in a 10-foot radius. It is otherwise identical with fear cast by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 19). If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that gelugon's fear aura for one day. Other baatezu are immune to the aura.

Cold (Su): A hit from a gelugon's tail or spear attack induces numbing cold. The opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 21) or be affected as though by a slow spell for 1d6 rounds.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day a gelugon can attempt to summon 2d10 lemures or 1d6 barbazu with a 50% chance of success, 2d4 osyluths or 1d6 hamatulas with a 35% chance of success, or another gelugon with a 20% chance of success. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Regeneration (Ex): Gelugons take normal damage from holy and blessed weapons of at least +2 enchantment.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Baatezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Devil:Pit Fiend (Baatezu) Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 13d8+65 (123) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) 30 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +20 natural) 2 claws +19 melee, 2 wings +14 melee, bite +14 melee, tail slap +14 melee Claw 1d6+7, wing 1d4+3, bite 2d6+3 and poison plus disease, tail slap 2d4+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, fear aura, improved grab, constrict 2d4+10, summon baatezu Damage reduction 25/+2, SR 28, baatezu qualities, regeneration 5, cold and acid resistance 20 Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +13 Str 25, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 16 Bluff +17, Climb +20, Concentration +19, Disguise +17, Hide +4, Jump +19, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Listen +21, Move Silently +17, Search +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot +21 Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-4, 1-2 plus 2-5 cornugons plus 2-5 hamatulas 16 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful evil 14-20 HD (Large); 21-39 HD (Huge)

Pit fiends speak Infernal, Celestial, and Draconic.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate dead, blasphemy, charm person, create undead, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, dispel magic, fireball, hold person, improved invisibility, magic circle against good, major image, produce flame, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, suggestion, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy aura, unhallow, and wall of fire; 1/day-meteor swarm (any) and symbol (any). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Once per year a pit fiend can use wish as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer.

Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a pit fiend can create an aura of fear in a 20-foot radius. It is otherwise identical with fear cast by a 15th-level sorcerer (save DC 19). If the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by that pit fiend's fear aura for one day. Other baatezu are immune to the aura.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 21); initial damage 1d6 temporary Constitution, secondary damage death.

Disease (Su): Even if an affected creature saves against the poison, it must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be infected with a vile disease called devil chills (incubation period 1d4 days, damage 1d4 points of temporary Strength).

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the pit fiend must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with its tail slap attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A pit fiend deals 2d4+10 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Medium-size or smaller creatures.

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Twice per day a pit fiend can automatically summon two lemures, osyluths, or barbazu, or one erinyes, cornugon, or gelugon. This is much as though casting a summon monster spell. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Regeneration (Ex): Pit fiends take normal damage from holy and blessed weapons of at least +3 enchantment.

Immunities (Ex): Baatezu are immune to fire and poison.

See in Darkness (Su): All devils can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness spells.

Telepathy (Su): Baatezu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Dinosaur:Deinonychus Large Beast 4d10+12 (34) +2 (Dex) 60 ft. 16 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural) Rake +6 melee, 2 claws +1 melee, bite +1 melee Rake 2d6+4, claw 1d3+2, bite 2d4+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +7, Jump +13, Listen +11, Spot +11, Survival +9 Warm forest, hill, plains, and marsh 1-6 3 None Always neutral 5-8 HD (Large)

Skills: A deinonychus receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks.

Dinosaur:Elasmosaurus Huge Beast (Aquatic) 5d10+25 (52) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 50 ft. 13 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +9 melee Bite 2d8+12 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 26, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9 Listen +2, Spot +5 Warm aquatic 1-2 5 None Always neutral 6-15 HD (Huge) Dinosaur:Megaraptor Huge Beast 8d10+32 (76) +2 (Dex) 60 ft. 16 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) Rake +9 melee, 2 claws +4 melee, bite +4 melee Rake 2d8+5, claw 1d4+2, bite 2d6+2 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Scent Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +4 Str 21, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10 Hide +5, Jump +14, Listen +12, Spot +12, Survival +10 Warm forest, hill, plains, and marsh 1-6 6 None Always neutral 9-16 HD (Huge); 17-24 HD (Gargantuan) Dinosaur:Triceratops Huge Beast 16d10+112 (200) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 18 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +11 natural) Gore +15 melee Gore 2d8+7 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Charge for double damage, trample Scent Fort +17, Ref +9, Will +6 Str 20, Dex 9, Con 25, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 7 Listen +8, Spot +8 Warm forest, hill, and plains 1-2, 5-8 7 None Always neutral 17-32 HD (Gargantuan); 33-48 HD (Colossal)

Trample (Ex): A triceratops can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for 2d12+5 points of damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the triceratops can attempt a Reflex save (DC 23) to halve the damage.

Dinosaur:Tyrannosaurus Huge Beast 18d10+72 (171) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 14 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +20 melee Bite 5d8+13 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Improved grab, swallow whole Scent Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +8 Str 28, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10 Listen +11, Spot +11 Warm forest, hill, plains, and marsh 1-2 8 None Always neutral 19-36 HD (Gargantuan); 37-54 HD (Colossal)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the tyrannosaurus must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the foe.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A tyrannosaurus can try to swallow a Medium-size or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check. The swallowed creature takes 2d8+8 points of crushing damage per round plus 8 points of acid damage from the tyrannosaurus's gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must again cut its own way out. The tyrannosaurus's gizzard can hold two Medium-size, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Dire Animal:Dire rat Small Animal 1d8+1 (5) +3 (Dex) 40 ft., climb 20 ft. 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural) Bite +4 melee Bite 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Disease Scent Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 4 Climb +11, Hide +11, Move Silently +6 Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 1, 11-20 1/3 None Always neutral 2-3 HD (Small); 4-6 HD (Medium-size)

Disease (Ex): Filth fever-bite, Fortitude save (DC 12), incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 temporary Dexterity and 1d3 temporary Constitution.

Dire Animal:Dire weasel Medium-Size Animal 3d8 (13) +4 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (+4 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +6 melee Bite 1d6+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Attach, blood drain Scent Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +4 Str 14, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11 Hide +9, Move Silently +10, Spot +5 Weapon Finesse (bite),improved grapple, Temperate forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground 1-2 2 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)

Attach (Ex): A dire weasel that hits with its bite attack latches onto the opponent's body with its powerful jaws. An attached dire weasel loses its Dex bonus to AC and thus has an AC of 12.

Blood Drain (Ex): A dire weasel drains blood for 2d4 points of temporary Constitution damage each round it remains attached.

Dire Animal:Dire badger Medium-Size Animal 3d8+12 (25) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +4 melee, bite -1 melee Claw 1d4+2 (20/x2), bite 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Rage Scent Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 14, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +6, Spot +6 Temperate forest, hill, plains, and underground 1-5 2 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)

Rage (Ex): A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Dire Animal:Dire bat Large Animal 4d8+12 (30) +6 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) 20 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +5 melee Bite 1d8+4 10 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Blindsight Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6 Str 17, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6 Listen +11*, Move Silently +11, Spot +11* Temperate and warm desert, forest, hill, plains, and underground 1, 5-8 2 None Always neutral 5-12 HD (Huge)

Blindsight: Dire bats can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this ability and forces the bat to rely on its weak vision, which has a maximum range of 10 feet.

Skills: Dire bats receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. *These bonuses are lost if blindsight is negated.

Dire Animal:Dire ape Large Animal 5d8+10 (32) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 15 ft. 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +8 melee, bite +3 melee Claw 1d6+6, bite 1d8+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rend 2d6+12 Scent Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +5 Str 22, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7 Climb +14, Move Silently +9, Spot +9 Warm forest, warm mountains, and underground 1, 5-8 3 None Always neutral 6-15 HD (Large)

Rend (Ex): A dire ape that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This automatically deals an additional 2d6+12 points of damage.

Dire Animal:Dire wolverine Large Animal 5d8+20 (42) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 10 ft. 16 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +8 melee, bite +3 melee Claw 1d6+6, bite 1d8+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Rage Scent Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 22, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Climb +14, Listen +9, Spot +8 Temperate forest, hill, plains, and underground 1-2 4 None Always neutral 6-15 HD (Large)

Rage (Ex): A dire wolverine that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. An enraged dire wolverine gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Dire Animal:Dire wolf Large Animal 6d8+18 (45) +2 (Dex) 50 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Bite +10 melee Bite 1d8+10 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Trip Scent Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6 Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Spot +6, Survival +1* Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground 1, 5-8 3 None Always neutral 7-18 HD (Large)

Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the dire wolf.

Skills: A dire wolf receives a +1 racial bonus to Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks and a +2 racial bonus to Hide checks. *It also receives a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent.

Dire Animal:Dire boar Large Animal 7d8+21 (52) +0 40 ft. 15 (-1 size, +6 natural) Bite +12 melee Bite 1d8+12 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Ferocity Scent Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8 Listen +9, Spot +8 Temperate and warm forest 1, 5-8 4 None Always neutral 8-16 HD (Large); 17-21 HD (Huge)

Ferocity (Ex): A dire boar is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.

Dire Animal:Dire lion Large Animal 8d8+24 (60) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +12 melee, bite +7 melee Claw 1d6+7, bite 1d8+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d6+3 Scent Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +7 Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +5*, Jump +10, Listen +4, Move Silently +9, Spot +4 Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground 1-2, 6-10 5 None Always neutral 9-16 HD (Large); 17-24 HD (Huge)

Pounce (Ex): If a dire lion leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the dire lion must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A dire lion can make two rake attacks (+12 melee) against a held creature with its hind legs for 1d6+3 damage each. If the dire lion pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Dire lions receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8.

Dire Animal:Dire bear Large Animal 12d8+48 (102) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural) 2 claws +18 melee, bite +13 melee Claw 2d4+10, bite 2d8+5 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Improved grab Scent Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9 Str 31, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +7, Spot +7, Swim +13 Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground 1-2 7 None Always neutral 13-16 HD (Large); 17-36 HD (Huge)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the dire bear must hit with a claw attack.

Dire Animal:Dire tiger Huge Animal 16d8+48 (120) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +18 melee, bite +13 melee Claw 2d4+8, bite 2d6+4 10 ft. by 30 ft./10 ft. Pounce, improved grab, rake 2d4+4 Scent Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +11 Str 27, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Hide +0*, Jump +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +9, Spot +3, Swim +11 Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground 1-2 8 None Always neutral 17-32 HD (Huge); 33-48 (Gargantuan)

Pounce (Ex): If a dire tiger leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the dire tiger must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A dire tiger can make two rake attacks (+18 melee) against a held creature with its hind legs for 2d4+4 damage each. If the dire tiger pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Dire tigers receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8.

Dire Animal:Dire shark Huge Animal (Aquatic) 18d8+54 (135) +2 (Dex) Swim 90 ft. 17 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural) Bite +17 melee Bite 2d6+9 10 ft. by 50 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, swallow whole Keen scent Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +12 Str 23, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 10 Listen +7, Spot +7 Any aquatic 1-5 9 None Always neutral 19-32 (Huge); 33-54 (Gargantuan)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the dire shark must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the foe.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A dire shark can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d6+6 points of crushing damage plus 1d8+4 points of acid damage per round from the shark's digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out using claws or a light slashing weapon by dealing 25 points of damage to the shark's digestive tract (AC 20). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The shark's gullet can hold two Large, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or smaller opponents.

Keen Scent (Ex): A dire shark can notice creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius and detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.

Dwarf:Hill dwarf Medium-Size Humanoid (Dwarf) 1d8+1 (5) +0 15 ft. 16 (+4 scale mail, +2 large shield) Dwarven waraxe +1 melee; or shortbow +1 ranged Dwarven waraxe 1d10 (20/x3); shortbow 1d6 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision, dwarven traits Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Appraise +2, Craft (metalworking) +2, Listen +2, Spot +2 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven waraxe) Any hill, mountains, and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard coins, double goods; standard items Usually lawful good By character class

Dwarves speak Dwarven and Undercommon. Most who travel outside dwarven lands (as traders, mercenaries, or adventurers) know the Common tongue, while warriors in the dwarven cities usually learn Goblin to better interrogate and spy on those evil denizens of the deep caves.

Dwarven Traits (Ex): Dwarves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, through special combat training.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against all poisons.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants, through special defensive training.
  • Darkvision up to 60 feet.
  • Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

Skills: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks that are related to stone or metal.

A dwarf's favored class is fighter.

Dwarf:Deep Dwarf Medium-Size Humanoid (Dwarf) 1d8+1 (5) +0 15 ft. 16 (+4 scale mail, +2 large shield) Dwarven waraxe +1 melee; or shortbow +1 ranged Dwarven waraxe 1d10 (20/x3); shortbow 1d6 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision, dwarven traits Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6 Appraise +2, Craft (metalworking) +2, Listen +2, Spot +2 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven waraxe) Any underground 2-4 1/2 Standard coins, double goods; standard items Usually lawful neutral or neutral By character class

Deep dwarves speak Dwarven and Goblin, and occasionally Draconic or Undercommon.

Dwarven Traits (Ex): Deep dwarves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, through special combat training.
  • +3 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +3 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against all poisons.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants, through special defensive training.
  • Darkvision up to 90 feet.
  • Light Sensitivity (Ex): Deep dwarves suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
  • Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

Skills: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks that are related to stone or metal.

A deep dwarf's favored class is fighter.

Dwarf:Derro Medium-Size Humanoid (Dwarf) 1d8+1 (5) +0 15 ft. (scale mail); base 20 ft. 16 (+4 scale mail, +2 large shield) Dagger +1 melee; crossbow +1 ranged Dagger 1d4 (19/x2); crossbow 1d6 (19/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision, derro traits, SR 18, sunlight vulnerability Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 9, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6 Appraise +2, Craft (metalworking) +2, Listen +2, Spot +2 Blind-Fight Any underground 14-23 1 Standard coins, double goods; standard items Usually chaotic evil By character class

Derro are encountered only in squads or platoons, carrying daggers, spiked bucklers, and repeating light crossbows that fire poisoned bolts. This poison is either greenblood oil or a substance that causes initial and secondary damage of 2d6 points of temporary Strength (Fortitude negates DC 14). Derro have very few clerics, but those who follow this path can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and Trickery. Derro savants are at least 5th-level sorcerers; they have one to three Knowledge skills (usually arcana and other esoteric fields) and are able to use any magic item or weapon. A savant is accompanied by two lower-level students, each of which has one minor magic item.

Derro Traits (Ex): Derro benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Spell resistance 18.
  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, through special combat training.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against all poisons.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants, through special defensive training.
  • Darkvision up to 30 feet.
  • Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
  • Sunlight Vulnerability (Ex): Derro take 1 point of temporary Constitution damage for every hour they are exposed to sunlight, dying when their Constitution reaches 0. Lost Constitution points are recovered at the rate of 1 per day out of the sun.
  • Blind-Fight feat.

Skills: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks that are related to stone or metal.

A derro's favored class is fighter.

Dwarf:Duergar Medium-Size Humanoid (Dwarf) 1d8+1 (5) +0 15 ft. 16 (+4 scale mail, +2 large shield) Dwarven waraxe +1 melee; shortbow +1 ranged Dwarven waraxe 1d10 (20/x3); shortbow 1d6 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities 1 enlarge person, 1 invisibility Duergar traits, immunities, light sensitivity Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6 Appraise +2, Craft (metalworking) +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3 Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven waraxe) Any underground 2-4 1 Standard coins, double goods; standard items Usually lawful evil By character class

Duergar speak Dwarven and Undercommon.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-enlarge and invisibility as a wizard twice the duergar's level (minimum 3rd level); these affect only the duergar and whatever it carries.

Immunities (Ex): Immune to paralysis, phantasms, and magical or alchemical poisons (but not normal poisons).

Duergar Traits (Ex): Duergar benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • +4 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, through special combat training.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against all poisons.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants, through special defensive training.
  • Darkvision up to 120 feet.
  • Light Sensitivity (Ex): Duergar suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, saves, and checks in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
  • Listen +1, Spot +1.
  • Alertness feat.
  • Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

Skills: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks that are related to stone or metal.

A duergar's favored class is fighter.

Dwarf:Mountain Dwarf Medium-Size Humanoid (Dwarf) 1d8+1 (5) +0 15 ft. (scale mail) 16 (+4 scale mail, +2 large shield) Dwarven waraxe +1 melee; or shortbow +1 ranged Dwarven waraxe 1d10 (20/x3); shortbow 1d6 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Dwarven traits Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Appraise +2, Craft (metalworking) +2, Listen +2, Spot +2 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven waraxe) Any underground 2-4 1/2 Standard coins, double goods; standard items Usually lawful good By character class

Mountain dwarves speak Dwarven and Undercommon.

Dwarven Traits (Ex): Dwarves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, through special combat training.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against all poisons.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants, through special defensive training.
  • Darkvision up to 60 feet.
  • Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

Skills: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft or Profession checks that are related to stone or metal.

A dwarf's favored class is fighter.

Elemental:Air Elemental, Small Small Elemental (Air) 2d8 (9) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +5 melee Slam 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Air mastery, whirlwind Elemental Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +5, Spot +5 Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 1 None Usually neutral 3 HD (Small)

A small air elemental is 4 feet high and weighs 1 lb.

Air elementals speak Auran, although they rarely choose to do so. Their voices sound like the high-pitched screech of a tornado or the low moan of a midnight storm.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is DC 11, damage 1d4, and height up to 20 feet.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the following table for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the listed damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Air Elemental, Medium Medium-Size Elemental (Air) 4d8+8 (26) +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) 18 (+5 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +8 melee Slam 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Air mastery, whirlwind Elemental Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +1 Str 12, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +7, Spot +7 Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 3 None Usually neutral 5-7 HD (Medium-size)

A medium-size air elemental is 8 feet high and weighs 2 lbs.

Air elementals speak Auran, although they rarely choose to do so. Their voices sound like the high-pitched screech of a tornado or the low moan of a midnight storm.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is DC 13, damage 1d6, and height up to 30 feet.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the following table for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the listed damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Air Elemental, Large Large Elemental (Air) 8d8+24 (60) +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) 20 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +12/+7 melee Slam 2d6+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Air mastery, whirlwind Elemental, damage reduction 10/+1 Fort +5, Ref +13, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +11, Spot +11 Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 5 None Usually neutral 9-15 HD (Large)

A large air elemental is 16 feet high and weighs 4 lbs.

Air elementals speak Auran, although they rarely choose to do so. Their voices sound like the high-pitched screech of a tornado or the low moan of a midnight storm.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is DC 16, damage 2d6, and height up to 40 feet.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the following table for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the listed damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Air Elemental, Huge Huge Elemental (Air) 16d8+64 (136) +13 (+9 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) 21 (-2 size, +9 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +19/+14/+9 melee Slam 2d8+6 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Air mastery, whirlwind Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2 Fort +9, Ref +19, Will +5 Str 18, Dex 29, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +18, Spot +18 Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 7 None Usually neutral 17-20 HD (Huge)

A huge air elemental is 32 feet high and weighs 8 lbs.

Air elementals speak Auran, although they rarely choose to do so. Their voices sound like the high-pitched screech of a tornado or the low moan of a midnight storm.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is DC 22, damage 2d8, and height 10-50 feet.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the following table for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the listed damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Air Elemental, Greater Huge Elemental (Air) 21d8+84 (178) +14 (+10 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) 26 (-2 size, +10 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +23/+18/+13 melee Slam 2d8+7 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Air mastery, whirlwind Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2 Fort +11, Ref +22, Will +7 Str 20, Dex 31, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +23, Spot +23 Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 9 None Usually neutral 22-23 HD (Huge)

A greater air elemental is 36 feet high and weighs 10 lbs.

Air elementals speak Auran, although they rarely choose to do so. Their voices sound like the high-pitched screech of a tornado or the low moan of a midnight storm.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is DC 25, damage 2d8, and height 10-60 feet.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the following table for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the listed damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Air Elemental, Elder Huge Elemental (Air) 24d8+96 (204) +15 (+11 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) 27 (-2 size, +11 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +27/+22/+17/+12 melee Slam 2d8+9 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Air mastery, whirlwind Elemental, damage reduction 15/+3 Fort +12, Ref +25, Will +8 Str 22, Dex 33, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +26, Spot +26 Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Any land and underground 1 11 None Usually neutral 25+ HD (Huge)

An elder air elemental is 40 feet high and weighs 12 lbs.

Air elementals speak Auran, although they rarely choose to do so. Their voices sound like the high-pitched screech of a tornado or the low moan of a midnight storm.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against an air elemental.

Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is DC 27, damage 2d8, and height 10-60 feet.

The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the following table for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the listed damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Earth Elemental, Small Small Elemental (Earth) 2d8+2 (11) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 17 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural) Slam +5 melee Slam 1d6+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Earth mastery, push Elemental Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +0 Str 17, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +5, Spot +5 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 1 None Usually neutral 3 HD (Small)

Small earth elementals are 4 feet high and weigh 80 lbs.

Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Elemental:Earth Elemental, Medium Medium-Size Elemental (Earth) 4d8+12 (30) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 18 (-1 Dex, +9 natural) Slam +8 melee Slam 1d8+7 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Earth mastery, push Elemental Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +1 Str 21, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +7, Spot +7 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 3 None Usually neutral 5-7 HD (Medium-size)

Medium-size Earth Elementals are 8 feet high and weigh 750 lbs.

Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Elemental:Earth Elemental, Large Large Elemental (Earth) 8d8+32 (68) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +10 natural) Slam +12/+7 melee Slam 2d8+10 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Earth mastery, push Elemental, damage reduction 10/+1 Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +2 Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +11, Spot +11 Cleave, Power Attack Any land and underground 1 5 None Usually neutral 9-15 HD (Large)

Large Earth Elementals are 16 feet high and weigh 6,000 lbs.

Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Elemental:Earth Elemental, Huge Huge Elemental (Earth) 16d8+80 (152) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 18 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +11 natural) Slam +19/+14/+9 melee Slam 2d10+13 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Earth mastery, push Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2 Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +5 Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +18, Spot +18 Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1 7 None Usually neutral 17-20 HD (Huge)

Huge earth elementals are 32 feet high and weigh 48,000 lbs.

Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Elemental:Earth Elemental, Greater Huge Elemental (Earth) 21d8+105 (199) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 20 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +13 natural) Slam +23/+18/+13 melee Slam 2d10+15 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Earth mastery, push Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2 Fort +17, Ref +6, Will +7 Str 31, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +23, Spot +23 Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1 9 None Usually neutral 22-23 HD (Huge)

Greater earth elementals are 36 feet high and weigh 54,000 lbs.

Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Elemental:Earth Elemental, Elder Huge Elemental (Earth) 24d8+120 (228) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 22 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +15 natural) Slam +27/+22/+17/+12 melee Slam 2d10+16 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Earth mastery, push Elemental, damage reduction 15/+3 Fort +19, Ref +7, Will +8 Str 33, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +26, Spot +26 Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1 11 None Usually neutral 25+ HD (Huge)

Elder earth elementals are 40 feet high and weigh 60,000 lbs.

Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental's opposed Strength checks.

Elemental:Fire Elemental, Small Small Elemental (Fire) 2d8 (9) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +3 melee Slam 2d4 (20/x2) fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Burn Elemental, fire subtype Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +5, Spot +5 Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 1 None Usually neutral 3 HD (Small)

A small fire elemental is 4 feet high and weighs 1 lb.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 11) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Elemental:Fire Elemental Medium-Size Elemental (Fire) 4d8+8 (26) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 16 (+0 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +6 melee Slam 2d6+1 (20/x2) fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Burn Elemental, fire subtype Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1 Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +7, Spot +7 Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 3 None Usually neutral 5-7 HD (Medium-size)

A medium-size fire elemental is 8 feet high and weights 2 lbs.

Fire elementals speak Ignan, though they rarely choose to do so. When one does, its voice sounds like the crackle and hiss of a great fire.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 14) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Elemental:Fire Elemental, Large Large Elemental (Fire) 8d8+24 (60) +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 18 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +10/+5 melee Slam 2d6+3 and 2d6 fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Burn Elemental, damage reduction 10/+1, fire subtype Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +2 Str 14, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +11, Spot +11 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 5 None Usually neutral 9-15 HD (Large)

A large fire elemental is 16 feet high and weighs 4 lbs.

Fire elementals speak Ignan, though they rarely choose to do so. When one does, its voice sounds like the crackle and hiss of a great fire.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 17) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Elemental:Fire Elemental, Huge Huge Elemental (Fire) 16d8+64 (136) +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 19 (-2 size, +7 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +17/+12/+7 melee Slam 2d8+6 and 2d8 fire 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Burn Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2, fire subtype Fort +9, Ref +17, Will +5 Str 18, Dex 25, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +18, Spot +18 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 7 None Usually neutral 17-20 HD (Huge)

A huge fire elemental is 32 feet high and weighs 8 lbs.

Fire elementals speak Ignan, though they rarely choose to do so. When one does, its voice sounds like the crackle and hiss of a great fire.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 22) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Elemental:Fire Elemental, Greater Huge Elemental (Fire) 21d8+84 (178) +12 (+8 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 24 (-2 size, +8 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +21/+16/+11 melee Slam 2d8+7 and 2d8 fire 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Burn Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2, fire subtype Fort +11, Ref +20, Will +7 Str 20, Dex 27, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +23, Spot +23 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 9 None Usually neutral 22-23 HD (Huge)

A greater fire elemental is 36 feet high and weighs 10 lbs.

Fire elementals speak Ignan, though they rarely choose to do so. When one does, its voice sounds like the crackle and hiss of a great fire.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 24) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Elemental:Fire Elemental, Elder Huge Elemental (Fire) 24d8+96 (204) +13 (+9 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 50 ft. 25 (-2 size, +9 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +25/+20/+15/+10 melee Slam 2d8+9 and 2d8 fire 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Burn Elemental, damage reduction 15/+3, fire subtype Fort +12, Ref +23, Will +8 Str 22, Dex 29, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +26, Spot +26 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse (slam) Any land and underground 1 11 None Usually neutral 25+ HD (Huge)

An elder fire elemental is 40 feet high and weighs 12 lbs.

Fire elementals speak Ignan, though they rarely choose to do so. When one does, its voice sounds like the crackle and hiss of a great fire.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental's slam attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 26) or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex save.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Elemental:Water Elemental, Small Small Elemental (Water) 2d8+2 (11) +0 20 ft., swim 90 ft. 17 (+1 size, +0 Dex, +6 natural) Slam +4 melee Slam 1d6+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Water mastery, drench, vortex Elemental Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +5, Spot +5 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 1 None Usually neutral 3 HD (Small)

A small water elemental is 4 feet high and weighs 34 lbs.

Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or elemental is landbound, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. The elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed.

Drench (Ex): The elemental's touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the elemental's HD total.

Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is DC 13, damage 1d4, and up to 20 feet high.

The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. A creature that can swim is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the vortex's base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Water Elemental, Medium Medium-Size Elemental (Water) 4d8+12 (30) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 90 ft. 19 (+1 Dex, +8 natural) Slam +6 melee Slam 1d8+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Water mastery, drench, vortex Elemental Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1 Str 16, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +7, Spot +7 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 3 None Usually neutral 5-7 HD (Medium-size)

A medium-size water elemental is 8 feet high and weighs 280 lbs.

Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or elemental is landbound, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. The elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed.

Drench (Ex): The elemental's touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the elemental's HD total.

Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is DC 15, damage 1d6, and up to 30 feet high.

The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. A creature that can swim is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the vortex's base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Water Elemental, Large Large Elemental (Water) 8d8+32 (68) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 90 ft. 20 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural) Slam +10/+5 melee Slam 2d8+7 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Water mastery, drench, vortex Elemental, damage reduction 10/+1 Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 20, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +11, Spot +11 Cleave, Power Attack Any land and underground 1 5 None Usually neutral 9-15 HD (Large)

A large water elemental is 16 feet high and weighs 2,250 lbs.

Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or elemental is landbound, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. The elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed.

Drench (Ex): The elemental's touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the elemental's HD total.

Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is DC 19, damage 2d6, and up to 40 feet high.

The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. A creature that can swim is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the vortex's base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Water Elemental, Huge Huge Elemental (Water) 16d8+80 (152) +4 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 90 ft. 21 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural) Slam +17/+12/+7 melee Slam 2d10+10 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Water mastery, drench, vortex Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2, fire immunity Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +5 Str 24, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +18, Spot +18 Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1 7 None Usually neutral 17-20 HD (Huge)

A huge water elemental is 32 feet high and weighs 18,000 lbs.

Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or elemental is landbound, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. The elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed.

Drench (Ex): The elemental's touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the elemental's HD total.

Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is DC 25, damage 2d8, and up to 50 feet high.

The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. A creature that can swim is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the vortex's base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Water Elemental, Greater Huge Elemental (Water) 21d8+105 (199) +5 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 90 ft. 22 (-2 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural) Slam +21/+16/+11 melee Slam 2d10+12 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Water mastery, drench, vortex Elemental, damage reduction 10/+2, fire immunity Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +7 Str 26, Dex 20, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +23, Spot +23 Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1 9 None Usually neutral 22-23 HD (Huge)

A greater water elemental is 36 feet high and weighs 21,000 lbs.

Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or elemental is landbound, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. The elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed.

Drench (Ex): The elemental's touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the elemental's HD total.

Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is DC 26, damage 2d8, and up to 60 feet high.

The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. A creature that can swim is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the vortex's base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elemental:Water Elemental, Elder Huge Elemental (Water) 24d8+120 (228) +6 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 90 ft. 23 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +9 natural) Slam +25/+20/+15/+10 melee Slam 2d10+13 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft. Water mastery, drench, vortex Elemental, damage reduction 15/+3, fire immunity Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +8 Str 28, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +26, Spot +26 Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1 11 None Usually neutral 25+ HD (Huge)

A greater water elemental is 36 feet high and weighs 21,000 lbs.

Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the opponent or elemental is landbound, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. The elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed.

Drench (Ex): The elemental's touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the elemental's HD total.

Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is DC 29, damage 2d8, and up to 60 feet high.

The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental's size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.

Creatures one or more sizes smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the listed damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. A creature that can swim is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex's effects varies with the elemental's size.

The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.

If the vortex's base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to cast a spell (DC equal to the Reflex save DC).

Elf:High Elf Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision, elven traits Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Temperate forest 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic good By character class

Elves speak Elven, and most also know Common and Sylvan.

Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Elven Traits (Ex): Elves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow, regardless of character class.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.

An elf's favored class is wizard.

Elf:Half Elf Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision, elven traits Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Any land 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic good By character class

Half-elves speak Elven, and most also know Common and Sylvan.

Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Half-Elven Traits (Ex): These are in addition to the basic elf traits, except where noted here.

  • Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow, regardless of character class.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc.
  • +1 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks.

A half-elf can choose any class as his or her favored class.

Elf:Aquatic Elf Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 40 feet. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision, elven traits, gills Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 11 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Temperate aquatic 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic good By character class

Elves speak Elven, and most also know Common and Sylvan.

Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Aquatic Elf Traits (Ex): Aquatic elves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Gills: Aquatic elves can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution.
  • Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow, regardless of character class.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-Light Vision: Aquatic elves can see four times as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.

An aquatic elf's favored class is fighter.

Elf:Drow Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (18/x2); or longbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities 1 dancing lights, 1 darkness, 1 faerie fire Darkvision, SR 11, elven traits, light blindness Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 9 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Any underground 2-4 1 Standard Usually neutral evil By character class

Drow speak their own language, Drow. Many also speak Undercommon.

Drow are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Drow usually coat their arrows with a potent venom: Poisoned Arrows: Fortitude save (DC 17) or fall unconscious. After 1 minute, the subject must succeed at another Fortitude save (DC 17) or remain unconscious for 2d4 hours.

Drow Traits (Ex): Drow benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Spell resistance 11 + class level.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the drow's character level.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.
  • Darkvision up to 120 feet.
  • Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds drow for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light.

A male drow's favored class is wizard. Female drow favor the cleric class rather than wizard and have access to two of the following domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and Trickery.

Elf:Gray Elf Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision, elven traits Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 8, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 11 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Temperate forest and mountains 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic good By character class

Gray elves speak Elven. Being reclusive, few learn Common or Sylvan, although there are exceptions.

Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Elven Traits (Ex): Elves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow, regardless of character class.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.

A gray elf's favored class is wizard.

Elf:Wild Elf Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision, elven traits Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 11 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Temperate and warm forest 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually chaotic good By character class

Wild elves speak Elven and Sylvan.

Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Elven Traits (Ex): Elves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow, regardless of character class.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.

A wild elf's favored class is sorcerer, although many are barbarians as well.

Elf:Wood Elf Medium-Size Humanoid (Elf) 1d8-1 (3) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Longsword +1 melee; or longbow +2 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Low-light vision, elven traits Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Str 12, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 9 Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longbow) Temperate forest 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Wood elves speak Elven and Sylvan.

Elves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won't affect other elves.

Elven Traits (Ex): Elves benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow, regardless of character class.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects.
  • +2 racial bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells or effects.
  • Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.

A wood elf's favored class is ranger.

Formian:Formian worker Small Outsider (Lawful) 1d8+1 (5) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural) Bite +3 melee Bite 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Hive mind Poison immunity, petrification immunity, cold immunity, make whole, heal, fire electricity and sonic resistance 20 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2 Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 9 Craft (any one) +3, Climb +3 Skill Focus (craft) Any land and underground 2-4, 7-18 1/2 None Always lawful neutral 2 HD (Medium-size)

Make Whole (Sp): Three workers together can repair an object as though with make whole cast by a 7th-level cleric. This is a full-round action for all three workers.

Heal (Sp): Eight workers together can heal a creature's wounds as though with cure serious wounds cast by a 7th-level cleric. This is a full-round action for all eight workers.

Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Immunities (Ex): Formians have poison, petrification, and cold immunity.

Formian:Formian Warrior Medium-Size Outsider (Lawful) 4d8+8 (26) +3 (Dex) 40 ft. 18 (+3 Dex, +5 natural) Sting +7 melee, 2 claws +5 melee, bite +5 melee Sting 2d4+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), bite 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Hive mind, poison Poison immunity, petrification immunity, cold immunity, fire electricity and sonic resistance 20, SR 18 Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 Str 17, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11 Climb +10, Hide +10, Listen +7, Move Silently +10, Spot +6 Dodge, Multiattack Any land and underground 1-4, 6-11 3 None Always lawful neutral 5-8 HD (Medium-size); 9-12 HD (Large)

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 14); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Strength.

Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Immunities (Ex): Formians have poison, petrification, and cold immunity.

Formian:Formian taskmaster Medium-Size Outsider (Lawful) 6d8+12 (39) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural) Sting +10 melee, 2 claws +5 melee Sting 2d4+4 (20/x2), claw 1d6+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Hive mind, poison, dominate person, dominated creature 3 dominate monster (caster level 10, Will DC 17) Poison immunity, petrification immunity, cold immunity, fire electricity and sonic resistance 20, telepathy, SR 21 Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8 Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 19 Climb +13, Hide +12, Listen +12, Move Silently +12, Search +8, Sense Motive +12, Spot +12 Improved Initiative, Spell-Like Ability Focus (enchantment) Any land and underground 1 plus 1 CR4, 2 plus 2 CR4, 3 plus 3 CR4, 4 plus 4 CR4 7 Standard Always lawful neutral 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-12 HD (Large)

Dominate Person (Su): Taskmasters can use dominate person on any creature as the spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer (save DC 19), although the subject may be of any type and may be up to Large size. A single taskmaster can dominate up to four subjects at a time.

Dominated Creature (Ex): A taskmaster is never encountered alone: One dominated nonformian creature always accompanies it (choose or determine randomly any creature of CR 4).

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 15); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Strength.

Telepathy (Su): Taskmasters can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature within 100 feet.

Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Immunities (Ex): Formians have poison, petrification, and cold immunity.

Formian:Myrmarch Large Outsider (Lawful) 12d8+48 (102) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 28 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +15 natural) Sting +15 melee, bite +13 melee; or javelin +15/+10 ranged Sting 2d4+4, bite 2d6+2; or javelin 1d6+4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Hive mind, poison, spell-like abilities Poison immunity, petrification immunity, cold immunity, fire electricity and sonic resistance 20, fast healing 2, SR 25 Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +11 Str 19, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 17 Climb +18, Craft (any one) +9, Diplomacy +15, Hide +15, Knowledge (any one) +16, Listen +18, Move Silently +19, Search +17, Sense Motive +18, Spot +18 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Multiattack Any land and underground 1-4, 1 plus 7-18 formian worker plus 6-11 formian warrior 10 Standard Always lawful neutral 13-18 HD (Large); 19-24 HD (Huge)

Myrmarchs speak Formian and Common.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 20); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Dexterity.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect chaos, detect thoughts, magic circle against chaos, and teleport without error; 1/day-dictum and order's wrath. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Immunities (Ex): Formians have poison, petrification, and cold immunity.

Formian:Queen Large Outsider (Lawful) 20d8+100 (190) +5 (Int) 0 ft. 23 (-1 size, +14 natural) 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Hive mind, spells, spell-like abilities Poison immunity, petrification immunity, cold immunity, fire electricity and sonic resistance 20, fast healing 2, telepathy, SR 30 Fort +19, Ref -, Will +19 Str -, Dex -, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 21 Appraise +22, Bluff +28, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +28, Knowledge (any three) +28, Listen +30, Scry +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +28, Spot +30 Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, item creation feat (any one), Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment) Any land and underground 1 18 Double standard Always lawful neutral 21-30 HD (Huge); 31-40 HD (Gargantuan)

Spells: The queen casts arcane spells as a 17th-level sorcerer.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: calm emotions, charm monster, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect chaos, detect thoughts, dictum, divination, hold monster, magic circle against chaos, order's wrath, shield of law, and true seeing. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17th-level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Telepathy (Su): The queen can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature within fifty miles whose presence she is aware of.

Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Immunities (Ex): Formians have poison, petrification, and cold immunity.

Fungus:Shrieker Medium-Size Plant 2d8+2 (11) -5 (Int) 0 ft. 13 (+3 natural) 5 ft. by 5 ft./0 ft. Shriek Plant Fort +4, Ref -, Will -4 Str -, Dex -, Con 13,Int 1, Wis 2, Cha 1 Any underground 1, 3-5 1 None Always neutral 3 HD (Medium-size)

Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Shriek (Ex): Movement or a light source within 10 feet of a shrieker causes the fungus to emit a piercing sound that lasts for 1d3 rounds. The sound attracts nearby creatures that are disposed to investigate it. Some creatures that live near shriekers learn that the fungus's noise means there is food nearby.

Fungus:Violet Fungus Medium-Size Plant 2d8+6 (15) -1 (Dex) 10 ft. 13 (-1 Dex, +4 natural) 4 tentacles +3 melee Tentacle 1d6+2 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./"10_ft. (with tentacle) Plant Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +0 Str 14, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 9 Any underground 1-4, 2-4 plus 3-5 shriekers 3 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral 3-6 HD (Medium-size)

Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Poison (Ex): Tentacle, Fortitude save (DC 14); initial and secondary damage 1d4 temporary Strength and 1d4 temporary Constitution.

Genie:Janni Medium-Size Outsider 6d8+6 (33) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 10 ft. (perfect) 18 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +5 chainmail) Scimitar +9/+4 melee; or longbow +8/+3 ranged Scimitar 1d8+4 (18/x2); or longbow 1d8 (20/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities 3 invisibility (self only), 3 speak with animals, 1 create food and water (caster level 7), 1 ethereal jaunt (caster level 12) Plane shift, telepathy, fire resistance 30, elemental endurance Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13 Appraise +8, Concentration +7, Craft (any two) +7, Escape Artist +6, Listen +8, Move Silently +6, Ride +6, Sense Motive +6, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility Any land 1-4, 6-15 4 Standard Usually neutral 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-18 HD (Large)

Jann speak Common, plus Auran, Aquan, Ignan, or Terran, plus Celestial, Abyssal, or Infernal.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-invisibility; 2/day-enlarge or reduce and speak with animals. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level). Once per day a janni can create food and water as a 7th-level priest and can use ethereal jaunt for 1 hour as the spell cast by a 12th-level priest.

Elemental Endurance (Ex): Jann can survive on the Elemental Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water for up to 48 hours. Failure to return to the Material Plane after that time deals 1 point of damage per additional hour to a janni, until it dies or returns to the Material Plane.

Plane Shift (Sp): A genie can enter any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports the genie and up to six other creatures, provided they all link hands with the genie. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Telepathy (Su): A genie can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Genie:Djinni Large Outsider (Air, Chaotic, Good) 7d8+14 (45) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +10/+5 melee Slam 1d8+6 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, air mastery, whirlwind Plane shift, telepathy, acid immunity Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7 Str 18, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15 Appraise +9, Concentration +9, Craft (any one) +11, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (any one) +9, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +9, Spot +9 Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative Any land 1-4, 6-15 5 Standard Always chaotic good 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 (Huge)

Djinn speak Auran, Celestial, Common, and Ignan.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack and damage rolls against a djinni.

Whirlwind (Su): The djinni can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 7 rounds. In this form, it can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top and up to 50 feet tall. The djinni controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet. Medium-size or smaller creatures might take damage when caught in the whirlwind and be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take 3d6 points of damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking 1d8 points of damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save (DC 20) each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The djinni can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the djinni and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 20) to cast a spell.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/round-invisibility (self only); 1/day-create food and water, create wine (as create water, but wine instead), major creation (created vegetable matter is permanent), persistent image, and wind walk. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). Once per day, a djinni can assume gaseous form (as the spell) for up to 1 hour.

Plane Shift (Sp): A genie can enter any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports the genie and up to six other creatures, provided they all link hands with the genie. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Telepathy (Su): A genie can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Genie:Efreeti Large Outsider (Evil, Fire, Lawful) 10d8+20 (65) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect) 18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural) Slam +15/+10 melee Slam 1d8+9 and 1d6 fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, heat Plane shift, telepathy Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +9 Str 23, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 15 Bluff +12, Concentration +16, Escape Artist +13, Intimidate +11, Listen +12, Move Silently +13, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +11, Spot +12 Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative Any land 1-4, 6-15 8 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Always lawful evil 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)

Efreet speak Ignan, Common, Auran, and Infernal.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: produce flame and pyrotechnics; 1/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only), detect magic, enlarge, gaseous form, invisibility, permanent image, polymorph self, and wall of fire. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Heat (Ex): An efreeti's red-hot body deals 1d6 points of additional fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or when grappling, each round it maintains a hold.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Plane Shift (Sp): A genie can enter any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports the genie and up to six other creatures, provided they all link hands with the genie. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Telepathy (Su): A genie can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Genie:Noble Djinn Large Outsider (Air, Chaotic, Good) 10d8+20 (65) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) 16 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +12/+7 melee Slam 1d8+8 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities, air mastery, whirlwind Plane shift, telepathy, acid immunity Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7 Str 23, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15 Appraise +9, Concentration +9, Craft (any one) +11, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (any one) +9, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +9, Spot +9 Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative Any land 1 5 Standard Always chaotic good 11-21 (Huge)

Some djinn (1% of the total population) are "noble" and can grant three wishes to any being (nongenies only) who captures them. Noble djinn perform no other services and, upon granting the third wish, are free of their servitude. Noble djinn are as strong as efreet (see below), with 10 HD.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a -1 circumstance penalty to attack and damage rolls against a djinni.

Whirlwind (Su): The djinni can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 7 rounds. In this form, it can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top and up to 50 feet tall. The djinni controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet. Medium-size or smaller creatures might take damage when caught in the whirlwind and be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take 3d6 points of damage. It must also succeed at a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking 1d8 points of damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save (DC 20) each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The djinni can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be.

If the whirlwind's base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the djinni and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind's height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-half concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 20) to cast a spell.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/round-invisibility (self only); 1/day-create food and water, create wine (as create water, but wine instead), major creation (created vegetable matter is permanent), persistent image, and wind walk. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). Once per day, a djinni can assume gaseous form (as the spell) for up to 1 hour.

Plane Shift (Sp): A genie can enter any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability transports the genie and up to six other creatures, provided they all link hands with the genie. It is otherwise similar to the spell of the same name.

Telepathy (Su): A genie can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Ghoul:Ghoul Medium-Size Undead 2d12 (13) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +3 melee; 2 claws +0 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2) paralysis; claw 1d3 (20/x2) paralysis 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Paralysis, create spawn Undead, +2 turn resistance Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5 Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16 Climb +6, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, survival +3, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Spot +7 Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 1-4, 7-12 1 None Always chaotic evil 3 HD (Medium-size)

Ghouls speak the languages they spoke in life (usually Common).

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghoul's bite or claw attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes. Elves are immune to this paralysis.

Create Spawn (Su): In most cases, ghouls devour those they kill. From time to time, however, the bodies of their humanoid victims lie where they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Casting protection from evil on a body before the end of that time averts the transformation. (The statistics above are for human ghouls and ghasts. Ghouls and ghasts may vary depending on their original race or kind.)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Ghoul:Lacedon Medium-Size Undead 2d12 (13) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 30 ft. 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) Bite +3 melee; 2 claws +0 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2) paralysis; claw 1d3 (20/x2) paralysis 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Paralysis, create spawn Undead, +2 turn resistance Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5 Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16 Climb +6, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, survival +3, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Spot +7 Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite) Any aquatic 1-4, 7-12 1 None Always chaotic evil 3 HD (Medium-size)

Lacedons speak the languages they spoke in life (usually Common).

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghoul's bite or claw attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes. Elves are immune to this paralysis.

Create Spawn (Su): In most cases, ghouls devour those they kill. From time to time, however, the bodies of their humanoid victims lie where they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Casting protection from evil on a body before the end of that time averts the transformation. (The statistics above are for human ghouls. Ghouls and ghasts may vary depending on their original race or kind.)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Ghoul:Ghast Medium-Size Undead 4d12 (26) +2 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Bite +4 melee; 2 claws +1 melee Bite 1d8+1 (20/x2) paralysis; claw 1d4 (20/x2) paralysis 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Stench, paralysis, create spawn Undead, +2 turn resistance Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +6 Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16 Climb +6, Escape Artist +8, Hide +8, survival +3, Jump +6, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Spot +8 Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite) Any land and underground 1-4, 2-4 plus 7-12 ghoul 3 Standard Always chaotic evil 5-6 HD (Medium-size)

Ghasts speak the languages they spoke in life (usually Common).

Stench (Ex): The stink of death and corruption surrounding these creatures is sickening. Those within 10 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be wracked with nausea, suffering a -2 circumstance penalty to all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 1d6+4 minutes.

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghast's bite or claw attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be paralyzed for 1d6+4 minutes. Even elves are vulnerable to this paralysis.

Create Spawn (Su): In most cases, ghouls devour those they kill. From time to time, however, the bodies of their humanoid victims lie where they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Casting protection from evil on a body before the end of that time averts the transformation. (The statistics above are for human ghouls and ghasts. Ghouls and ghasts may vary depending on their original race or kind.)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Giant:Hill Giant Large Giant 12d8+48 (102) -1 (Dex) 40 ft. 20 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +9 natural, +3 hide) Huge greatclub +16/+11 melee; or rock +8/+3 ranged Huge greatclub 2d6+10; or rock 2d6+7 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rock throwing Rock catching Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +4 Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 17 Climb +9, Jump +9, Spot +4 Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub) Any hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 7 Standard Often chaotic evil By character class

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Giant:Stone Giant Large Giant (Earth) 14d8+56 (119) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 25 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +3 hide) Huge greatclub +17/+12 melee; or rock +12/+7 ranged Huge greatclub 2d6+12; or rock 2d8+8 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rock throwing, and see text Rock catching Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11 Climb +10, Hide +0*, Jump +10, Spot +3 Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot Any mountains 1-5 8 Standard Usually neutral By character class

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Skills: *A stone giant gains a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks in rocky terrain.

Giant:Stone Giant Elder Large Giant (Earth) 14d8+56 (119) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 25 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +3 hide) Huge greatclub +17/+12 melee; or rock +12/+7 ranged Huge greatclub 2d6+12; or rock 2d8+8 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rock throwing, and see text Rock catching Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15 Climb +10, Hide +0*, Jump +10, Spot +3 Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot Any mountains 1-5 8 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Some stone giants develop special abilities related to their environment. These giant elders have Charisma scores of at least 15 and spell-like abilities. One in ten elders is a sorcerer, usually of 3rd to 6th level.

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Spell-like Abilities: 1/day- stone shape, stone tell; 1/day- transmute rock to mud or transmute mud to rock. These are used as the spells cast by a 10th-level sorcerer.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Skills: *A stone giant gains a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks in rocky terrain.

Giant:Frost Giant Large Giant (Cold) 14d8+70 (133) -1 (Dex) 40 ft. 21 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +9 natural, +4 chain shirt) Huge greataxe +18/+13 melee; or rock +9/+4 ranged Huge greataxe 2d8+13; or rock 2d6+9 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rock throwing Rock catching, cold subtype Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +4 Str 29, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11 Climb +13, Jump +13, Spot +6 Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder Any cold land and underground 1-5 9 Standard Often chaotic evil By character class

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Clerics have access to any two of the following domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and War (most choose Destruction or War).

Giant:Fire Giant Large Giant (Fire) 15d8+75 (142) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 21 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +8 natural, +5 chainmail) Huge greatsword +20/+15/+10 melee; or rock +10/+5/+0 ranged Huge greatsword 2d8+15; or rock 2d6+10 and 2d6 fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rock throwing Rock catching, fire subtype Fort +14, Ref +4, Will +5 Str 31, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11 Climb +11, Jump +11, Spot +7 Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1-5 10 Standard Often lawful evil By character class

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Clerics have access to any two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Trickery, and War (most choose Trickery or War).

Giant:Cloud Giant Huge Giant (Air) 17d8+102 (178) +1 (Dex) 50 ft. 21 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +12 natural) Gargantuan morningstar +22/+17/+12 melee; or rock +12/+7/+2 ranged Gargantuan morningstar 4d6+18; or rock 2d8+12 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Rock throwing, spell-like abilities Rock catching, scent Fort +16, Ref +6, Will +6 Str 35, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13 Climb +16, Jump +16, Listen +10, Spot +10 Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack Temperate and warm mountains and aquatic 1-4 11 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Usually neutral good or neutral evil By character class

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Spell-Like Abilities: Cloud giants who dwell on cloud islands (see below) can use the following as the spells cast by a 15th-level sorcerer: 3/day-levitate (self plus 2,000 pounds) and obscuring mist; 1/day-fog cloud.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Skills: Cloud giants have EHD as though they were large creatures.

Feats: Cloud giants have EHD as though they were large creatures.

Good clerics have access to any two of the following domains: Good, Healing, Strength, and Sun. Evil clerics have access to any two of the following domains: Death, Evil, and Trickery.

Giant:Storm Giant Huge Giant (Electricity) 19d8+114 (199) +2 (Dex) 40 ft., swim 30 ft. (breastplate); base 50 ft., swim 40 ft. 27 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural, +5 breastplate) Gargantuan greatsword +26/+21/+16 melee; or gargantuan mighty composite longbow +14/+9/+4 ranged Gargantuan greatsword 4d6+21; or gargantuan mighty composite longbow 2d8+14 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Spell-like abilities Electricity immunity, rock catching, freedom of movement, water breathing Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +9 Str 39, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 15 Climb +18, Concentration +12, Jump +12, Perform +7, Spot +8 Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder Temperate and warm mountains 1 13 Standard coins; double goods; standard items Often chaotic good By character class

All giants speak Giant. Those with Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per day a storm giant can call lightning as a 15th-level druid and use chain lighting as a 15th-level sorcerer. Twice per day a storm giant can control weather as a 20th-level druid and levitate as a 20th-level sorcerer. Save DC is 12 + spell level.

Freedom of Movement (Su): Storm giants continuously have freedom of movement as the spell.

Water Breathing (Ex): Storm giants can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use their spell-like abilities while submerged.

Rock Throwing (Ex): Adult giants are accomplished rock throwers and receive a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when throwing rocks. A giant of at least Large size can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the giant's variety. A Huge giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium-size objects).

Rock Catching (Ex): A giant of at least Large size can catch Small, Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a giant that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack.

Skills: Storm giants have EHD as though they were large creatures. Storm giants ignore all weight penalties for gear carried when swimming.

Feats: Storm giants have EHD as though they were large creatures.

Storm giant clerics can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, and War.

Gnome:Rock Gnome Small Humanoid (Gnome) 1d8+1 (5) +0 20 ft. 16 (+1 size, +4 chain shirt, +1 small shield) Short sword +2 melee; or light crossbow +2 ranged Short sword 1d6-1 (19/x2); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spells Gnome traits, speak with animals Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Listen +4, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (short sword) Any forest, hill, and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral good By character class

Gnomes speak their own language, Gnome. Most gnomes who travel outside gnome lands (as traders, tinkers, or adventurers) know Common, while warriors in gnome settlements usually learn Goblin or Kobold.

Gnomes make heavy use of illusion magic and carefully prepared ambushes and traps whenever they can.

Spells: Gnomes with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher may cast dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation, each once per day as a 1st-level wizard (spell failure penalties for armor apply).

Speak with Animals (Sp): Once per day a gnome can use speak with animals as a 1st-level druid to communicate with a burrowing mammal (badger, fox, rabbit, etc.).

Gnome Traits (Ex): Gnomes benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Small: Gnomes gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size creatures.
  • Low-light Vision. Gnomes can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.
  • +2 racial bonus to saving throws against illusions.
  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants.

Skills: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks, for their keen hearing, and to Alchemy checks, because their sensitive noses allow them to monitor alchemical processes by smell.

A gnome's favored class is illusionist.

Gnome:Svirfneblin Small Humanoid (Gnome) 1d8+1 (5) +0 20 ft. 16 (+1 size, +4 chain shirt, +1 small shield) Short sword +2 melee; or light crossbow +2 ranged Short sword 1d6-1 (20/x4); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities Svirfneblin traits, non-detection, speak with animals Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2 Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6 Hide +2*, Listen +4, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (short sword) Any forest, hill, and underground 2-4 1 Standard Usually neutral good By character class

Speak Gnome, Common, Terran, and Undercommon. Most also speak the language of drow or kuo-toa.

Svirfneblin make heavy use of illusion magic and carefully prepared ambushes and traps whenever they can.

Spell-Like Abilities: Svirfneblin can use blindness, blur, and change self each once per day. These abilities are as the spells cast by a wizard of the svirfneblin's character level (save DC 10 + spell level).

Nondetection (Su): Svirfneblin have a continuous nondetection ability as the spell.

Speak with Animals (Sp): Once per day a gnome can use speak with animals as a 1st-level druid to communicate with a burrowing mammal (badger, fox, rabbit, etc.).

Svirfneblin Traits (Ex): Svirfneblin benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Small: Gnomes gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size creatures.
  • Low-light Vision. Gnomes can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.
  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
  • Darkvision up to 120 feet.
  • Spell resistance of 11 + character level.
  • +2 racial bonus to all saving throws.
  • +4 dodge bonus against all creatures.
  • Stonecunning: Like dwarves, svirfneblin receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A deep gnome who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A svirfneblin can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

Skills: All gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks, for their keen hearing, and to Alchemy checks, because their sensitive noses allow them to monitor alchemical processes by smell. Svirfneblin receive a +2 racial bonus to Hide checks, which improves to +4 in darkened areas underground.

A svirfneblin's favored class is illusionist.

Gnome:Forest Gnome Small Humanoid (Gnome) 1d8+1 (5) +0 20 ft., swim 40 feet. 16 (+1 size, +4 chain shirt, +1 small shield) Short sword +2 melee; or light crossbow +2 ranged Short sword 1d6-1 (19/x2); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spells Gnome traits, speak with animals, pass without trace Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Hide +4*, Listen +4, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (short sword) Any forest, hill, and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral good By character class

Forest Gnomes speak Gnome as well as Elf, Sylvan, and a simple language that enables them to communicate on a very basic level with forest animals.

Gnomes make heavy use of illusion magic and carefully prepared ambushes and traps whenever they can.

Spells: Gnomes with Intelligence scores of 10 or higher may cast dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation, each once per day as a 1st-level wizard (spell failure penalties for armor apply).

Speak with Animals (Sp): Once per day a gnome can use speak with animals as a 1st-level druid to communicate with a burrowing mammal (badger, fox, rabbit, etc.).

Gnome Traits (Ex): Gnomes benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Small: Gnomes gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size creatures.
  • Forest gnomes have the innate ability to pass without trace (as the spell).
  • Low-light Vision. Gnomes can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.
  • +2 racial bonus to saving throws against illusions.
  • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against kobolds, goblinoids, orcs, and reptilian humanoids.
  • +4 dodge bonus against giants.

Skills: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks, for their keen hearing, and to Alchemy checks, because their sensitive noses allow them to monitor alchemical processes by smell. Forest gnomes receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks, which improves to +8 in a wooded area.

A forest gnome's favored class is illusionist.

Golem:Flesh Large Construct 9d10 (49) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. (can't run) 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +10 natural) 2 slams +10 melee Slam 2d8+5 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Berserk Construct, magic immunity, spell immunity, damage reduction 15/+1 Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1-4 7 None Always neutral 10-18 HD (Large); 19-27 HD (Huge)

A golem's creator can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If uncommanded, the golem usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple program to govern its actions in his or her absence.

Golems do not need to breathe and are immune to most forms of energy.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Berserk (Ex): When a flesh golem enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free and goes berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. The golem's creator, if within 60 feet, can try to regain control by speaking firmly and persuasively to the golem, which requires a successful Charisma check (DC 19). It takes 1 minute of rest by the golem to reset the golem's berserk chance to 0%.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Flesh golems are immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as follows. Fire- and cold-based effects slow them (as the spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw. An electricity effect breaks any slow effect on the golem and cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. For example, a flesh golem hit by a lightning bolt cast by a 5th-level wizard gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18. The golem rolls no saving throw against electricity effects.

The cost listed for each golem includes that of the physical body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of it.

Understanding the rituals requires a character of the required level with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom. The chamber is similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costs 500 gp to establish.

When not working on the rituals, the creator must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If personally constructing the golem's body, the creator can perform the building and rituals together. If the creator misses a day of rituals, the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The golem's body can be reused, as can the laboratory.

Completing the ritual drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any spells on the final day. The creator must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.

The flesh golem costs 50,000 gp to create, which includes 500 gp for the construction of the body. Assembling the body requires a successful Craft (leatherworking) or Heal check (DC 13). The creator must be 14th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 1,000 XP from the creator and requires bull's strength, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, and protection from arrows.

Golem:Clay Large Construct 11d10 (60) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. (can't run) 22 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +14 natural) 2 slams +14 melee Slam 2d10+7 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Berserk, wound Construct, magic immunity, spell immunity, damage reduction 20/+1, immune to piercing and slashing, haste Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 Str 25, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Any land and underground 1-4 10 None Always neutral 12-18 HD (Large); 19-33 HD (Huge)

A golem's creator can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If uncommanded, the golem usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple program to govern its actions in his or her absence.

Golems do not need to breathe and are immune to most forms of energy.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Berserk (Ex): When a clay golem enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free and goes berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. Once the golem goes berserk, no known method can reestablish control.

Wound (Ex): The damage a clay golem deals doesn't heal naturally. Only a heal spell or a Healing spell of 6th level or higher can heal it.

Immune to Slashing and Piercing (Ex): Slashing and piercing weapons, even enchanted ones, deal no damage to a clay golem.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Clay golems are immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as follows. A move earth spell drives the golem back 120 feet and deals 3d12 points of damage to it. A disintegrate spell slows the golem (as the slow spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12 points of damage. An earthquake cast directly at a clay golem stops it from moving that round and deals 5d10 points of damage. The golem gets no saving throw against any of these effects.

Haste (Su): After it has engaged in at least 1 round of combat, a clay golem can haste itself once per day as a free action. The effect lasts 3 rounds and is otherwise the same as the spell.

The cost listed for each golem includes that of the physical body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of it.

Understanding the rituals requires a character of the required level with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom. The chamber is similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costs 500 gp to establish.

When not working on the rituals, the creator must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If personally constructing the golem's body, the creator can perform the building and rituals together. If the creator misses a day of rituals, the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The golem's body can be reused, as can the laboratory.

Completing the ritual drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any spells on the final day. The creator must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.

The clay golem costs 60,000 gp to create, including 1,500 gp for the body and 30,000 gp for vestments, which can be reused. Creating the body requires a successful Craft (sculpting or masonry) check (DC 15). The ritual requires a 16th-level creator who can cast divine spells. Completing the ritual drains 1,200 XP from the creator and requires animate objects, bless, commune, prayer, and resurrection.

Golem:Stone Large Construct 14d10 (77) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. (can't run) 26 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +18 natural) 2 slams +18 melee Slam 2d10+9 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Slow Construct, magic immunity, spell immunity, damage reduction 30/+2 Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 Str 29, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Any land 1-4 11 None Always neutral 15-21 HD (Large); 22-42 (Huge)

A golem's creator can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If uncommanded, the golem usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple program to govern its actions in his or her absence.

Golems do not need to breathe and are immune to most forms of energy.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Slow (Su): A stone golem can use slow as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 7 rounds, requiring a successful Will save (DC 13) to negate. The ability is otherwise the same as the spell.

Magic Immunity (Ex): A stone golem is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as follows. A transmute rock to mud spell slows it (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw, while transmute mud to rock heals all of its lost hit points. A stone to flesh spell does not actually change the golem's structure but makes it vulnerable to any normal attack for the following round (this does not include spells, except those that cause damage).

The cost listed for each golem includes that of the physical body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of it.

Understanding the rituals requires a character of the required level with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom. The chamber is similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costs 500 gp to establish.

When not working on the rituals, the creator must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If personally constructing the golem's body, the creator can perform the building and rituals together. If the creator misses a day of rituals, the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The golem's body can be reused, as can the laboratory.

Completing the ritual drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any spells on the final day. The creator must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.

The stone golem costs 80,000 gp to create, which includes 1,000 gp for the body. Assembling the body requires a successful Craft (sculpting or masonry) check (DC 17). The creator must be 16th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 1,600 XP from the creator and requires geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, and slow.

Golem:Iron Large Construct 18d10 (99) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. (can't run) 30 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +22 natural) 2 slams +23 melee Slam 2d10+11 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Construct, magic immunity, spell immunity, damage reduction 50/+3, rust vulnerability Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6 Str 33, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Any land 1-4 13 None Always neutral 19-24 HD (Large); 25-54 HD (Huge)

A golem's creator can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see and hear its creator. If uncommanded, the golem usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple program to govern its actions in his or her absence.

Golems do not need to breathe and are immune to most forms of energy.

Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Breath Weapon (Su): First or second round of combat-cloud of poisonous gas, 10-foot cube directly in front of the golem lasting 1 round, free action every 1d4+1 rounds; Fortitude save (DC 17), initial damage 1d4 temporary Constitution, secondary damage death.

Magic Immunity (Ex): An iron golem is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as follows. An electricity effect slows it (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. A fire effect breaks any slow effect on the golem and cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal. For example, a flesh golem hit by a fireball cast by a 5th-level wizard gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18. The golem rolls no saving throw against fire effects.

Rust Vulnerability (Ex): An iron golem is affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or a rusting grasp spell.

The cost listed for each golem includes that of the physical body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of it.

Understanding the rituals requires a character of the required level with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. The creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom. The chamber is similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costs 500 gp to establish.

When not working on the rituals, the creator must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If personally constructing the golem's body, the creator can perform the building and rituals together. If the creator misses a day of rituals, the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The golem's body can be reused, as can the laboratory.

Completing the ritual drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any spells on the final day. The creator must cast the spells personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.

The golem costs 100,000 gp to create, which includes 1,500 gp for the body. Assembling the body requires a successful Craft (armorsmithing or weaponsmithing) check (DC 20). The creator must be 16th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 2,000 XP from the creator and requires cloudkill, geas/quest, limited wish, and polymorph any object.

Hag:Sea Hag Large Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic) 3d8+3 (16) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 40 ft. 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +6 melee Claw 1d4+4 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Horrific appearance, evil eye SR 14, water breathing Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10 Craft or Knowledge (any one) +4, Hide +3, Listen +9, Spot +9 Alertness Any aquatic 1 4 or 12 (covey) Standard Always chaotic evil By character class

Sea hags speak Giant and Common.

Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag is so revolting that anyone who sets eyes upon one must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11) or instantly be weakened, taking 2d8 points of temporary Strength damage. This cannot reduce a victim to a negative Strength score, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless. Creatures who successfully save cannot be affected again by the same hag's horrific appearance for one day.

Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day a sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 11). Creatures who fail have a 25% chance of dying instantly from fright; even if they survive, they fall into a whimpering catatonia for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore sanity sooner.

Water Breathing (Ex): Sea hags can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use their abilities while submerged.

Hag:Annis Large Monstrous Humanoid 7d8+14 (45) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 20 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural) 2 claws +13 melee, bite +8 melee Claw 1d6+7, bite 1d6+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, rend 2d6+14, spell-like abilities SR 19, steely skin Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 Str 25, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10 Concentration +12, Hide +7, Listen +11, Spot +11 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting Any land and underground 1 6 or 12 (covey) Standard Always chaotic evil By character class

Annis speak Giant and Common.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the annis must hit a Large or smaller creature with a claw attack.

Rend (Ex): An annis that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+14 points of damage.

Tear (Ex): An annis automatically hits a held opponent with all its melee attacks each round it maintains the hold.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-change self and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer.

Steely Skin (Ex): The steely skin of an annis reduces damage dealt by slashing and piercing weapons by 1 point of damage per hit. Conversely, their brittle bones increase damage dealt by bludgeoning weapons by 1 point per hit. (Treat combination weapons such as morningstars as bludgeoning weapons.)

Hag:Green Hag Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid 9d8+9 (49) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 30 ft. 22 (+1 Dex, +11 natural) 2 claws +13 melee Claw 1d4+4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, weakness, mimicry 5 dancing lights, 5 disguise self, 5 ghost sound (DC 12), 5 invisibility, 5 pass without trace, 5 tongues, 5 water breathing SR 18, darkvision 90 ft. Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10 Concentration +13, Craft or Knowledge (any one) +5, Hide +11, Listen +11, Spot +11 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude Temperate and warm forest and marsh 1 5 or 12 (covey) Standard Always chaotic evil By character class

Green Hags speak Giant and Common.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: change self, dancing lights, ghost sound, invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, and water breathing. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Weakness (Su): The green hag can weaken a foe by making a special touch attack. The affected opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 2d4 points of temporary Strength damage.

Mimicry (Ex): Green hags can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found near their lairs.

Halfling:Lightfoot Small Humanoid (Halfling) 1d8 (4) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 15 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +3 studded leather) Longsword +2 melee; or heavy crossbow +3 ranged Longsword 1d8-1 (19/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Halfling traits Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Climb +0, Hide +5, Jump +0, Listen +3, Move Silently +4 Weapon Focus (longsword) Any land and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Halflings speak Halfling and Common.

Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches.

Halfling Traits (Ex): Halflings benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Small: Halflings gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size creatures.
  • +1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
  • +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear. (This bonus stacks with the halfling's +1 bonus to saving throws in general.)
  • +1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.

Skills: Halflings are agile, surefooted, and athletic. They receive a +2 racial bonus to Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks. Their keen hearing bestows a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.

A halfling's favored class is rogue.

Halfling:Tallfellow Small Humanoid (Halfling) 1d8 (4) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 15 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +3 studded leather) Longsword +2 melee; or heavy crossbow +3 ranged Longsword 1d8-1 (19/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Tallfellow traits Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Climb -2, Hide +5, Jump -2, Listen +3, Move Silently +2, Search +2, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longsword) Any land and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Tallfellows speak Halfling and Common, and generally speak Elven as well.

Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches.

Tallfellow Traits (Ex): Tallfellows benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Small: Halflings gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size creatures.
  • +1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
  • +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear. (This bonus stacks with the halfling's +1 bonus to saving throws in general.)
  • +1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.
  • +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. Like an elf, a tallfellow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.

Skills: Tallfellows's keen hearing bestows a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.

A halfling's favored class is rogue.

Halfling:Deep Halfling Small Humanoid (Halfling) 1d8 (4) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 15 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +3 studded leather) Longsword +2 melee; or heavy crossbow +3 ranged Longsword 1d8-1 (19/x2); or heavy crossbow 1d10 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkvision, deep halfling traits Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 11 Climb -2, Hide +5, Jump -2, Listen +3, Move Silently +4 Weapon Focus (longsword) Any land and underground 2-4 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Deep Halflings speak Halfling, Common, and Dwarven.

Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches.

Deep Halfling Traits (Ex): Deep halflings benefit from a number of racial traits.

  • Small: Halflings gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size creatures.
  • +1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
  • +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear. (This bonus stacks with the halfling's +1 bonus to saving throws in general.)
  • +1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.
  • Darkvision up to 60 feet.
  • Stonecunning: Like dwarves, deep halflings receive a +2 racial bonus to checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that isn't stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A deep halfling who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a check as though actively searching and can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A deep halfling can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.

Skills: Deep halflings receive a +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal. Their keen hearing bestows a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks.

A deep halfling's favored class is rogue.

Hydra:Five-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 5d10+25 (52) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 5 bites +4 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 4 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Six-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 6d10+30 (63) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 6 bites +5 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 5 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Seven-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 7 bites +7 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 6 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eight-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 8d10+40 (84) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 8 bites +8 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 7 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Nine-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 9 bites +9 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 8 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Ten-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 10d10+50 (105) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 10 bites +10 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eleven-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 11d10+55 (115) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 11 bites +12 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Twelve-Headed Hydra Huge Beast 12d10+60 (126) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 12 bites +13 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Five-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 5d10+25 (52) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 5 bites +4 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 6 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Six-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 6d10+30 (63) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 6 bites +5 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 7 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Seven-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 7 bites +7 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 8 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eight-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 8d10+40 (84) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 8 bites +8 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Nine-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 9 bites +9 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Ten-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 10d10+50 (105) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 10 bites +10 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eleven-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 11d10+55 (115) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 11 bites +12 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 12 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Twelve-Headed Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 12d10+60 (126) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 12 bites +13 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 13 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Five-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 5d10+25 (52) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 5 bites +4 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 6 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Six-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 6d10+30 (63) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 6 bites +5 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 7 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Seven-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 7 bites +7 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 8 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eight-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 8d10+40 (84) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 8 bites +8 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Nine-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 9 bites +9 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Ten-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 10d10+50 (105) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 10 bites +10 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eleven-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 11d10+55 (115) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 11 bites +12 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 12 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Twelve-Headed Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 12d10+60 (126) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 12 bites +13 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 13 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties. A severed head regrows in about a month.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Five-Headed Lernaean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 5d10+25 (52) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 5 bites +4 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 7 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Six-Headed Lernaean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 6d10+30 (63) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 6 bites +5 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 8 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Seven-Headed Lernean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 7 bites +7 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eight-Headed Lernean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 8d10+40 (84) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 8 bites +8 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Nine-Headed Lernean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 9 bites +9 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Ten-Headed Lernean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 10d10+50 (105) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 10 bites +10 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 12 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eleven-Headed Lernean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 11d10+55 (115) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 11 bites +12 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 13 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Twelve-Headed Lernean Hydra Huge Magical Beast 12d10+60 (126) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 12 bites +13 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Scent, regrowth Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 14 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Five-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 5d10+25 (52) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 5 bites +4 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 8 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Six-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 6d10+30 (63) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 6 bites +5 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Seven-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 7 bites +7 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eight-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 8d10+40 (84) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 8 bites +8 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Nine-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 9 bites +9 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 12 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Ten-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 10d10+50 (105) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 10 bites +10 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 13 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eleven-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 11d10+55 (115) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 11 bites +12 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 14 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Twelve-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra Huge Magical Beast 12d10+60 (126) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 12 bites +13 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, fire subtype, regrowth Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 15 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These reddish hydras can breathe jets of fire 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Five-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 5d10+25 (52) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 5 bites +4 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +5, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 8 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Six-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 6d10+30 (63) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 6 bites +5 melee Bite 1d10+3 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 17, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +6 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 9 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Seven-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 7d10+35 (73) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 10 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 7 bites +7 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +6, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 10 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eight-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 8d10+40 (84) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 8 bites +8 melee Bite 1d10+4 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +2 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +7 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 11 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Nine-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 9d10+45 (94) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 9 bites +9 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +7, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 12 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Ten-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 10d10+50 (105) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 10 bites +10 melee Bite 1d10+5 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +8 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 13 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Eleven-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 11d10+55 (115) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 11 bites +12 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +8, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 14 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Hydra:Twelve-Headed Lernaean Cryohydra Huge Magical Beast 12d10+60 (126) +1 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 20 ft. 15 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 12 bites +13 melee Bite 1d10+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Breath weapon Scent, cold subtype, regrowth Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +4 Str 23, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 9 Listen +9, Spot +9 Combat Reflexes Any marsh and underground 1 15 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items Usually neutral

These purplish hydras can breathe jets of frost 10 feet high, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each jet deals 3d6 damage per head. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hydra's original number of heads + the hydra's Constitution modifier.

Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round.

A hydra can be killed either by severing all its heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slashing weapon and deal damage equal to the hydra's original hit point total, divided by its original number of heads, in one blow. (The player says where the attack is aimed just before making the attack roll.) For example, if a five-headed hydra has 52 hp, a single blow dealing 10 or more points of damage severs a head (52 / 5 = 10.4, rounded down to 10). Any excess damage is lost. A severed head dies, and a natural reflex seals the neck shut to prevent further blood loss. The hydra can no longer attack with the severed head but suffers no other penalties.

The only way to slay a Lernaean hydra normally is to sever all its heads. However, each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the stump in 1d4 rounds. A Lernaean hydra can never have more than twice its original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day.

To prevent a severed head from growing back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear.

Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a Lernaean hydra outright if they succeed. If the spell deals damage on a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the hydra's heads.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Skills: Hydras receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads.

Feats: A hydra's Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity each round.

Mephit:Air Mephit Small Outsider (Air) 3d8 (13) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities 1 blur (caster level 3), 1 gust of wind (DC 14, caster level 6) Fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +12, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of dust and grit, 15 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d8, Reflex half DC 12.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour an air mephit can surround itself with vapor, duplicating the effects of a blur spell as cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer. Once per day it can use gust of wind as the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer. (save DC 12 + spell level)

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): An air mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and is exposed to moving air, be it a breeze, a draft, a spell effect, or even the mephit fanning itself.

Mephit:Dust Mephit Small Outsider (Air) 3d8 (13) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities 1 blur, (caster level 3), 1 wind wall (caster level 6, DC 15) Fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +12, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of irritating particles, 10 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by itching skin and burning eyes. This imposes a -4 morale penalty to AC and a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour a dust mephit can surround itself with a plume of dust, duplicating the effects of a blur spell cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer. Once per day it can create a mass of roiling dust that duplicates the effect of wind wall as cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): A dust mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and in an arid, dusty environment.

Mephit:Earth Mephit Small Outsider (Earth) 3d8+3 (16) -1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +7 melee Claw 1d3+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities 1 soften earth and stone (caster level 6) Fast healing 2, damage reduction 10/+1 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 Str 17, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +5, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Spot +6 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of rock shards and pebbles, 15 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d8, Reflex half DC 12.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/hour-enlarge; 1/day-soften earth and stone. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): An earth mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is underground or buried up to its waist in earth.

Mephit:Fire Mephit Small Outsider (Fire) 3d8 (13) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d3+2 fire (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Fire subtype, fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +5, Hide +11, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of fire, 15 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d8, Reflex half DC 12.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/hour-magic missile as the spell cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer; 1/day-heat metal as the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Fast Healing (Ex): A fire mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is touching a flame at least as large as a torch.

Mephit:Ice Mephit Small Outsider (Air, Cold) 3d8 (13) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) 18 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d3+2 cold (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Cold subtype, fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +12, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of ice shards, 10 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by frostbitten skin and frozen eyes unless they are immune to or protected from cold. This imposes a -4 morale penalty to AC and a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/hour-magic missile as the spell cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer; 1/day-chill metal as the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer. (save DC 12 + spell level)

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Fast Healing (Ex): An ice mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is touching a piece of ice of at least Tiny size or if the ambient temperature is freezing or below.

Mephit:Magma Mephit Small Outsider (Fire) 3d8 (13) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d3+2 fire (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Fire subtype, fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +5, Hide +11, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of magma, 10 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by burned skin and seared eyes unless they are immune to or protected from fire. This imposes a -4 morale penalty to AC and a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour, a magma mephit can shapechange into a pool of lava 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep. The mephit's damage reduction improves to 20/+1. The mephit can't attack while in lava form but can use other spell-like abilities. It can move at a speed of 10 feet, but it can't "run." In this form the mephit can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks. The pool's touch ignites flammable materials such as paper, straw, or dry wood.

Once per day a magma mephit can use pyrotechnics as the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). It can use itself as the fire source without harm.

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Fast Healing (Ex): A magma mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is touching magma, lava, or a flame at least as large as a torch.

Mephit:Ooze Mephit Small Outsider (Water) 3d8+3 (16) +0 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) 2 claws +6 melee Claw 1d3+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities 1 acid arrow (caster level 3), 1 stinking cloud (DC 15, caster level 6) Fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of caustic liquid, 10 feet, once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by itching skin and burning eyes. This imposes a -4 morale penalty to AC and a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour an ooze mephit can hurl an acidic blob that functions like Melf's acid arrow cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). Once per day it can create a mass of smelly fog that duplicates the effect of stinking cloud as cast by a 6th-level sorcerer.

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): An ooze mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is in a wet or muddy environment.

Mephit:Salt Mephit Small Outsider (Earth) 3d8+3 (16) -1 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +7 melee Claw 1d3+3 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Fast healing 2, damage reduction 10/+1 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 Str 17, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +8, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Spot +6 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of salt crystals, 10 feet, every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by itching skin and burning eyes. This imposes a -4 morale penalty to AC and a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour a salt mephit can use glitterdust as the spell cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). Once per day it can draw the moisture from an area in a 20-foot radius centered on itself. Living creatures within range take 2d8 points of damage (Fortitude half DC 15). This is especially devastating to aquatic creatures and plants, which receive a -2 racial penalty to their saving throws.

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): A salt mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is in an arid environment.

Mephit:Steam Mephit Small Outsider (Fire) 3d8 (13) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d3+2 fire (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Fire subtype, fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +11, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of steam, 10 feet, once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by burned skin and seared eyes unless they are immune to or protected from fire. This imposes a -4 morale penalty to AC and a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour a steam mephit can surround itself with a plume of vapor, duplicating the effects of a blur spell cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level). Once per day it can create a rainstorm of boiling water that affects an area 20 feet square. Living creatures caught in the storm take 2d6 points of damage (Reflex half DC 15).

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Fast Healing (Ex): A steam mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is touching boiling water or is in a hot, humid area.

Mephit:Water Mephit Small Outsider (Water) 3d8+3 (16) +0 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) 2 claws +6 melee Claw 1d3+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Breath weapon 1 acid arrow (caster level 3), 1 stinking cloud (DC 15, caster level 6) Fast healing 2, damage reduction 5/+1 Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15 Bluff +6, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6 Power Attack Any land and underground 1 plus 0-11 ?mephit 3 Standard Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of caustic liquid, 15 feet, once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action; damage 1d8, Reflex half DC 12.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour a water mephit can hurl an acidic blob that functions like Melf's acid arrow cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer. Once per day it can create a mass of smelly fog that duplicates the effect of stinking cloud as cast by a 6th-level sorcerer. Both have save DC 12 + spell level.

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, all mephits can summon other mephits much as though casting a summon monster spell, but they have only a 25% chance of success to summon one mephit of the same type. Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. A mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour.

Fast Healing (Ex): A water mephit heals 2 points of damage each round, provided it is still alive and it is exposed to rain or submerged up to its waist in water.

Naga:Water Naga Large Aberration (Aquatic) 7d8+28 (59) +1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 50 ft. 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural) Bite +7 melee Bite 2d6+4 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Poison, spells Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8 Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 15 Concentration +12, Listen +10, Spellcraft +8, Spot +10 Lightning Reflexes Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-4 7 Standard Usually neutral 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 17); initial and secondary damage 1d8 temporary Constitution.

Spells: Water nagas cast spells as 7th-level sorcerers but never use fire spells.

Naga:Spirit Naga Large Aberration 9d8+36 (76) +1 (Dex) 40 ft. 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) Bite +9 melee Bite 2d6+6 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Poison, charming gaze, spells Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 Str 18, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 17 Concentration +13, Listen +15, Spellcraft +10, Spot +15 Alertness, Lightning Reflexes Temperate and warm land and underground 1-4 9 Standard Usually chaotic evil 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 18); initial and secondary damage 1d8 temporary Constitution.

Charming Gaze (Su): As charm person, 30 feet, Will save (DC 17).

Spells: Spirit nagas cast spells as 7th-level sorcerers, and can also cast cleric spells and spells from the domains of Chaos and Evil as arcane spells.

Naga:Dark Naga Large Aberration 9d8+18 (58) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Sting +7 melee, bite +2 melee Sting 2d4+2 (20/x2) poison, bite 1d4+1 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Poison, detect thoughts, spells Poison immunity, guarded thoughts, charm resistance Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 17 Bluff +9, Concentration +13, Listen +11, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +12, Spot +11 Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes Temperate and warm land and underground 1-4 8 Standard Usually lawful evil 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge)

Detect Thoughts (Su): A dark naga can continuously detect thoughts as the spell cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (DC 15). This ability is always active.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 16) or lapse into a nightmare-haunted sleep for 2d4 minutes.

Guarded Thoughts (Ex): Dark nagas are immune to any form of mind reading.

Charm Resistance (Ex): Dark nagas receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against all charm effects (not included in the statistics block).

Spells: Dark nagas cast spells as 7th-level sorcerers.

Naga:Guardian Naga Large Aberration 11d8+44 (93) +2 (Dex) 40 ft. 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural) Bite +12 melee Bite 2d6+7 (20/x2) poison 5 ft. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Poison, spit, spells Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +11 Str 21, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +12, Concentration +15, Listen +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +11, Spot +13 Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus (any one school) Temperate and warm land and underground 1-4 10 Standard Usually lawful good 12-16 HD (Large); 17-33 HD (Huge)

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 19); initial and secondary damage 2d8 temporary Constitution.

Spit (Ex): A guardian naga can spit its venom up to 30 feet as a standard action. The attack ignores armor and has no range increment. Opponents hit by this attack must attempt saves against the naga's poison, as above.

Spells: Guardian nagas cast spells as 9th-level sorcerers, and can also cast cleric spells and spells from the Good and Law domains as arcane spells.

Nightshade:Nightwing Huge Undead 17d12 (110) +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 28 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +16 natural) Bite +15 melee Bite 2d6+13 and transformation 20 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft. Nightshade abilities, magic drain Undead, nightshade abilities, acid fire and electricity resistance 50, spell immunity, cold immunity Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +15 Str 29, Dex 18, Con -, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18 Concentration +16, survival +19, Listen +22, Move Silently +20, Spellcraft +19, Spot +22 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (slam), Power Attack Any land and underground 1-6 14 Standard Always chaotic evil 18-25 HD (Huge); 26-51 HD (Gargantuan)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Chill Aura (Su): All nightshades radiate a 60-foot-radius aura of utter cold. While this aura does not damage living things, it spoils any food and drink it touches. In addition, it ruins holy water and magic potions, oils, and ointments unless the items succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 22). Items that successfully save cannot be affected again by the same nightshade's aura for one day. This bone-numbing cold is so distinctive that anyone exposed to it once instantly recognizes it in the future, so it is difficult for a nightshade to surprise someone who has previously encountered such a beast.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-cause disease, charm person, cloudkill, confusion, darkness, dispel magic, haste, hold person, and invisibility; once per night: finger of death. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the nightshade's HD total (save DC 14 + spell level).

Summon Undead (Su): A nightshade can summon undead creatures once every 4 hours: 2-5 shadows, 1-2 wraiths, 1 spectre, or 1 ghost. The undead arrive in 1d10 rounds and serve for 1 hour or until released.

Aversion to Daylight (Ex): Nightshades are creatures of utter darkness. While they loathe all light, if exposed to natural daylight (not merely a daylight spell), they suffer a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls.

Cold Immunity (Ex): Nightshades suffer no damage from cold.

Spell Immunity (Su): Nightshades ignore the effects of spells and spell-like abilities of 6th level or lower, just as if the spellcaster had failed to overcome spell resistance.

Detect Magic (Su): A nightshade can continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

See Invisibility (Su): A nightshade can continuously see invisibility as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Telepathy (Su): Nightshades can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Damage Reduction (Su): All nightshades have damage reduction 25/+3.

Magic Drain (Su): A nightwing can weaken magic armor, weapons, and shields by making a successful touch attack. The target item must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 20) or lose one "plus" (for example, a +2 sword becomes a +1 sword). An item that is completely drained becomes normal in all respects and loses any other powers (such as flame tongue) as well. Casting dispel evil upon the item reverses the effects of the magic drain, provided this occurs within a number of days after the attack equal to the caster's level.

Nightshade:Nightwalker Huge Undead 21d12 (136) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 20 ft. (poor) 26 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +16 natural) 2 slams +20 melee Slam 2d6+12 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Nightshade abilities, crush item, evil gaze Undead, nightshade abilities, acid fire and electricity resistance 50, spell immunity, cold immunity Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +17 Str 35, Dex 14, Con -, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18 Concentration +19, Hide +12*, Listen +22, Move Silently +19, Spellcraft +19, Spot +22 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Critical Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Sunder Any land and underground 1-4 16 Standard Always chaotic evil 22-31 HD (Huge); 32-63 HD (Gargantuan)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Chill Aura (Su): All nightshades radiate a 60-foot-radius aura of utter cold. While this aura does not damage living things, it spoils any food and drink it touches. In addition, it ruins holy water and magic potions, oils, and ointments unless the items succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 22). Items that successfully save cannot be affected again by the same nightshade's aura for one day. This bone-numbing cold is so distinctive that anyone exposed to it once instantly recognizes it in the future, so it is difficult for a nightshade to surprise someone who has previously encountered such a beast.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-cause disease, charm person, cloudkill, confusion, darkness, dispel magic, haste, hold person, and invisibility; once per night: finger of death. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the nightshade's HD total (save DC 14 + spell level).

Summon Undead (Su): A nightshade can summon undead creatures once every 4 hours: 2-5 shadows, 1-2 wraiths, 1 spectre, or 1 ghost. The undead arrive in 1d10 rounds and serve for 1 hour or until released.

Aversion to Daylight (Ex): Nightshades are creatures of utter darkness. While they loathe all light, if exposed to natural daylight (not merely a daylight spell), they suffer a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls.

Cold Immunity (Ex): Nightshades suffer no damage from cold.

Spell Immunity (Su): Nightshades ignore the effects of spells and spell-like abilities of 6th level or lower, just as if the spellcaster had failed to overcome spell resistance.

Detect Magic (Su): A nightshade can continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

See Invisibility (Su): A nightshade can continuously see invisibility as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Telepathy (Su): Nightshades can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Damage Reduction (Su): All nightshades have damage reduction 25/+3.

Crush Item (Su): A nightwalker can destroy any weapon or item of Large size or smaller (even magic ones, but not artifacts) by picking it up and crushing it between its hands. This is a standard action. The nightshade must make a successful disarm attack to grab an item held by an opponent.

Evil Gaze (Su): Curse, 30 feet, Will save (DC 24). Cursed opponents suffer a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls, checks, and saving throws. Dispel evil or remove curse eliminates the effect.

Skills: *When hiding in a dark area, a nightwalker receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks.

Nightshade:Nightcrawler Gargantuan Undead 25d12 (162) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft., burrow 60 ft. 28 (-4 size, +22 natural) Bite +25 melee, sting +20 melee Bite 4d6+17 (19/x2), sting 2d8+8 (19/x2) poison 30 ft. by 30 ft. (coiled)/10 ft. Nightshade abilities, improved grab, swallow whole, energy drain, poison Undead, nightshade abilities, tremorsense, acid fire and electricity resistance 50, spell immunity, cold immunity Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +21 Str 45, Dex 10, Con -, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18 Concentration +18, survival +7, Listen +22, Move Silently +20, Spellcraft +17, Spot +22 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (sting), Improved Initiative, Iron Will Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2 18 Standard Always chaotic evil 26-75 HD (Colossal)

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the nightcrawler must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals bite damage and can try to swallow the opponent.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A nightcrawler can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of crushing damage plus 1d8 points of acid damage per round from the nightcrawler's gizzard, and is subject to the creature's energy drain. A swallowed creature can climb out of the gizzard with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the nightcrawler's maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 35 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 24). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The nightcrawler's interior can hold two Huge, four Large, eight Medium-size, sixteen Small, or thirty-two Tiny or smaller opponents.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures inside a nightcrawler's gizzard receive one negative level each round. The Fortitude save to remove a negative level has a DC of 24.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 22); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Strength.

Tremorsense (Ex): A nightcrawler can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Chill Aura (Su): All nightshades radiate a 60-foot-radius aura of utter cold. While this aura does not damage living things, it spoils any food and drink it touches. In addition, it ruins holy water and magic potions, oils, and ointments unless the items succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 22). Items that successfully save cannot be affected again by the same nightshade's aura for one day. This bone-numbing cold is so distinctive that anyone exposed to it once instantly recognizes it in the future, so it is difficult for a nightshade to surprise someone who has previously encountered such a beast.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-cause disease, charm person, cloudkill, confusion, darkness, dispel magic, haste, hold person, and invisibility; once per night: finger of death. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the nightshade's HD total (save DC 14 + spell level).

Summon Undead (Su): A nightshade can summon undead creatures once every 4 hours: 2-5 shadows, 1-2 wraiths, 1 spectre, or 1 ghost. The undead arrive in 1d10 rounds and serve for 1 hour or until released.

Aversion to Daylight (Ex): Nightshades are creatures of utter darkness. While they loathe all light, if exposed to natural daylight (not merely a daylight spell), they suffer a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls.

Cold Immunity (Ex): Nightshades suffer no damage from cold.

Spell Immunity (Su): Nightshades ignore the effects of spells and spell-like abilities of 6th level or lower, just as if the spellcaster had failed to overcome spell resistance.

Detect Magic (Su): A nightshade can continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

See Invisibility (Su): A nightshade can continuously see invisibility as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Telepathy (Su): Nightshades can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Damage Reduction (Su): All nightshades have damage reduction 25/+3.

Ogre:Ogre Large Giant 4d8+8 (26) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 hide) Huge greatclub +8 melee; or Huge longspear +1 ranged Huge greatclub 2d6+7; or Huge longspear 2d6+5 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15-20 ft. with longspear) Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1 Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7 Climb +4, Listen +2, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (greatclub) Any land and underground 1-8 2 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Ogres speak Giant, and those specimens who boast Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Ogre:Merrow (Aquatic Ogre) Large Giant 4d8+8 (26) -1 (Dex) 30 ft., swim 40 ft. 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 hide) Huge longspear +7 melee; or Huge longspear +1 ranged Huge longspear 1d8+7; or Huge longspear 2d6+5 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15-20 ft. with longspear) Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1 Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7 Climb +4, Listen +2, Spot +2 Weapon Focus (longspear) Any aquatic 1-8 2 Standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Merrows speak Giant, and those specimens who boast Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common.

Apart from their habitat, speed (swim 40 ft.), and their penchant for longspears (attack +7 melee, damage 1d8+7), Merrows are identical with their landbound cousins.

Ogre:Ogre Mage Large Giant 5d8+15 (37) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) 18 (-1 size, +5 natural, +4 chain shirt) Huge greatsword +7 melee; or Huge longbow +2 ranged Huge greatsword 2d8+7; or Huge longbow 2d6 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Spell-like abilities Regeneration 2, SR 18 Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17 Concentration +6, Listen +5, Spellcraft +4, Spot +5 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-2, 1-2 plus 2-4 ogre 8 Double standard Usually lawful evil By character class

Ogre mages speak Giant and Common.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-darkness and invisibility; 1/day-charm person, cone of cold, gaseous form, polymorph self, and sleep. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Flight (Su): An ogre mage can cease or resume flight as a free action. While in gaseous form it can fly at normal speed and has perfect maneuverability.

Regeneration (Ex): Ogre mages take normal damage from fire and acid. An ogre mage that loses a limb or body part can reattach it by holding the severed member to the stump. Reattachment takes 1 minute. If the head or other vital organ is severed, it must be reattached within 10 minutes or the creature dies. Ogre mages cannot regrow lost body parts.

Ooze:Gray Ooze Medium-Size Ooze 3d10+10 (26) -5 (Dex) 10 ft. 5 (-5 Dex) Slam +3 melee Slam 2d6+1 (20/x2) acid 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved grab, acid, corrosion, constrict 1d6+1 and 1d6 acid Blindsight, cold and fire immunity, ooze, camouflage Hide +5 Fort +1, Ref -4, Will -4 Str 12, Dex 1, Con 11, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any marsh and underground 1 4 None Always neutral 4-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-9 HD (Large)

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the gray ooze must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Acid (Ex): A gray ooze secretes a digestive acid that quickly dissolves organic material and metal. Any melee hit deals acid damage. The ooze's acidic touch deals 40 points of damage per round to wood or metal objects. Armor or clothing dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19). The acid cannot harm stone. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a gray ooze also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19).

Constrict (Ex): A gray ooze deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent's clothing and armor suffer a -4 penalty to Reflex saves against the acid.

Camouflage (Ex): It takes a successful Spot check (DC 15) to recognize a motionless gray ooze for what it really is.

Ooze:Gelatinous Cube Huge Ooze 4d10+36 (58) -5 (Dex) 15 ft. 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex) Slam +1 melee Slam 1d6+4 and 1d6 acid 10 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft. Engulf, paralysis, acid Blindsight, transparent, electricity immunity, ooze Fort +5, Ref -4, Will -4 Str 10, Dex 1, Con 19, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any underground 1 3 1/10th coins, 50% goods (no nonmetal or nonstone), 50% items (no nonmetal or nonstone) Always neutral 5-12 HD (Huge); 13-24 HD (Gargantuan)

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly, a gelatinous cube can simply mow down Large or smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The gelatinous cube merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the cube, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt opportunity attacks must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 13) or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent's choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube's paralysis and acid, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body.

Paralysis (Ex): Gelatinous cubes secrete an anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a cube's melee or engulf attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. The cube can automatically engulf a paralyzed opponent.

Acid (Ex): A gelatinous cube's acid does not harm metal or stone.

Transparent (Ex): Gelatinous cubes are hard to see, even under ideal conditions, and it takes a successful Spot check (DC 15) to notice one. Creatures who fail to notice a cube and walk into it are automatically engulfed.

Ooze:Ochre Jelly Large Ooze 6d10+27 (60) -5 (Dex) 10 ft., climb 10 ft. 4 (-1 size, -5 Dex) Slam +5 melee Slam 2d4+3 and 1d4 acid 5 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, acid, constrict 2d4+3 and 1d4 acid Blindsight, split, ooze Fort +4, Ref -3, Will -3 Str 15, Dex 1, Con 15, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any marsh and underground 1 5 None Always neutral 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ochre jelly must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Acid (Ex): An ochre jelly secretes a digestive acid that dissolves only flesh. Any melee hit deals acid damage.

Constrict (Ex): An ochre jelly deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check.

Split (Ex): Weapons and electricity attacks deal no damage to an ochre jelly. Instead the creature splits into two identical jellies, each with half the original's hit points (round down). A jelly with only 1 hit point cannot be further split.

Ooze:Black Pudding Huge Ooze 10d10+60 (115) -5 (Dex) 20 ft., climb 20 ft. 3 (-2 size, -5 Dex) Slam +8 melee Slam 2d6+4 and 2d6 acid 5 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Improved grab, acid, constrict 2d6+4 and 2d6 acid Blindsight, split, ooze Fort +7, Ref -2, Will -2 Str 17, Dex 1, Con 19, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Any marsh and underground 1 7 None Always neutral 11-15 HD (Huge); 16-30 HD (Gargantuan)

Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.

Blindsight (Ex): An ooze's entire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibration within 60 feet.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the black pudding must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.

Acid (Ex): The pudding secretes a digestive acid that dissolves organic material and metal quickly. Any melee hit deals acid damage. The pudding's acidic touch deals 50 points of damage per round to wood or metal objects. The opponent's armor and clothing dissolve and become useless immediately unless they succeed at Reflex saves (DC 19). The acid can dissolve stone, dealing 20 points of damage per round of contact. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes a black pudding also dissolves immediately unless it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 19).

Constrict (Ex): A black pudding deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. The opponent's clothing and armor suffer a -4 penalty to Reflex saves against the acid.

Split (Ex): Weapons deal no damage to a black pudding. Instead the creature splits into two identical puddings, each with half the original's hit points (round down). A pudding with only 1 hit point cannot be further split.

Planetouched:Aasimar Medium-Size Outsider 1d8 (4) +4 (Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 16 (+4 scale, +2 large shield) Longsword +1 melee; or light crossbow +1 ranged Longsword 1d8 (19/x2); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Light Acid cold and electricity resistance 5 1 daylight Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13 Heal +5, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +4, Ride +1, Spot +4 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-4 1/2 Standard Usually good (any) By character class

Light (Sp): Aasimars can use light once per day as cast by a sorcerer of 1st level or their character level, whichever is higher.

Skills: Aasimars receive a +2 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.

An aasimar's favored class is paladin.

Planetouched:Tiefling Medium-Size Outsider 1d8 (4) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield) Rapier +2 melee; or light crossbow +2 ranged Rapier 1d6 (18/x2); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Darkness 1 darkness Fire cold and electricity resistance 5 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 8 Bluff +1, Hide +3, Move Silently +2, Pick Pocket +3 Weapon Finesse (rapier) Any land and underground 1-4 1/2 Standard Usually evil (any) By character class

Darkness (Sp): Tieflings can use darkness once per day as cast by a sorcerer of 1st level or their character level, whichever is higher.

Skills: Tieflings receive a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Hide checks.

A tiefling's favored class is rogue.

Salamander:Flamebrother Small Outsider (Fire) 3d8+3 (16) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 19 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural) Halfspear +5 melee, tail slap +3 melee Halfspear 2d6+1 (20/x3) fire, tail slap 2d4+2 (20/x2) fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Heat, constrict 1d4 and 1d6 fire Fire subtype Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13 Craft (metalworking) +11, Escape Artist +7, Hide +9, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7 Multiattack Any land and underground 1-5 2 Standard (nonflammables only) Usually evil (any) 4-6 HD (Small)

Flamebrothers speak only Ignan.

Heat (Ex): A salamander generates so much heat that its mere touch deals additional fire damage. Salamanders' metallic weapons also conduct this heat.

Constrict (Ex): A salamander deals automatic tail slap damage (including fire damage) with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Salamanders receive a +4 racial bonus to Craft (metalworking) skill checks.

Feats: Salamanders have the Multiattack feat even without the requisite three natural weapons.

Flamebrothers have no favored class. They sometimes become adepts or warriors.

Salamander:Salamander Medium-Size Outsider (Fire) 7d8+7 (38) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 18 (+1 Dex, +7 natural) Longspear +9/+4 melee, tail slap +7 melee Longspear 2d8+1 (20/x3) fire, tail slap 3d6+1 (20/x2) fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Heat, constrict 2d6+1 and 1d6 fire Fire subtype, damage reduction 10/+1 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13 Craft (metalworking) +16, Escape Artist +11, Hide +11, Listen +14, Move Silently +11, Search +12, Spot +14 Alertness, Multiattack Any land and underground 1-5 5 Standard (nonflammables only) Usually evil (any) 8-14 HD (Medium-size)

Salamanders speak Ignan. Some average salamanders also speak Common.

Heat (Ex): A salamander generates so much heat that its mere touch deals additional fire damage. Salamanders' metallic weapons also conduct this heat.

Constrict (Ex): A salamander deals automatic tail slap damage (including fire damage) with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Salamanders receive a +4 racial bonus to Craft (metalworking) skill checks.

Feats: Salamanders have the Multiattack feat even without the requisite three natural weapons.

Average salamanders may be clerics, sorcerers, or fighters (their favored class).

Salamander:Noble Salamander Large Outsider (Fire) 15d8+45 (112) +1 (Dex) 20 ft. 18 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural) +3 Huge longspear +23/+18/+13 melee, tail slap +15 melee +3 Huge longspear 2d8+9 and 1d8 fire, tail slap 2d8+3 and 1d8 fire 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Heat, constrict 2d8+3 and 1d8 fire, spell-like abilities Fire subtype, damage reduction 20/+2 Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +11 Str 22, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 15 Bluff +11, Craft (metalworking) +24, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +19, Hide +15, Listen +20, Move Silently +17, Search +20, Sense Motive +12, Spot +20 Cleave, Great Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2, 9-14 9 Double standard (nonflammables only) and +3 Huge longspear Usually evil (any) 16-21 HD (Large); 22-45 HD (Huge)

All noble salamanders speak Ignan and Common.

Heat (Ex): A salamander generates so much heat that its mere touch deals additional fire damage. Salamanders' metallic weapons also conduct this heat.

Constrict (Ex): A salamander deals automatic tail slap damage (including fire damage) with a successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger than itself. A noble salamander can constrict multiple creatures simultaneously, provided they are all at least two sizes smaller than it.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-burning hands, fireball, flaming sphere, and wall of fire; 1/day-dispel magic and summon monster VII (huge fire elemental). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Skills: Salamanders receive a +4 racial bonus to Craft (metalworking) skill checks.

Feats: Salamanders have the Multiattack feat even without the requisite three natural weapons.

Noble salamanders may be clerics, sorcerers, or fighters (their favored class).

Skeleton:Tiny Skeleton Tiny Undead 1/4 d12 (1) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 13 (+2 size, +1 Dex) 2 claws +0 melee Claw 1d2-2 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Str 6, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 1/6 None Always neutral

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Skeleton:Small Skeleton Small Undead 1/2 d12 (3) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural) 2 claws +0 melee Claw 1d3-1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Str 8, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 1/4 None Always neutral

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Skeleton:Skeleton Medium-Size Undead 1d12 (6) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) 2 claws +0 melee Claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 1/3 None Always neutral

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Skeleton:Large Skeleton Large Undead 2d12 (13) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural) 2 claws +2 melee Claw 1d6+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3 Str 14, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 1 None Always neutral 3 HD (Large)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Skeleton:Huge Skeleton Huge Undead 4d12 (26) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 13 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw 1d8+4 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4 Str 18, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 2 None Always neutral 5-15 HD (Huge)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Skeleton:Gargantuan Skeleton Gargantuan Undead 16d12 (104) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 13 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural) 2 claws +10 melee Claw 2d6+6 20 ft. by 20 ft./20 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10 Str 22, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 7 None Always neutral 17-31 HD (Gargantuan)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Skeleton:Colossal Skeleton Colossal Undead 32d12 (208) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft. 13 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural) 2 claws +16 melee Claw 2d8+8 40 ft. by 40 ft./25 ft. Undead, cold immunity Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +18 Str 26, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 11 Improved Initiative Any land and underground 1-16 9 None Always neutral 33-64 HD (Colossal)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities (Ex): Skeletons have cold immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Sphinx:Androsphinx Large Magical Beast 12d10+48 (114) +0 50 ft., fly 80 ft. (poor) 22 (-1 size, +13 natural) 2 claws +18 melee Claw 2d4+7 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, rake 2d4+3, roar, spells Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7 Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 17 Intimidate +13, Knowledge (any one) +5, Listen +15, Spot +15, Survival +13 Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Track Any warm land 1 9 Standard Always chaotic good 13-18 HD (Large); 19-36 HD (Huge)

Pounce (Ex): If a sphinx leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A sphinx that pounces onto a creature can make two rake attacks with its hind legs. Attack bonus +18 melee, damage 2d4+3.

Roar (Su): Three times per day an androsphinx can loose a mighty roar. The first time it does this, all creatures within 500 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or be affected as though by a fear spell for 12 rounds. If the sphinx roars a second time during the same encounter, all creatures within 250 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, and all those within 90 feet are deafened for 2d6 rounds (no save). If it roars a third time during the same encounter, all those within 250 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or take 2d4 points of temporary Strength damage for 2d4 rounds. In addition, any Medium-size or smaller creature within 90 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be thrown to the ground and take 2d8 points of damage. The force of this roar is so great that it deals 50 points of damage to any stone or crystalline object within 90 feet. Magic items and held or carried items can avoid damage with a successful Reflex save (DC 19). Other androsphinxes are immune to these effects.

Spells: An androsphinx casts divine spells as a 6th-level cleric from the cleric spell list and from the Good, Healing, and Protection domains.

Sphinx:Criosphinx Large Magical Beast 10d10+30 (85) +0 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) Butt +15 melee, 2 claws +10 melee Butt 2d6+6, claw 1d6+3 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, rake 1d6+3 Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11 Intimidate +8, Listen +10, Spot +10 Cleave, Flyby Attack, Power Attack Warm forest 1 7 Standard Always neutral 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)

Pounce (Ex): If a sphinx leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A sphinx that pounces onto a creature can make two rake attacks with its hind legs. Attack bonus +15 melee, damage 1d6+3.

Sphinx:Gynosphinx Large Magical Beast 8d10+8 (52) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) 21 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural) 2 claws +11 melee Claw 1d6+4 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, rake 1d6+2, spell-like abilities Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8 Str 19, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 19 Concentration +12, Intimidate +13, Listen +17, Spot +17 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will Any warm land 1-4 8 Double standard Always neutral 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge)

Pounce (Ex): If a sphinx leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A sphinx that pounces onto a creature can make two rake attacks with its hind legs. Attack bonus +11 melee, damage 1d6+2.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect magic, read magic, and see invisibility; 1/day-comprehend languages, locate object, dispel magic, remove curse, and legend lore. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 14th-level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Once per week a gynosphinx can create a symbol of death, discord, insanity, pain, persuasion, sleep, and stunning (one of each) as the spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 22).

Sphinx:Hieracosphinx Large Magical Beast 9d10+18 (67) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (poor) 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural) Bite +13 melee, 2 claws +8 melee Bite 1d10+5, claw 1d6+2 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Pounce, rake 1d6+2 Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 Str 21, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 10 Listen +13, Spot +14* Alertness, Flyby Attack Warm hill 1-2, 4-7 5 None Always chaotic evil 10-14 HD (Large); 15-27 HD (Huge)

Pounce (Ex): If a sphinx leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A sphinx that pounces onto a creature can make two rake attacks with its hind legs. Attack bonus +13 melee, damage 1d6+2.

Skills: *Hieracosphinxes gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks in daylight.

Sprite:Grig Tiny Fey 1/2 d6+1 (2) +4 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) 18 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +2 natural) Dagger +6 melee; or composite shortbow +6 ranged Dagger 1d4-3; or composite shortbow 1d4 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Spell-like abilities, fiddle SR 17 Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +3 Str 5, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14 Craft (any one) +4, Escape Artist +8, Hide +16, Jump +9, Listen +7, Move Silently +8*, Perform +6, Search +3, Spot +4 Dodge, Weapon Finesse (dagger) Temperate and warm forest 2-4, 6-11, 20-80 1 No coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral good 1-3 HD (Tiny)

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-change self, entangle, invisibility (self only), pyrotechnics, and ventriloquism. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Fiddle (Su): One grig in each band carries a tiny, grig-sized fiddle. When the fiddler plays, any nonsprite within 30 feet of the instrument must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be affected as though by Otto's irresistible dance as long as the playing continues.

Skills: All sprites receive a +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. Grigs receive a +8 racial bonus to Jump checks. *They also receive a +5 racial bonus to Move Silently checks in a forest setting.

Sprite:Nixie Small Fey 1d6 (3) +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex) Dagger +4 melee; or light crossbow +4 ranged Dagger 1d4-2 (19/x2); or light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Water breathing, charm person SR 16 Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3 Str 7, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 18 Animal Empathy +7, Bluff +8, Craft (any one) +5, Escape Artist +6, Handle Animal Hide +10*, Listen +7, Perform +7, Search +3, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7 Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (dagger) Temperate aquatic 2-4, 6-11, 20-80 1 No coins; 50% goods (metal or stone only); 50% items (no scrolls) Always neutral 2-3 HD (Small)

Water Breathing (Sp): Once per day a nixie can use water breathing as the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer. (They usually bestow this effect on those they have charmed.)

Charm Person (Sp): A nixie can charm person three times per day as the spell cast by a 4th-level sorcerer. Those affected must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or be charmed for 24 hours, performing heavy labor, guard duty, and other onerous tasks for the nixie community. Shortly before the effect wears off, the nixie escorts the charmed creature away and orders it to keep walking.

Skills: All sprites receive a +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks. *Nixies receive a +5 racial bonus to Hide checks when in the water.

Sprite:Pixie Small Fey 1d6 (3) +4 (Dex) 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) 16 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural) Dagger +5 melee; or composite shortbow +6 ranged Dagger 1d4-2 (19/x2); or composite shortbow 1d6 (19/x3) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, special arrows 1 lesser confusion (DC 14), 1 dancing lights, 1 detect chaos, 1 detect good, 1 detect evil, 1 detect law, 1 detect thoughts (DC 15), 1 dispel magic, 1 entangle (DC 14), 1 permanent image (DC 19, visual and auditory elements only) SR 16, natural invisibility Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +4 Str 7, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 16 Bluff +7, Concentration +4, Craft (any one) +7,Escape Artist +8, Heal +6, Hide +12, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Ride +8, Search +9, Sense Motive +6, Spot +8 Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Finesse (dagger), Weapon Focus (shortbow) Temperate forest 2-4, 6-11, 20-80 4 No coins; 50% goods; 50% items Always neutral good 2-3 HD (Small)

Natural Invisibility (Su): A pixie remains invisible even when it attacks. This ability is constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-confusion (the pixie must touch the target), dancing lights, detect chaos, detect good, detect evil, detect law, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, permanent image (visual and auditory elements only), and polymorph self. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

One pixie in ten can use Otto's irresistible dance once per day as cast by an 8th-level sorcerer.

Special Arrows (Ex): Pixies sometimes employ arrows that deal no damage but can erase memory or put a creature to sleep.

  • Memory Loss: An opponent struck by the arrow must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose all memory. The subject retains skills, languages, and class abilities but forgets everything else until he or she receives a heal spell or memory restoration with limited wish, wish, or miracle.
  • Sleep: Any opponent struck by the arrow, regardless of Hit Dice, must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be affected as though by a sleep spell.

Skills: All sprites receive a +2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks.

Xorn:Minor Xorn Small Outsider (Earth) 3d8+6 (19) +0 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. 23 (+1 size, +12 natural) Bite +6 melee, 3 claws +4 melee Bite 2d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d3+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Burrow Fire immunity, cold immunity, electricity resistance 10, half damage from slashing, all-around vision, tremorsense Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Hide +10, survival +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +3, Search 6, Spot +8 Multiattack Any land and underground 1-5 3 None Usually neutral 4-6 HD (Small)

Xorns speak Terran and Common.

Burrow (Ex): A xorn can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing xorn flings the xorn back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save.

Half Damage from Slashing (Ex): Slashing weapons deal only half damage to xorns, with a minimum of 1 point of damage.

All-Around Vision (Ex): Xorns' symmetrically placed eyes allow them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. Xorns can't be flanked.

Tremorsense (Ex): Xorns can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Xorn:Average Xorn Medium-Size Outsider (Earth) 7d8+14 (45) +0 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. 22 (+12 natural) Bite +10 melee, 3 claws +8 melee Bite 4d6+3 (20/x2), claw 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Burrow Fire immunity, cold immunity, electricity resistance 10, half damage from slashing, all-around vision, tremorsense Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Hide +10, survival +10, Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Search +10, Spot +14 Multiattack, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-5 6 None Usually neutral 8-14 HD (Medium-size)

Xorns speak Terran and Common.

Burrow (Ex): A xorn can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing xorn flings the xorn back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save.

Half Damage from Slashing (Ex): Slashing weapons deal only half damage to xorns, with a minimum of 1 point of damage.

All-Around Vision (Ex): Xorns' symmetrically placed eyes allow them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. Xorns can't be flanked.

Tremorsense (Ex): Xorns can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Xorn:Elder Xorn Large Outsider (Earth) 15d8+60 (127) +0 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. 22 (-1 size, +13 natural) Bite +21 melee, 3 claws +19 melee Bite 4d8+7, claw 1d6+3 10 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft. Burrow Fire immunity, cold immunity, electricity resistance 10, half damage from slashing, all-around vision, tremorsense Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +9 Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Hide +14, survival +18, Knowledge (minerals) +12, Listen +18, Move Silently +18, Search +22, Spot +22 Cleave, Great Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack Any land and underground 1-2, 6-11 8 None Usually neutral 16-21 HD (Large); 22-45 HD (Huge)

Xorns speak Terran and Common.

Burrow (Ex): A xorn can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing xorn flings the xorn back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save.

Half Damage from Slashing (Ex): Slashing weapons deal only half damage to xorns, with a minimum of 1 point of damage.

All-Around Vision (Ex): Xorns' symmetrically placed eyes allow them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. Xorns can't be flanked.

Tremorsense (Ex): Xorns can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Monster id="srd:SnakeHeadYuantiHalfblood"> Yuan-ti:Snake-headed Halfblood Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid 7d8+7 (38) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather, +2 masterwork large shield) Masterwork scimitar +10/+5 melee, bite +4 melee; or masterwork mighty composite longbow +2 Masterwork scimitar 1d6+2, bite 1d6+1 and poison; or masterwork mighty composite longbow +2 1d8+2 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities, psionics SR 16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +9 Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16 Concentration +11, Craft (any two) or Knowledge (any two) +9, Hide +8*, Listen +15, Spot +15 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative Warm forest and underground 1-4 ChallengeRating Value="5">5 Double standard Usually chaotic evil By character class

Yuan-ti speak their own language, plus Common, Draconic, and Abyssal.

Yuan-Ti Halfblood Features

Halfblood Features (Ex): Yuanti halfbloods have certain snake-like features to their anatomy. Roll twice on the following list, ignoring duplicate or contradictory results:

  • 1 - Snake head: Bite damage 1d6 and poison (save DC 14; initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution)
  • 2 - Flexible torso: +1 racial bonus to Reflex saves
  • 3 - No legs, snake tail: Speed 20 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft; can constrict Medium-size or smaller creatures for 1d6+3 damage
  • 4 - Snakes instead of arms: Gains 2 bite attacks (1d4 arms damage and poison as above)
  • 5 - Scales instead of skin: +4 natural armor
  • 6 - Legs and snake tail: Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.; can constrict Small or smaller creatures for 1d4+3 damage

Spell-Like Abilities: (If human-headed) 1/day-animal trance, cause fear, deeper darkness, entangle, neutralize poison, suggestion, and polymorph other. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Psionics (Sp): All yuan-ti can produce the following effects at will:

  • Detect Poison: As the spell cast by a 6th-level sorcerer.
  • Alternate Form: The yuan-ti can assume the form of a Tiny to Large viper. This ability is similar to a shapchange spell cast by a 19th-level sorcerer but allows only viper forms. If the yuan-ti has a poisonous bite of its own, it uses its own or the viper's poison, whichever is more potent.
  • Chameleon Power: The yuan-ti can change the coloration of itself and its equipment to match its surroundings.
  • Produce Acid: The yuan-ti can exude acid from its body, dealing 1d6 points of damage to anything it touches. The acid becomes inert when it leaves the yuan-ti's body.
  • Aversion: The yuan-ti creates a compulsion effect targeting one creature within 30 feet. The subject must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or gain an aversion to snakes for 10 minutes. Affected subjects must stay at least 20 feet from any snake or yuan-ti, alive or dead; if already within 20 feet, they move away. A subject can overcome the compulsion by succeeding at another DC 17 Will save, but still suffers deep anxiety. This causes a -4 reduction to Dexterity until the effect wears off or the subject is no longer within 20 feet of a snake or yuan-ti. This ability is otherwise similar to antipathy as cast by a 16th-level sorcerer.

Poison (Ex): Halfbloods and abominations with snake heads only-bite, Fortitude save (DC 17); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.

Skills: *Yuan-ti using chameleon power receive a +8 circumstance bonus to Hide checks.

The favored class for yuan-ti halfbloods is ranger. Yuan-ti clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Destruction, and Plant.

Zombie:Tiny Zombie Tiny Undead 1/2 d12+3 (6) -1 (Dex) 20 ft. 11 (+2 size, -1 Dex) Slam +2 melee Slam 1d3 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +2 Str 9, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Toughness Any land and underground 6-20 1/6 None Always neutral

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Zombie:Small Zombie Small Undead 1d12+3 (9) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 11 (+1 size, -1 Dex, +1 natural) Slam +1 melee Slam 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +2 Str 11, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Toughness Any land and underground 6-20 1/4 None Always neutral

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Zombie:Zombie Medium-Size Undead 2d12+3 (16) -1 (Dex) 30 ft. 11 (-1 Dex, +2 natural) Slam +2 melee Slam 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3 Str 13, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Toughness Any land and underground 2-20 1/2 None Always neutral 3 HD (Medium-size)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Zombie:Large Zombie Large Undead 4d12+3 (29) -1 (Dex) 40 ft. 11 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +3 natural) Slam +4 melee Slam 1d8+4 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4 Str 17, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Toughness Any land and underground 1-20 1 None Always neutral 5-7 HD (Large)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Zombie:Huge Zombie Huge Undead 8d12+3 (55) -1 (Dex) 40 ft. 11 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +4 natural) Slam +7 melee Slam 2d6+7 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6 Str 21, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Toughness Any land and underground 1-20 3 None Always neutral 9-23 HD (Huge)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Zombie:Gargantuan Zombie Gargantuan Undead 24d12+3 (159) -1 (Dex) 40 ft. 11 (-4 size, -1 Dex, +6 natural) Slam +15 melee Slam 2d8+10 20 ft. by 20 ft./20 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +14 Str 25, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 Toughness, Improved Critical (slam) Any land and underground 1-20 6 None Always neutral 25-47 HD (Gargantuan)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Zombie:Colossal Zombie Colossal Undead 48d12+3 (315) -2 (Dex) 40 ft. 11 (-8 size, -2 Dex, +11 natural) Slam +25 melee Slam 4d6+13 40 ft. by 40 ft./25 ft. Undead, partial actions only Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +26 Str 29, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 3 Toughness, Improved Critical (slam) Any land and underground 1-20 12 None Always neutral 49-96 HD (Colossal)

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Partial Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but can only do both if they charge (a partial charge).

Dragon:Black Dragon, Wyrmling Tiny Dragon 4d12+4 (30) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 100 ft.(average), swim 60 ft. 15 (+2 size, +3 natural) Bite +6 melee, 2 Claws +1 melee Bite 1d4, claw 1d3+0 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +5,Ref +4,Will +4 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Bluff +2, Concentration +2, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist +1, Knowledge (any) +1, Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4 Any 2 Any marsh and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always chaotic evil 5-6 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x30 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 2d4, Reflex half DC 13; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Very young Small Dragon 7d12+7 (52) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 100 ft.(average), swim 60 ft. 17 (+1 size, +6 natural) Bite +9 melee, 2 Claws +4 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +6,Ref +5,Will +5 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Bluff +3, Concentration +3, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist +3, Knowledge (any) +2, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7 Any 2 Any marsh and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always chaotic evil 8-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 4d4, Reflex half DC 14; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon 10d12+20 (85) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 19 (+9 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 Claws +7 melee, 2 Wings +7 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +9,Ref +7,Will +7 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +10, Search +10, Spot +10 Any 3 Any marsh and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always chaotic evil 11-12 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 6d4, Reflex half DC 17; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Juvenile Medium-size Dragon 13d12+26 (110) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 22 (+12 natural) Bite +16 melee, 2 Claws +11 melee, 2 Wings +11 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +8,Will +8 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +8, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (any) +7, Listen +13, Search +13, Spot +13 Any 4 Any marsh and underground 1-5 6 Double standard Always chaotic evil 14-15 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 8d4, Reflex half DC 18; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 40 feet). These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 4 (save DC 10 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon 16d12+48 (152) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 24 (-1 size, +15 natural) Bite +19 melee, 2 Claws +14 melee, 2 Wings +14 melee, 1 Tail slap +14 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 17, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +13,Ref +10,Will +11 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +11, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (any) +10, Listen +16, Scry +10, Search +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16 Any 5 Any marsh and underground 1-5 8 Double standard Always chaotic evil 17-18 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 10d4, Reflex half DC 22; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 16 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 50 feet). These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 5 (save DC 11 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon Large Dragon 19d12+76 (199) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 27 (-1 size, +18 natural) Bite +24 melee, 2 Claws +19 melee, 2 Wings +19 melee, 1 Tail slap +19 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 18, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +15,Ref +11,Will +12 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +13, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +13, Knowledge (any) +12, Listen +19, Scry +12, Search +19, Spellcraft +19, Spot +19 Any 5 Any marsh and underground 1-2 10 Double standard Always chaotic evil 20-21 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 12d4, Reflex half DC 23; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 19 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 60 feet), 1/day-corrupt water (see below). These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 6 (save DC 11 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) or become fouled.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon 22d12+110 (253) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 29 (-2 size, +21 natural) Bite +28 melee, 2 Claws +23 melee, 2 Wings +23 melee, 1 Tail slap +23 melee; or 1 Crush +28 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 21, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +15 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +19, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +18, Escape Artist +18, Knowledge (any) +18, Listen +22, Scry +18, Search +22, Spellcraft +22, Spot +22 Any 6 Any marsh and underground 1-2 13 Double standard Always chaotic evil 23-24 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 14d4, Reflex half DC 26; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 22 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 60 feet), 1/day-corrupt water (see below). These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 7 (save DC 11 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) or become fouled.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Old Huge Dragon 25d12+125 (287) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 32 (-2 size, +24 natural) Bite +32 melee, 2 Claws +27 melee, 2 Wings +27 melee, 1 Tail slap +27 melee; or 1 Crush +32 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 22, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +19,Ref +14,Will +16 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +21, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +21, Escape Artist +21, Knowledge (any) +21, Listen +25, Scry +20, Search +25, Spellcraft +25, Spot +25 Any 7 Any marsh and underground 1-2 15 Double standard Always chaotic evil 26-27 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 16d4, Reflex half DC 27; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 25 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 60 feet), 1/day-corrupt water (see below) and plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 8 (save DC 12 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) or become fouled.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon 28d12+168 (350) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 35 (-2 size, +27 natural) Bite +36 melee, 2 Claws +31 melee, 2 Wings +31 melee, 1 Tail slap +31 melee; or 1 Crush +36 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 23, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +22,Ref +16,Will +19 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +28, Concentration +28, Diplomacy +28, Escape Artist +28, Knowledge (any) +28, Listen +28, Scry +28, Search +28, Spellcraft +28, Spot +28 Any 8 Any marsh and underground 1-2 17 Double standard Always chaotic evil 29-30 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 18d4, Reflex half DC 30; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 28 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 60 feet), 1/day-corrupt water (see below) and plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 9 (save DC 13 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) or become fouled.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Ancient Huge Dragon 31d12+186 (387) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 38 (-2 size, +30 natural) Bite +40 melee, 2 Claws +35 melee, 2 Wings +35 melee, 1 Tail slap +35 melee; or 1 Crush +40 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 25, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +17,Will +20 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +31, Concentration +31, Diplomacy +31, Escape Artist +31, Knowledge (any) +31, Listen +31, Scry +31, Search +31, Spellcraft +31, Spot +31 Any 8 Any marsh and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always chaotic evil 32-33 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 20d4, Reflex half DC 31; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 31 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 28) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 100 feet) and insect plague; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 11 (save DC 13 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 28) or become fouled.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 34d12+238 (459) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 60 ft. 39 (-4 size, +33 natural) Bite +42 melee, 2 Claws +37 melee, 2 Wings +37 melee, 1 Tail slap +37 melee; or 1 Crush +42 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +42 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 26, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +26,Ref +19,Will +23 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +40, Concentration +40, Diplomacy +40, Escape Artist +40, Knowledge (any) +39, Listen +34, Scry +39, Search +34, Spellcraft +34, Spot +34 Any 9 Any marsh and underground 1-2 19 Double standard Always chaotic evil 35-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 22d4, Reflex half DC 34; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 34 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 110 feet) and insect plague; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 13 (save DC 14 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) or become fouled.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Black Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 37d12+296 (536) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 60 ft. 42 (-4 size, +36 natural) Bite +46 melee, 2 Claws +41 melee, 2 Wings +41 melee, 1 Tail slap +41 melee; or 1 Crush +46 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +46 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 28, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +20,Will +25 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +50, Concentration +50, Diplomacy +49, Escape Artist +49, Knowledge (any) +49, Listen +37, Scry +49, Search +37, Spellcraft +37, Spot +37 Any 10 Any marsh and underground 1-2 21 Double standard Always chaotic evil 38+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 24d4, Reflex half DC 36; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 37 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-darkness (radius 120 feet), charm reptiles (see below), and insect plague; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of level 15 (save DC 15 + spell level).

Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day the dragon can stagnate 10 cubic feet of water, making it become still, foul, and unable to support animal life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) or become fouled.

Charm Reptiles (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It operates as a mass charm spell (as cast by a sorcerer of level 15) that works only on reptilian animals. The dragon can communicate with any charmed reptiles as though casting a speak with animals spell.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All black dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Wyrmling Small Dragon 6d12+6 (45) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average), burrow 20 ft. 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) Bite +8 melee, 2 Claws +3 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, blindsight, keen senses Fort +6,Ref +5,Will +5 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +4, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +3, Knowledge (any) +3, Listen +6, Search +6, Spot +6 Any 2 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always lawful evil 7-8 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 2d8, Reflex half DC 14; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a sorcerer of level 1), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 13) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Very young Medium-size Dragon 9d12+18 (76) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 18 (+8 natural) Bite +11 melee, 2 Claws +6 melee, 2 Wings +6 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, blindsight, keen senses Fort +8,Ref +6,Will +6 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (any) +5, Listen +9, Search +9, Spot +9 Any 3 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always lawful evil 10-11 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 4d8, Reflex half DC 16; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 2 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon 12d12+24 (102) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 21 (+11 natural) Bite +15 melee, 2 Claws +10 melee, 2 Wings +10 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +8,Will +9 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +10, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (any) +9, Listen +12, Search +12, Spot +12 Any 4 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-5 5 Double standard Always lawful evil 13-14 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 6d8, Reflex half DC 18; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 3 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Juvenile Large Dragon 15d12+45 (142) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 23 (-1 size, +14 natural) Bite +18 melee, 2 Claws +13 melee, 2 Wings +13 melee, 1 Tail slap +13 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +12,Ref +9,Will +11 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +13, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (any) +12, Listen +15, Scry +12, Search +15, Spellcraft +15, Spot +15 Any 4 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-5 7 Double standard Always lawful evil 16-17 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 8d8, Reflex half DC 20; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 4 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon 18d12+72 (189) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 26 (-1 size, +17 natural) Bite +23 melee, 2 Claws +18 melee, 2 Wings +18 melee, 1 Tail slap +18 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 19, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +15,Ref +11,Will +13 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +15, Concentration +15, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +15, Knowledge (any) +15, Listen +18, Scry +15, Search +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +18 Any 5 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-5 10 Double standard Always lawful evil 19-20 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 10d8, Reflex half DC 23; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 18 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 5 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon Huge Dragon 21d12+105 (241) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 28 (-2 size, +20 natural) Bite +27 melee, 2 Claws +22 melee, 2 Wings +22 melee, 1 Tail slap +22 melee; or 1 Crush +27 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 21, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +17,Ref +12,Will +15 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +21, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +21, Escape Artist +21, Knowledge (any) +21, Listen +21, Scry +21, Search +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot +21 Any 6 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 13 Double standard Always lawful evil 22-23 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 12d8, Reflex half DC 25; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 21 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 6 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon 24d12+120 (276) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 31 (-2 size, +23 natural) Bite +31 melee, 2 Claws +26 melee, 2 Wings +26 melee, 1 Tail slap +26 melee; or 1 Crush +31 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 22, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +19,Ref +14,Will +17 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +24, Concentration +24, Diplomacy +24, Escape Artist +24, Knowledge (any) +24, Listen +24, Scry +24, Search +24, Spellcraft +24, Spot +24 Any 7 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 15 Double standard Always lawful evil 25-26 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 14d8, Reflex half DC 27; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 24 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 7 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Old Huge Dragon 27d12+162 (337) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 34 (-2 size, +26 natural) Bite +35 melee, 2 Claws +30 melee, 2 Wings +30 melee, 1 Tail slap +30 melee; or 1 Crush +35 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 24, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +21,Ref +15,Will +19 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +32, Concentration +32, Diplomacy +32, Escape Artist +31, Knowledge (any) +31, Listen +27, Scry +31, Search +27, Spellcraft +27, Spot +27 Any 7 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 17 Double standard Always lawful evil 28-29 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 16d8, Reflex half DC 29; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 27 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism; 1/day-hallucinatory terrain. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 9 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon 30d12+180 (375) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), burrow 20 ft. 37 (-2 size, +29 natural) Bite +39 melee, 2 Claws +34 melee, 2 Wings +34 melee, 1 Tail slap +34 melee; or 1 Crush +39 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 25, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +17,Will +21 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +35, Concentration +35, Diplomacy +35, Escape Artist +35, Knowledge (any) +35, Listen +30, Scry +35, Search +30, Spellcraft +30, Spot +30 Any 8 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always lawful evil 31-32 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 18d8, Reflex half DC 31; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 30 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism; 1/day-hallucinatory terrain. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 11 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan Dragon 33d12+231 (445) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), burrow 20 ft. 38 (-4 size, +32 natural) Bite +41 melee, 2 Claws +36 melee, 2 Wings +36 melee, 1 Tail slap +36 melee; or 1 Crush +41 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +41 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 27, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +25,Ref +18,Will +23 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +44, Concentration +44, Diplomacy +44, Escape Artist +44, Knowledge (any) +44, Listen +33, Scry +44, Search +33, Spellcraft +33, Spot +33 Any 9 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always lawful evil 34-35 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 20d8, Reflex half DC 33; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 33 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism; 1/day-hallucinatory terrain and veil. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 13 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 36d12+288 (522) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), burrow 20 ft. 41 (-4 size, +35 natural) Bite +45 melee, 2 Claws +40 melee, 2 Wings +40 melee, 1 Tail slap +40 melee; or 1 Crush +45 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +45 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 29, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +20,Will +25 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +48, Concentration +48, Diplomacy +48, Escape Artist +48, Knowledge (any) +48, Listen +36, Scry +48, Search +36, Spellcraft +36, Spot +36 Any 10 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 22 Double standard Always lawful evil 37-38 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 22d8, Reflex half DC 36; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 36 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism; 1/day-hallucinatory terrain and veil. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 15 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Blue Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 39d12+312 (565) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), burrow 20 ft. 44 (-4 size, +38 natural) Bite +49 melee, 2 Claws +44 melee, 2 Wings +44 melee, 1 Tail slap +44 melee; or 1 Crush +49 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +49 Bite 4d6+14, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+21; or crush 4d6+21; or tail sweep 2d6+21 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 31, sound imitation, blindsight, keen senses Fort +29,Ref +21,Will +27 Str 39, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +59, Concentration +59, Diplomacy +59, Escape Artist +58, Knowledge (any) +58, Listen +39, Scry +58, Search +39, Spellcraft +39, Spot +39 Any 10 Temperate and warm desert and underground 1-2 24 Double standard Always lawful evil 40+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 24d8, Reflex half DC 37; effective both on the surface and underwater.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 39 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Evil, and Law domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-ventriloquism; 1/day-hallucinatory terrain, veil, and mirage arcana. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Create/Destroy Water (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It works like the create water spell (as by a 17 level sorcerer), except that the dragon can decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) or be ruined.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All blue dragons are also immune to electricity.

Sound Imitation (Ex): The dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) to detect the ruse.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Wyrmling Tiny Dragon (Fire) 4d12+4 (30) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), burrow 30 ft. 15 (+2 size, +3 natural) Bite +6 melee, 2 Claws +1 melee Bite 1d4, claw 1d3+0 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +5,Ref +4,Will +4 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +3, Concentration +3, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist +2, Knowledge (any) +2, Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4 Any 2 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always chaotic good 5-6 HD (Tiny)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x30 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 15x15x15 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 1d6, Reflex half DC 13; cone damage Will save (DC 13) or sleep for 1d6+1 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 1 level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Very young Small Dragon (Fire) 7d12+7 (52) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average), burrow 30 ft. 17 (+1 size, +6 natural) Bite +9 melee, 2 Claws +4 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +6,Ref +5,Will +5 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +5, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4, Knowledge (any) +4, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7 Any 2 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always chaotic good 8-9 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x40 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 20x20x20 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 2d6, Reflex half DC 14; cone damage Will save (DC 14) or sleep for 1d6+2 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 2 level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon (Fire) 10d12+20 (85) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 19 (+9 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 Claws +7 melee, 2 Wings +7 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +9,Ref +7,Will +8 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +7, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +10, Scry +6, Search +10, Spellcraft +10, Spot +10 Any 3 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-5 5 Double standard Always chaotic good 11-12 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 3d6, Reflex half DC 17; cone damage Will save (DC 17) or sleep for 1d6+3 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 3 level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Juvenile Medium-size Dragon (Fire) 13d12+26 (110) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 22 (+12 natural) Bite +16 melee, 2 Claws +11 melee, 2 Wings +11 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +8,Will +9 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (any) +8, Listen +13, Scry +8, Search +13, Spellcraft +13, Spot +13 Any 4 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-5 7 Double standard Always chaotic good 14-15 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 4d6, Reflex half DC 18; cone damage Will save (DC 18) or sleep for 1d6+4 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day-endure elements (radius 40 ft.). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 4 level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon (Fire) 16d12+48 (152) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 24 (-1 size, +15 natural) Bite +19 melee, 2 Claws +14 melee, 2 Wings +14 melee, 1 Tail slap +14 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 18, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +13,Ref +10,Will +12 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +13, Knowledge (any) +13, Listen +16, Scry +13, Search +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16 Any 5 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-5 9 Double standard Always chaotic good 17-18 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 5d6, Reflex half DC 21; cone damage Will save (DC 21) or sleep for 1d6+5 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 16 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day- endure elements (radius 50 ft.). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 5 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon Large Dragon (Fire) 19d12+76 (199) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 27 (-1 size, +18 natural) Bite +24 melee, 2 Claws +19 melee, 2 Wings +19 melee, 1 Tail slap +19 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 20, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +15,Ref +11,Will +13 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +16, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +16, Knowledge (any) +16, Listen +19, Scry +15, Search +19, Spellcraft +19, Spot +19 Any 5 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-5 11 Double standard Always chaotic good 20-21 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 6d6, Reflex half DC 23; cone damage Will save (DC 23) or sleep for 1d6+6 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 19 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day- endure elements (radius 60 ft.); 1/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon (Fire) 22d12+110 (253) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 29 (-2 size, +21 natural) Bite +28 melee, 2 Claws +23 melee, 2 Wings +23 melee, 1 Tail slap +23 melee; or 1 Crush +28 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 22, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +16 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +22, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +22, Escape Artist +22, Knowledge (any) +22, Listen +22, Scry +22, Search +22, Spellcraft +22, Spot +22 Any 6 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-2 14 Double standard Always chaotic good 23-24 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 7d6, Reflex half DC 26; cone damage Will save (DC 26) or sleep for 1d6+7 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 22 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day- endure elements (radius 70 ft.); 1/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Old Huge Dragon (Fire) 25d12+125 (287) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 32 (-2 size, +24 natural) Bite +32 melee, 2 Claws +27 melee, 2 Wings +27 melee, 1 Tail slap +27 melee; or 1 Crush +32 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 24, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +19,Ref +14,Will +17 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +25, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +25, Escape Artist +25, Knowledge (any) +25, Listen +25, Scry +25, Search +25, Spellcraft +25, Spot +25 Any 7 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-2 16 Double standard Always chaotic good 26-27 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 8d6, Reflex half DC 27; cone damage Will save (DC 27) or sleep for 1d6+8 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 25 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day- endure elements (radius 80 ft.); 1/day-suggestion and control winds. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon (Fire) 28d12+168 (350) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 35 (-2 size, +27 natural) Bite +36 melee, 2 Claws +31 melee, 2 Wings +31 melee, 1 Tail slap +31 melee; or 1 Crush +36 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 25, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +22,Ref +16,Will +20 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +33, Concentration +33, Diplomacy +33, Escape Artist +33, Knowledge (any) +32, Listen +28, Scry +32, Search +28, Spellcraft +28, Spot +28 Any 8 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always chaotic good 29-30 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 9d6, Reflex half DC 30; cone damage Will save (DC 30) or sleep for 1d6+9 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 28 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 28) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day- endure elements (radius 90 ft.); 1/day-suggestion and control winds. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Ancient Huge Dragon (Fire) 31d12+186 (387) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), burrow 30 ft. 38 (-2 size, +30 natural) Bite +40 melee, 2 Claws +35 melee, 2 Wings +35 melee, 1 Tail slap +35 melee; or 1 Crush +40 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 27, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +17,Will +21 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +37, Concentration +36, Diplomacy +36, Escape Artist +36, Knowledge (any) +36, Listen +31, Scry +36, Search +31, Spellcraft +31, Spot +31 Any 8 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-2 19 Double standard Always chaotic good 32-33 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 10d6, Reflex half DC 31; cone damage Will save (DC 31) or sleep for 1d6+10 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 31 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day-endure elements (radius 100 ft.); 1/day-suggestion, control winds, and control weather. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 34d12+238 (459) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), burrow 30 ft. 39 (-4 size, +33 natural) Bite +42 melee, 2 Claws +37 melee, 2 Wings +37 melee, 1 Tail slap +37 melee; or 1 Crush +42 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +42 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 28, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +26,Ref +19,Will +24 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +46, Concentration +46, Diplomacy +45, Escape Artist +45, Knowledge (any) +45, Listen +34, Scry +45, Search +34, Spellcraft +34, Spot +34 Any 9 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always chaotic good 35-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 11d6, Reflex half DC 34; cone damage Will save (DC 34) or sleep for 1d6+11 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 34 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 32) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day-endure elements (radius 110 ft.); 1/day-suggestion, control winds, and control weather. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Brass Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 37d12+296 (536) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), burrow 30 ft. 42 (-4 size, +36 natural) Bite +46 melee, 2 Claws +41 melee, 2 Wings +41 melee, 1 Tail slap +41 melee; or 1 Crush +46 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +46 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 30, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +20,Will +25 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +50, Concentration +50, Diplomacy +49, Escape Artist +49, Knowledge (any) +49, Listen +37, Scry +49, Search +37, Spellcraft +37, Spot +37 Any 10 Temperate and warm desert, plains, and underground 1-2 22 Double standard Always chaotic good 38+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of fire 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of sleep gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 12d6, Reflex half DC 36; cone damage Will save (DC 36) or sleep for 1d6+12 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 37 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 19, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos and Knowledge domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-speak with animals; 3/day-endure elements (radius 120 ft.); 1/day-suggestion, control winds, and control weather. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Summon Djinni (Sp): This ability works like a summon monster spell cast by a 19 level sorcerer, except that it summons one djinni.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All brass dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Wyrmling Small Dragon 6d12+6 (45) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 100 ft.(average), swim 60 ft. 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) Bite +8 melee, 2 Claws +3 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +6,Ref +5,Will +7 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +6, Search +6, Spot +6 Any 2 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always lawful good 7-8 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x40 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 20x20x20 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 2d6, Reflex half DC 14; gas damage Will save (DC 14) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+1 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 1 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Very young Medium-size Dragon 9d12+18 (76) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 18 (+8 natural) Bite +11 melee, 2 Claws +6 melee, 2 Wings +6 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +8,Ref +6,Will +8 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (any) +9, Listen +9, Search +9, Spot +9 Any 3 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always lawful good 10-11 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 4d6, Reflex half DC 16; gas damage Will save (DC 16) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+2 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 2 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon 12d12+24 (102) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 21 (+11 natural) Bite +15 melee, 2 Claws +10 melee, 2 Wings +10 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +8,Will +11 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (any) +12, Listen +12, Scry +12, Search +12, Spellcraft +12, Spot +12 Any 4 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-5 6 Double standard Always lawful good 13-14 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 6d6, Reflex half DC 18; gas damage Will save (DC 18) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+3 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-polymorph self. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 3 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Juvenile Large Dragon 15d12+45 (142) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 23 (-1 size, +14 natural) Bite +18 melee, 2 Claws +13 melee, 2 Wings +13 melee, 1 Tail slap +13 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +12,Ref +9,Will +13 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +18, Concentration +18, Diplomacy +18, Escape Artist +17, Knowledge (any) +17, Listen +15, Scry +17, Search +15, Spellcraft +15, Spot +15 Any 4 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-5 8 Double standard Always lawful good 16-17 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 8d6, Reflex half DC 20; gas damage Will save (DC 20) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+4 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-polymorph self. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 4 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon 18d12+72 (189) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 26 (-1 size, +17 natural) Bite +23 melee, 2 Claws +18 melee, 2 Wings +18 melee, 1 Tail slap +18 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 20, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +15,Ref +11,Will +15 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +21, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +21, Escape Artist +21, Knowledge (any) +21, Listen +18, Scry +21, Search +18, Spellcraft +18, Spot +18 Any 5 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-5 11 Double standard Always lawful good 19-20 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 10d6, Reflex half DC 23; gas damage Will save (DC 23) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+5 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 18 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-polymorph self. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 5 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon Huge Dragon 21d12+105 (241) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 28 (-2 size, +20 natural) Bite +27 melee, 2 Claws +22 melee, 2 Wings +22 melee, 1 Tail slap +22 melee; or 1 Crush +27 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 22, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +17,Ref +12,Will +17 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +28, Concentration +28, Diplomacy +28, Escape Artist +28, Knowledge (any) +28, Listen +21, Scry +28, Search +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot +21 Any 6 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 14 Double standard Always lawful good 22-23 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 12d6, Reflex half DC 25; gas damage Will save (DC 25) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+6 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 21 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon 24d12+120 (276) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 31 (-2 size, +23 natural) Bite +31 melee, 2 Claws +26 melee, 2 Wings +26 melee, 1 Tail slap +26 melee; or 1 Crush +31 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 23, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +19,Ref +14,Will +19 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +32, Concentration +32, Diplomacy +32, Escape Artist +32, Knowledge (any) +32, Listen +24, Scry +32, Search +24, Spellcraft +24, Spot +24 Any 7 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 16 Double standard Always lawful good 25-26 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 14d6, Reflex half DC 27; gas damage Will save (DC 27) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+7 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 24 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Old Huge Dragon 27d12+162 (337) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 34 (-2 size, +26 natural) Bite +35 melee, 2 Claws +30 melee, 2 Wings +30 melee, 1 Tail slap +30 melee; or 1 Crush +35 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 25, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +21,Ref +15,Will +21 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +41, Concentration +41, Diplomacy +41, Escape Artist +40, Knowledge (any) +40, Listen +27, Scry +40, Search +27, Spellcraft +27, Spot +27 Any 7 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always lawful good 28-29 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 16d6, Reflex half DC 29; gas damage Will save (DC 29) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+8 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 27 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud, detect thoughts. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon 30d12+180 (375) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 60 ft. 37 (-2 size, +29 natural) Bite +39 melee, 2 Claws +34 melee, 2 Wings +34 melee, 1 Tail slap +34 melee; or 1 Crush +39 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 26, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +17,Will +23 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +45, Concentration +45, Diplomacy +45, Escape Artist +45, Knowledge (any) +45, Listen +30, Scry +45, Search +30, Spellcraft +30, Spot +30 Any 8 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 19 Double standard Always lawful good 31-32 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 18d6, Reflex half DC 31; gas damage Will save (DC 31) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+9 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 30 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud, detect thoughts. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan Dragon 33d12+231 (445) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 60 ft. 38 (-4 size, +32 natural) Bite +41 melee, 2 Claws +36 melee, 2 Wings +36 melee, 1 Tail slap +36 melee; or 1 Crush +41 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +41 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 28, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +25,Ref +18,Will +25 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 24, Wis 25, Cha 24 Bluff +55, Concentration +55, Diplomacy +55, Escape Artist +55, Knowledge (any) +55, Listen +33, Scry +55, Search +33, Spellcraft +33, Spot +33 Any 9 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 21 Double standard Always lawful good 34-35 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 20d6, Reflex half DC 33; gas damage Will save (DC 33) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+10 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 33 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud, detect thoughts, control water. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 36d12+288 (522) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 60 ft. 41 (-4 size, +35 natural) Bite +45 melee, 2 Claws +40 melee, 2 Wings +40 melee, 1 Tail slap +40 melee; or 1 Crush +45 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +45 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 29, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +20,Will +28 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 26, Wis 27, Cha 26 Bluff +66, Concentration +66, Diplomacy +66, Escape Artist +66, Knowledge (any) +66, Listen +36, Scry +66, Search +36, Spellcraft +36, Spot +36 Any 10 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 22 Double standard Always lawful good 37-38 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 22d6, Reflex half DC 36; gas damage Will save (DC 36) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+11 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 36 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 36) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud, detect thoughts, control water. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Bronze Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 39d12+312 (565) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 60 ft. 44 (-4 size, +38 natural) Bite +49 melee, 2 Claws +44 melee, 2 Wings +44 melee, 1 Tail slap +44 melee; or 1 Crush +49 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +49 Bite 4d6+14, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+21; or crush 4d6+21; or tail sweep 2d6+21 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 31, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +29,Ref +21,Will +29 Str 39, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 26, Wis 27, Cha 26 Bluff +72, Concentration +72, Diplomacy +72, Escape Artist +71, Knowledge (any) +71, Listen +39, Scry +71, Search +39, Spellcraft +39, Spot +39 Any 10 Temperate and warm aquatic and underground 1-2 24 Double standard Always lawful good 40+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of repulsion gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Lightning damage 24d6, Reflex half DC 37; gas damage Will save (DC 37) or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6+12 rounds. This is a mind-influencing compulsion enchantment.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 39 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 37) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 19, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Animal, Law, and Water domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - speak with animals; 3/day-create food and water, polymorph self, fog cloud, detect thoughts, control water; 1/day-control weather. A bronze dragon's polymorph self ability works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19 level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All bronze dragons are also immune to electricity.

Water Breathing (Ex): A bronze dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Wyrmling Tiny Dragon 5d12+5 (37) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) 16 (+2 size, +4 natural) Bite +7 melee, 2 Claws +2 melee Bite 1d4, claw 1d3+0 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +5,Ref +4,Will +5 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +4, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4, Jump +5, Knowledge (any) +4, Listen +5, Search +5, Spot +5 Any 2 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always chaotic good 6-7 HD (Tiny)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x30 feet long or a cone of slow gas 15x15x15 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 2d4, Reflex half DC 13; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 13) or be slowed for 1d6+1 rounds.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 1 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Very young Small Dragon 8d12+8 (60) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) 18 (+1 size, +7 natural) Bite +10 melee, 2 Claws +5 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d8+2 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +7,Ref +6,Will +7 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +7, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +6, Jump +8, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8 Any 3 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always chaotic good 9-10 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x40 feet long or a cone of slow gas 20x20x20 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 4d4, Reflex half DC 15; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 15) or be slowed for 1d6+2 rounds.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 2 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon 11d12+22 (93) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 20 (+10 natural) Bite +13 melee, 2 Claws +8 melee, 2 Wings +8 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spells Immunities, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +9,Ref +7,Will +9 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +10, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +9, Jump +11, Knowledge (any) +9, Listen +11, Scry +9, Search +11, Spellcraft +11, Spot +11 Any 3 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 6 Double standard Always chaotic good 12-13 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long or a cone of slow gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 6d4, Reflex half DC 17; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 17) or be slowed for 1d6+3 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 3 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Juvenile Medium-size Dragon 14d12+28 (119) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 23 (+13 natural) Bite +17 melee, 2 Claws +12 melee, 2 Wings +12 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spells Immunities, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +11,Ref +9,Will +11 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +12, Jump +14, Knowledge (any) +11, Listen +14, Scry +11, Search +14, Spellcraft +14, Spot +14 Any 4 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 8 Double standard Always chaotic good 15-16 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x60 feet long or a cone of slow gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 8d4, Reflex half DC 19; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 19) or be slowed for 1d6+4 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 4 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon 17d12+51 (161) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 25 (-1 size, +16 natural) Bite +20 melee, 2 Claws +15 melee, 2 Wings +15 melee, 1 Tail slap +15 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 19, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +13,Ref +10,Will +13 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +17, Concentration +17, Diplomacy +17, Escape Artist +17, Jump +17, Knowledge (any) +17, Listen +17, Scry +17, Search +17, Spellcraft +17, Spot +17 Any 5 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 10 Double standard Always chaotic good 18-19 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long or a cone of slow gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 10d4, Reflex half DC 21; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 21) or be slowed for 1d6+5 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 17 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 5 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon Large Dragon 20d12+80 (210) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 28 (-1 size, +19 natural) Bite +25 melee, 2 Claws +20 melee, 2 Wings +20 melee, 1 Tail slap +20 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 21, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +16,Ref +12,Will +15 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +20, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist +20, Jump +20, Knowledge (any) +20, Listen +20, Scry +20, Search +20, Spellcraft +20, Spot +20 Any 6 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 13 Double standard Always chaotic good 21-22 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x80 feet long or a cone of slow gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 12d4, Reflex half DC 24; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 24) or be slowed for 1d6+6 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 20 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 7 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon 23d12+115 (264) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 30 (-2 size, +22 natural) Bite +29 melee, 2 Claws +24 melee, 2 Wings +24 melee, 1 Tail slap +24 melee; or 1 Crush +29 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 23, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +17 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +27, Concentration +27, Diplomacy +27, Escape Artist +27, Jump +23, Knowledge (any) +27, Listen +23, Scry +26, Search +23, Spellcraft +23, Spot +23 Any 6 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 15 Double standard Always chaotic good 24-25 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of slow gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 14d4, Reflex half DC 27; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 27) or be slowed for 1d6+7 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 23 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 9 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Old Huge Dragon 26d12+130 (299) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 33 (-2 size, +25 natural) Bite +33 melee, 2 Claws +28 melee, 2 Wings +28 melee, 1 Tail slap +28 melee; or 1 Crush +33 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 25, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +20,Ref +15,Will +19 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +31, Concentration +31, Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist +30, Jump +26, Knowledge (any) +30, Listen +26, Scry +30, Search +26, Spellcraft +26, Spot +26 Any 7 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always chaotic good 27-28 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of slow gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 16d4, Reflex half DC 28; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 28) or be slowed for 1d6+8 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 26 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape; 1/day-transmute rock to mud or mud to rock. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 11 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon 29d12+174 (362) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 36 (-2 size, +28 natural) Bite +37 melee, 2 Claws +32 melee, 2 Wings +32 melee, 1 Tail slap +32 melee; or 1 Crush +37 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 26, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +22,Ref +16,Will +21 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +39, Concentration +39, Diplomacy +39, Escape Artist +39, Jump +29, Knowledge (any) +38, Listen +29, Scry +38, Search +29, Spellcraft +29, Spot +29 Any 8 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 19 Double standard Always chaotic good 30-31 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of slow gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 18d4, Reflex half DC 30; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 30) or be slowed for 1d6+9 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 29 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape; 1/day-transmute rock to mud or mud to rock. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 13 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Ancient Huge Dragon 32d12+192 (400) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 39 (-2 size, +31 natural) Bite +41 melee, 2 Claws +36 melee, 2 Wings +36 melee, 1 Tail slap +36 melee; or 1 Crush +41 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 28, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +24,Ref +18,Will +23 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +43, Concentration +43, Diplomacy +43, Escape Artist +43, Jump +32, Knowledge (any) +42, Listen +32, Scry +42, Search +32, Spellcraft +32, Spot +32 Any 9 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 21 Double standard Always chaotic good 33-34 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x100 feet long or a cone of slow gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 20d4, Reflex half DC 32; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 32) or be slowed for 1d6+10 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 32 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape; 1/day-transmute rock to mud or mud to rock, wall of stone. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 15 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 35d12+245 (472) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 40 (-4 size, +34 natural) Bite +43 melee, 2 Claws +38 melee, 2 Wings +38 melee, 1 Tail slap +38 melee; or 1 Crush +43 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +43 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 29, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +26,Ref +19,Will +25 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +53, Concentration +53, Diplomacy +53, Escape Artist +52, Jump +35, Knowledge (any) +52, Listen +35, Scry +52, Search +35, Spellcraft +35, Spot +35 Any 9 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 22 Double standard Always chaotic good 36-37 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of slow gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 22d4, Reflex half DC 34; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 34) or be slowed for 1d6+11 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 35 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 33) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape; 1/day-transmute rock to mud or mud to rock, wall of stone. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 17 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Copper Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 38d12+304 (551) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 43 (-4 size, +37 natural) Bite +47 melee, 2 Claws +42 melee, 2 Wings +42 melee, 1 Tail slap +42 melee; or 1 Crush +47 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +47 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 31, spider climb, blindsight, keen senses Fort +29,Ref +21,Will +27 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +57, Concentration +57, Diplomacy +57, Escape Artist +57, Jump +38, Knowledge (any) +57, Listen +38, Scry +57, Search +38, Spellcraft +38, Spot +38 Any 10 Temperate and warm desert, hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 24 Double standard Always chaotic good 39+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a line of acid 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 5x5x120 feet long or a cone of slow gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Acid damage 24d4, Reflex half DC 37; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 37) or be slowed for 1d6+12 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 38 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 19, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Earth, and Trickery domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day-stone shape; 1/day-transmute rock to mud or mud to rock, wall of stone, and move earth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All copper dragons are also immune to acid.

Spider Climb (Ex): The dragon can climb on stone surfaces as though using the spider climb spell cast by a 19 level sorcerer.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Wyrmling Medium-size Dragon (Fire) 8d12+16 (68) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 17 (+7 natural) Bite +11 melee, 2 Claws +6 melee, 2 Wings +6 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +8,Ref +6,Will +8 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +8, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +8, Jump +8, Knowledge (any) +8, Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8 Any 3 Any land and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always lawful good 9-10 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 30x30x30 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 2d10, Reflex half DC 16; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 16) or take 1 points of temporary Strength damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 1 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Very young Large Dragon (Fire) 11d12+33 (104) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 19 (-1 size, +10 natural) Bite +15 melee, 2 Claws +10 melee, 2 Wings +10 melee, 1 Tail slap +10 Bite 2d6+5, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+7 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +7,Will +10 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +14, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +13, Jump +11, Knowledge (any) +13, Listen +11, Search +11, Spot +11 Any 3 Any land and underground 1-5 6 Double standard Always lawful good 12-13 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 40x40x40 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 4d10, Reflex half DC 18; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 18) or take 2 points of temporary Strength damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 2 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Young Large Dragon (Fire) 14d12+42 (133) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 22 (-1 size, +13 natural) Bite +20 melee, 2 Claws +15 melee, 2 Wings +15 melee, 1 Tail slap +15 Bite 2d6+7, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+10 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +12,Ref +9,Will +12 Str 25, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +14, Jump +14, Knowledge (any) +14, Listen +14, Scry +14, Search +14, Spellcraft +14, Spot +14 Any 4 Any land and underground 1-5 8 Double standard Always lawful good 15-16 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 40x40x40 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 6d10, Reflex half DC 20; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 20) or take 3 points of temporary Strength damage.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 3 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Juvenile Large Dragon (Fire) 17d12+68 (178) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 25 (-1 size, +16 natural) Bite +25 melee, 2 Claws +20 melee, 2 Wings +20 melee, 1 Tail slap +20 Bite 2d6+9, claw 1d8+4, wing 1d6+4, tail slap 1d8+13 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +14,Ref +10,Will +14 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +20, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist +20, Jump +17, Knowledge (any) +20, Listen +17, Scry +19, Search +17, Spellcraft +17, Spot +17 Any 5 Any land and underground 1-5 10 Double standard Always lawful good 18-19 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 40x40x40 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 8d10, Reflex half DC 22; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 22) or take 4 points of temporary Strength damage.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 4 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Young adult Huge Dragon (Fire) 20d12+100 (230) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 27 (-2 size, +19 natural) Bite +28 melee, 2 Claws +23 melee, 2 Wings +23 melee, 1 Tail slap +23 melee; or 1 Crush +28 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 21, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +17,Ref +12,Will +16 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +24, Concentration +24, Diplomacy +23, Escape Artist +23, Jump +20, Knowledge (any) +23, Listen +20, Scry +23, Search +20, Spellcraft +20, Spot +20 Any 6 Any land and underground 1-5 13 Double standard Always lawful good 21-22 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 10d10, Reflex half DC 25; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 25) or take 5 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 20 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 5 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon Huge Dragon (Fire) 23d12+115 (264) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 30 (-2 size, +22 natural) Bite +32 melee, 2 Claws +27 melee, 2 Wings +27 melee, 1 Tail slap +27 melee; or 1 Crush +32 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 23, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +18 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +31, Concentration +31, Diplomacy +31, Escape Artist +31, Jump +23, Knowledge (any) +30, Listen +23, Scry +30, Search +23, Spellcraft +23, Spot +23 Any 6 Any land and underground 1-2 15 Double standard Always lawful good 24-25 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 12d10, Reflex half DC 26; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 26) or take 6 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 23 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 26) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 60-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+18 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon (Fire) 26d12+156 (325) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. 33 (-2 size, +25 natural) Bite +36 melee, 2 Claws +31 melee, 2 Wings +31 melee, 1 Tail slap +31 melee; or 1 Crush +36 melee Bite 2d8+12, claw 2d6+6, wing 1d8+6, tail slap 2d6+18; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 25, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +21,Ref +15,Will +20 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +35, Concentration +35, Diplomacy +35, Escape Artist +35, Jump +26, Knowledge (any) +34, Listen +26, Scry +34, Search +26, Spellcraft +26, Spot +26 Any 7 Any land and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always lawful good 27-28 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 14d10, Reflex half DC 29; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 29) or take 7 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 26 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 28) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless; A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 70-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+21 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Old Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 29d12+203 (391) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. 34 (-4 size, +28 natural) Bite +39 melee, 2 Claws +34 melee, 2 Wings +34 melee, 1 Tail slap +34 melee; or 1 Crush +39 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +39 Bite 4d6+14, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+21; or crush 4d6+21; or tail sweep 2d6+21 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 27, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +16,Will +23 Str 39, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 24, Wis 25, Cha 24 Bluff +49, Concentration +49, Diplomacy +48, Escape Artist +48, Jump +29, Knowledge (any) +48, Listen +29, Scry +48, Search +29, Spellcraft +29, Spot +29 Any 8 Any land and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always lawful good 30-31 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 16d10, Reflex half DC 31; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 31) or take 8 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 29 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless; 1/day-geas/quest. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 80-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+24 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Detect Gems (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. This is a divination effect similar to a detect magic spell, except that it finds only gems. The dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact location, type, and value.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Very old Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 32d12+256 (464) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. 37 (-4 size, +31 natural) Bite +43 melee, 2 Claws +38 melee, 2 Wings +38 melee, 1 Tail slap +38 melee; or 1 Crush +43 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +43 Bite 4d6+15, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+22; or crush 4d6+22; or tail sweep 2d6+22 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 28, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +26,Ref +18,Will +26 Str 41, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 26, Wis 27, Cha 26 Bluff +59, Concentration +59, Diplomacy +59, Escape Artist +59, Jump +32, Knowledge (any) +58, Listen +32, Scry +58, Search +32, Spellcraft +32, Spot +32 Any 9 Any land and underground 1-2 21 Double standard Always lawful good 33-34 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 18d10, Reflex half DC 34; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 34) or take 9 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 32 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 34) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless; 1/day-geas/quest. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 90-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+27 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Detect Gems (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. This is a divination effect similar to a detect magic spell, except that it finds only gems. The dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact location, type, and value.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 35d12+315 (542) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. 40 (-4 size, +34 natural) Bite +47 melee, 2 Claws +42 melee, 2 Wings +42 melee, 1 Tail slap +42 melee; or 1 Crush +47 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +47 Bite 4d6+16, claw 2d8+8, wing 2d6+8, tail slap 2d8+24; or crush 4d6+24; or tail sweep 2d6+24 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 30, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +19,Will +28 Str 43, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 28, Wis 29, Cha 28 Bluff +70, Concentration +70, Diplomacy +70, Escape Artist +70, Jump +35, Knowledge (any) +70, Listen +35, Scry +70, Search +35, Spellcraft +35, Spot +35 Any 9 Any land and underground 1-2 23 Double standard Always lawful good 36-37 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 20d10, Reflex half DC 36; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 36) or take 10 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 35 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 36) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless; 1/day-geas/quest and sunburst. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 19 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 100-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+30 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Detect Gems (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. This is a divination effect similar to a detect magic spell, except that it finds only gems. The dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact location, type, and value.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Wyrm Colossal Dragon (Fire) 38d12+380 (627) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. 39 (-8 size, +37 natural) Bite +47 melee, 2 Claws +42 melee, 2 Wings +42 melee, 1 Tail slap +42 melee; or 1 Crush +47 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +47 Bite 4d8+17, claw 4d6+8, wing 2d8+8, tail slap 4d6+25; or crush 4d8+25; or tail sweep 2d8+25 40 ft. by 80 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 31, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +31,Ref +21,Will +31 Str 45, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 30, Wis 31, Cha 30 Bluff +83, Concentration +83, Diplomacy +82, Escape Artist +82, Jump +38, Knowledge (any) +82, Listen +38, Scry +82, Search +38, Spellcraft +38, Spot +38 Any 10 Any land and underground 1-2 24 Double standard Always lawful good 39-40 HD (Colossal)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 70x70x70 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 70x70x70 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 22d10, Reflex half DC 39; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 39) or take 11 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 38 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 39) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless; 1/day-geas/quest and sunburst. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 20 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 110-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+33 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Detect Gems (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. This is a divination effect similar to a detect magic spell, except that it finds only gems. The dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact location, type, and value.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Gold Dragon, Great wyrm Colossal Dragon (Fire) 41d12+451 (717) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft. 42 (-8 size, +40 natural) Bite +51 melee, 2 Claws +46 melee, 2 Wings +46 melee, 1 Tail slap +46 melee; or 1 Crush +51 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +51 Bite 4d8+18, claw 4d6+9, wing 2d8+9, tail slap 4d6+27; or crush 4d8+27; or tail sweep 2d8+27 40 ft. by 80 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 33, fire subtype, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +33,Ref +22,Will +33 Str 47, Dex 10, Con 33, Int 32, Wis 33, Cha 32 Bluff +96, Concentration +96, Diplomacy +96, Escape Artist +96, Jump +41, Knowledge (any) +95, Listen +41, Scry +95, Search +41, Spellcraft +41, Spot +41 Any 11 Any land and underground 1-2 26 Double standard Always lawful good 42+ HD (Colossal)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of fire 70x70x70 feet long or a cone of weakening gas 70x70x70 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Fire damage 24d10, Reflex half DC 41; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 41) or take 12 points of temporary Strength damage.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 41 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 41) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 19, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Law, Luck, and Good domains domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and bless; 1/day-geas/quest, sunburst, and foresight. A gold dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19 level sorcerer (save DC 21 + spell level).

Luck Bonus (Sp): Once per day the dragon can touch one gem, usually embedded in the dragon's hide, and enchant it to bring good luck. As long as the dragon carries the gem, it and every good creature in a 120-foot radius dragon receives a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and similar dice rolls, as for a stone of good luck. If the dragon gives a gem to another creature, only that bearer gets the bonus. The enchantment lasts 1d3+36 hours plus but ends if the gem is destroyed.

Detect Gems (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. This is a divination effect similar to a detect magic spell, except that it finds only gems. The dragon can scan a 60-degree arc each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact location, type, and value.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All gold dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged (the cone of fire becomes a cone of superheated steam underwater).

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Wyrmling Small Dragon 5d12+5 (37) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 100 ft.(average), swim 40 ft. 15 (+1 size, +4 natural) Bite +7 melee, 2 Claws +2 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +5,Ref +4,Will +4 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +3, Concentration +3, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist +3, Knowledge (any) +3, Listen +5, Search +5, Spot +5 Any 2 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always lawful evil 6-7 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 20x20x20 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 2d6, Reflex half DC 13.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Very young Medium-size Dragon 8d12+16 (68) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 17 (+7 natural) Bite +10 melee, 2 Claws +5 melee, 2 Wings +5 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +8,Ref +6,Will +6 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +5, Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (any) +4, Listen +8, Search +8, Spot +8 Any 3 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always lawful evil 9-10 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 30x30x30 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 4d6, Reflex half DC 16.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon 11d12+22 (93) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 20 (+10 natural) Bite +14 melee, 2 Claws +9 melee, 2 Wings +9 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +9,Ref +7,Will +8 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (any) +8, Listen +11, Search +11, Spot +11 Any 3 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always lawful evil 12-13 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 30x30x30 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 6d6, Reflex half DC 17.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Juvenile Large Dragon 14d12+42 (133) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 22 (-1 size, +13 natural) Bite +17 melee, 2 Claws +12 melee, 2 Wings +12 melee, 1 Tail slap +12 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells Immunities, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +12,Ref +9,Will +11 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (any) +11, Listen +14, Scry +11, Search +14, Spellcraft +14, Spot +14 Any 4 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-5 7 Double standard Always lawful evil 15-16 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 8d6, Reflex half DC 20.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon 17d12+68 (178) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 25 (-1 size, +16 natural) Bite +22 melee, 2 Claws +17 melee, 2 Wings +17 melee, 1 Tail slap +17 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 19, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +14,Ref +10,Will +12 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +15, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +14, Knowledge (any) +14, Listen +17, Scry +14, Search +17, Spellcraft +17, Spot +17 Any 5 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-5 10 Double standard Always lawful evil 18-19 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 10d6, Reflex half DC 22.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 17 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon Huge Dragon 20d12+100 (230) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 27 (-2 size, +19 natural) Bite +26 melee, 2 Claws +21 melee, 2 Wings +21 melee, 1 Tail slap +21 melee; or 1 Crush +26 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 21, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +17,Ref +12,Will +15 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +20, Concentration +20, Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist +20, Knowledge (any) +20, Listen +20, Scry +20, Search +20, Spellcraft +20, Spot +20 Any 6 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 12 Double standard Always lawful evil 21-22 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 12d6, Reflex half DC 25.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 20 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon 23d12+115 (264) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 30 (-2 size, +22 natural) Bite +30 melee, 2 Claws +25 melee, 2 Wings +25 melee, 1 Tail slap +25 melee; or 1 Crush +30 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 22, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +16 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +23, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +23, Escape Artist +23, Knowledge (any) +23, Listen +23, Scry +23, Search +23, Spellcraft +23, Spot +23 Any 6 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 15 Double standard Always lawful evil 24-25 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 14d6, Reflex half DC 26.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 23 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Old Huge Dragon 26d12+156 (325) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 33 (-2 size, +25 natural) Bite +34 melee, 2 Claws +29 melee, 2 Wings +29 melee, 1 Tail slap +29 melee; or 1 Crush +34 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 24, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +21,Ref +15,Will +19 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +31, Concentration +31, Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist +30, Knowledge (any) +30, Listen +26, Scry +30, Search +26, Spellcraft +26, Spot +26 Any 7 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 17 Double standard Always lawful evil 27-28 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 16d6, Reflex half DC 29.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 26 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon 29d12+174 (362) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft.(poor), swim 40 ft. 36 (-2 size, +28 natural) Bite +38 melee, 2 Claws +33 melee, 2 Wings +33 melee, 1 Tail slap +33 melee; or 1 Crush +38 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 25, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +22,Ref +16,Will +20 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +34, Concentration +34, Diplomacy +34, Escape Artist +34, Knowledge (any) +34, Listen +29, Scry +33, Search +29, Spellcraft +29, Spot +29 Any 8 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always lawful evil 30-31 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 18d6, Reflex half DC 30.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 29 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 28) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan Dragon 32d12+224 (432) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 40 ft. 37 (-4 size, +31 natural) Bite +40 melee, 2 Claws +35 melee, 2 Wings +35 melee, 1 Tail slap +35 melee; or 1 Crush +40 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +40 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 27, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +25,Ref +18,Will +23 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +43, Concentration +43, Diplomacy +43, Escape Artist +43, Knowledge (any) +42, Listen +32, Scry +42, Search +32, Spellcraft +32, Spot +32 Any 9 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always lawful evil 33-34 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 20d6, Reflex half DC 33.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 32 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion and dominate person; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 35d12+280 (507) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 40 ft. 40 (-4 size, +34 natural) Bite +44 melee, 2 Claws +39 melee, 2 Wings +39 melee, 1 Tail slap +39 melee; or 1 Crush +44 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +44 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+2, SR 28, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +27,Ref +19,Will +24 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +47, Concentration +47, Diplomacy +47, Escape Artist +47, Knowledge (any) +46, Listen +35, Scry +46, Search +35, Spellcraft +35, Spot +35 Any 9 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 21 Double standard Always lawful evil 36-37 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 22d6, Reflex half DC 35.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 35 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 32) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion and dominate person; 1/day-plant growth. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Green Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 38d12+304 (551) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft.(clumsy), swim 40 ft. 43 (-4 size, +37 natural) Bite +48 melee, 2 Claws +43 melee, 2 Wings +43 melee, 1 Tail slap +43 melee; or 1 Crush +48 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +48 Bite 4d6+14, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+21; or crush 4d6+21; or tail sweep 2d6+21 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+2, SR 30, water breathing, blindsight, keen senses Fort +29,Ref +21,Will +27 Str 39, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +57, Concentration +57, Diplomacy +57, Escape Artist +57, Knowledge (any) +57, Listen +38, Scry +57, Search +38, Spellcraft +38, Spot +38 Any 10 Temperate and warm forest and underground 1-2 23 Double standard Always lawful evil 39+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of corrosive (acid) gas 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 24d6, Reflex half DC 37.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 38 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-suggestion and dominate person; 1/day-plant growth and command plants. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All green dragons are also immune to acid.

Water Breathing (Ex): The dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Wyrmling Medium-size Dragon (Fire) 7d12+14 (59) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 16 (+6 natural) Bite +10 melee, 2 Claws +5 melee, 2 Wings +5 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +7,Ref +5,Will +5 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +5, Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +4, Jump +7, Knowledge (any) +4, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7 Any 2 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always chaotic evil 8-9 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 30x30x30 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 2d10, Reflex half DC 15.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Very young Large Dragon (Fire) 10d12+30 (95) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 18 (-1 size, +9 natural) Bite +14 melee, 2 Claws +9 melee, 2 Wings +9 melee, 1 Tail slap +9 Bite 2d6+5, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+7 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +7,Will +8 Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +8, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +8, Jump +10, Knowledge (any) +8, Listen +10, Search +10, Spot +10 Any 3 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always chaotic evil 11-12 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 4d10, Reflex half DC 18.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Young Large Dragon (Fire) 13d12+39 (123) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 21 (-1 size, +12 natural) Bite +19 melee, 2 Claws +14 melee, 2 Wings +14 melee, 1 Tail slap +14 Bite 2d6+7, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+10 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +11,Ref +8,Will +9 Str 25, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +9, Jump +13, Knowledge (any) +8, Listen +13, Scry +8, Search +13, Spellcraft +13, Spot +13 Any 4 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 6 Double standard Always chaotic evil 14-15 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 6d10, Reflex half DC 19.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Juvenile Large Dragon (Fire) 16d12+64 (168) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 24 (-1 size, +15 natural) Bite +24 melee, 2 Claws +19 melee, 2 Wings +19 melee, 1 Tail slap +19 Bite 2d6+9, claw 1d8+4, wing 1d6+4, tail slap 1d8+13 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +14,Ref +10,Will +12 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +13, Jump +16, Knowledge (any) +13, Listen +16, Scry +13, Search +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16 Any 5 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 9 Double standard Always chaotic evil 17-18 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 8d10, Reflex half DC 22.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 4/day-locate object. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 4 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Young adult Huge Dragon (Fire) 19d12+95 (218) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 26 (-2 size, +18 natural) Bite +27 melee, 2 Claws +22 melee, 2 Wings +22 melee, 1 Tail slap +22 melee; or 1 Crush +27 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 19, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +16,Ref +11,Will +13 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +16, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +16, Jump +19, Knowledge (any) +16, Listen +19, Scry +15, Search +19, Spellcraft +19, Spot +19 Any 5 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-5 12 Double standard Always chaotic evil 20-21 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 10d10, Reflex half DC 24.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 19 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 5/day-locate object. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 5 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon Huge Dragon (Fire) 22d12+110 (253) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 29 (-2 size, +21 natural) Bite +31 melee, 2 Claws +26 melee, 2 Wings +26 melee, 1 Tail slap +26 melee; or 1 Crush +31 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 21, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +17 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 16 Bluff +22, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +22, Escape Artist +22, Jump +22, Knowledge (any) +22, Listen +22, Scry +22, Search +22, Spellcraft +22, Spot +22 Any 6 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 14 Double standard Always chaotic evil 23-24 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 12d10, Reflex half DC 25.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 22 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 24) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 6/day-locate object. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon (Fire) 25d12+150 (312) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 32 (-2 size, +24 natural) Bite +34 melee, 2 Claws +29 melee, 2 Wings +29 melee, 1 Tail slap +29 melee; or 1 Crush +34 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 23, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +20,Ref +14,Will +18 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +30, Concentration +29, Diplomacy +29, Escape Artist +29, Jump +25, Knowledge (any) +29, Listen +25, Scry +29, Search +25, Spellcraft +25, Spot +25 Any 7 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 17 Double standard Always chaotic evil 26-27 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 14d10, Reflex half DC 28.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 25 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 26) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 7/day-locate object. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Old Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 28d12+196 (378) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 33 (-4 size, +27 natural) Bite +36 melee, 2 Claws +31 melee, 2 Wings +31 melee, 1 Tail slap +31 melee; or 1 Crush +36 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +36 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 24, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +16,Will +21 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +38, Concentration +38, Diplomacy +37, Escape Artist +37, Jump +28, Knowledge (any) +37, Listen +28, Scry +37, Search +28, Spellcraft +28, Spot +28 Any 8 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 19 Double standard Always chaotic evil 29-30 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 16d10, Reflex half DC 30.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 28 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 8/day-locate object; 3/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Very old Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 31d12+248 (449) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 36 (-4 size, +30 natural) Bite +40 melee, 2 Claws +35 melee, 2 Wings +35 melee, 1 Tail slap +35 melee; or 1 Crush +40 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +40 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 26, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +25,Ref +17,Will +23 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +47, Concentration +47, Diplomacy +47, Escape Artist +46, Jump +31, Knowledge (any) +46, Listen +31, Scry +46, Search +31, Spellcraft +31, Spot +31 Any 8 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always chaotic evil 32-33 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 18d10, Reflex half DC 33.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 31 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 31) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 9/day-locate object; 3/day-suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 34d12+306 (527) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 39 (-4 size, +33 natural) Bite +44 melee, 2 Claws +39 melee, 2 Wings +39 melee, 1 Tail slap +39 melee; or 1 Crush +44 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +44 Bite 4d6+14, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+21; or crush 4d6+21; or tail sweep 2d6+21 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 28, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +19,Will +26 Str 39, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 24, Wis 25, Cha 24 Bluff +57, Concentration +57, Diplomacy +57, Escape Artist +57, Jump +34, Knowledge (any) +56, Listen +34, Scry +56, Search +34, Spellcraft +34, Spot +34 Any 9 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 22 Double standard Always chaotic evil 35-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 20d10, Reflex half DC 35.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 34 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 34) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 10/day-locate object; 3/day-suggestion. 1/day-eyebite. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon (Fire) 37d12+370 (610) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 42 (-4 size, +36 natural) Bite +48 melee, 2 Claws +43 melee, 2 Wings +43 melee, 1 Tail slap +43 melee; or 1 Crush +48 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +48 Bite 4d6+15, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+22; or crush 4d6+22; or tail sweep 2d6+22 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 30, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +30,Ref +20,Will +27 Str 41, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 24, Wis 25, Cha 24 Bluff +62, Concentration +62, Diplomacy +62, Escape Artist +62, Jump +37, Knowledge (any) +61, Listen +37, Scry +61, Search +37, Spellcraft +37, Spot +37 Any 10 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 23 Double standard Always chaotic evil 38-39 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 22d10, Reflex half DC 38.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 37 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 11/day-locate object; 3/day-suggestion; 1/day-eyebite. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Red Dragon, Great wyrm Colossal Dragon (Fire) 40d12+400 (660) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 41 (-8 size, +39 natural) Bite +49 melee, 2 Claws +44 melee, 2 Wings +44 melee, 1 Tail slap +44 melee; or 1 Crush +49 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +49 Bite 4d8+17, claw 4d6+8, wing 2d8+8, tail slap 4d6+25; or crush 4d8+25; or tail sweep 2d8+25 40 ft. by 80 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 32, fire subtype, blindsight, keen senses Fort +32,Ref +22,Will +30 Str 45, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 26, Wis 27, Cha 26 Bluff +74, Concentration +74, Diplomacy +73, Escape Artist +73, Jump +40, Knowledge (any) +73, Listen +40, Scry +73, Search +40, Spellcraft +40, Spot +40 Any 11 Temperate and warm hill, mountains, and underground 1-2 25 Double standard Always chaotic evil 41+ HD (Colossal)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of fire 70x70x70 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 24d10, Reflex half DC 40.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 40 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 38) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 19, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Chaos, Evil, and Fire domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 12/day-locate object; 3/day-suggestion; 1/day-eyebite and discern location. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19 level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All red dragons are also immune to fire.

Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except on a successful save.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Wyrmling Small Dragon 7d12+7 (52) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) 17 (+1 size, +6 natural) Bite +9 melee, 2 Claws +4 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +6,Ref +5,Will +7 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +7, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +7, Jump +7, Knowledge (any) +7, Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7 Any 2 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always lawful good 8-9 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 20x20x20 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 20x20x20 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 2d8, Reflex half DC 14; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 1d6+1 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 1 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Very young Medium-size Dragon 10d12+20 (85) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 19 (+9 natural) Bite +12 melee, 2 Claws +7 melee, 2 Wings +7 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +9,Ref +7,Will +9 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +10, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +10, Jump +10, Knowledge (any) +10, Listen +10, Search +10, Spot +10 Any 3 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-5 4 Double standard Always lawful good 11-12 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 30x30x30 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 4d8, Reflex half DC 17; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 17) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 2 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon 13d12+26 (110) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 22 (+12 natural) Bite +16 melee, 2 Claws +11 melee, 2 Wings +11 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +8,Will +11 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Bluff +13, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +13, Jump +13, Knowledge (any) +13, Listen +13, Scry +13, Search +13, Spellcraft +13, Spot +13 Any 4 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-5 6 Double standard Always lawful good 14-15 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 30x30x30 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 30x30x30 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 6d8, Reflex half DC 18; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 18) or be paralyzed for 1d6+3 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 3 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Juvenile Large Dragon 16d12+48 (152) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 24 (-1 size, +15 natural) Bite +19 melee, 2 Claws +14 melee, 2 Wings +14 melee, 1 Tail slap +14 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +13,Ref +10,Will +14 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +19, Concentration +19, Diplomacy +19, Escape Artist +19, Jump +16, Knowledge (any) +18, Listen +16, Scry +18, Search +16, Spellcraft +16, Spot +16 Any 5 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-5 9 Double standard Always lawful good 17-18 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 40x40x40 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 8d8, Reflex half DC 21; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 21) or be paralyzed for 1d6+4 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self; 2/day-feather fall. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 4 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon 19d12+76 (199) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 27 (-1 size, +18 natural) Bite +24 melee, 2 Claws +19 melee, 2 Wings +19 melee, 1 Tail slap +19 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 20, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +15,Ref +11,Will +15 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +23, Concentration +22, Diplomacy +22, Escape Artist +22, Jump +19, Knowledge (any) +22, Listen +19, Scry +22, Search +19, Spellcraft +19, Spot +19 Any 5 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-5 12 Double standard Always lawful good 20-21 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 40x40x40 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 40x40x40 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 10d8, Reflex half DC 23; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 23) or be paralyzed for 1d6+5 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 19 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self; 2/day-feather fall. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 5 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon Huge Dragon 22d12+110 (253) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 29 (-2 size, +21 natural) Bite +28 melee, 2 Claws +23 melee, 2 Wings +23 melee, 1 Tail slap +23 melee; or 1 Crush +28 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 22, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +18,Ref +13,Will +18 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +30, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +29, Escape Artist +29, Jump +22, Knowledge (any) +29, Listen +22, Scry +29, Search +22, Spellcraft +22, Spot +22 Any 6 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 14 Double standard Always lawful good 23-24 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 12d8, Reflex half DC 26; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 26) or be paralyzed for 1d6+6 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 22 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 26) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and fog cloud; 2/day-feather fall. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon 25d12+125 (287) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 32 (-2 size, +24 natural) Bite +32 melee, 2 Claws +27 melee, 2 Wings +27 melee, 1 Tail slap +27 melee; or 1 Crush +32 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 24, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +19,Ref +14,Will +19 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 20 Bluff +34, Concentration +34, Diplomacy +33, Escape Artist +33, Jump +25, Knowledge (any) +33, Listen +25, Scry +33, Search +25, Spellcraft +25, Spot +25 Any 7 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 17 Double standard Always lawful good 26-27 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 14d8, Reflex half DC 27; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 27) or be paralyzed for 1d6+7 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 25 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self and fog cloud; 2/day-feather fall. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 15 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Old Huge Dragon 28d12+168 (350) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 35 (-2 size, +27 natural) Bite +36 melee, 2 Claws +31 melee, 2 Wings +31 melee, 1 Tail slap +31 melee; or 1 Crush +36 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 26, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +22,Ref +16,Will +22 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22 Bluff +42, Concentration +42, Diplomacy +42, Escape Artist +42, Jump +28, Knowledge (any) +42, Listen +28, Scry +42, Search +28, Spellcraft +28, Spot +28 Any 8 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 19 Double standard Always lawful good 29-30 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 16d8, Reflex half DC 30; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 30) or be paralyzed for 1d6+8 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 28 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 30) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self, fog cloud, control winds; 2/day-feather fall. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon 31d12+186 (387) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) 38 (-2 size, +30 natural) Bite +40 melee, 2 Claws +35 melee, 2 Wings +35 melee, 1 Tail slap +35 melee; or 1 Crush +40 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 27, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +17,Will +24 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 24, Wis 25, Cha 24 Bluff +52, Concentration +52, Diplomacy +52, Escape Artist +52, Jump +31, Knowledge (any) +51, Listen +31, Scry +51, Search +31, Spellcraft +31, Spot +31 Any 8 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always lawful good 32-33 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 50x50x50 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 18d8, Reflex half DC 31; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 31) or be paralyzed for 1d6+9 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 31 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 32) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self, fog cloud, control winds; 2/day-feather fall. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 17 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Ancient Gargantuan Dragon 34d12+238 (459) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 39 (-4 size, +33 natural) Bite +42 melee, 2 Claws +37 melee, 2 Wings +37 melee, 1 Tail slap +37 melee; or 1 Crush +42 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +42 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 29, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +26,Ref +19,Will +27 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 26, Wis 27, Cha 26 Bluff +63, Concentration +63, Diplomacy +62, Escape Artist +62, Jump +34, Knowledge (any) +62, Listen +34, Scry +62, Search +34, Spellcraft +34, Spot +34 Any 9 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 22 Double standard Always lawful good 35-36 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 60x60x60 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 20d8, Reflex half DC 34; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 34) or be paralyzed for 1d6+10 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 34 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 35) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 15, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self, fog cloud, control winds; 2/day-feather fall; 1/day-control weather. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 15 level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon 37d12+333 (573) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 42 (-4 size, +36 natural) Bite +47 melee, 2 Claws +42 melee, 2 Wings +42 melee, 1 Tail slap +42 melee; or 1 Crush +47 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +47 Bite 4d6+14, claw 2d8+7, wing 2d6+7, tail slap 2d8+21; or crush 4d6+21; or tail sweep 2d6+21 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 30, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +29,Ref +20,Will +29 Str 39, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 28, Wis 29, Cha 28 Bluff +74, Concentration +74, Diplomacy +74, Escape Artist +74, Jump +37, Knowledge (any) +74, Listen +37, Scry +74, Search +37, Spellcraft +37, Spot +37 Any 10 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 23 Double standard Always lawful good 38-39 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 60x60x60 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 60x60x60 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 22d8, Reflex half DC 36; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 36) or be paralyzed for 1d6+11 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 37 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 37) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 17, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self, fog cloud, control winds; 2/day-feather fall; 1/day-control weather. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 17 level sorcerer (save DC 19 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:Silver Dragon, Great wyrm Colossal Dragon 40d12+400 (660) +0 (Dex) 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) 41 (-8 size, +39 natural) Bite +48 melee, 2 Claws +43 melee, 2 Wings +43 melee, 1 Tail slap +43 melee; or 1 Crush +48 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +48 Bite 4d8+16, claw 4d6+8, wing 2d8+8, tail slap 4d6+24; or crush 4d8+24; or tail sweep 2d8+24 40 ft. by 80 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 32, cloudwalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +32,Ref +22,Will +32 Str 43, Dex 10, Con 31, Int 30, Wis 31, Cha 30 Bluff +87, Concentration +87, Diplomacy +87, Escape Artist +87, Jump +40, Knowledge (any) +86, Listen +40, Scry +86, Search +40, Spellcraft +40, Spot +40 Any 11 Temperate and warm mountains and underground 1-2 25 Double standard Always lawful good 41+ HD (Colossal)

Breath Weapon (Su): Either a cone of cold 70x70x70 feet long or a cone of paralyzing gas 70x70x70 feet long. It cannot use either breath weapon until 1d4 rounds later. Cold damage 24d8, Reflex half DC 39; gas damage Fortitude save (DC 39) or be paralyzed for 1d6+12 rounds.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 40 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 40) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 19, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score. Can also cast cleric spells and those from the Air, Good, Law, and Sun domains as arcane spells.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-polymorph self, fog cloud, control winds; 2/day-feather fall; 1/day-control weather and reverse gravity. A silver dragon's polymorph self works just like the spell, except that each use allows only one change, which lasts until the dragon assumes another form or reverts to its own (which does not count as a use of this ability). These abilities are as the spells cast by a 19 level sorcerer (save DC 20 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All silver dragons are also immune to cold and acid.

Cloudwalking (Su): The dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground. The ability functions continuously but can be negated or resumed at will.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Wyrmling Tiny Dragon (Cold) 3d12+3 (22) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 natural) Bite +5 melee, 2 Claws +0 melee Bite 1d4, claw 1d3+0 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +4,Ref +3,Will +3 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 6 Bluff +1, Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Spot +3 Any 1 Any cold land and underground 1-5 1 Double standard Always chaotic evil 4-5 HD (Tiny)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 15x15x15 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 1d6, Reflex half DC 12.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 1 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 30 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 100 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Very young Small Dragon (Cold) 6d12+6 (45) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 16 (+1 size, +5 natural) Bite +8 melee, 2 Claws +3 melee Bite 1d6+1 (20/x2), claw 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +6,Ref +5,Will +5 Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 6 Bluff +2, Concentration +1, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +1, Knowledge (any) +1, Listen +6, Search +6, Spot +6 Any 2 Any cold land and underground 1-5 2 Double standard Always chaotic evil 7-8 HD (Small)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 20x20x20 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 2d6, Reflex half DC 14.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 2 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 60 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 200 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Young Medium-size Dragon (Cold) 9d12+18 (76) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 18 (+8 natural) Bite +11 melee, 2 Claws +6 melee, 2 Wings +6 melee Bite 1d8+2 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon Immunities, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +8,Ref +6,Will +6 Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 6 Bluff +2, Concentration +2, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist +2, Knowledge (any) +1, Listen +9, Search +9, Spot +9 Any 3 Any cold land and underground 1-5 3 Double standard Always chaotic evil 10-11 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 30x30x30 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 3d6, Reflex half DC 16.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 3 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 90 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 300 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Juvenile Medium-size Dragon (Cold) 12d12+24 (102) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 21 (+11 natural) Bite +15 melee, 2 Claws +10 melee, 2 Wings +10 melee Bite 1d8+3 (20/x2), claw 1d6+1 (20/x2), wing 1d4+1 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Breath weapon, spell-like abilities Immunities, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +10,Ref +8,Will +8 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Bluff +5, Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (any) +4, Listen +12, Search +12, Spot +12 Any 4 Any cold land and underground 1-5 5 Double standard Always chaotic evil 13-14 HD (Medium-size)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 30x30x30 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 4d6, Reflex half DC 18.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 4 level sorcerer (save DC 9 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 4 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 120 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 400 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Young adult Large Dragon (Cold) 15d12+45 (142) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 23 (-1 size, +14 natural) Bite +18 melee, 2 Claws +13 melee, 2 Wings +13 melee, 1 Tail slap +13 Bite 2d6+4, claw 1d8+2, wing 1d6+2, tail slap 1d8+6 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 16, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +12,Ref +9,Will +9 Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +15, Search +15, Spot +15 Any 4 Any cold land and underground 1-5 7 Double standard Always chaotic evil 16-17 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 5d6, Reflex half DC 20.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 15 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 150 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 5 level sorcerer (save DC 9 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 5 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 150 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 500 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon Large Dragon (Cold) 18d12+72 (189) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 26 (-1 size, +17 natural) Bite +23 melee, 2 Claws +18 melee, 2 Wings +18 melee, 1 Tail slap +18 Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d8+3, wing 1d6+3, tail slap 1d8+9 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 5/+1, SR 18, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +15,Ref +11,Will +11 Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Bluff +9, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (any) +9, Listen +18, Scry +9, Search +18, Spot +18 Any 5 Any cold land and underground 1-2 9 Double standard Always chaotic evil 19-20 HD (Large)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 40x40x40 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 6d6, Reflex half DC 23.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 18 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 180 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 1, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6 level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 6 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 600 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Mature adult Huge Dragon (Cold) 21d12+105 (241) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 28 (-2 size, +20 natural) Bite +27 melee, 2 Claws +22 melee, 2 Wings +22 melee, 1 Tail slap +22 melee; or 1 Crush +27 melee Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+12; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 20, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +17,Ref +12,Will +13 Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +14, Knowledge (any) +14, Listen +21, Scry +14, Search +21, Spellcraft +21, Spot +21 Any 6 Any cold land and underground 1-2 11 Double standard Always chaotic evil 22-23 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 7d6, Reflex half DC 25.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 21 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 3, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 7 level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 7 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 210 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Old Huge Dragon (Cold) 24d12+120 (276) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 31 (-2 size, +23 natural) Bite +31 melee, 2 Claws +26 melee, 2 Wings +26 melee, 1 Tail slap +26 melee; or 1 Crush +31 melee Bite 2d8+9, claw 2d6+4, wing 1d8+4, tail slap 2d6+13; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, SR 21, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +19,Ref +14,Will +15 Str 29, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Bluff +16, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +16, Knowledge (any) +16, Listen +24, Scry +16, Search +24, Spellcraft +24, Spot +24 Any 7 Any cold land and underground 1-2 14 Double standard Always chaotic evil 25-26 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 8d6, Reflex half DC 27.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 24 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 240 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 23) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 5, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 8 level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).

Freezing Fog (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It is similar to a solid fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect because of its icewalking ability.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 8 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 240 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 800 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Very old Huge Dragon (Cold) 27d12+162 (337) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 34 (-2 size, +26 natural) Bite +35 melee, 2 Claws +30 melee, 2 Wings +30 melee, 1 Tail slap +30 melee; or 1 Crush +35 melee Bite 2d8+10, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+15; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 23, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +21,Ref +15,Will +17 Str 31, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +23, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +23, Escape Artist +22, Knowledge (any) +22, Listen +27, Scry +22, Search +27, Spellcraft +27, Spot +27 Any 7 Any cold land and underground 1-2 16 Double standard Always chaotic evil 28-29 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 9d6, Reflex half DC 29.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 27 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 270 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 7, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Freezing Fog (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It is similar to a solid fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect because of its icewalking ability.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 9 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 270 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 900 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Ancient Huge Dragon (Cold) 30d12+180 (375) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 37 (-2 size, +29 natural) Bite +39 melee, 2 Claws +34 melee, 2 Wings +34 melee, 1 Tail slap +34 melee; or 1 Crush +39 melee Bite 2d8+11, claw 2d6+5, wing 1d8+5, tail slap 2d6+16; or crush 2d8 10 ft. by 20 ft. / 10 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 15/+2, SR 24, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +23,Ref +17,Will +19 Str 33, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 Bluff +25, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +25, Escape Artist +25, Knowledge (any) +25, Listen +30, Scry +25, Search +30, Spellcraft +30, Spot +30 Any 8 Any cold land and underground 1-2 17 Double standard Always chaotic evil 31-32 HD (Huge)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 50x50x50 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 10d6, Reflex half DC 31.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 30 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 300 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 27) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 9, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind, fog cloud, and wall of ice. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 10 level sorcerer (save DC 12 + spell level).

Freezing Fog (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It is similar to a solid fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect because of its icewalking ability.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 10 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 300 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1000 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Wyrm Gargantuan Dragon (Cold) 33d12+231 (445) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 38 (-4 size, +32 natural) Bite +41 melee, 2 Claws +36 melee, 2 Wings +36 melee, 1 Tail slap +36 melee; or 1 Crush +41 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +41 Bite 4d6+12, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+18; or crush 4d6+18; or tail sweep 2d6+18 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 25, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +25,Ref +18,Will +20 Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16 Bluff +28, Concentration +28, Diplomacy +28, Escape Artist +27, Knowledge (any) +27, Listen +33, Scry +27, Search +33, Spellcraft +33, Spot +33 Any 9 Any cold land and underground 1-2 18 Double standard Always chaotic evil 34-35 HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 11d6, Reflex half DC 33.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 33 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 330 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 11, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind, fog cloud, and wall of ice. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 11 level sorcerer (save DC 13 + spell level).

Freezing Fog (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It is similar to a solid fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect because of its icewalking ability.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 11 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 330 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1100 feet.

Dragon:White Dragon, Great wyrm Gargantuan Dragon (Cold) 36d12+288 (522) +0 (Dex) 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy),swim 60 ft., burrow 30 ft. 41 (-4 size, +35 natural) Bite +45 melee, 2 Claws +40 melee, 2 Wings +40 melee, 1 Tail slap +40 melee; or 1 Crush +45 melee; or 1 Tail sweep +45 Bite 4d6+13, claw 2d8+6, wing 2d6+6, tail slap 2d8+19; or crush 4d6+19; or tail sweep 2d6+19 20 ft. by 40 ft. / 15 ft. Breath weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities Immunities, damage reduction 20/+3, SR 27, cold subtype, icewalking, blindsight, keen senses Fort +28,Ref +20,Will +24 Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Bluff +42, Concentration +42, Diplomacy +42, Escape Artist +42, Knowledge (any) +42, Listen +36, Scry +42, Search +36, Spellcraft +36, Spot +36 Any 10 Any cold land and underground 1-2 20 Double standard Always chaotic evil 37+ HD (Gargantuan)

Breath Weapon (Su): A cone of cold 60x60x60 feet long, every 1d4 rounds; damage 12d6, Reflex half DC 36.

Frightful Presence (Ex): The dragon can unsettle foes with its mere presence whenever it attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with fewer than 36 Hit Dice (except for other dragons) within 360 feet of the dragon must succeed at a Will save (DC 32) to avoid this fear effect, and remain immune to that dragon's frightful presence for one day. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.

Spells: Knows and casts arcane spells as a sorcerer of level 13, gaining bonus spells for a high Charisma score.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-gust of wind, fog cloud, wall of ice; 1/day-control weather. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 13 level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level).

Freezing Fog (Sp): The dragon can use this ability three times per day. It is similar to a solid fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect because of its icewalking ability.

Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis effects. All white dragons are also immune to cold.

Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity, double damage from fire except on a successful save.

Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider climb spell cast by a 13 level sorcerer, but the surfaces the dragon climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.

Blindsight (Ex): Can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 360 feet.

Keen Senses (Ex): Sees four times as well a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 1200 feet.

Troll:Scrag Large Giant 6d8+36 (63) +2 (Dex) 20 ft., swim 40 ft. 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural) 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee Claw 1d6+6, bite 1d6+3 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rend 2d6+9 Regeneration 5, scent, darkvision 90 ft. Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3 Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 Listen +5, Spot +5 Alertness, Iron Will Any aquatic 1-5 5 Standard Always chaotic evil By character class

Scrags speak Giant.

Scrags have no fear of death: They launch themselves into combat without hesitation, flailing wildly at the closest opponent. Even when confronted with fire, they try to get around the flames and attack.

Rend (Ex): If a scrag hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+9 points of damage.

Regeneration (Ex): A scrag regenerates only if mostly immersed in water. Fire and acid deal normal damage to a scrag. If a scrag loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

Human Medium-size humanoid 1d8+1 (5) +0 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+5 armor, +1 shield) Longsword +3 melee; Light crossbow +1 ranged Longsword 1d8+1 (19/x2); Light crossbow 1d8 (19/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1 Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8 Listen +1, Spot +1, Intimidate +3 Weapon Focus (longsword) Any land 5-16 1/2 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Most comfortable when aided by buddies - lots of them.

Usually, in the first round, shoots crossbow and charges in the second. After that, will try to flank the enemy with the aid of others.

Worker Medium-size humanoid 1d4+3 (5) +0 (Dex) 30 ft. 11 (+1 armor) Tool +0 melee Tool 1d4 (20/x2) 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0 Str 11, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 profession (farmer) +4, handle animal +4, use rope +4 endurance, toughness Usually found in towns 0 1/3 Standard Usually neutral By character class

Most comfortable when aided by buddies - lots of them.

Usually, in the first round, shoots crossbow and charges in the second. After that, will try to flank the enemy with the aid of others.