using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Flurl.Test { [TestFixture, Parallelizable] public class UrlBuilderTests { [Test] // check that for every Url method, we have an equivalent string extension public void extension_methods_consistently_supported() { var urlMethods = typeof(Url).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly).Where(m => !m.IsSpecialName); var stringExts = ReflectionHelper.GetAllExtensionMethods(typeof(Url).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); var whitelist = new[] { "ToString", "IsValid", "ToUri", "Equals", "GetHashCode", "Clone" }; // cases where string extension of the same name was excluded intentionally foreach (var method in urlMethods) { if (whitelist.Contains(method.Name)) continue; if (!stringExts.Any(m => ReflectionHelper.AreSameMethodSignatures(method, m))) { var args = string.Join(", ", method.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType.Name)); Assert.Fail($"No equivalent string extension method found for Url.{method.Name}({args})"); } } } [Test] public void can_parse_url_parts() { var url = new Url(""); Assert.AreEqual("", url.Path); Assert.AreEqual("x=1&y=2", url.Query); Assert.AreEqual("foo", url.Fragment); } [Test] public void can_construct_from_uri() { var s = ""; var uri = new Uri(s); var url = new Url(uri); Assert.AreEqual(s, url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_parse_query_params() { var q = new Url("").QueryParams; Assert.AreEqual(9, q.Count); Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "x", "y", "z", "y", "abc", "xyz", "foo", "", "y", }, q.Select(p => p.Name)); Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", null, null, "", "bar", "6", }, q.Select(p => p.Value)); Assert.AreEqual("1", q["x"]); Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "2", "4", "6" }, q["y"]); // group values of same name into array Assert.AreEqual("3", q["z"]); Assert.AreEqual(null, q["abc"]); Assert.AreEqual(null, q["xyz"]); Assert.AreEqual("", q["foo"]); Assert.AreEqual("bar", q[""]); } [Test] public void can_set_query_params() { var url = "" .SetQueryParam("x", 1) .SetQueryParam("y", new[] { "2", "4", "6" }) .SetQueryParam("z", 3) .SetQueryParam("abc") .SetQueryParam("xyz") .SetQueryParam("foo", "") .SetQueryParam("", "bar"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_modify_query_param_array() { var url = new Url(""); // go from 2 values to 3, order should be preserved url.QueryParams["x"] = new[] { 8, 9, 10 }; Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); // go from 3 values to 2, order should be preserved url.QueryParams["x"] = new[] { 101, 102 }; Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); // wipe them out. all of them. url.QueryParams["x"] = null; Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] // #301 public void setting_query_param_array_creates_multiple() { var q = "".SetQueryParam("x", new[] { 1, 2, 3 }).QueryParams; Assert.AreEqual(3, q.Count); Assert.AreEqual(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, q.Select(p => p.Value)); } [Test] public void can_change_query_param() { var url = "".SetQueryParam("x", 2); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void enumerable_query_param_is_split_into_multiple() { var url = "".SetQueryParam("x", new[] { "a", "b", null, "c" }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_set_multiple_query_params_from_anon_object() { var url = "".SetQueryParams(new { x = 1, y = 2, z = new[] { 3, 4 }, exclude_me = (string)null }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_replace_query_params_from_anon_object() { var url = "".SetQueryParams(new { x = 8, y = new[] { "a", "b" }, z = (int?)null }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_set_query_params_from_dictionary() { // let's challenge it a little with non-string keys var url = "".SetQueryParams(new Dictionary { { 1, "x" }, { 2, "y" } }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test, Ignore("tricky to do while maintaining param order. deferring until append param w/o overwriting is fully supported.")] public void can_set_query_params_from_kv_pairs() { var url = "".SetQueryParams(new[] { new { key = "x", value = 1 }, new { key = "y", value = 2 }, new { key = "x", value = 3 } // this should append, not overwrite (#370) }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } private IEnumerable GetQueryParamNames() { yield return "abc"; yield return "123"; yield return null; yield return "456"; } [Test] public void can_set_multiple_no_value_query_params_from_enumerable_string() { var url = "".SetQueryParams(GetQueryParamNames()); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_set_multiple_no_value_query_params_from_params() { var url = "".SetQueryParams("abc", "123", null, "456"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_remove_query_param() { var url = "".RemoveQueryParam("x"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_remove_query_params_by_multi_args() { var url = "".RemoveQueryParams("x", "y"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_remove_query_params_by_enumerable() { var url = "".RemoveQueryParams(new[] { "x", "z" }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void removing_nonexisting_query_params_is_ignored() { var url = "".RemoveQueryParams("x", "y"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_sort_query_params() { var url = new Url(""); url.QueryParams.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [TestCase(NullValueHandling.Ignore, ExpectedResult = "")] [TestCase(NullValueHandling.NameOnly, ExpectedResult = "")] [TestCase(NullValueHandling.Remove, ExpectedResult = "")] public string can_control_null_value_behavior_in_query_params(NullValueHandling nullValueHandling) { return "".SetQueryParams(new { x = 1, y = (string)null, z = "foo" }, nullValueHandling).ToString(); } [Test] public void constructor_requires_nonnull_arg() { Assert.Throws(() => new Url((string)null)); Assert.Throws(() => new Url((Uri)null)); } [Test] public void Combine_works() { var url = Url.Combine("", "/too/", "/many/", "/slashes/", "too", "few", "one/two/"); Assert.AreEqual("", url); } [TestCase("segment?", "foo=bar", "x=1&y=2&")] [TestCase("segment", "?foo=bar&x=1", "y=2&")] [TestCase("segment", "?", "foo=bar&x=1&y=2&")] [TestCase("/segment?foo=bar&", "&x=1&", "&y=2&")] [TestCase(null, "segment?foo=bar&x=1&y=2&", "")] public void Combine_supports_query(string a, string b, string c) { var url = Url.Combine("", a, b, c); Assert.AreEqual("", url); } [Test] public void Combine_encodes_illegal_chars() { var url = Url.Combine("", "hi there", "?", "x=hi there", "#", "hi there"); Assert.AreEqual("", url); } [Test] public void GetRoot_works() { // simple case var root = Url.GetRoot(""); Assert.AreEqual("", root); // a litte more fancy root = Url.GetRoot(""); Assert.AreEqual("", root); } [Test] public void can_append_path_segment() { var url = "".AppendPathSegment("endpoint"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void appending_null_path_segment_throws_arg_null_ex() { Assert.Throws(() => "".AppendPathSegment(null)); } [Test] public void can_append_multiple_path_segments_by_multi_args() { var url = "".AppendPathSegments("category", "/endpoint/"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_append_multiple_path_segments_by_enumerable() { IEnumerable segments = new[] { "/category/", "endpoint" }; var url = "".AppendPathSegments(segments); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } #if !NETCOREAPP1_1 [Test] public void url_ToString_uses_invariant_culture() { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("es-ES"); var url = "".SetQueryParam("x", 1.1); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } #endif [Test] public void can_reset_to_root() { var url = "".ResetToRoot(); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_do_crazy_long_fluent_expression() { var url = "" .SetQueryParams(new { a = 1, b = 2, c = 999 }) .SetFragment("fooey") .AppendPathSegment("category") .RemoveQueryParam("c") .SetQueryParam("z", 55) .RemoveQueryParams("a", "z") .SetQueryParams(new { n = "hi", m = "bye" }) .AppendPathSegment("endpoint"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void encodes_illegal_path_chars() { // should not encode '/' var url = "".AppendPathSegment("hi there/bye now"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_encode_reserved_path_chars() { // should encode '/' (tests optional fullyEncode arg) var url = "".AppendPathSegment("hi there/bye now", true); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void does_not_reencode_path_escape_chars() { var url = "".AppendPathSegment("hi%20there/inside%2foutside"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void encodes_query_params() { var url = "".SetQueryParams(new { x = "$50", y = "2+2=4" }); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void does_not_reencode_encoded_query_values() { var url = "".SetQueryParam("x", "%CD%EE%E2%FB%E9%20%E3%EE%E4", true); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void reencodes_encoded_query_values_when_isEncoded_false() { var url = "".SetQueryParam("x", "%CD%EE%E2%FB%E9%20%E3%EE%E4", false); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void does_not_encode_reserved_chars_in_query_param_name() { var url = "".SetQueryParam("$x", 1); Assert.AreEqual("$x=1", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void Url_implicitly_converts_to_string() { var url = new Url(""); var someMethodThatTakesAString = new Action(s => { }); someMethodThatTakesAString(url); // if this compiles, test passed. } [Test] public void Url_converts_to_uri() { var url = new Url(""); var uri = url.ToUri(); Assert.AreEqual("", uri.AbsoluteUri); } [Test] public void interprets_plus_as_space() { var url = new Url(""); Assert.AreEqual("1 2", url.QueryParams["x"]); } [Test] public void encodes_plus() { var url = new Url("").SetQueryParam("x", "1+2"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void can_encode_space_as_plus() { var url = new Url("").AppendPathSegment("a b").SetQueryParam("c d", "1 2"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); // but not by default Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString(true)); } [TestCase("", true)] [TestCase("", true)] [TestCase("", true)] [TestCase("", true)] [TestCase("", false)] [TestCase("blah", false)] [TestCase("http:/", false)] [TestCase("", false)] public void IsUrl_works(string s, bool isValid) { Assert.AreEqual(isValid, Url.IsValid(s)); Assert.AreEqual(isValid, new Url(s).IsValid()); } // #56 [Test] public void does_not_alter_url_passed_to_constructor() { var expected = ""; var url = new Url(expected); Assert.AreEqual(expected, url.ToString()); } // #29 [Test] public void can_add_and_remove_fragment_fluently() { var url = "".SetFragment("foo"); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); url = "".RemoveFragment(); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); url = "" .SetFragment("foo") .SetFragment("bar") .AppendPathSegment("more") .SetQueryParam("x", 1); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); url = "".SetFragment("foo").SetFragment("bar").RemoveFragment(); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [Test] public void has_fragment_after_SetQueryParam() { var expected = ""; var url = new Url(expected) .SetQueryParam("x", 3) .SetQueryParam("y", 4); Assert.AreEqual("", url.ToString()); } [TestCase("", "", "x=1", "")] [TestCase("", "", "x=1", "foo")] [TestCase("", "", "x=1?y=2", "")] [TestCase("", "", "", "with/path?x=1?y=2")] public void constructor_parses_url_correctly(string full, string path, string query, string fragment) { var url = new Url(full); Assert.AreEqual(path, url.Path); Assert.AreEqual(query, url.Query); Assert.AreEqual(fragment, url.Fragment); Assert.AreEqual(full, url.ToString()); } // [Test] public void can_encode_and_decode_very_long_value() { // 65,520 chars is the tipping point for Uri.EscapeDataString var len = 500000; // every 10th char needs to be encoded var s = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("xxxxxxxxx ", len / 10)); Assert.AreEqual(len, s.Length); // just a sanity check // encode space as %20 var encoded = Url.Encode(s, false); // hex encoding will add 2 addtional chars for every char that needs to be encoded Assert.AreEqual(len + (2 * len / 10), encoded.Length); var expected = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("xxxxxxxxx%20", len / 10)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, encoded); var decoded = Url.Decode(encoded, false); Assert.AreEqual(s, decoded); // encode space as + encoded = Url.Encode(s, true); Assert.AreEqual(len, encoded.Length); expected = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("xxxxxxxxx+", len / 10)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, encoded); // interpret + as space decoded = Url.Decode(encoded, true); Assert.AreEqual(s, decoded); // don't interpret + as space, encoded and decoded should be the same decoded = Url.Decode(encoded, false); Assert.AreEqual(encoded, decoded); } [Test] public void Equals_returns_true_for_same_values() { var url1 = new Url(""); var url2 = new Url("").AppendPathSegment("hello"); var url3 = new Url(""); // trailing slash - not equal Assert.IsTrue(url1.Equals(url2)); Assert.IsTrue(url2.Equals(url1)); Assert.AreEqual(url1.GetHashCode(), url2.GetHashCode()); Assert.IsFalse(url1.Equals(url3)); Assert.IsFalse(url3.Equals(url1)); Assert.AreNotEqual(url1.GetHashCode(), url3.GetHashCode()); Assert.IsFalse(url1.Equals("")); Assert.IsFalse(url1.Equals(null)); } [Test] public void equality_operator_always_false_for_different_instances() { var url1 = new Url(""); var url2 = new Url(""); Assert.IsFalse(url1 == url2); } [Test] public void clone_creates_copy() { var url1 = new Url("").SetQueryParam("x", 1); var url2 = url1.Clone().AppendPathSegment("foo").SetQueryParam("y", 2); url1.SetQueryParam("z", 3); Assert.AreEqual("", url1.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("", url2.ToString()); } } }