Minetest tileserver ======= Near realtime tileserver for minetest # Overview A standalone java-based tile-server for minetest. Renders the mapblocks on-demand as an interactive map and displays the current players. As players interact with the map the changed MapBlocks get re-rendered and updated in the web-client (near-realtime, 20 seconds default) The resulting tiles are cached in a database and served to the client if unchanged. # Development state * Active, Beta-Testing with one Production-Instance (see **Demo**) * Please file issues/requests in the github issue-tracker # Demo * See: https://pandorabox.io/map/#-1830.125/426.5/11 # Compatibility Requirements: - Postgresql Database (for tile-cache and blocks) - Java runtime (8+) - Modern machine with enough (2GB+) RAM and CPU Testing was done on a fairly new minetest version (0.4.17) There **will** be failures in the MapBlock Parser if the version found is not met (older minetest-versions). Please create an issue with minetest-version and MapBlock info in the bug-tracker if that happens to you. # Installing * Download the jar in the releases section * **Backup** your minetest database (**THIS IS IMPORTANT!!**) as the db schema gets updated (see **How it works**) * Configure the database connection according to the **Configuration** section if they are not default value * Start the server with: `java -jar tileserver.jar` # Configuring The application drwas its configuration from the `tileserver.properties` file. Key and values should be separated by a `=` (see **Example config**) ## Example config Example for a setup with server-name **myhost**: ``` minetest.db.url=jdbc:postgresql://myhost:5432/postgres tile.db.url=jdbc:postgresql://myhost:5432/tiles ``` ## Configuration parameters ### http.port Port to expose http server on * Default: **8080** ### tiles.maxy Max y value for blocks to render (in Mapblocks) * Default: **10** (Equals 160 blocks) ### tiles.miny Min y value for blocks to render (in Mapblocks) * Default: **-1** (Equals -16 blocks) ### tilerenderer.updateinterval Update interval to check for new tiles (in seconds) * Default: **20** ### player.updateinterval Update interval to check for Player movements (in seconds) * Default: **2** ### minetest.db.url Url for DB Connection (jdbc connection string) * Default: **jdbc:postgresql://** ### minetest.db.username Username for DB Connection * Default: **sa** ### minetest.db.password Username for DB Connection * Default: ### minetest.db.driver Driver for DB Connection (only psql supported for now) * Default: **org.postgresql.Driver** # How it works The **blocks** table in the minetest database gets a new column for the modification time. Triggers for `insert` and `update` on the table ensure the time gets updated after each change: ```sql alter table blocks add column mtime bigint not null default 0; create index BLOCKS_TIME on blocks(mtime); create or replace function on_blocks_change() returns trigger as $BODY$ BEGIN NEW.mtime = floor(EXTRACT(EPOCH from now()) * 1000); return NEW; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; create trigger blocks_update before insert or update on blocks for each row execute procedure on_blocks_change(); ``` **These changes get applied atomatically with the initial DB-Migration, so please create a backup before starting the Tileserver!!** With this information and the modification-time on the created tiles the periodically scheduled Updater-Job removes the stale Tiles in the tile-cache. On the next access (browsing on the web-interface to the coordinates) the Tile gets re-rendered. # Building Requirements: * Java 8+ * Maven 3+ Build, test, install: ``` mvn clean install ``` ## With Docker * See the `Makefile` # Contributing * Issues, recommendations and pull-requests are welcome