-- LUALOCALS < --------------------------------------------------------- local ipairs, math, minetest, nodecore, pairs, table = ipairs, math, minetest, nodecore, pairs, table local math_floor, math_random, table_remove, table_sort = math.floor, math.random, table.remove, table.sort -- LUALOCALS > --------------------------------------------------------- local pcache = {} local strings = { onemore = "...and 1 more hint...", fewmore = "...and @1 more hints...", progress = "Progress: @1 complete, @2 current, @3 future", explore = "Not all game content is covered by hints. Explore!", yes = "YES!" } for k, v in pairs(strings) do nodecore.translate_inform(v) strings[k] = function(...) return nodecore.translate(v, ...) end end local function gethint(player) local pname = player:get_player_name() local now = math_floor(minetest.get_us_time() / 1000000 / 5) local cached = pcache[pname] if cached and cached.time == now then return cached.found end local rawdb = nodecore.statsdb[pname] or {} local db = {} for _, r in ipairs({"inv", "punch", "dig", "place", "craft"}) do for k, v in pairs(rawdb[r] or {}) do db[k] = v db[r .. ":" .. k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if db[k] then if v.tool_capabilities and v.tool_capabilities.groupcaps then for gn, gv in pairs(v.tool_capabilities.groupcaps) do for gt in pairs(gv.times or {}) do db["toolcap:" .. gn .. ":" .. gt] = true end end end for gn, gv in pairs(v.groups or {}) do db["group:" .. gn] = gv end end end local done = {} local found = {} for _, hint in ipairs(nodecore.hints) do if hint.goal(db) then done[#done + 1] = hint.text elseif hint.reqs(db) then found[#found + 1] = hint.text end end local prog = #found local left = #(nodecore.hints) - prog - #done while #found > 5 do table_remove(found, math_random(1, #found)) end while #found < 5 do local j = math_random(1, #done) found[#found + 1] = done[j] .. " " .. strings.yes() table_remove(done, j) end table_sort(found) if #found == (prog - 1) then found[#found + 1] = strings.onemore() elseif #found < prog then found[#found + 1] = strings.fewmore(prog - #found) end found[#found + 1] = "" found[#found + 1] = strings.progress(#done, prog, left) found[#found + 1] = strings.explore() pcache[pname] = {time = now, found = found} return found end nodecore.register_inventory_tab({ title = "Hints", content = gethint })