#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create/update a (nearly) monochrome texture pack for NodeCore, for # testing the game's accessibility for colorblind users. All things # should be visually distinguishable using luma hints alone, without # relying on chroma channels. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use File::Find qw(find); use File::Path qw(mkpath); my $outd = "$ENV{HOME}/.minetest/textures/ncmono"; -d $outd or mkpath($outd); -d $outd or die("failed to mkpath $outd"); find( { wanted => sub { -f $_ and -s $_ and $_ =~ m#\.png$# or return; my $r = system("convert", $_, qw(-colorspace gray), "$outd/$_"); $r and die("convert $_ returned $r"); print "$_\n"; } }, "..");