-- LUALOCALS < --------------------------------------------------------- local ItemStack, math, minetest, nodecore, setmetatable, type, vector = ItemStack, math, minetest, nodecore, setmetatable, type, vector local math_random = math.random -- LUALOCALS > --------------------------------------------------------- local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local stackbox = nodecore.fixedbox(-0.4, -0.5, -0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4) local function invdef(pos) local stack = nodecore.stack_get(pos) if not stack or stack:is_empty() then return end local def = minetest.registered_items[stack:get_name()] return stack:get_count() == (def.pummel_stack or 1) and def or nil end minetest.register_node(modname .. ":stack", { drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = nodecore.fixedbox( {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -7/16, 0.5} ), use_texture_alpha = true, tiles = { "nc_items_shadow.png", "nc_items_blank.png", }, walkable = true, selection_box = stackbox, collision_box = stackbox, drop = {}, groups = { snappy = 1, falling_repose = 1, visinv = 1, is_stack_only = 1 }, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, repose_drop = function(posfrom, posto, node) local stack = nodecore.stack_get(posfrom) if stack and not stack:is_empty() then nodecore.item_eject(posto, stack) end return minetest.remove_node(posfrom) end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, whom, stack, pointed, ...) if not nodecore.interact(whom) then return stack end return nodecore.stack_add(pos, stack) end }) function nodecore.place_stack(pos, stack, placer, pointed_thing) stack = ItemStack(stack) local name = stack:get_name() local below = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z} if nodecore.match(below, {name = name, count = false}) then stack = nodecore.stack_add(below, stack) if stack:is_empty() then return end end minetest.set_node(pos, {name = modname .. ":stack"}) nodecore.stack_set(pos, stack) if placer and pointed_thing then nodecore.craft_check(pos, {name = stack:get_name()}, { action = "place", crafter = placer, pointed = pointed_thing }) end return minetest.check_for_falling(pos) end local bii = minetest.registered_entities["__builtin:item"] local item = { on_step = function(self, dtime, ...) bii.on_step(self, dtime, ...) local pos = self.object:getpos() if not self.oldpos or not vector.equals(pos, self.oldpos) then self.oldpos = pos self.sitting = 0 return end self.sitting = (self.sitting or 0) + dtime if self.sitting < 0.25 then return end pos = vector.round(pos) local i = ItemStack(self.itemstring) pos = nodecore.scan_flood(pos, 5, function(p) if p.y > pos.y then return end i = nodecore.stack_add(p, i) if i:is_empty() then return p end if nodecore.buildable_to(p) then return p end end) if not pos then return end if not i:is_empty() then nodecore.place_stack(pos, i) end self.itemstring = "" self.object:remove() end, on_punch = function(self, whom, ...) if not nodecore.interact(whom) then return end local r = bii.on_punch(self, whom, ...) if self.itemstring ~= "" then local v = self.object:get_velocity() v.x = v.x + math_random() * 5 - 2.5 v.y = v.y + math_random() * 5 - 2.5 v.z = v.z + math_random() * 5 - 2.5 self.object:set_velocity(v) end end } setmetatable(item, bii) minetest.register_entity(":__builtin:item", item) local bifn = minetest.registered_entities["__builtin:falling_node"] local falling = { set_node = function(self, node, meta, ...) if node and node.name == modname .. ":stack" and meta and meta.inventory and meta.inventory.solo then local stack = ItemStack(meta.inventory.solo[1] or "") if not stack:is_empty() then nodecore.item_eject(self.object:getpos(), stack, nil, nil, {x = 0, y = 0.01, z = 0}) return self.object:remove() end end return bifn.set_node(self, node, meta, ...) end } setmetatable(falling, bifn) minetest.register_entity(":__builtin:falling_node", falling) function minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2) if not nodecore.interact(placer) then return end if pointed_thing.type == "node" and placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then local n = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) local nn = n.name if minetest.registered_nodes[nn] and minetest.registered_nodes[nn].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[nn].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, n, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) or itemstack, false end end if itemstack:get_definition().type == "node" then return minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2) end if not itemstack:is_empty() then local above = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position(pointed_thing, true) if above and nodecore.buildable_to(above) then nodecore.place_stack(above, itemstack:take_item(), placer, pointed_thing) end end return itemstack end if nodecore.loaded_mods().nc_fire then nodecore.register_limited_abm({ label = "Flammable ItemStacks Ignite", interval = 5, chance = 1, nodenames = {modname .. ":stack"}, neighbors = {"group:igniter"}, action = function(pos, node) if nodecore.quenched(pos) then return end local def = invdef(pos) local flam = def and def.groups and def.groups.flammable if not flam then return end if math_random(1, flam) ~= 1 then return end nodecore.ignite(pos, node) end }) end