--- DESCRIPTION --- This mod is good for any PvP world! It adds: -Flaming Bottle - A throwable bottle that creates a bundle of fire, continually damaging any player in the fire. -Smoke Bottle - Crafted with smokey coal and gunpowder to make a throwable bottle that shoots smoke in a good size radius, use this to blind enemies when escaping. -Explosive Bottle - Make a throwable big bang bottle! -Net Bottle - Creates a trap of sticky nets, use this to slow down and confuse your opponent. -Net Trap - A sticky trap, use this during battle or a trap to protect your base. -Phantom Stone - A type of stone that you are able to go through... Like a ghost! Use this to make secret doors or traps. -Hidden Trapdoor - Made with just some grass and a trapdoor, this blends in perfect with grassy landsacpes, use this for a hidden base hatch. Hope you enjoy this mod! --- LICENSE --- CC0 <2020> All textures are mine, bottle code somewhat adapted from: rangedweapons, witchcraft and nssm. And Hidden trapdoor is of course adapted from the doors mod. Phantom Stone code is mine.