## Gamehub Modpack ### for minetest by shivajiva101@hotmail.com [![Build status](https://github.com/shivajiva101/minetest-gamehub/workflows/Check%20&%20Release/badge.svg)](https://github.com/shivajiva101/minetest-gamehub/actions) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-AGPLv3.0%2B-blue.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) This mod provides a hub concept for sub games within a Minetest world. Designed to handle privileges, inventory, transport and rewards. Adding nodes for game stages and game completion, menus, commands, shop and jail features. It uses and extends other mods API's to create a simple but powerful concept. You *just* need to create the content! To help you start there are a few example games in the /schems folder you can add. You have the ability to load, save and share the games you create! Easy player access to the menu and admin tools to simplify the game creation process. Mod dependencies: * default * areas * maptools * unified inventory * worldedit Lua dependencies: * lsqlite3 (http://lua.sqlite.org/) I suggest you use luarocks (https://luarocks.org/) to install lsqlite3 with the command: ``sudo apt install luarocks`` then you can install lsqlite3 with the following command: ``luarocks install lsqlite3`` This mod should be added to secure.trusted in your minetest.conf before starting the server. ### Privileges ``` hub_admin -- games admin hub_mod -- server moderator ``` ### Admin Commands ``` /hub