nuke = {} -- mod-global table local all_tnt = {} local creative_is_enabled_for = rawget(_G, "creative") and creative.is_enabled_for or function(name) return minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") end nuke.spawn_tnt = function(pos, entname) assert(table.indexof(all_tnt, entname) ~= -1, "attempting to spawn non-tnt") minetest.sound_play("nuke_ignite", {pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 16}) return minetest.add_entity(pos, entname) end local function expand_tiles(tiles) if #tiles >= 6 then return tiles end local t = table.copy(tiles) repeat t[#t + 1] = t[#t] until #t == 6 return t end local function calculate_velocity(distance, tntradius, mult) -- d is the distance vector -- tntradius - | d | -- vel = d * ------------------- * mult -- tntradius - 1 local q = (tntradius - vector.length(distance)) / (tntradius - 1) return vector.multiply(vector.multiply(distance, q), mult) end local function activate_if_tnt(nodename, nodepos, tntpos, tntradius) local explodetime_short = 4 -- seconds local explodetime_vary = 1.5 if table.indexof(all_tnt, nodename) == -1 then return end local obj = nuke.spawn_tnt(nodepos, nodename) obj:setvelocity(calculate_velocity(vector.subtract(nodepos, tntpos), tntradius, {x=3, y=5, z=3})) obj:get_luaentity().timer = explodetime_short + math.random(-explodetime_vary, explodetime_vary) end local function apply_tnt_physics(tntpos, tntradius) local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(tntpos, tntradius) for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do local mult = {x=1.5, y=2.5, z=1.5} local vel = calculate_velocity(vector.subtract(obj:getpos(), tntpos), tntradius, mult) if obj:is_player() then if obj:get_hp() > 0 then obj:set_hp(obj:get_hp() - 1) end if obj.add_player_velocity then vel = vector.multiply(vel, 10) obj:add_player_velocity(vel) end else if table.indexof(all_tnt, obj:get_entity_name()) ~= -1 then vel = vector.multiply(vel, 2) -- apply more knockback to tnt entities end obj:setvelocity(vector.add(obj:getvelocity(), vel)) end end end nuke.register_tnt = function(nodename, def) def.explodetime = def.explodetime or 10 -- seconds if type(def.tiles) ~= "table" then local t = def.tiles def.tiles = {t .. "_top.png", t .. "_bottom.png", t .. "_side.png"} end -- register node minetest.register_node(nodename, { tiles = def.tiles, diggable = false, description = def.description, mesecons = { effector = { action_on = function(pos, node) minetest.remove_node(pos) nuke.spawn_tnt(pos, minetest.check_for_falling(pos) end, action_off = function(pos, node) end, action_change = function(pos, node) end, }, }, on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher) minetest.remove_node(pos) nuke.spawn_tnt(pos, minetest.check_for_falling(pos) end, }) -- register entity local entity = { physical = true, -- collision collisionbox = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, visual = "cube", textures = expand_tiles(def.tiles), health = 1, -- number of punches required to defuse timer = 0, blinktimer = 0, blinkstatus = true, } function entity:on_activate(staticdata) self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=4, z=0}) self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0}) -- gravity self.object:settexturemod("^[brighten") end function entity:on_step(dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime local mult = 1 if self.timer > def.explodetime * 0.8 then -- blink faster before explosion mult = 4 elseif self.timer > def.explodetime * 0.5 then mult = 2 end self.blinktimer = self.blinktimer + mult * dtime if self.blinktimer > 0.5 then -- actual blinking self.blinktimer = self.blinktimer - 0.5 self.object:settexturemod(self.blinkstatus and "^[brighten" or "") self.blinkstatus = not self.blinkstatus end if self.timer > def.explodetime then -- boom! minetest.sound_play("nuke_explode", {pos = pos, gain = 0.8, max_hear_distance = 32}) def.on_explode(vector.round(self.object:get_pos())) self.object:remove() end end function entity:on_punch(hitter) = - 1 if == 0 then -- give tnt node back if defused self.object:remove() if not creative_is_enabled_for(hitter:get_player_name()) then hitter:get_inventory():add_item("main", nodename) end end end minetest.register_entity(nodename, entity) -- save tnt name all_tnt[#all_tnt + 1] = nodename end local function on_explode_normal(pos, range) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] if ndef ~= nil and ndef.groups.water ~= nil then apply_tnt_physics(pos, range) return -- cancel explosion end for x=-range, range do for y=-range, range do for z=-range, range do if x*x+y*y+z*z <= range * range + range then local nodepos = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} local n = minetest.get_node(nodepos) if ~= "air" and ~= "ignore" then activate_if_tnt(, nodepos, pos, range) minetest.remove_node(nodepos) end end end end end apply_tnt_physics(pos, range) end local function on_explode_split(pos, range, entname) for x=-range, range do for z=-range, range do if x*x+z*z <= range * range then local nodepos = vector.add(pos, {x=x, y=0, z=z}) minetest.add_entity(nodepos, entname) end end end end -- Iron TNT nuke.register_tnt("nuke:iron_tnt", { description = "Iron TNT", tiles = "nuke_iron_tnt", on_explode = function(pos) on_explode_normal(pos, 6) end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "nuke:iron_tnt 4", recipe = { {"", "group:wood", ""}, {"default:steel_ingot", "default:coal_lump", "default:steel_ingot"}, {"", "group:wood", ""}, } }) nuke.register_tnt("nuke:iron_tntx", { description = "Extreme Iron TNT", tiles = {"nuke_iron_tnt_top.png", "nuke_iron_tnt_bottom.png", "nuke_iron_tnt_side_x.png"}, on_explode = function(pos) on_explode_split(pos, 3, "nuke:iron_tnt") end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "nuke:iron_tntx 1", recipe = { {"", "default:coal_lump", ""}, {"default:coal_lump", "nuke:iron_tnt", "default:coal_lump"}, {"", "default:coal_lump", ""}, } }) -- Mese TNT nuke.register_tnt("nuke:mese_tnt", { description = "Mese TNT", tiles = "nuke_mese_tnt", on_explode = function(pos) on_explode_normal(pos, 12) end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "nuke:mese_tnt 4", recipe = { {"", "group:wood", ""}, {"default:mese_crystal", "default:coal_lump", "default:mese_crystal"}, {"", "group:wood", ""}, } }) nuke.register_tnt("nuke:mese_tntx", { description = "Extreme Mese TNT", tiles = {"nuke_mese_tnt_top.png", "nuke_mese_tnt_bottom.png", "nuke_mese_tnt_side_x.png"}, on_explode = function(pos) on_explode_split(pos, 3, "nuke:mese_tnt") end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "nuke:mese_tntx 1", recipe = { {"", "default:coal_lump", ""}, {"default:coal_lump", "nuke:mese_tnt", "default:coal_lump"}, {"", "default:coal_lump", ""}, } }) -- Compatibility aliases minetest.register_alias("nuke:hardcore_iron_tnt", "nuke:iron_tntx") minetest.register_alias("nuke:hardcore_mese_tnt", "nuke:mese_tntx") if minetest.settings:get_bool("log_mods") then print("[Nuke] Loaded") end