#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 """ calc.py - Phenny Calculator Module Copyright 2014, sfan5 """ import math import random import struct import multiprocessing class SomeObject(object): pass env = { "abs": abs, "all": all, "any": any, "ascii": ascii, "bin": bin, "bool": bool, "bytearray": bytearray, "bytes": bytes, "callable": callable, "chr": chr, "complex": complex, "dict": dict, "divmod": divmod, "enumerate": enumerate, "filter": filter, "float": format, "hex": hex, "int": int, "iter": iter, "len": len, "list": list, "map": map, "max": max, "min": min, "next": next, "object": object, "oct": oct, "ord": ord, "pow": pow, "range": range, "repr": repr, "reversed": reversed, "round": round, "set": set, "slice": slice, "sorted": sorted, "str": str, "sum": sum, "tuple": tuple, "type": type, "zip": zip, } libs = [ 'math', 'random', 'struct' ] for lib in libs: env[lib] = SomeObject() for funcn in dir(globals()[lib]): if funcn.startswith("_"): continue setattr(env[lib], funcn, getattr(globals()[lib], funcn)) def c(phenny, input): if not input.group(2): return phenny.reply("Nothing to calculate.") q = input.group(2) if '__' in q: return phenny.reply("Sorry, but no double underscores.") log.log("event", "%s calculated '%s'" % (log.fmt_user(input), q), phenny) o = multiprocessing.Queue() def get_result(o, q): try: o.put(repr(eval(q, {'__builtins__': env}, {}))) except Exception as e: o.put(type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)) proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=get_result, args=(o,q)) proc.start() proc.join(2.0) if proc.is_alive(): proc.terminate() if 'math.pow' in q or '**' in q: phenny.reply("Kindly go fuck yourself!") antiabuse.ignore("*!*" + input.hostmask[input.hostmask.find("@"):]) log.log("action", "Auto-ignored %s for !c crash attempt" % log.fmt_user(input), phenny) else: phenny.reply("Took to long to calculate") return else: phenny.say(o.get()) c.commands = ['c'] c.example = '.c 5 + 3' if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())