#!/usr/bin/env python """ ai.py - Phenny AutomatedResponse Module Copyright 2013, Sfan5 """ import random, time ar = {} ar["enable"] = True ar["bn"] = "minetestbot" #lowercase bot name def arctl(phenny, input): if not input.admin or not input.owner: return arg = input.group(2) if not arg: return if arg == "enable": ar["enable"] = True phenny.say("AR enabled.") elif arg == "disable": ar["enable"] = False phenny.say("AR disabled.") arctl.commands = ['ar'] arctl.priority = 'low' def response(personal, nick, msg): if personal: return msg else: return nick + ": " + msg def arp(phenny, input): if not ar["enable"]: return ar["lm"] = [input.nick, input.bytes.strip(), time.time()] for x in phenny.bot.commands["high"].values(): if x[0].__name__ == "aa_hook": if x[0](phenny, input): return # Abort function sia = input.bytes.strip().strip('?!').lower().split(" ") #print(sia) si = sia.__iter__() try: sn = si.next() personal = not input.sender.startswith("#") if sn.startswith("minetestbot"): sn = si.next() personal = True if sn == "hi" or sn == "hey" or sn == "hello": try: sn = si.next() except StopIteration: return phenny.say("hi " + input.nick) if sn == "guys" or sn == "folks" or sn == "people" or sn.startswith("every") or sn == "all": return phenny.say("hi " + input.nick) if sn == "o.o": return phenny.reply("What are you wondering about?") if sn == "thank": if si.next() == "you": if si.next().startswith(ar["bn"]) or personal: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "Although i'm only a bot I appreciate your thanks.")) if sn == "thanks": if si.next().startswith(ar["bn"]) or personal: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "Although i'm only a bot I appreciate your thanks.")) if sn == "back": return phenny.say("Welcome back " + input.nick + "!") if sn == "should": sn = si.next() if sn == "i": sn = si.next() if sn == "eat" or sn == "drink": sn = si.next() if sn == "a" or sn == "an" or sn == "the": sn = si.next() if sn == "kitty" or sn.startswith("kitte") or sn.startswith("cat"): return phenny.reply("I don't recommend eating kittens") elif sn == "air": return phenny.reply("Eating air won't hurt you") elif sn == "bot" or sn == ar["bn"] or (sn == "you" and personal): return phenny.reply("Don't eat me D:") elif sn == "acid": return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "Don't!!")) else: return phenny.reply("You decide") if sn == "\x01action": sn = si.next() if sn == "hugs": sn = si.next() if sn != ar["bn"] and random.randint(0,3) == 0: return phenny.say("Can I get a hug too? Please") else: return phenny.reply(" :D") if sn == "puts": sn = si.next() if sn == "a" or sn == "an" or sn == "the": sn = si.next() r = sn sn = si.next() if sn == "on" or sn == "under" or sn == "behind" or sn == "in" or sn == "above": sn = si.next() if sn.startswith(ar["bn"]): if r.startswith("kitt") or r.startswith("cat"): return phenny.reply("I don't want it, talk to NekoGloop, he likes kittens") elif r.startswith("pupp") or r.startswith("dog"): return phenny.reply("Awwwww....") elif r.startswith("bomb") or r.startswith("explosive") or r.startswith("dynamite"): if random.randint(0,3) == 0: return phenny.say("*shoots " + input.nick + " with an AK-74*") return phenny.say("*runs away*") elif r.startswith("cookie") or r.startswith("cake"): return phenny.say("Ooh! thank you, nom nom nom...") if sn == "how": sn = si.next() r = False if sn == "to": r = True if sn == "do" or sn == "can": sn = si.next() if sn == "i" or sn == "you": r = True if r: sn = si.next() if sn == "compile": sn = si.next() if sn == "minetest": return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "There is a detailed guide at https://raw.github.com/celeron55/minetest/master/README.txt for compiling minetest on windows and linux, if you have a mac.. ..no luck")) if sn == "install": sn = si.next() if sn == "a" or sn == "an": sn = si.next() if sn.startswith("mod"): return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "You can usually find installation instruction in the mod topic, http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Mods also describes how to install mods")) if sn == "texture": if si.next().startswith("pack"): return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Texture_Packs provides a good guide on how to install texture packs")) if sn == "craft": sn = si.next() if sn == "a" or sn == "an" or sn.endswith("s"): return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "Take a look at http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Crafting ,you should find it there")) if sn == "where": sn = si.next() r = (False, 0) if sn == "are" or sn == "is": r = (True, 0) if sn == "do" or sn == "did": r = (True, 1) if r[0]: sn = si.next() if (sn == "you" and personal) or (sn == ar["bn"] and not personal): sn = si.next() if sn == "come" and r[1] == 1: sn = si.next() if sn == "from": if random.randint(0,5) == 0: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "I'm from the Bot Universe and i'm going to destroy you... BEEP BOOP BLEEP BOOP")) else: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "I come from https://github.com/sfan5/minetestbot-modules")) if sn == "can" or sn == "could" or sn == "to": sn = si.next() if sn == "i": sn = si.next() r = (False, 0) if sn == "get" or sn == "download": r = (True, 0) if sn == "find": r = (True, 1) if r[0]: sn = si.next() if sn == "a" or sn == "an" or sn == "the": sn = si.next() try: sn = si.next() except StopIteration: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "http://www.minetest.net/download.php Please note that it is recommend to compile Minetest yourself if you use GNU/Linux")) if sn.startswith("mod"): return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "http://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?id=11")) if sn.startswith("texture"): if si.next().startswith("pack"): return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "http://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?id=4")) if sn.startswith("server") and r[1] == 1: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "http://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?id=10 and http://servers.minetest.ru")) elif sn.startswith("server") and r[1] == 0: return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "Download Minetest at http://www.minetest.net/download.php and run 'minetest.exe --server' to start a server instance")) if sn.startswith("map"): return phenny.say(response(personal, input.nick, "http://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?id=12")) except: return arp.priority = 'medium' arp.rule = r'.*' arp.event = '*' if __name__ == '__main__': print __doc__.strip()