#!/usr/bin/env python """ title.py - Phenny URL Title Module Copyright 2014, sfan5 """ import re import web r_title = re.compile(r'(?ims)<\s*title[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*/\s*title\s*>') def title(phenny, input): uri = input.group(2) if uri: pass elif hasattr(phenny.bot, 'last_seen_uri'): uri = phenny.bot.last_seen_uri else: return phenny.reply("Give me an URI..") uri = uri.strip() data, sc = web.get(uri, 4096) if sc != 200: return phenny.say("HTTP error %d" % sc) try: data = str(data, 'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return phenny.say("Doesn't seem to be HTML..") m = re.search(r_title, data) if not m: return phenny.say("No title found.") title = m.group(1).strip() if len(title) > 150: title = title[:150] + "[...]" phenny.reply(title) title.commands = ['title'] def noteuri(phenny, input): uri = input.group(1) setattr(phenny.bot, 'last_seen_uri', uri) noteuri.rule = r'.*(https?://[^<> "\x01]+).*' noteuri.priority = 'low' noteuri.nohook = True noteuri.thread = False if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())