node_ownership ============== Node Ownership (node_ownership) # Prerequisites ######################## 1. reserve Playername "Sandbox" and protect it with a password. # Configuration (requires restart) ######################## 1. Change ServerAdmin name in settings.lua if you want [optional] # Installation ######################## 1. put init.lua and settings.lua into /minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/node_ownership/ 2. restart server # Usage ######################## NOTE: If you use a command which needs as Parameter, the Player you address needs to be online at the moment. Otherwise the command wont work. This does not apply to the Player named "Sandbox". Set Owner: As a Player with the "privs" privilege you (Grantor) can use this command to grant a concession to a Player (Concessionaire). Remember: Every Owner (Concessionaire) has the right to grant subconcessions for his concessionary area using Add Owner. Syntax: /set_owner ,, ,, Parameters: = Player's Name (Concessionaire) .. = Position of two points in the world describing a cuboid Example: /set_owner JohnDoe -100,-100,-100 100,100,100 Add Owner: As a Player with a granted concession (Concessionaire), you can give out subconcessions to other Players (Subconcessionaires). Syntax: /add_owner ,, ,, Parameters: = Player's Name (Subconcessionaire) .. = Position of two points in the cuboid of the concession describing a smaller or equal cuboid (unstrict subset) Example: /add_owner SamDoe -100,-100,-100 100,100,100 List Areas: As a Player with the "privs" privilege (Grantor) you can list all areas describing all current concessions and subconcessions. As a Player with a concession (Concessionaire) you can list only your areas. The Area Number which is shown is required to delete a concession. For each tuple of (cuboid,playername) there is one area identifier. Syntax: /list_areas Remove Areas: To remove a concession belonging to a Player (Concessionaire/Subconcessionaire) you need the AreaID from the List Areas command. Syntax: /remove_areas Parameters: = Area Identifier from the List Areas command. Example: /remove_areas 1 Change Area Owner: To change a Players (Concessionaire) concession you can use the Change Area Owner command. You need the AreaID from List Areas and the Playername of the new concessionaire. Syntax: /change_area_owner Parameters: = Area Identifier from the List Areas command. = Player's Name of the new Concessionaire Example: /change_area_owner 1 FooDoe Sandbox Concession: A Sandbox concession is a concession where everyone with interact privilege can dig or place. To grant a Sandbox concession you have to set an owner to the Player named "Sandbox". It also works for subconcessions using add owner. # License and Authors ######################## see: