# ElectrumZ ElectrumZ is a mod for Minetest of monetary economics. The official currency is the "Electrum", which is an alloy of gold, silver and copper in different proportions. The electrum symbol is: ê. 1 crafting = 99 electrums. ## Commands ### For administrators - /add_money Amount: Can be positive or negative - /get_money It retrieves info about the player's account. ### For players - /money Gets the info about your account - /save_money Saves to your account all electrums in your inventory. - /give_money Gives money to another player. ## Easy management ### Piggy bank Create this cute piggy bank to store your electrums without command. Right-click on it to save them. Note that ALL electrums in your inventory will be saved, not just the ones you wield. Note that the electrums will be deposited in your bank account, not physically inside the piggy bank. No matter if the piggy is stolen or broken, your money will be safe. ### ElectrumPay Card View your account status and make quick transfers to other players. Just use it. It has a technology that identifies you by your fingerprint. It doesn't matter if it gets stolen. Your bank account will be safe. ### Automatic Teller Machine The same as the ElectrumPay card, but in addition it allows cash withdrawals of electrums. ## API - elez.get_money(player) - elez.add_money(player, amount) - elez.save_money(player) - elez.transfer_money(src_name, dst_name, amount) ## License - Source code: GPLv3. - Textures: CC BY-SA 4.0 ## Dependencies - default, moreores, basic_materials, dye ## Download https://github.com/runsy/elez/archive/refs/heads/main.zip