# Awesome SFML [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) > A curated list of awesome things related to SFML Inspired by the lists [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome), [awesome-awesomeness](https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness), and [awesome-nodejs](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs). ### Contributing Contributions welcome and wanted! Read the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTION.md) first. ### Contents - [Awesome SFML](https://github.com/JustCaptcha/awesome-sfml) - [Engines](#engines) - [Components & Libraries](#components-libraries) - [Bindings](#bindings) - [Utilities](#utilities) - [Tools](#tools) - [Resources](#resources) - [Websites](#websites) - [Books](#books) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Video](#video) - [Text](#text) - [Applications written with SFML](#applications-written-with-sfml) - [Games](#games) - [Open Source](#opensource) - [Proprietary](#proprietary) - [Other](#other) ## Engines - [SFML-Game-Framework](https://github.com/Hopson97/SFML-Game-Framework) - Very, very simple and barebones framework for games and that. - [ObEngine](https://github.com/Sygmei/ObEngine) - 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML! - [Vigilante-Game-Framework](https://github.com/gamepopper/Vigilante-Game-Framework) - 2D/3D C++ game framework written for use with SFML. - [Nero Game Engine](https://github.com/sk-landry/Nero-Game-Engine) - Game Engine made on SFML and Box2D. - [xygineXT](https://github.com/fallahn/xygine) - 2D engine / framework built around SFML. ## Components & Libraries - [imgui-sfml](https://github.com/eliasdaler/imgui-sfml) - ImGui binding for use with SFML. - [LTBL2](https://github.com/222464/LTBL2) - A 2D dynamic lighting system with accurate soft shadows. - [SFGUI](https://github.com/TankOs/SFGUI) - Simple and Fast Graphical User Interface - [SFNUL](https://github.com/binary1248/SFNUL) - Simple and Fast Network Utility Library. - [TGUI](https://github.com/texus/TGUI) - Easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI library for SFML. - [Thor](https://github.com/Bromeon/Thor) - Extension with various game programming features, like particles, animations, vector operations. - [SFML-utils](https://github.com/Krozark/SFML-utils) - Some adds to build games. - [SelbaWard](https://github.com/Hapaxia/SelbaWard) - A collection of drawables. - [SFMLSoundSystem](https://github.com/Hapaxia/SfmlSoundSystem) - Sound Control System for use with SFML. ## Bindings *List of all the known SFML bindings* - [C](https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/csfml) - [.Net (C#, VB.Net etc.)](https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/sfml.net) - [Crystal](https://github.com/BlaXpirit/crsfml) - D - [DerelictSFML2](https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictSFML2) - [DSFML](http://www.dsfml.com/) - [Euphoria](https://github.com/gAndy50/EuSFML2) - [Free Pascal Compiler aka FPC](https://github.com/DJMaster/csfml-fpc) - Go - [go-sfml](https://github.com/teh-cmc/go-sfml) - [GoSFML2](https://bitbucket.org/krepa098/gosfml2) - [Haskell](https://github.com/SFML-haskell/SFML) - [Java](https://jsfml.sfmlprojects.org/) - [Julia](https://github.com/zyedidia/SFML.jl) - [Nim](https://github.com/BlaXpirit/nim-csfml) - OCaml - [Ocsfml](https://github.com/JoeDralliam/Ocsfml) - [ocaml-sfml](http://ocaml-sfml.forge.ocamlcore.org/) - [Pascal](https://github.com/CWBudde/PasSFML) - [Python](http://www.python-sfml.org/) - [Ruby](http://www.groogy.se/mainsite/rbsfml/) - [Rust](https://github.com/jeremyletang/rust-sfml) ## Utilities *Non-Game specific Library bundles, that provide reuseable functions* - [tmxlite](https://github.com/fallahn/tmxlite) - Lightweight C++14 parser for Tiled tmx files. ## Tools *Useful tools* - [FM Composer](http://fmcomposer.org/) - FM Composer. It's a software allowing the user to design their own sound using FM synthesis and create a song with them. # Resources ## Websites - [www.sfml-dev.org](https://www.sfml-dev.org/index.php) - Official site. - The [official tutorials](https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/) - The [online API documentation](https://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/) - The [community wiki](https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/) - The [community forum](https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/) ([French](https://fr.sfml-dev.org/forums/)) - [www.sfmlprojects.org](https://sfmlprojects.org/) - Discover and talk about projects built with or around the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library! - [www.reddit.com/r/sfml](https://www.reddit.com/r/sfml/) - Reddit topic. ## Books - [Mastering SFML Game Development](https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/mastering-sfml-game-development) - [SFML Game Development](https://github.com/SFML/SFML-Game-Development-Book) - [SFML Essentials](https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/sfml-essentials) - [SFML Blueprints](https://github.com/Krozark/SFML-book) - [SFML Game Development By Example](https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/sfml-game-development-example) # Tutorials *Blogs and tutorials* ## Video - [Building Games with SFML](https://www.packtpub.com/game-development/building-games-sfml-video) - A step-by-step introduction to SFML to help you build enjoyable, cross-platform games - [SFML 2.1 Tutorial Series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLpD54gx_5w&list=PLRtjMdoYXLf776y4K432eL_qPw4na_py3) - 52 tutorials. ## Text - [Citybuilder](http://www.binpress.com/tutorial/creating-a-city-building-game-with-sfml/137) - Creating a City Building Game with SFML. # Applications written with SFML ## Games ### Open Source *Games with Open Source licenses* - [Cendric](https://github.com/tizian/Cendric2) - Cendric is part top-down RPG and part puzzle platformer. - [Pseuthe](https://github.com/fallahn/pseuthe) - Pseuthe (pronounced 'soothe') is an abstract audio / visual experience, with casual gameplay elements. - [Witch Blast](https://github.com/Cirrus-Minor/witchblast) - Witch Blast is a free roguelite dungeon crawl shooter heavily inspired from Binding Of Isaac. - [Rickety Racquet](http://www.ricketyracquet.de/) - Puzzle game. - [SpaceGO](https://github.com/Fromont-Sam/SpaceGO) - A small space shooter game using C++ and SFML. - [HopsonCraft](https://github.com/Hopson97/HopsonCraft) - A minecraft clone written using C++, SFML, OpenGL and GLEW. - [Hedgehogs Can Fly](https://github.com/yyamDev/ballfling) - 2D physics platformer game. - [ReJewel](https://github.com/Redee/ReJewel) - Tetris like game. - [sfml-snake](https://github.com/ParadoxZero/sfml-snake) - Snake game in C++. - [Conway-s-Game-Of-Life](https://github.com/Hopson97/Conway-s-Game-Of-Life) - Game of life, in C++. - [SFML2-Game](https://github.com/JuDelCo/SFML2-Game) - SFML2 - Random Games. - [crsfml-examples](https://github.com/oprypin/crsfml) - Simple games made with CrSFML. ### Proprietary *Proprietary games* - [Remnants of Naezith](http://naezith.com/) - Rush and swing through levels to top the leaderboards in this fast-paced, grappling hook precision platformer. - [The Man in the Cape: Special Edition](http://www.longdivisiondev.com/) - The Man in the Cape is captured and left for dead in Mr. Granderson’s superhero elimination dungeon. - [Zeran's Folly](http://zeransfolly.com/) - Story-driven action-adventure with fluid melee combat, four unique playable characters, and a twisted sense of humor. - [CUIT](http://www.cir-cuit.com/) - In CUIT, it is only you and your mind. A challenging and relaxing puzzle experience, ready to test you from top to bottom. - [Gemstone Keeper](https://gamepopper.co.uk/) - Gemstone Keeper is a twin stick shooter where avid explorers go down into a large, dangerous and mysterious set of caves and caverns. - [An Octonaut Odyssey](http://anoctonautodyssey.com/) - It's a game about an amnesiac octopus lost in strange planets. - [Doodle Bob](https://gamejolt.com/games/doodlebob/256272) - DoodleBob is a cross between Little Computer People and perhaps Tamagotchi. - [Kronos](http://www.uroborostudio.com/) - An Indie fantasy Action RPG game with lots of combat, puzzles and customization. - [The Night Christmas Ended](http://giantgoblinstudio.com/) - Team up with the world’s biggest goblin on his quest for gold and be a total Christmas bastard. - [Dispersio](http://achpile.tk/) - Dispersio is a retro-styled action platformer. As you progress through the game, you will have to use and combine special abilities. - [The Away Team](https://awayteam.space/) - In this interactive sci-fi adventure novel, you are the AI pilot of Earth's last interstellar ship, tasked with finding a home for your crew. - [Crea](http://www.playcrea.com/) - Progress with every slain monster, learn skills through talents, craft items, and explore procedurally-generated worlds in this sandbox RPG! - [Turnover](http://www.longdivisiondev.com/) - In a dystopian future, a powerful corporation hires a private security firm to execute a violent takeover of a competitor's HQ. - [inSynch](http://www.themgames.net/insynch/) - An art-music-arcade game, inSynch is handcrafted and animated in stop motion. - [Pioneers](http://www.pioneersgame.com/) - Pioneers is a turn-based exploration/adventure RPG. - [Maze](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.minimalstudio.maze) - Dare through the creepy corridors of the mazes, but keep your guard up. - [Postmortem](http://postmortemgame.com/) - Postmortem: One Must Die - Narrative-adventure playing an Agent of Death who must take ONE life that could change the fate of a conflict-torn Nation! - [Zloxx II](http://www.bromeon.ch/games/zloxx/index.html) - Zloxx II is a 2D Jump'n'Run in which you control a little character called Zloxx. - [Moonman](http://moonman.io/) - Moonman is a procedurally-generated adventure game! - [Re:creation](https://eliasdaler.github.io/re-creation/) - Re:creation is a top-down action adventure game - [Rising Reign](http://risingreigngame.com/) - Rising Reign is a high fantasy role-playing game with rogue-like elements. Most content is procedurally generated during world construction. - [Takrog](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884894845) - Takrog is a tactical RPG with a smart procedural generation of the world, quests, and characters. Every game is different from the other. - [Castle Clamber](https://store.steampowered.com/app/770050/Castle_Clamber/) - Castle Clamber is an arcade inspired action platformer for one or two players, either locally or over a network. - [Exodus](http://www.exodus.galhmac-game-studio.com/) - Exodus immerge yourself into a strange and fascinating world, where nature seems to predominate over everything else. - [Racod's Lair](https://github.com/cgloeckner/racods-lair) - A coop dungeon crawler. ## Other *Other types of application* - [FM Composer](https://github.com/stephanedamo/fmcomposer) - Music and sound creation tool, featuring an FM synthesizer and a tracker-like interface. ## License [![CC0](https://licensebuttons.net/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png)](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)