cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # Define a macro that helps defining an option macro(tgui_set_option var default type docstring) if(NOT DEFINED ${var}) set(${var} ${default}) endif() set(${var} ${${var}} CACHE ${type} ${docstring} FORCE) endmacro() # Define a macro to add compiler flags macro(tgui_add_cxx_flag flag) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+" "\\\\+" escapedFlag ${flag}) if (NOT (${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} MATCHES ".*${escapedFlag}.*")) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${flag}" CACHE STRING "C++ compiler flags" FORCE) endif() endmacro() macro(tgui_remove_cxx_flag flagToRemove) string(REPLACE " " ";" TGUI_CXX_FLAGS_LIST ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}) set(TGUI_TEMP_CXX_FLAGS "") foreach (flag ${TGUI_CXX_FLAGS_LIST}) if (NOT (${flag} STREQUAL "${flagToRemove}")) set(TGUI_TEMP_CXX_FLAGS "${TGUI_TEMP_CXX_FLAGS} ${flag}") endif() endforeach(flag) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${TGUI_TEMP_CXX_FLAGS}") endmacro() # Set a default build type and module path if none was provided tgui_set_option(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release STRING "Choose the type of build (Debug or Release)") tgui_set_option(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules" STRING "The path to the cmake modules. This path must contain the FindSFML.cmake file.") # Android specific stuff which has to be set before CMake detects/configures the toolchain. # If not building on android they will be unset later. # Define the minimum API level to be used tgui_set_option(ANDROID_API_MIN 9 STRING "Choose the Android API level to be used (minimum 9)") # Mirror the setting for the toolchain file set(ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL ${ANDROID_API_MIN}) # Define the path to the Android NDK tgui_set_option(ANDROID_NDK "$ENV{ANDROID_NDK}" PATH "Path to the Android NDK") # Define the STL implementation to be used tgui_set_option(ANDROID_STL c++_shared STRING "Choose the STL implementation to be used (experimental)") # Default the ABI to ARM v7a for hardware floating point if(NOT ANDROID_ABI) set(ANDROID_ABI armeabi-v7a) endif() # Project name project(tgui) # project version SET( MAJOR_VERSION 0 ) SET( MINOR_VERSION 8 ) SET( PATCH_VERSION 0 ) # Include the configuration file include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Config.cmake) # Add an option for choosing the build type (shared or static) if(NOT (SFML_OS_IOS OR SFML_OS_ANDROID)) tgui_set_option(TGUI_SHARED_LIBS TRUE BOOL "TRUE to build TGUI as a shared library, FALSE to build it as a static library") else() if(SFML_OS_IOS) set(TGUI_SHARED_LIBS FALSE) elseif(SFML_OS_ANDROID) set(TGUI_SHARED_LIBS TRUE) endif() endif() # Add option to build the examples if(SFML_OS_IOS OR SFML_OS_ANDROID) set(TGUI_BUILD_EXAMPLES FALSE) else() tgui_set_option(TGUI_BUILD_EXAMPLES FALSE BOOL "TRUE to build the TGUI examples, FALSE to ignore them") endif() tgui_set_option(TGUI_BUILD_TESTS FALSE BOOL "TRUE to build the TGUI tests") tgui_set_option(TGUI_BUILD_GUI_BUILDER FALSE BOOL "TRUE to compile the GUI Builder") tgui_set_option(TGUI_BUILD_DOC FALSE BOOL "TRUE to generate the API documentation, FALSE to ignore it") tgui_set_option(TGUI_OPENGL_ES ${OPENGL_ES} BOOL "TRUE to use an OpenGL ES implementation, FALSE to use a desktop OpenGL implementation") # Set compile flags for gcc and clang if (SFML_OS_ANDROID) tgui_remove_cxx_flag(-fno-exceptions) tgui_remove_cxx_flag(-fno-rtti) # TGUI was only successfully tested on Android with NDK 12b, which did not work when -std=c++1y (or -std=c++14) is defined tgui_add_cxx_flag(-std=c++11) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-fexceptions) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-frtti) set(TGUI_ACTIVITY_CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}) elseif(SFML_COMPILER_GCC OR SFML_COMPILER_CLANG) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-Wall) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-Wextra) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-Wshadow) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-Wno-long-long) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-pedantic) if (SFML_COMPILER_GCC AND SFML_OS_WINDOWS) # gnu++14 instead of c++14 because TDM-GCC 5.1 did not declare _fullpath without enabling GNU extensions (other tested MinGW versions did not require it) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-std=gnu++14) else() # The -std=c++14 flag was added in GCC 4.9 and Clang 3.5 tgui_add_cxx_flag(-std=c++14) endif() # On mac, clang needs another parameter if (SFML_COMPILER_CLANG AND SFML_OS_MACOSX) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-stdlib=libc++) endif() endif() # Define an option for choosing between static and dynamic C runtime (VC++ only) if (SFML_OS_WINDOWS) tgui_set_option(TGUI_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS FALSE BOOL "TRUE to statically link to the standard libraries, FALSE to use them as DLLs. This option has to match with the one from sfml.") # The following combination of flags is not valid if (TGUI_SHARED_LIBS AND TGUI_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS) message(FATAL_ERROR "TGUI_SHARED_LIBS and TGUI_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS cannot be used together") endif() # Apply it globally by modifying the compiler flags if(SFML_COMPILER_MSVC AND TGUI_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS) foreach(flag CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) if(${flag} MATCHES "/MD") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${flag} "${${flag}}") endif() endforeach() endif() endif() # Mac OS X specific options if (SFML_OS_MACOSX) # Add an option to build framework instead of dylib (release only) tgui_set_option(TGUI_BUILD_FRAMEWORK FALSE BOOL "TRUE to build TGUI as a framework library (release only), FALSE to build according to TGUI_SHARED_LIBS") # Add an option to let the user specify a custom directory for framework installation tgui_set_option(CMAKE_INSTALL_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX "/Library/Frameworks" STRING "Frameworks installation directory") # Only the default architecture (i.e. 64-bit) is supported if(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES AND NOT "${CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES}" STREQUAL "x86_64") message(FATAL_ERROR "Only 64-bit architecture is supported") return() endif() # Enable to use of rpath according to CMake Policy CMP0042 set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH 1) if (TGUI_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) # Frameworks are only available for release (because cmake currently doesn't allow specifying a custom framework name so XXX-d is not possible) if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") message(FATAL_ERROR "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE should be \"Release\" when TGUI_BUILD_FRAMEWORK is TRUE") return() endif() # Frameworks only work with TGUI_SHARED_LIBS enabled if (NOT TGUI_SHARED_LIBS) message(FATAL_ERROR "TGUI_SHARED_LIBS should be TRUE when TGUI_BUILD_FRAMEWORK is TRUE") return() endif() endif() endif() # Android options if(SFML_OS_ANDROID) if (${ANDROID_API_MIN} LESS 9) message(FATAL_ERROR "Android API level must be equal or greater than 9. Please adjust the CMake variable 'ANDROID_API_MIN'.") endif() if(NOT ANDROID_NDK) message(FATAL_ERROR "The Android NDK couldn't be found. Please adjust the CMake variable 'ANDROID_NDK' to point to the NDK directory.") endif() # CMake doesn't support defining the STL to be used with Nsight Tegra, so warn the user if(CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME STREQUAL "Tegra-Android") message(WARNING "CMake might not properly support setting the STL. Make sure to adjust all generated library projects!") endif() # Install everything in $NDK/sources/ because this path is appended by the NDK (convenient) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/tgui) # We install libs in a subdirectory named after the ABI (e.g. lib/armeabi/ set(LIB_SUFFIX "/${ANDROID_ABI}") # Pass shared STL configuration (if any) if (ANDROID_STL MATCHES "_shared") add_definitions("-DSTL_LIBRARY=${ANDROID_STL}") endif() # Macro to find packages on the host OS # This is the same as in the toolchain file, which is here for Nsight Tegra VS since it won't use the Android toolchain file if(CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME STREQUAL "Tegra-Android") macro(find_host_package) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY NEVER) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE NEVER) if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) set(WIN32 1) set(UNIX) elseif(CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) set(APPLE 1) set(UNIX) endif() find_package(${ARGN}) set(WIN32) set(APPLE) set(UNIX 1) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM ONLY) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) endmacro() endif() else() unset(ANDROID_ABI CACHE) unset(ANDROID_API_MIN CACHE) unset(ANDROID_STL CACHE) unset(ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL CACHE) unset(ANDROID_NDK CACHE) endif() # Link SFML in the same way as TGUI, unless SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES is manually specified if (NOT DEFINED SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES) if (TGUI_SHARED_LIBS) set(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES FALSE) else() set(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES TRUE) endif() endif() # Attempt to find the SFML dependencies when linking statically if(NOT TGUI_SHARED_LIBS) if (SFML_ROOT) if (SFML_OS_WINDOWS) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/headers") if(ARCH_32BITS) if(SFML_COMPILER_MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1900) # older than VC++14 set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-msvc/x86") elseif(SFML_COMPILER_MSVC) # VC++14 or newer set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-msvc-universal/x86") else() # gcc set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-mingw/x86") endif() elseif(ARCH_64BITS) if(SFML_COMPILER_MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1900) # older than VC++14 set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-msvc/x64") elseif(SFML_COMPILER_MSVC) # VC++14 or newer set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-msvc-universal/x64") else() # gcc set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-mingw/x64") endif() endif() elseif(SFML_OS_MACOSX) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/headers") set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-osx/lib/") elseif(SFML_OS_ANDROID) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/sfml/extlibs/lib/armeabi/") elseif(SFML_OS_IOS) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} "${SFML_ROOT}/extlibs/libs-ios/") endif() endif() endif() # Find sfml (also look for the main component when using Visual Studio) if (SFML_OS_WINDOWS AND SFML_COMPILER_MSVC) find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS main graphics window system) elseif (SFML_OS_ANDROID) find_host_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS graphics window system) else() find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS graphics window system) endif() # FindSFML couldn't find SFML. if( NOT SFML_FOUND ) set( SFML_ROOT "" CACHE PATH "SFML root directory" ) message( FATAL_ERROR "CMake couldn't find SFML. Set the SFML_ROOT entry to SFML's root directory (containing \"include\" and \"lib\" directories)." ) endif() # Set the path for the libraries set( LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib" ) # Add the sfml and tgui include directories include_directories( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include" ) include_directories( ${SFML_INCLUDE_DIR} ) # OpenGL is required (due to a temporary fix) if (NOT TGUI_OPENGL_ES) find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) set(TGUI_EXT_LIBS ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY} ${SFML_LIBRARIES} ${SFML_DEPENDENCIES}) else() if (SFML_OS_LINUX) # Try to manually find the packages for when we are on Raspberry Pi find_path(EGL_INCLUDE_DIR EGL/egl.h PATHS /opt/vc/include) find_path(GLES_INCLUDE_DIR GLES/gl.h PATHS /opt/vc/include) find_library(EGL_LIBRARY NAMES EGL PATHS /opt/vc/lib) find_library(GLES_LIBRARY NAMES GLESv1_CM PATHS /opt/vc/lib) # Search on other places in case we did not find them yet find_package(EGL REQUIRED) find_package(GLES REQUIRED) add_definitions(-DSFML_OPENGL_ES) include_directories(${EGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GLES_INCLUDE_DIR}) elseif(SFML_OS_ANDROID) set(TGUI_EXT_LIBS ${SFML_LIBRARIES} ${SFML_DEPENDENCIES} "-lEGL -lGLESv1_CM") endif() endif() # We need to link to an extra library on android (to use the asset manager) if(SFML_OS_ANDROID) set(TGUI_EXT_LIBS ${TGUI_EXT_LIBS} "-landroid") endif() # Generate .gcno files when requested if (TGUI_BUILD_TESTS AND TGUI_USE_GCOV) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-fprofile-arcs) tgui_add_cxx_flag(-ftest-coverage) endif() # Jump to the CMakeLists.txt file in the source folder add_subdirectory(src/TGUI) # Install the themes on linux if (SFML_OS_LINUX) install( DIRECTORY themes DESTINATION "${INSTALL_MISC_DIR}" ) endif() # Build the documentation when requested if (TGUI_BUILD_DOC) add_subdirectory(doc) endif() # Build the examples if requested if (TGUI_BUILD_EXAMPLES) add_subdirectory(examples) endif() # Build the tests if requested if (TGUI_BUILD_TESTS) if (NOT ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} STREQUAL "Debug") message(FATAL_ERROR "TGUI_BUILD_TESTS should only be enabled when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug") endif() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() # Build the GUI Builder if requested if (TGUI_BUILD_GUI_BUILDER) add_subdirectory("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/gui-builder") endif() # Install include files if (NOT TGUI_BUILD_FRAMEWORK) install(DIRECTORY include DESTINATION . COMPONENT devel FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.hpp" PATTERN "*.inl") endif() # Install FindTGUI.cmake file if(NOT SFML_OS_ANDROID) install(FILES cmake/Modules/FindTGUI.cmake DESTINATION "${INSTALL_MISC_DIR}/cmake/Modules") endif() # Install so the NDK knows how to set up TGUI if(SFML_OS_ANDROID) install(FILES DESTINATION .) endif() # Fix CMake install rules broken for iOS (see if(SFML_OS_IOS) install(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib/\$ENV{CONFIGURATION}/" DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX}) endif()