scite_require 'debugger.lua' local find = string.find local sub = string.sub local GTK = scite_GetProp('PLAT_GTK') local p_pattern = '^= ' local function print_process(s,dbg) s = s:sub(3) display(dbg.last_arg..' = '..s) end -- special actions for commands which require postprocessing local postprocess_command = { eval = {pattern=p_pattern, action=print_process, single_pattern=true}, } Remdebug = class(Dbg) -- RemDebug is now only used for _remote connections_ if Clidebug is also registered! function Remdebug.discriminator(target) return find(target,':') == 1 end function Remdebug:init(root) self.prompt = 'DBG' self.no_target_ext = false self.cmd_file = root..'/dbg.cmd' self.detect_start = '^Run the program you wish to debug' -- find out where the Lua executable is; you can use the debug.lua property if it isn't the same -- as your lua executable specified in self.lua = scite_GetProp("debug.lua") if not self.lua then self.lua = scite_GetProp('command.go.*.lua'):match('^(%w+)') end -- this is added to the package.path of the Lua program self.remdebug_path = scite_GetProp('remdebug.path',extman_Path()..'/remDebug') self.no_quit_confirm = true local drive = ''; if not GTK then drive = '[a-zA-Z]:' end self.break_line = '^Paused at file (''/[^%s]+)%sline%s(%d+)' self.silent_command = {} self.postprocess_command = postprocess_command end local function backslash(path) return path:gsub('\\','/') end function Remdebug:handle_debug_start() if not'^:remote') then local cmd = self.lua..' -e "package.path=\''..backslash(self.remdebug_path) cmd = cmd..'/?.lua;\'..package.path" -l remdebug '' '..self:parameter_string() print(cmd) print 'spawning...' ts = ts:set_output('trace') ts:run() end end -- '%s -e "package.path=%s" -l remdebug %s' local GTK = scite_GetProp('PLAT_GTK') function Remdebug:command_line(target) = target local rpath = self.remdebug_path return self.lua..' -e "_DPROMPT=\'DBG\\n\'" '..rpath..'/controller.lua '..self.cmd_file end function Remdebug:dump_breakpoints(out) for b in Breakpoints() do out:write('setb '..b.file:gsub('\\','/')..' '..b.line..'\n') end end function Remdebug:run_program(out,parms) out:write('run\n') end function Remdebug:step() dbg_command('step') end function Remdebug:step_over() dbg_command('over') end function Remdebug:continue() dbg_command('run') end function Remdebug:quit() dbg_command('exec os.exit(0)') end function Remdebug:inspect(word) dbg_command('eval',word) end function Remdebug:set_breakpoint(file,lno) dbg_command('setb',file..' '..lno) end function Remdebug:clear_breakpoint(file,line,num) if file then -- this function will only pass us the filename part, not the path! dbg_command('delb',fullpath(file)..' '..line) else print ('no breakpoint at '..file..':'..line) end end function Remdebug:backtrace(count) end function Remdebug:finish() end function Remdebug:locals() dbg_command('locals') end function Remdebug:detect_program_end(line) return find(line,'^Program finished') end register_debugger('remdebug','lua',Remdebug)