scite_require 'debugger.lua' local find = string.find local sub = string.sub local GTK = scite_GetProp('PLAT_GTK') -- there are several Windows oddities which we have to work around. The spawner will -- only do python if the -i flag is supplied. Because of bad stderr/stdout synchronization, -- the line break pattern can actually get split up, so we use a win32-specific pattern. local exec_break_pattern local flag if GTK then exec_break_pattern = '^> ([^%(]+)%((%d+)%)' flag = '' else exec_break_pattern = '(%a:[^%(]+)%((%d+)%)' flag = '-i ' end local where_pattern = '^[>%s] ([^%(]+)%((%d+)%)' function where_process(s) print(s) end local p_pattern = '.*' function p_process(s,dbg) if sub(s,1,3) ~= '***' then display(dbg.last_arg.." = "..s) end end -- special actions for commands which require postprocessing local postprocess_command = { where = {pattern=where_pattern,action=where_process}, p = {pattern=p_pattern, action=p_process, single_pattern=true}, } Pydb = class(Dbg) function Pydb:init(root) self.prompt = '(PDB)' self.no_target_ext = false self.cmd_file = '.pdbrc' self.no_quit_confirm = true self.skip_system_extension = ".py" self.check_skip_always = true self.xpdb = quote_if_needed(extman_Path()..'/') self.silent_command = {} self.postprocess_command = postprocess_command self.started = false end function Pydb:command_line(target) return 'python '..flag..self.xpdb..' '' '..self:parameter_string() end function Pydb:run_program(out,parms) end function Pydb:backtrace(count) dbg_command('where') end function Pydb:inspect(word) dbg_command('p',word) end function Dbg:finish() dbg_command('return') end function Pydb:find_execution_break(line) local _,_,file,lineno = find(line,exec_break_pattern) if _ and file ~= '' then -- a little hack necessary.... -- an attempt to make pydb restart at the first line - why not work? -- --~ if not self.started then --~ self.started = true --~ self:continue() --~ end return file,lineno end end function Pydb:detect_program_end(line) local res = (find(line,'^The program exited') or find(line,'^The program finished and will not be restarted')) return res,true end function Pydb:detect_program_crash(line) return find(line,'^Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging') end register_debugger('pygdb','py',Pydb)