------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- includes a new tostring function that handles tables recursively -- -- @author Danilo Tuler (tuler@ideais.com.br) -- @author Andre Carregal (info@keplerproject.org) -- @author Thiago Costa Ponte (thiago@ideais.com.br) -- -- @copyright 2004-2011 Kepler Project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local type, table, string, _tostring, tonumber = type, table, string, tostring, tonumber local select = select local error = error local format = string.format module("logging") -- Meta information _COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Kepler Project" _DESCRIPTION = "A simple API to use logging features in Lua" _VERSION = "LuaLogging 1.2.0" -- The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained instring.formational events that are most -- useful to debug an application DEBUG = "DEBUG" -- The INFO level designates instring.formational messages that highlight the -- progress of the application at coarse-grained level INFO = "INFO" -- The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations WARN = "WARN" -- The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the -- application to continue running ERROR = "ERROR" -- The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably -- lead the application to abort FATAL = "FATAL" local LEVEL = {"DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL"} local MAX_LEVELS = #LEVEL -- make level names to order for i=1,MAX_LEVELS do LEVEL[LEVEL[i]] = i end -- private log function, with support for formating a complex log message. local function LOG_MSG(self, level, fmt, ...) local f_type = type(fmt) if f_type == 'string' then if select('#', ...) > 0 then return self:append(level, format(fmt, ...)) else -- only a single string, no formating needed. return self:append(level, fmt) end elseif f_type == 'function' then -- fmt should be a callable function which returns the message to log return self:append(level, fmt(...)) end -- fmt is not a string and not a function, just call tostring() on it. return self:append(level, tostring(fmt)) end -- create the proxy functions for each log level. local LEVEL_FUNCS = {} for i=1,MAX_LEVELS do local level = LEVEL[i] LEVEL_FUNCS[i] = function(self, ...) -- no level checking needed here, this function will only be called if it's level is active. return LOG_MSG(self, level, ...) end end -- do nothing function for disabled levels. local function disable_level() end -- improved assertion funciton. local function assert(exp, ...) -- if exp is true, we are finished so don't do any processing of the parameters if exp then return exp, ... end -- assertion failed, raise error error(format(...), 2) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates a new logger object -- @param append Function used by the logger to append a message with a -- log-level to the log stream. -- @return Table representing the new logger object. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function new(append) if type(append) ~= "function" then return nil, "Appender must be a function." end local logger = {} logger.append = append logger.setLevel = function (self, level) local order = LEVEL[level] assert(order, "undefined level `%s'", _tostring(level)) self.level = level self.level_order = order -- enable/disable levels for i=1,MAX_LEVELS do local name = LEVEL[i]:lower() if i >= order then self[name] = LEVEL_FUNCS[i] else self[name] = disable_level end end end -- generic log function. logger.log = function (self, level, ...) local order = LEVEL[level] assert(order, "undefined level `%s'", _tostring(level)) if order < self.level_order then return end return LOG_MSG(self, level, ...) end -- initialize log level. logger:setLevel(DEBUG) return logger end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prepares the log message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function prepareLogMsg(pattern, dt, level, message) local logMsg = pattern or "%date %level %message\n" message = string.gsub(message, "%%", "%%%%") logMsg = string.gsub(logMsg, "%%date", dt) logMsg = string.gsub(logMsg, "%%level", level) logMsg = string.gsub(logMsg, "%%message", message) return logMsg end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Converts a Lua value to a string -- -- Converts Table fields in alphabetical order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tostring(value) local str = '' if (type(value) ~= 'table') then if (type(value) == 'string') then str = string.format("%q", value) else str = _tostring(value) end else local auxTable = {} table.foreach(value, function(i, v) if (tonumber(i) ~= i) then table.insert(auxTable, i) else table.insert(auxTable, tostring(i)) end end) table.sort(auxTable) str = str..'{' local separator = "" local entry = "" table.foreachi (auxTable, function (i, fieldName) if ((tonumber(fieldName)) and (tonumber(fieldName) > 0)) then entry = tostring(value[tonumber(fieldName)]) else entry = fieldName.." = "..tostring(value[fieldName]) end str = str..separator..entry separator = ", " end) str = str..'}' end return str end