require("LuaXML_lib") local base = _G local xml = xml module("xml") -- symbolic name for tag index, this allows accessing the tag by var[xml.TAG] TAG = 0 -- sets or returns tag of a LuaXML object function tag(var,tag) if base.type(var)~="table" then return end if base.type(tag)=="nil" then return var[TAG] end var[TAG] = tag end -- creates a new LuaXML object either by setting the metatable of an existing Lua table or by setting its tag function new(arg) if base.type(arg)=="table" then base.setmetatable(arg,{__index=xml, __tostring=xml.str}) return arg end local var={} base.setmetatable(var,{__index=xml, __tostring=xml.str}) if base.type(arg)=="string" then var[TAG]=arg end return var end -- appends a new subordinate LuaXML object to an existing one, optionally sets tag function append(var,tag) if base.type(var)~="table" then return end local newVar = new(tag) var[#var+1] = newVar return newVar end -- converts any Lua var into an XML string function str(var,indent,tagValue) if base.type(var)=="nil" then return end local indent = indent or 0 local indentStr="" for i = 1,indent do indentStr=indentStr.." " end local tableStr="" if base.type(var)=="table" then local tag = var[0] or tagValue or base.type(var) local s = indentStr.."<"..tag for k,v in base.pairs(var) do -- attributes if base.type(k)=="string" then if base.type(v)=="table" and k~="_M" then -- otherwise recursiveness imminent tableStr = tableStr..str(v,indent+1,k) else s = s.." "..k.."=\""..encode(base.tostring(v)).."\"" end end end if #var==0 and #tableStr==0 then s = s.." />\n" elseif #var==1 and base.type(var[1])~="table" and #tableStr==0 then -- single element s = s..">"..encode(base.tostring(var[1])).."\n" else s = s..">\n" for k,v in base.ipairs(var) do -- elements if base.type(v)=="string" then s = s..indentStr.." "..encode(v).." \n" else s = s..str(v,indent+1) end end s=s..tableStr..indentStr.."\n" end return s else local tag = base.type(var) return indentStr.."<"..tag.."> "..encode(base.tostring(var)).." \n" end end -- saves a Lua var as xml file function save(var,filename) if not var then return end if not filename or #filename==0 then return end local file =,"w") file:write("\n\n\n") file:write(str(var)) end -- recursively parses a Lua table for a substatement fitting to the provided tag and attribute function find(var, tag, attributeKey,attributeValue) -- check input: if base.type(var)~="table" then return end if base.type(tag)=="string" and #tag==0 then tag=nil end if base.type(attributeKey)~="string" or #attributeKey==0 then attributeKey=nil end if base.type(attributeValue)=="string" and #attributeValue==0 then attributeValue=nil end -- compare this table: if tag~=nil then if var[0]==tag and ( attributeValue == nil or var[attributeKey]==attributeValue ) then base.setmetatable(var,{__index=xml, __tostring=xml.str}) return var end else if attributeValue == nil or var[attributeKey]==attributeValue then base.setmetatable(var,{__index=xml, __tostring=xml.str}) return var end end -- recursively parse subtags: for k,v in base.ipairs(var) do if base.type(v)=="table" then local ret = find(v, tag, attributeKey,attributeValue) if ret ~= nil then return ret end end end end