Lua-GD, the gd bindings for the Lua Programming Language (c) 2004-06 Alexandre Erwin Ittner These are the Windows binaries for Lua-GD for Lua 5.1, compiled with mingw32 3.4.4. These binaries also work with LuaJit 1.1.0. GD and its dependencies were included in the distribution package for convenience. Please refer to 'README' For non-win32 specific information. + Licensing Each library has its own license. Please carefully read the following files: gd-license.txt libfreetype-license.txt libjpeg-license.txt libpng-license.txt zlib-license.txt + Instalation There is no automatic installation procedure for Windows. You must copy the following DLLs to somewhere in your system path: freetype6.dll jpeg62.dll libgd2.dll libiconv2.dll libpng13.dll xpm4.dll zlib1.dll and, finally, copy the file "gd.dll" to your Lua binary package directory. + URLs Lua-GD: Lua binaries: GD binaries: