-- Snowdrift 0.1.1 by paramat -- For latest stable Minetest and back to 0.4.6 -- Depends default -- Licenses: Code WTFPL. Textures CC BY-SA. -- This is intended to be used as alternative snowfall for the snow mod by Splizard. -- The code is partly derived from weather mod by Jeija and snow mod version 1.8 by Splizard. -- Parameters local MAXCHA = 1 -- (0 to 1) Maximum per globalstep chance of processing a player. Controls snow density and processing load. local SEED1 = 112 -- 112 -- These 5 parameters should match the values you use in snow mod. local OCTA1 = 3 -- 3 local PERS1 = 0.5 -- 0.5 local SCAL1 = 256 -- 150 -- Large scale size of snow biomes. local SNOTHR = 0.4 -- 0.53 -- Perlin noise > SNOTHR for snow biome. -- Stuff snowdrift = {} -- Globalstep function minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do if math.random() > MAXCHA then return end local ppos = player:getpos() if minetest.env:get_node_light(ppos, 0.5) ~= 15 then return end local perlin1 = minetest.env:get_perlin(SEED1, OCTA1, PERS1, SCAL1) local noise1 = perlin1:get2d({x = ppos.x, y = ppos.z}) local biome = noise1 - SNOTHR if math.random() > biome then return end local posi = {x = ppos.x - 64 + math.random(0, 128), y= ppos.y + 16, z= ppos.z - 48 + math.random(0, 128)} local velo = {x = math.random() / 5 - 0.1, y = math.random() / 5 - 1.1, z = math.random() / 5 - 1.1} local acce = {x = math.random() / 50 - 0.01, y = math.random() / 50 - 0.01, z = math.random() / 50 - 0.01} minetest.add_particle( posi, velo, acce, 32, 2.8, false, "snowdrift_snowflake1.png", player:get_player_name()) local posi = {x = ppos.x - 64 + math.random(0, 128), y= ppos.y + 16, z= ppos.z - 48 + math.random(0, 128)} local velo = {x = math.random() / 5 - 0.1, y = math.random() / 5 - 1.1, z = math.random() / 5 - 1.1} local acce = {x = math.random() / 50 - 0.01, y = math.random() / 50 - 0.01, z = math.random() / 50 - 0.01} minetest.add_particle( posi, velo, acce, 32, 2.8, false, "snowdrift_snowflake2.png", player:get_player_name()) end end)