function flexrealm_appletree(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_tree = minetest.get_content_id("default:tree") local c_apple = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:apple") local c_leaves = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:leaves") if nodrot == 12 then for i = -1, 5 do if i >= 3 and i <= 5 then for j = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i + 1, y + j, z + k) if math.random(48) == 2 then data[vil] = c_apple p2data[vil] = nodrot elseif math.random(5) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_leaves p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x + i, y, z) data[vit] = c_tree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 16 then for i = -1, 5 do if i >= 3 and i <= 5 then for j = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x - i - 1, y + j, z + k) if math.random(48) == 2 then data[vil] = c_apple p2data[vil] = nodrot elseif math.random(5) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_leaves p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x - i, y, z) data[vit] = c_tree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 0 then for j = -1, 5 do if j >= 3 and j <= 5 then for i = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j + 1, z + k) if math.random(48) == 2 then data[vil] = c_apple p2data[vil] = nodrot elseif math.random(5) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_leaves p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y + j, z) data[vit] = c_tree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 20 then for j = -1, 5 do if j >= 3 and j <= 5 then for i = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y - j - 1, z + k) if math.random(48) == 2 then data[vil] = c_apple p2data[vil] = nodrot elseif math.random(5) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_leaves p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y - j, z) data[vit] = c_tree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 4 then for k = -1, 5 do if k >= 3 and k <= 5 then for i = -2, 2 do for j = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j, z + k + 1) if math.random(48) == 2 then data[vil] = c_apple p2data[vil] = nodrot elseif math.random(5) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_leaves p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y, z + k) data[vit] = c_tree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 8 then for k = -1, 5 do if k >= 3 and k <= 5 then for i = -2, 2 do for j = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j, z - k - 1) if math.random(48) == 2 then data[vil] = c_apple p2data[vil] = nodrot elseif math.random(5) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_leaves p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y, z - k) data[vit] = c_tree p2data[vit] = nodrot end end end function flexrealm_pinetree(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_tree = minetest.get_content_id("default:pinetree") local c_needles = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:pine_needles") local c_snowblock = minetest.get_content_id("default:snowblock") end function flexrealm_jungletree(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_juntree = minetest.get_content_id("default:jungletree") local c_junleaf = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:jungleleaves") if nodrot == 12 then for i = -4, 17 do if i == 11 or i == 12 or i == 16 or i == 17 then for j = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j, z + k) if math.random(4) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_junleaf p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x + i, y, z) data[vit] = c_juntree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 16 then for i = -4, 17 do if i == 11 or i == 12 or i == 16 or i == 17 then for j = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x - i, y + j, z + k) if math.random(4) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_junleaf p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x - i, y, z) data[vit] = c_juntree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 0 then for j = -4, 17 do if j == 11 or j == 12 or j == 16 or j == 17 then for i = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j, z + k) if math.random(4) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_junleaf p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y + j, z) data[vit] = c_juntree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 20 then for j = -4, 17 do if j == 11 or j == 12 or j == 16 or j == 17 then for i = -2, 2 do for k = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y - j, z + k) if math.random(4) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_junleaf p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y - j, z) data[vit] = c_juntree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 4 then for k = -4, 17 do if k == 11 or k == 12 or k == 16 or k == 17 then for i = -2, 2 do for j = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j, z + k) if math.random(4) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_junleaf p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y, z + k) data[vit] = c_juntree p2data[vit] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 8 then for k = -4, 17 do if k == 11 or k == 12 or k == 16 or k == 17 then for i = -2, 2 do for j = -2, 2 do local vil = area:index(x + i, y + j, z - k) if math.random(4) ~= 2 then data[vil] = c_junleaf p2data[vil] = nodrot end end end end local vit = area:index(x, y, z - k) data[vit] = c_juntree p2data[vit] = nodrot end end end function flexrealm_grass(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_grass1 = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:grass_1") local c_grass2 = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:grass_2") local c_grass3 = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:grass_3") local c_grass4 = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:grass_4") local c_grass5 = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:grass_5") local via if nodrot == 12 then via = area:index(x + 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 16 then via = area:index(x - 1 , y, z) elseif nodrot == 0 then via = area:index(x, y + 1, z) elseif nodrot == 20 then via = area:index(x, y - 1, z) elseif nodrot == 4 then via = area:index(x, y, z + 1) elseif nodrot == 8 then via = area:index(x, y, z - 1) end local rand = math.random(5) if rand == 1 then data[via] = c_grass1 elseif rand == 2 then data[via] = c_grass2 elseif rand == 3 then data[via] = c_grass3 elseif rand == 4 then data[via] = c_grass4 else data[via] = c_grass5 end p2data[via] = nodrot end function flexrealm_dryshrub(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_dryshrub = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:dry_shrub") local via if nodrot == 12 then via = area:index(x + 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 16 then via = area:index(x - 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 0 then via = area:index(x , y + 1, z) elseif nodrot == 20 then via = area:index(x , y - 1, z) elseif nodrot == 4 then via = area:index(x , y , z + 1) elseif nodrot == 8 then via = area:index(x , y , z - 1) end data[via] = c_dryshrub p2data[via] = nodrot end function flexrealm_jungrass(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_jungrass = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:junglegrass") local via if nodrot == 12 then via = area:index(x + 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 16 then via = area:index(x - 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 0 then via = area:index(x , y + 1, z) elseif nodrot == 20 then via = area:index(x , y - 1, z) elseif nodrot == 4 then via = area:index(x , y , z + 1) elseif nodrot == 8 then via = area:index(x , y , z - 1) end data[via] = c_jungrass p2data[via] = nodrot end function flexrealm_papyrus(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_papyrus = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:papyrus") local ph = math.random(2, 5) if nodrot == 12 then for i = 1, ph do local vip = area:index(x + i, y, z) data[vip] = c_papyrus p2data[vip] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 16 then for i = 1, ph do local vip = area:index(x - i, y, z) data[vip] = c_papyrus p2data[vip] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 0 then for j = 1, ph do local vip = area:index(x, y + j, z) data[vip] = c_papyrus p2data[vip] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 20 then for j = 1, ph do local vip = area:index(x, y - j, z) data[vip] = c_papyrus p2data[vip] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 4 then for k = 1, ph do local vip = area:index(x, y, z + k) data[vip] = c_papyrus p2data[vip] = nodrot end elseif nodrot == 8 then for k = 1, ph do local vip = area:index(x, y, z - k) data[vip] = c_papyrus p2data[vip] = nodrot end end end function flexrealm_flower(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_danwhi = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:dandelion_white") local c_danyel = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:dandelion_yellow") local c_rose = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:rose") local c_tulip = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:tulip") local c_geranium = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:geranium") local c_viola = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:viola") local via if nodrot == 12 then via = area:index(x + 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 16 then via = area:index(x - 1, y, z) elseif nodrot == 0 then via = area:index(x , y + 1, z) elseif nodrot == 20 then via = area:index(x , y - 1, z) elseif nodrot == 4 then via = area:index(x , y , z + 1) elseif nodrot == 8 then via = area:index(x , y , z - 1) end local rand = math.random(6) if rand == 1 then data[via] = c_danwhi elseif rand == 2 then data[via] = c_rose elseif rand == 3 then data[via] = c_tulip elseif rand == 4 then data[via] = c_danyel elseif rand == 5 then data[via] = c_geranium else data[via] = c_viola end p2data[via] = nodrot end function flexrealm_cactus(x, y, z, nodrot, area, data, p2data) local c_cactus = minetest.get_content_id("flexrealm:cactus") if nodrot == 12 then for i = -1, 5 do for j = -2, 2 do if j == 0 or i == 3 or (i == 4 and math.abs(j) == 2) then local vic = area:index(x + i, y + j, z) data[vic] = c_cactus p2data[vic] = nodrot end end end elseif nodrot == 16 then for i = -1, 5 do for j = -2, 2 do if j == 0 or i == 3 or (i == 4 and math.abs(j) == 2) then local vic = area:index(x - i, y + j, z) data[vic] = c_cactus p2data[vic] = nodrot end end end elseif nodrot == 0 then for j = -1, 5 do for i = -2, 2 do if i == 0 or j == 3 or (j == 4 and math.abs(i) == 2) then local vic = area:index(x + i, y + j, z) data[vic] = c_cactus p2data[vic] = nodrot end end end elseif nodrot == 20 then for j = -1, 5 do for i = -2, 2 do if i == 0 or j == 3 or (j == 4 and math.abs(i) == 2) then local vic = area:index(x + i, y - j, z) data[vic] = c_cactus p2data[vic] = nodrot end end end elseif nodrot == 4 then for k = -1, 5 do for i = -2, 2 do if i == 0 or k == 3 or (k == 4 and math.abs(i) == 2) then local vic = area:index(x + i, y, z + k) data[vic] = c_cactus p2data[vic] = nodrot end end end elseif nodrot == 8 then for k = -1, 5 do for i = -2, 2 do if i == 0 or k == 3 or (k == 4 and math.abs(i) == 2) then local vic = area:index(x + i, y, z - k) data[vic] = c_cactus p2data[vic] = nodrot end end end end end