local register_on_receive = minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_message or minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_messages if not register_on_receive then return end local colorize = minetest.colorize local mod_name = minetest.get_current_modname() local function log(level, messagefmt, ...) minetest.log(level, ("[%s] %s"):format(mod_name, messagefmt:format(...))) end log("action", "CSM loading...") -- configurable values -- local ignore_messages = { "Not chiselable", "You are now a human", "You are now a werewolf", --"Werewolves only can eat raw meat!", "You missed the snake", "Nothing to replace.", "Node replacement tool set to:", "Your hit glanced off of the protection and turned you around. The protection deals you 1 damage.", "Error: \"nothing\" is not a node.", ">>> You missed <<<", } local function escape_regex(x) return (x:gsub("%%", "%%%%") :gsub("^%^", "%%^") :gsub("%$$", "%%$") :gsub("%(", "%%(") :gsub("%)", "%%)") :gsub("%.", "%%.") :gsub("%[", "%%[") :gsub("%]", "%%]") :gsub("%*", "%%*") :gsub("%+", "%%+") :gsub("%-", "%%-") :gsub("%?", "%%?")) end local function should_ignore(text) for _, ignore_message in ipairs(ignore_messages) do local match, _ = text:match("(" .. escape_regex(ignore_message) .. ")") if match and match ~= "" then return true end end return false end local PER_SERVER = true -- set to false if you want to use the same player statuses on all servers local AUTO_ALERT_ON_NAME = true -- set to false if you don't want messages that mention you to highlight automatically local COLOR_BY_STATUS = { default="#888888", -- don't remove or change the name of this status! server="#FF9900", -- don't remove or change the name of this status! self="#FF8888", -- don't remove or change the name of this status! -- these can be changed to your liking. -- TODO: make these configurable in game? secretz="#000000", admin="#88FFFF", privileged="#00FFFF", poweruser="#55FFAA", ally="#00FF55", friend="#00FF00", acquaintance="#55FF00", contact="#AAFF00", noob="#FFFF00", trouble="#FF0000", rival="#FF0088", other="#FF00FF", } local LIGHTEN_TEXT_BY = .8 -- 0 == same color as status; 1 == pure white. local DATE_FORMAT = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" -- END configurable values -- -- general functions -- local function safe(func) -- wrap a function w/ logic to avoid crashing the game local f = function(...) local status, out = pcall(func, ...) if status then return out else log("warning", "Error (func): " .. out) return nil end end return f end local function lc_cmp(a, b) return a:lower() < b:lower() end local function pairsByKeys(t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end end local function round(x) -- approved by kahan if x % 2 ~= 0.5 then return math.floor(x+0.5) else return x - 0.5 end end local function bound(min, val, max) return math.min(max, math.max(min, val)) end local function lighten(hex_color, percent) -- lighten a hexcolor (#XXXXXX) by a percent (0.0=none, 1.0=full white) local r = tonumber(hex_color:sub(2,3), 16) local g = tonumber(hex_color:sub(4,5), 16) local b = tonumber(hex_color:sub(6,7), 16) r = bound(0, round(((1 - percent) * r) + (percent * 255)), 255) g = bound(0, round(((1 - percent) * g) + (percent * 255)), 255) b = bound(0, round(((1 - percent) * b) + (percent * 255)), 255) return ("#%02x%02x%02x"):format(r, g, b) end local function get_date_string() return os.date(DATE_FORMAT, os.time()) end -- END general functions -- -- mod_storage access -- local mod_storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local server_id if PER_SERVER then local server_info = minetest.get_server_info() server_id = server_info.address .. ":" .. server_info.port else server_id = "" end -- -- mod_storage: status_by_name -- -- local status_by_name local function load_status_by_name() local serialized_storage = mod_storage:get_string(server_id) if string.find(serialized_storage, "return") then return minetest.deserialize(serialized_storage) else mod_storage:set_string(server_id, minetest.serialize({})) return {} end end local function save_status_by_name() mod_storage:set_string(server_id, minetest.serialize(status_by_name)) end status_by_name = load_status_by_name() local function get_name_status(name) return status_by_name[name] or "default" end local function set_name_status(name, status) status_by_name = load_status_by_name() status_by_name[name] = status save_status_by_name() end -- -- END mod_storage: status_by_name -- -- -- -- mod_storage: alert_patterns -- -- local alert_patterns local function load_alert_patterns() local serialized_storage = mod_storage:get_string(("%s:alert_patterns"):format(server_id)) if string.find(serialized_storage, "return") then return minetest.deserialize(serialized_storage) else mod_storage:set_string(("%s:alert_patterns"):format(server_id), minetest.serialize({})) return {} end end local function save_alert_patterns() mod_storage:set_string(("%s:alert_patterns"):format(server_id), minetest.serialize(alert_patterns)) end alert_patterns = load_alert_patterns() local function add_alert_pattern(pattern) alert_patterns = load_alert_patterns() alert_patterns[pattern] = true save_alert_patterns() end local function remove_alert_pattern(pattern) alert_patterns = load_alert_patterns() alert_patterns[pattern] = nil save_alert_patterns() end -- -- END mod_storage: alert_patterns -- -- -- -- mod_storage: disabled_servers -- -- local disabled_servers local function load_disabled_servers() local serialized_storage = mod_storage:get_string("disabled_servers") if string.find(serialized_storage, "return") then return minetest.deserialize(serialized_storage) else local ds = {[""] = true } -- disable on IFS by default mod_storage:set_string("disabled_servers", minetest.serialize(ds)) return ds end end local function save_disabled_servers() mod_storage:set_string("disabled_servers", minetest.serialize(disabled_servers)) end disabled_servers = load_disabled_servers() local function toggle_disable_this_server() local current_status disabled_servers = load_disabled_servers() if disabled_servers[server_id] then disabled_servers[server_id] = nil current_status = false else disabled_servers[server_id] = true current_status = true end save_disabled_servers() return current_status end -- -- END mod_storage: disabled_servers -- -- -- END mod_storage access -- -- initalization -- local set_my_name_tries = 0 local function set_my_name() local name if minetest.localplayer then name = minetest.localplayer:get_name() log("action", ("you are %s"):format(name)) set_name_status(name, "self") if AUTO_ALERT_ON_NAME then add_alert_pattern(name) end elseif set_my_name_tries < 20 then set_my_name_tries = set_my_name_tries + 1 minetest.after(1, set_my_name) else log("warning", "could not determine name!") end end if minetest.register_on_connect then minetest.register_on_connect(set_my_name) elseif minetest.register_on_mods_loaded then minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(set_my_name) else minetest.after(1, set_my_name) end -- END initalization -- -- chat commands -- minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_toggle", { description = ("turn %s on/off for this server"):format(mod_name), func = safe(function() local current_status = toggle_disable_this_server() if current_status then current_status = "off" else current_status = "on" end minetest.display_chat_message(("%s is now %s for server "%s""):format(mod_name, current_status, server_id)) end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_statuses", { description = "list statuses", func = safe(function() for name, color in pairsByKeys(COLOR_BY_STATUS) do if name and color then minetest.display_chat_message(colorize(color, ("%s: %s"):format(name, color))) end end end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_set", { params = " ", description = "associate a name w/ a status", func = safe(function(param) local name, status = param:match("^(%S+)%s+(%S+)$") if name ~= nil then if not COLOR_BY_STATUS[status] then minetest.display_chat_message(colorize("#FF0000", ("unknown status \"%s\""):format(status))) return false end set_name_status(name, status) minetest.display_chat_message(colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS[status], ("%s is now %s"):format(name, status))) return true else minetest.display_chat_message(colorize("#FF0000", "invalid syntax")) return false end end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_unset", { params = "", description = "unregister a name", func = safe(function(name) set_name_status(name, nil) minetest.display_chat_message(colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, ("unregistered %s"):format(name))) end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_list", { description = "list all statuses", func = safe(function() for name, status in pairsByKeys(status_by_name, lc_cmp) do local color = COLOR_BY_STATUS[status] or COLOR_BY_STATUS.default minetest.display_chat_message(colorize(color, ("%s: %s"):format(name, status))) end end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_alert_list", { description = "list all alert patterns", func = safe(function() for pattern, _ in pairsByKeys(alert_patterns, lc_cmp) do minetest.display_chat_message(colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, pattern)) end end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_alert_set", { params = "", description = "alert on a given pattern", func = safe(function(pattern) add_alert_pattern(pattern) end), }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ch_alert_unset", { params = "", description = "no longer alert on a given pattern", func = safe(function(pattern) remove_alert_pattern(pattern) end), }) -- END chat commands -- local function clean_android(msg) -- supposedly, android surrounds messages with (c@#ffffff) if msg:sub(1, 4) == "(c@#" then -- strip preceeding msg = msg:sub(msg:find(")") + 1, -1) if msg:sub(-11, -8) == "(c@#" then -- strip trailing msg = msg:sub(-11) end end return msg end local function clean_weird_crap(msg) -- client side translation stuff in 5.5? msg = msg:gsub("\27%(T@[^%)]+%)", "") msg = msg:gsub("\27.", "") return msg end local function get_color_by_name(name) local _ name, _ = name:match("^([^@]+).*$") -- strip @... from IRC users name, _ = name:match("^([^[]+).*$") -- strip [m] from matrix users local status = get_name_status(name) return COLOR_BY_STATUS[status] or COLOR_BY_STATUS.default end local function color_name(name) local color = get_color_by_name(name) return colorize(color, name) end local function color_names(names, delim) local sorted_names = {} for name in names:gmatch("[%w_%-]+") do table.insert(sorted_names, name) end table.sort(sorted_names, lc_cmp) for i, name in ipairs(sorted_names) do sorted_names[i] = color_name(name) end return table.concat(sorted_names, delim) end local function color_text(name, text) for pattern, _ in pairs(alert_patterns) do if text:lower():match(pattern:lower()) then minetest.sound_play("default_dug_metal") return colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.self, text) end end local color = get_color_by_name(name) if color == COLOR_BY_STATUS.default then return colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.default, text) else color = lighten(color, LIGHTEN_TEXT_BY) return colorize(color, text) end end local function idiv(a, b) return (a - (a % b)) / b end local function seconds_to_interval(time) local s = time % 60; time = idiv(time, 60) local m = time % 60; time = idiv(time, 60) local h = time % 24; time = idiv(time, 24) if time ~= 0 then return ("%d days %02d:%02d:%02d"):format(time, h, m, s) elseif h ~= 0 then return ("%02d:%02d:%02d"):format(h, m, s) elseif m ~= 0 then return ("%02d:%02d"):format(m, s) else return ("%d seconds"):format(s) end end local function sort_privs(text) local sorted_privs = {} for priv in text:gmatch("[%w_%-]+") do table.insert(sorted_privs, priv) end table.sort(sorted_privs, lc_cmp) return table.concat(sorted_privs, ", ") end local t = { -- SORT PRIVILEGES {"^Privileges of ([^:]+): (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( color_text(name, "Privileges of "), color_name(name), color_text(name, ": "), color_text(name, sort_privs(text)) ) end}, -- join/part messages {"^%*%*%* (%S+) (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s %s %s"):format( color_text(name, "***"), color_name(name), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- yl discord messages {"^<([^|%s]+)|([^>%s]+)>%s+(.*)$", function(source, name, text) return ("%s%s%s%s%s %s"):format( color_text(name, "<"), color_text(name, source), color_text(name, "|"), color_name(name), color_text(name, ">"), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- normal messages {"^<([^>%s]+)>%s+(.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s %s"):format( color_text(name, "<"), color_name(name), color_text(name, ">"), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- YL chatroom stuff -- {"^\[([^@]+}@([^\]]+)\] (.*)$", function(name, channel, text) -- return ("%s%s%s %s"):format( -- color_text(name, "["), -- color_name(name), -- color_text(name, "@"), -- color_name(channel), -- color_text(name, "]"), -- color_text(name, text) -- ) -- end}, -- YL announce {"^(%[[^%]]+%])%s(.*)$", function(t1, t2) return ("%s %s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, t1), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, t2) ) end}, -- prefixed messages {"^(%S+)%s+<([^>]+)>%s+(.*)$", function(prefix, name, text) return ("%s %s%s%s %s"):format( color_text(name, prefix), color_text(name, "<"), color_name(name), color_text(name, ">"), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- Empire of Legends messages {"^<(%S+)%s+([^>]+)>%s+(.*)$", function(prefix, name, text) return ("%s%s %s%s %s"):format( color_text(name, "<"), color_text(name, prefix), color_name(name), color_text(name, ">"), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- /me messages {"^%* (%S+) (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s %s %s"):format( color_text(name, "*"), color_name(name), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- /msg messages {"^[DP]M from (%S+): (.*)$", function(name, text) minetest.sound_play("default_place_node_metal") return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "DM from "), color_name(name), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, ": "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.self, text) ) end}, -- /tell messages {"^(%S+) whispers: (.*)$", function(name, text) minetest.sound_play("default_place_node_metal") return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, " whispers: "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.self, text) ) end}, -- /who {"^Players in channel: (.*)$", function(names) return ("%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "Players in channel: "), color_names(names, ", ") ) end}, -- /status {"^# Server: (.*) clients={([^}]*)}(.*)", function(text, names, lastbit) return ("%s%s%s%s%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "# Server: "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, text), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, " clients={"), color_names(names, ", "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "}"), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, lastbit) ) end}, -- /status on YL {"^# Server: (.*) clients: (.*)", function(text, names) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "# Server: "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, text), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, " clients: "), color_names(names, ", ") ) end}, -- IRC join messages {"^%-!%- ([%w_%-]+) joined (.*)$", function(name, rest) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( color_text(name, "-!- "), color_name(name), color_text(name, " joined "), color_text(name, rest) ) end}, -- IRC part messages {"^%-!%- ([%w_%-]+) has quit (.*)$", function(name, rest) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( color_text(name, "-!- "), color_name(name), color_text(name, " has quit "), color_text(name, rest) ) end}, -- IRC part messages {"^%-!%- ([%w_%-]+) has left (.*)$", function(name, rest) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( color_text(name, "-!- "), color_name(name), color_text(name, " has left "), color_text(name, rest) ) end}, -- IRC mode messages {"^%-!%- mode/(.*)$", function(rest) return colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.default, ("^%-!%- mode/%s$"):format(rest)) end}, -- IRC /nick messages {"^%-!%- (.*) is now known as (.*)$", function(name1, name2) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( color_text(name1, "-!- "), color_name(name1), color_text(name2, " is now know as "), color_name(name2) ) end}, -- DM sent {"^[DP]M to (%S+): (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "DM to "), color_name(name), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, ": "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, text) ) end}, -- BlS moderator PM snooping {"^([%w_%-]+) to ([%w_%-]+): (.*)$", function(name1, name2, text) return ("%s%s%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name1), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, " to "), color_name(name2), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, ": "), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, text) ) end}, -- BlS unverified player notice {"^Player ([%w_%-]+) is unverified%.$", function(name) minetest.sound_play("default_dug_metal") return colorize("#FF0000", ("Player %s is unverified."):format(name)) end}, -- BlS unverified player chat {"^%[unverified] <([^>]+)>%s+(.*)$", function(name, text) minetest.sound_play("default_dug_metal") return colorize("#FF0000", ("[unverified] <%s> (%s)$"):format(name, text)) end}, -- BlS cloaked chat {"^%-Cloaked%-%s+<([^>]+)>%s+(.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s%s %s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "-Cloaked- "), color_text(name, "<"), color_name(name), color_text(name, ">"), color_text(name, text) ) end}, -- death messages {"^(%S+) was killed by (%S+), using (.+), near (.+)$", function(victim, killer, weapon, location) return ("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"):format( color_name(victim), color_text(victim, " was killed by "), color_name(killer), color_text(killer, ", using "), color_text(killer, weapon), color_text(victim, ", near "), color_text(victim, location) ) end}, {"^(%S+) was killed by (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " was killed by "), color_text(name, text) ) end}, {"^(%S+) should not play with ([^,]+), near ([^%.]+)%.", function(name, what, where) return ("%s%s%s%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " should not play with "), color_text(name, what), color_text(name, ", near "), color_text(name, where), color_text(name, ".") ) end}, {"^(%S+) shouldn't play with (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " shouldn't play with "), color_text(name, text) ) end}, {"^(%S+) was killed near (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " was killed near "), color_text(name, text) ) end}, {"^(%S+) has fallen near (.*)$", function(name, text) return ("%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " has fallen near "), color_text(name, text) ) end}, {"^(%S+) has drown in ([^,]+), near ([^%.]+)%.", function(name, what, where) return ("%s%s%s%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " has drown in "), color_text(name, what), color_text(name, ", near "), color_text(name, where), color_text(name, ".") ) end}, {"^(%S+) has drown in (.*)", function(name, what) return ("%s%s%s%s%s%s"):format( color_name(name), color_text(name, " has drown in "), color_text(name, what), color_text(name, ", near "), color_text(name, where), color_text(name, ".") ) end}, -- rollback_check messages {"%((%-?%d+,%-?%d+,%-?%d+)%) player:(%S+) (%S*) %-> (%S*) (%d+) seconds ago%.", function(pos, name, item1, item2, time) if item1 == "air" then item1 = colorize("#FF0000", item1) else item1 = colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, item1) end if item2 == "air" then item2 = colorize("#FF0000", item2) else item2 = colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, item2) end return ("(%s) player:%s %s -> %s %s ago."):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, pos), color_name(name), item1, item2, seconds_to_interval(tonumber(time)) ) end}, -- YL thankyous {"^Adventurer (%S+) received a 'Thank you' from (%S+)$", function(name1, name2) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "Adventurer "), color_name(name1), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, " received a 'Thank you' from "), color_name(name2) ) end}, -- YL levels {"^Congratulations, (%S+) reached L(%d+)$", function(name, level) return ("%s%s%s%s"):format( colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, "Congratulations "), color_name(name), colorize(COLOR_BY_STATUS.server, " reached L"), color_text(name, level) ) end}, } local last_message = "" register_on_receive(safe(function(message) if disabled_servers[server_id] then return false end if message == last_message then return true else last_message = message end local msg = minetest.gettext(message) msg = minetest.strip_colors(msg) msg = clean_android(msg) msg = clean_weird_crap(msg) --log("action", "%q", msg) if should_ignore(msg) then return true end local date = get_date_string() for _, stuff in ipairs(t) do local key, fun = unpack(stuff) local parts = {msg:match(key)} if #parts > 0 then local fmsg = fun(unpack(parts)) if fmsg then minetest.display_chat_message(("%s %s"):format(date, fmsg)) return true end end end end))