/* * mooterm/mootermbuffer.c * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Yevgen Muntyan * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * See COPYING file that comes with this distribution. */ #define MOOTERM_COMPILATION #include "mooterm/mootermbuffer-private.h" #include "mooterm/mooterm-private.h" #include "mooterm/mootermbuffer-graph.h" #include "mooterm/mootermline-private.h" #include "mooutils/moocompat.h" #include "mooutils/moomarshals.h" #include "mooutils/mooutils-gobject.h" #include static void moo_term_buffer_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void moo_term_buffer_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static GObject *moo_term_buffer_constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam *construct_param); static void moo_term_buffer_finalize (GObject *object); static void set_defaults (MooTermBuffer *buf); static void set_screen_width (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint columns); static void set_screen_height (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint rows); static void reset_tab_stops (MooTermBuffer *buf); /* MOO_TYPE_TERM_BUFFER */ G_DEFINE_TYPE (MooTermBuffer, moo_term_buffer, G_TYPE_OBJECT) enum { CHANGED, CURSOR_MOVED, FEED_CHILD, FULL_RESET, TABS_CHANGED, SCREEN_SIZE_CHANGED, NEW_LINE, LAST_SIGNAL }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_SCREEN_WIDTH, PROP_SCREEN_HEIGHT, PROP_SCROLLBACK, PROP_SCROLLING_REGION_SET }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL]; static void moo_term_buffer_class_init (MooTermBufferClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); init_drawing_sets (); gobject_class->set_property = moo_term_buffer_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = moo_term_buffer_get_property; gobject_class->constructor = moo_term_buffer_constructor; gobject_class->finalize = moo_term_buffer_finalize; signals[CHANGED] = moo_signal_new_cb ("changed", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, NULL, NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[CURSOR_MOVED] = moo_signal_new_cb ("cursor-moved", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, NULL, NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[FEED_CHILD] = moo_signal_new_cb ("feed-child", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, NULL, NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__STRING_INT, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_STRING | G_SIGNAL_TYPE_STATIC_SCOPE, G_TYPE_INT); signals[FULL_RESET] = g_signal_new ("full-reset", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MooTermBufferClass, full_reset), NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[TABS_CHANGED] = moo_signal_new_cb ("tabs-changed", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, NULL, NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[SCREEN_SIZE_CHANGED] = moo_signal_new_cb ("screen-size-changed", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, NULL, NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[NEW_LINE] = moo_signal_new_cb ("new-line", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, NULL, NULL, NULL, _moo_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SCREEN_WIDTH, g_param_spec_uint ("screen-width", "screen-width", "screen-width", 0, 1000000, 80, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SCREEN_HEIGHT, g_param_spec_uint ("screen-height", "screen-height", "screen-height", 0, 1000000, 24, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SCROLLBACK, g_param_spec_uint ("scrollback", "scrollback", "scrollback", 0, 1000000, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_SCROLLING_REGION_SET, g_param_spec_boolean ("scrolling-region-set", "scrolling-region-set", "scrolling-region-set", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE)); } static void moo_term_buffer_init (MooTermBuffer *buf) { _moo_term_line_mem_init (); buf->priv = g_new0 (MooTermBufferPrivate, 1); buf->priv->lines = g_ptr_array_new (); buf->priv->changed = NULL; buf->priv->changed_all = FALSE; buf->priv->tag_table = _moo_term_tag_table_new (); buf->priv->data_sets = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); set_defaults (buf); } inline static void delete_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, MooTermLine *line, gboolean remove_tags, gboolean destroy_data) { if (destroy_data && g_hash_table_lookup (buf->priv->data_sets, line)) g_dataset_destroy (line); _moo_term_line_free (line, remove_tags); } static void moo_term_buffer_finalize (GObject *object) { guint i; MooTermBuffer *buf = MOO_TERM_BUFFER (object); g_hash_table_foreach (buf->priv->data_sets, (GHFunc) g_dataset_destroy, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (buf->priv->data_sets); for (i = 0; i < buf->priv->lines->len; ++i) delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, i), FALSE, FALSE); g_ptr_array_free (buf->priv->lines, TRUE); g_list_free (buf->priv->tab_stops); if (buf->priv->changed) gdk_region_destroy (buf->priv->changed); _moo_term_tag_table_free (buf->priv->tag_table); g_free (buf->priv); G_OBJECT_CLASS (moo_term_buffer_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void moo_term_buffer_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MooTermBuffer *buf = MOO_TERM_BUFFER (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_SCREEN_WIDTH: if (buf->priv->constructed) set_screen_width (buf, g_value_get_uint (value)); else buf->priv->screen_width = g_value_get_uint (value); break; case PROP_SCREEN_HEIGHT: if (buf->priv->constructed) set_screen_height (buf, g_value_get_uint (value)); else buf->priv->screen_height = g_value_get_uint (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void moo_term_buffer_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MooTermBuffer *buf = MOO_TERM_BUFFER (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_SCREEN_WIDTH: g_value_set_uint (value, buf->priv->screen_width); break; case PROP_SCREEN_HEIGHT: g_value_set_uint (value, buf->priv->screen_height); break; case PROP_SCROLLBACK: g_value_set_uint (value, buf_scrollback (buf)); break; case PROP_SCROLLING_REGION_SET: g_value_set_boolean (value, buf->priv->scrolling_region_set); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static GObject *moo_term_buffer_constructor (GType type, guint n_props, GObjectConstructParam *props) { MooTermBuffer *buf; GObject *object; guint i; object = G_OBJECT_CLASS(moo_term_buffer_parent_class)->constructor (type, n_props, props); buf = MOO_TERM_BUFFER (object); buf->priv->constructed = TRUE; buf->priv->current_attr.mask = 0; if (buf->priv->screen_width < MIN_TERMINAL_WIDTH) buf->priv->screen_width = MIN_TERMINAL_WIDTH; if (buf->priv->screen_height < MIN_TERMINAL_HEIGHT) buf->priv->screen_height = MIN_TERMINAL_HEIGHT; buf->priv->screen_offset = 0; buf->priv->top_margin = 0; buf->priv->bottom_margin = buf->priv->screen_height - 1; buf->priv->scrolling_region_set = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < buf->priv->screen_height; ++i) { g_ptr_array_add (buf->priv->lines, _moo_term_line_new (buf->priv->screen_width, buf->priv->current_attr)); } return object; } void _moo_term_buffer_set_line_data (MooTermBuffer *buf, MooTermLine *line, const char *key, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy) { g_dataset_set_data_full (line, key, data, destroy); g_hash_table_insert (buf->priv->data_sets, line, line); } gpointer _moo_term_buffer_get_line_data (G_GNUC_UNUSED MooTermBuffer *buf, MooTermLine *line, const char *key) { return g_dataset_get_data (line, key); } void _moo_term_buffer_changed (MooTermBuffer *buf) { if (!buf->priv->freeze_changed_notify) g_signal_emit (buf, signals[CHANGED], 0); } void _moo_term_buffer_scrollback_changed (MooTermBuffer *buf) { g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (buf), "scrollback"); } static void clamp_cursor_col (MooTermBuffer *buf) { if (buf->priv->_cursor_col >= buf->priv->screen_width) buf->priv->_cursor_col = buf->priv->screen_width - 1; } static void set_screen_width (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint width) { guint old_width, height, i; g_return_if_fail (width >= MIN_TERMINAL_WIDTH); old_width = buf->priv->screen_width; buf->priv->screen_width = width; height = buf->priv->screen_height; if (old_width != width) { if (buf->priv->_cursor_col >= width) _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, -1, width - 1); if (old_width < width) { GdkRectangle changed = { 0, old_width, buf->priv->screen_height, width - old_width }; buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); } reset_tab_stops (buf); for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) _moo_term_line_resize (buf_screen_line (buf, i), width, buf->priv->current_attr); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (buf), "screen-width"); g_signal_emit (buf, signals[SCREEN_SIZE_CHANGED], 0); } } static void set_screen_height (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint height) { guint old_height = buf->priv->screen_height; guint width = buf->priv->screen_width; gboolean scrollback_changed = FALSE; gboolean content_changed = FALSE; gboolean cursor_moved = FALSE; if (old_height == height) return; if (buf_get_mode (MODE_CA)) { /* in CA mode do not scroll or something, just resize the screeen */ guint i; if (height > old_height) { guint add = height - old_height; GdkRectangle changed = {0, old_height, width, add}; for (i = 0; i < height - old_height; ++i) g_ptr_array_add (buf->priv->lines, _moo_term_line_new (width, buf->priv->current_attr)); buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); content_changed = TRUE; } else /* height < old_height */ { guint remove = old_height - height; for (i = 1; i <= remove; ++i) delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, buf->priv->lines->len - i), TRUE, TRUE); g_ptr_array_remove_range (buf->priv->lines, buf->priv->lines->len - remove, remove); if (buf->priv->_cursor_row >= height) { buf->priv->_cursor_row = height - 1; cursor_moved = TRUE; } } } else /* ! MODE_CA */ { /* if height increases, just add new lines; othewise remove lines below cursor, then increment scrollback */ guint i; if (height > old_height) { guint add = height - old_height; GdkRectangle changed = {0, old_height, width, add}; for (i = 0; i < height - old_height; ++i) g_ptr_array_add (buf->priv->lines, _moo_term_line_new (width, buf->priv->current_attr)); buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); content_changed = TRUE; } else /* height < old_height */ { guint remove = old_height - height; if (buf->priv->_cursor_row < height) { for (i = height; i < old_height; ++i) delete_line (buf, buf_screen_line (buf, i), TRUE, TRUE); g_ptr_array_remove_range (buf->priv->lines, buf->priv->lines->len - remove, remove); } else { guint del = old_height - 1 - buf->priv->_cursor_row; if (del) { for (i = buf->priv->_cursor_row + 1; i < old_height; ++i) delete_line (buf, buf_screen_line (buf, i), TRUE, TRUE); g_ptr_array_remove_range (buf->priv->lines, buf->priv->lines->len - del, del); } remove -= del; buf->priv->screen_offset += remove; buf_changed_set_all (buf); scrollback_changed = TRUE; content_changed = TRUE; } if (buf->priv->_cursor_row >= height) { buf->priv->_cursor_row = height - 1; cursor_moved = TRUE; } } } buf->priv->screen_height = height; _moo_term_buffer_set_scrolling_region (buf, 0, height - 1); if (scrollback_changed) _moo_term_buffer_scrollback_changed (buf); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (buf), "screen-height"); g_signal_emit (buf, signals[SCREEN_SIZE_CHANGED], 0); if (content_changed) _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); if (cursor_moved) _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void moo_term_buffer_set_screen_size (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint columns, guint rows) { set_screen_height (buf, rows); set_screen_width (buf, columns); } void _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move (MooTermBuffer *buf, int rows, int cols) { int width = buf_screen_width (buf); int height = buf_screen_height (buf); int cursor_row, cursor_col; clamp_cursor_col (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf) + rows; cursor_col = buf_cursor_col_real (buf) + cols; /* XXX MODE_REVERSE_WRAPAROUND */ if (cursor_row < 0) cursor_row = 0; else if (cursor_row >= height) cursor_row = height - 1; if (cursor_col < 0) cursor_col = 0; else if (cursor_col >= width) cursor_col = width - 1; _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, cursor_row, cursor_col); } void _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (MooTermBuffer *buf) { if (!buf->priv->freeze_cursor_notify) g_signal_emit (buf, signals[CURSOR_MOVED], 0); } void _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (MooTermBuffer *buf, int row, int col) { int width = buf_screen_width (buf); int height = buf_screen_height (buf); guint old_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); guint old_col = buf_cursor_col_display (buf); /* XXX apparently it's correct, but.. */ if (row < 0) row = old_row; else if (row >= height) row = height - 1; if (col < 0) col = old_col; else if (col > width) col = width; buf->priv->_cursor_row = row; buf->priv->_cursor_col = col; _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } static gunichar get_print_char (MooTermBuffer *buf, gunichar c) { if (c <= MAX_GRAPH) { if (buf->priv->single_shift >= 0) { g_assert (buf->priv->single_shift < 4); if (graph_sets[buf->priv->GL[buf->priv->single_shift]]) { if (graph_sets[buf->priv->GL[buf->priv->single_shift]][c]) c = graph_sets[buf->priv->GL[buf->priv->single_shift]][c]; else g_warning ("%s: using regular character while in " "graphics mode", G_STRLOC); } buf->priv->single_shift = -1; } else if (graph_sets[buf->priv->current_graph_set]) { if (graph_sets[buf->priv->current_graph_set][c]) c = graph_sets[buf->priv->current_graph_set][c]; else g_warning ("%s: using regular character while in " "graphics mode", G_STRLOC); } } return c; } static void buf_print_unichar_real (MooTermBuffer *buf, gunichar c) { MooTermLine *line = NULL; guint width, cursor_row; c = get_print_char (buf, c); width = buf_screen_width (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); if (buf->priv->_cursor_col == width) { buf->priv->_cursor_col--; if (c != '\t' && buf_get_mode (MODE_DECAWM)) { line = buf_screen_line (buf, cursor_row); _moo_term_line_set_wrapped (line); _moo_term_buffer_new_line (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); } } line = buf_screen_line (buf, cursor_row); g_assert (_moo_term_line_width (line) == width); if (buf_get_mode (MODE_IRM)) { _moo_term_line_insert_unichar (line, buf->priv->_cursor_col++, c, 1, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_range (buf, cursor_row, buf->priv->_cursor_col - 1, width - buf->priv->_cursor_col + 1); } else { _moo_term_line_set_unichar (line, buf->priv->_cursor_col++, c, 1, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_range (buf, cursor_row, buf->priv->_cursor_col - 1, 1); } } /* chars must be valid unicode string */ void moo_term_buffer_print_chars (MooTermBuffer *buf, const char *chars, int len) { const char *p = chars; const char *s; g_return_if_fail (len != 0 && chars != NULL); _moo_term_buffer_freeze_changed_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); while ((len > 0 && p != chars + len) || (len < 0 && *p != 0)) { for (s = p; ((len > 0 && s != chars + len) || (len < 0 && *s != 0)) && *s && (*s & 0x80 || (' ' <= *s && *s <= '~')); ++s) ; if (s != p) { const char *i = p; for (i = p; i < s; i = g_utf8_next_char (i)) buf_print_unichar_real (buf, g_utf8_get_char (i)); p = s; } else if (!*s) { ++p; } else if (*s == 0x7F) { g_warning ("%s: got DEL", G_STRLOC); ++p; } else { buf_print_unichar_real (buf, '^'); buf_print_unichar_real (buf, *s + 0x40); } } _moo_term_buffer_thaw_changed_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void moo_term_buffer_print_unichar (MooTermBuffer *buf, gunichar c) { _moo_term_buffer_freeze_changed_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); buf_print_unichar_real (buf, c); _moo_term_buffer_thaw_changed_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_feed_child (MooTermBuffer *buf, const char *string, int len) { g_signal_emit (buf, signals[FEED_CHILD], 0, string, len); } static void reset_tab_stops (MooTermBuffer *buf) { guint i; guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); g_list_free (buf->priv->tab_stops); buf->priv->tab_stops = NULL; for (i = 7; i < width - 1; i += 8) buf->priv->tab_stops = g_list_append (buf->priv->tab_stops, GUINT_TO_POINTER (i)); g_signal_emit (buf, signals[TABS_CHANGED], 0); } guint _moo_term_buffer_next_tab_stop (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint current) { GList *l; for (l = buf->priv->tab_stops; l != NULL && GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->data) <= current; l = l->next) ; if (l && GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->data) > current) return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->data); else return buf_screen_width (buf) - 1; } guint _moo_term_buffer_prev_tab_stop (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint current) { GList *l; for (l = buf->priv->tab_stops; l != NULL && GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->data) < current; l = l->next) ; if (l && l->prev && GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->prev->data) < current) return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->prev->data); else return 0; } void _moo_term_buffer_clear_tab_stop (MooTermBuffer *buf, ClearTabType what) { switch (what) { case CLEAR_TAB_AT_CURSOR: buf->priv->tab_stops = g_list_remove (buf->priv->tab_stops, GUINT_TO_POINTER (buf_cursor_col_real (buf))); case CLEAR_ALL_TABS: g_list_free (buf->priv->tab_stops); buf->priv->tab_stops = NULL; } g_signal_emit (buf, signals[TABS_CHANGED], 0); } static int cmp_guints (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (a) < GPOINTER_TO_UINT (b)) return -1; else if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (a) == GPOINTER_TO_UINT (b)) return 0; else return 1; } void _moo_term_buffer_set_tab_stop (MooTermBuffer *buf) { guint cursor = buf_cursor_col_real (buf); if (!g_list_find (buf->priv->tab_stops, GUINT_TO_POINTER (cursor))) buf->priv->tab_stops = g_list_insert_sorted (buf->priv->tab_stops, GUINT_TO_POINTER (cursor), cmp_guints); g_signal_emit (buf, signals[TABS_CHANGED], 0); } void _moo_term_buffer_select_charset (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint set_num, CharsetType charset) { g_return_if_fail (set_num < 4 && charset < 5); switch (charset) { case CHARSET_DRAWING: buf->priv->GL[set_num] = CHARSET_DRAWING; break; case CHARSET_ACRSPS: g_warning ("%s: choosing graphics instead of" "Alternate Character ROM Special Set", G_STRLOC); buf->priv->GL[set_num] = CHARSET_DRAWING; break; case CHARSET_ACRSSS: g_warning ("%s: choosing regular charset instead of" "Alternate Character ROM Standard Set", G_STRLOC); buf->priv->GL[set_num] = CHARSET_ASCII; break; case CHARSET_UK: g_warning ("%s: choosing regular charset instead of" "United Kingdom", G_STRLOC); buf->priv->GL[set_num] = CHARSET_ASCII; break; case CHARSET_ASCII: buf->priv->GL[set_num] = CHARSET_ASCII; break; } } void _moo_term_buffer_shift (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint set) { g_return_if_fail (set < 4); buf->priv->current_graph_set = buf->priv->GL[set]; } void _moo_term_buffer_single_shift (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint set) { g_return_if_fail (set < 4); buf->priv->single_shift = set; } MooTermBuffer* moo_term_buffer_new (guint width, guint height) { return g_object_new (MOO_TYPE_TERM_BUFFER, "screen-width", width, "screen-height", height, NULL); } void _moo_term_buffer_set_scrolling_region (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint top_margin, guint bottom_margin) { if (top_margin >= bottom_margin || top_margin >= buf->priv->screen_height || bottom_margin >= buf->priv->screen_height) { top_margin = 0; bottom_margin = buf->priv->screen_height - 1; } buf->priv->top_margin = top_margin; buf->priv->bottom_margin = bottom_margin; buf->priv->scrolling_region_set = (top_margin != 0 || bottom_margin != buf->priv->screen_height - 1); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (buf), "scrolling-region-set"); } void _moo_term_buffer_freeze_changed_notify (MooTermBuffer *buf) { buf->priv->freeze_changed_notify++; } void _moo_term_buffer_thaw_changed_notify (MooTermBuffer *buf) { if (buf->priv->freeze_changed_notify) buf->priv->freeze_changed_notify--; } void _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (MooTermBuffer *buf) { buf->priv->freeze_cursor_notify++; } void _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (MooTermBuffer *buf) { if (buf->priv->freeze_cursor_notify) buf->priv->freeze_cursor_notify--; } #define FREEZE_NOTIFY \ G_STMT_START { \ _moo_term_buffer_freeze_changed_notify (buf); \ _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); \ } G_STMT_END #define NOTIFY \ G_STMT_START { \ _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); \ _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); \ } G_STMT_END #define THAW_NOTIFY \ G_STMT_START { \ _moo_term_buffer_thaw_changed_notify (buf); \ _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); \ } G_STMT_END #define THAW_AND_NOTIFY \ G_STMT_START { \ THAW_NOTIFY; \ NOTIFY; \ } G_STMT_END #define NOTIFY_CHANGED _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf) #define FREEZE_CHANGED _moo_term_buffer_freeze_changed_notify (buf) #define THAW_AND_NOTIFY_CHANGED \ G_STMT_START { \ _moo_term_buffer_thaw_changed_notify (buf); \ _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); \ } G_STMT_END /*****************************************************************************/ /* Terminal stuff */ void _moo_term_buffer_cuu (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint i; guint top = buf->priv->top_margin; clamp_cursor_col (buf); if (buf->priv->_cursor_row < top) top = 0; _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); for (i = 0; i < n && buf->priv->_cursor_row > top; ++i) _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move (buf, -1, 0); _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_cud (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint i; guint bottom = buf->priv->bottom_margin; clamp_cursor_col (buf); if (buf->priv->_cursor_row > bottom) bottom = buf_screen_height (buf) - 1; _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); for (i = 0; i < n && buf->priv->_cursor_row < bottom; ++i) _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move (buf, 1, 0); _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_new_line (MooTermBuffer *buf) { FREEZE_NOTIFY; _moo_term_buffer_index (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, -1, 0); THAW_AND_NOTIFY; } void _moo_term_buffer_index (MooTermBuffer *buf) { guint cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); guint screen_height = buf_screen_height (buf); guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); clamp_cursor_col (buf); g_assert (cursor_row < screen_height); if (buf_get_mode (MODE_CA) || buf->priv->scrolling_region_set) { guint top = buf->priv->top_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint bottom = buf->priv->bottom_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint cursor = cursor_row + buf->priv->screen_offset; if (cursor > bottom || cursor < top) { g_warning ("got IND outside of scrolling region"); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, buf->priv->top_margin, 0); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); cursor = cursor_row + buf->priv->screen_offset; } if (cursor == bottom) { GdkRectangle changed = { 0, buf->priv->top_margin, width, bottom - top + 1 }; delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, top), TRUE, TRUE); memmove (&buf->priv->lines->pdata[top], &buf->priv->lines->pdata[top+1], (bottom - top) * sizeof(gpointer)); buf->priv->lines->pdata[bottom] = _moo_term_line_new (width, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); } else { buf->priv->_cursor_row += 1; } } else { g_assert (cursor_row < screen_height); if (cursor_row == screen_height - 1) { g_ptr_array_add (buf->priv->lines, _moo_term_line_new (width, buf->priv->current_attr)); buf->priv->screen_offset += 1; _moo_term_buffer_scrollback_changed (buf); buf_changed_set_all (buf); } else { buf->priv->_cursor_row += 1; } } NOTIFY; g_signal_emit (buf, signals[NEW_LINE], 0); } void _moo_term_buffer_reverse_index (MooTermBuffer *buf) { guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); guint top = buf->priv->top_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint bottom = buf->priv->bottom_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint cursor = buf_cursor_row (buf) + buf->priv->screen_offset; clamp_cursor_col (buf); g_assert (cursor <= bottom && cursor >= top); if (cursor == top) { GdkRectangle changed = { 0, buf->priv->top_margin, width, bottom - top + 1 }; delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, bottom), TRUE, TRUE); memmove (&buf->priv->lines->pdata[top+1], &buf->priv->lines->pdata[top], (bottom - top) * sizeof(gpointer)); buf->priv->lines->pdata[top] = _moo_term_line_new (width, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); } else { buf->priv->_cursor_row -= 1; } NOTIFY; } void _moo_term_buffer_backspace (MooTermBuffer *buf) { _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move (buf, 0, -1); } void _moo_term_buffer_tab (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint i; guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); for (i = 0; i < n && buf->priv->_cursor_col < width; ++i) { _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, -1, _moo_term_buffer_next_tab_stop (buf, buf->priv->_cursor_col)); } _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_back_tab (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint i; _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); for (i = 0; i < n && buf->priv->_cursor_col > 0; ++i) { _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, -1, _moo_term_buffer_prev_tab_stop (buf, buf->priv->_cursor_col)); } _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_linefeed (MooTermBuffer *buf) { if (buf_get_mode (MODE_LNM)) _moo_term_buffer_new_line (buf); else _moo_term_buffer_index (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_carriage_return (MooTermBuffer *buf) { _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, -1, 0); } static void set_ansi_foreground (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint color) { if ((color) < MOO_TERM_COLOR_MAX) { buf->priv->current_attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_FOREGROUND; buf->priv->current_attr.foreground = color; } else { buf->priv->current_attr.mask &= ~MOO_TERM_TEXT_FOREGROUND; } } static void set_ansi_background (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint color) { if (color < MOO_TERM_COLOR_MAX) { buf->priv->current_attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_BACKGROUND; buf->priv->current_attr.background = color; } else { buf->priv->current_attr.mask &= ~MOO_TERM_TEXT_BACKGROUND; } } void _moo_term_buffer_sgr (MooTermBuffer *buf, int *params, guint num_params) { guint i; if (!num_params) { buf_set_attrs_mask (0); return; } for (i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) { int mode = params[i]; if (mode == -1) mode = ANSI_ALL_ATTRIBUTES_OFF; switch (mode) { case ANSI_ALL_ATTRIBUTES_OFF: buf_set_attrs_mask (0); break; case ANSI_BOLD: buf_add_attrs_mask (MOO_TERM_TEXT_BOLD); break; case ANSI_UNDERLINE: buf_add_attrs_mask (MOO_TERM_TEXT_UNDERLINE); break; case ANSI_BLINKING: g_warning ("%s: ignoring blink", G_STRLOC); break; case ANSI_NEGATIVE: buf_add_attrs_mask (MOO_TERM_TEXT_REVERSE); break; case ANSI_BOLD_OFF: buf_remove_attrs_mask (MOO_TERM_TEXT_BOLD); break; case ANSI_UNDERLINE_OFF: buf_remove_attrs_mask (MOO_TERM_TEXT_UNDERLINE); break; case ANSI_BLINKING_OFF: g_warning ("%s: ignoring blink", G_STRLOC); break; case ANSI_NEGATIVE_OFF: buf_remove_attrs_mask (MOO_TERM_TEXT_REVERSE); break; default: if (30 <= params[i] && params[i] <= 37) set_ansi_foreground (buf, params[i] - 30); else if (40 <= params[i] && params[i] <= 47) set_ansi_background (buf, params[i] - 40); else if (39 == params[i]) set_ansi_foreground (buf, 8); else if (49 == params[i]) set_ansi_background (buf, 8); else g_warning ("%s: unknown text attribute %d", G_STRLOC, params[i]); } } } void _moo_term_buffer_delete_char (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { MooTermLine *line; guint cursor_col; guint cursor_row; clamp_cursor_col (buf); cursor_col = buf_cursor_col_real (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); g_assert (cursor_col < buf_screen_width (buf)); if (!n || cursor_row > buf->priv->bottom_margin || cursor_row < buf->priv->top_margin) { return; } line = buf_screen_line (buf, cursor_row); g_assert (_moo_term_line_width (line) == buf_screen_width (buf)); _moo_term_line_delete_range (line, cursor_col, n, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_range(buf, cursor_row, cursor_col, buf_screen_width (buf) - cursor_col); NOTIFY_CHANGED; } void _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint row, guint col, guint len) { if (row >= buf_screen_height (buf) || col >= buf_screen_width (buf) || !len) { return; } _moo_term_line_erase_range (buf_screen_line (buf, row), col, len, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_range (buf, row, col, len); NOTIFY_CHANGED; } void _moo_term_buffer_erase_char (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint cursor_col, cursor_row; clamp_cursor_col (buf); cursor_col = buf_cursor_col_real (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); g_assert (cursor_col < buf_screen_width (buf)); _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, cursor_row, cursor_col, n); } void _moo_term_buffer_erase_in_display (MooTermBuffer *buf, EraseType what) { guint i; guint cursor_col, cursor_row; guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); guint height = buf_screen_height (buf); g_return_if_fail (what == 0 || what == 1 || what == 2); clamp_cursor_col (buf); cursor_col = buf_cursor_col_real (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); FREEZE_CHANGED; switch (what) { case ERASE_FROM_CURSOR: _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, cursor_row, cursor_col, width); for (i = cursor_row + 1; i < height; ++i) _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, i, 0, width); break; case ERASE_TO_CURSOR: for (i = 0; i < cursor_row; ++i) _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, i, 0, width); _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, cursor_row, 0, cursor_col + 1); break; case ERASE_ALL: for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, i, 0, width); break; } THAW_AND_NOTIFY_CHANGED; } void _moo_term_buffer_erase_in_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, EraseType what) { guint cursor_col, cursor_row; guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); clamp_cursor_col (buf); cursor_col = buf_cursor_col_real (buf); cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); g_return_if_fail (what == 0 || what == 1 || what == 2); switch (what) { case ERASE_FROM_CURSOR: _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, cursor_row, cursor_col, width); break; case ERASE_TO_CURSOR: _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, cursor_row, 0, cursor_col + 1); break; case ERASE_ALL: _moo_term_buffer_erase_range (buf, cursor_row, 0, width); break; } } void _moo_term_buffer_insert_char (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { MooTermLine *line; guint cursor_col = buf_cursor_col_display (buf); guint cursor_row = buf_cursor_row (buf); /* XXX what about autowrapping here? */ g_assert (cursor_col < buf_screen_width (buf)); if (!n || cursor_row > buf->priv->bottom_margin || cursor_row < buf->priv->top_margin) { return; } line = buf_screen_line (buf, cursor_row); g_assert (_moo_term_line_width (line) == buf_screen_width (buf)); _moo_term_line_insert_unichar (line, cursor_col, 0, n, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_range (buf, cursor_row, cursor_col, buf_screen_width (buf) - cursor_col); NOTIFY_CHANGED; } void _moo_term_buffer_cup (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint row, guint col) { if (col >= buf_screen_width (buf)) col = buf_screen_width (buf) - 1; if (buf_get_mode (MODE_DECOM)) { row = CLAMP (row + buf->priv->top_margin, buf->priv->top_margin, buf->priv->bottom_margin); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, row, col); } else { _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, row, col); } } void _moo_term_buffer_delete_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint cursor = buf->priv->_cursor_row + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint top = buf->priv->top_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint bottom = buf->priv->bottom_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint i; GdkRectangle changed = { 0, buf->priv->_cursor_row, buf->priv->screen_width, bottom - cursor + 1 }; g_return_if_fail (n != 0); g_return_if_fail (top <= cursor && cursor <= bottom); /* TODO: scroll the window */ if (n > bottom - cursor + 1) n = bottom - cursor + 1; for (i = cursor; i < cursor + n; ++i) delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, i), TRUE, TRUE); if (n < bottom - cursor + 1) memmove (&g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, cursor), &g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, cursor + n), (bottom - cursor + 1 - n) * sizeof(gpointer)); for (i = bottom + 1 - n; i <= bottom; ++i) g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, i) = _moo_term_line_new (buf->priv->screen_width, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_insert_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint cursor = buf->priv->_cursor_row + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint top = buf->priv->top_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint bottom = buf->priv->bottom_margin + buf->priv->screen_offset; guint i; GdkRectangle changed = { 0, buf->priv->_cursor_row, buf->priv->screen_width, buf->priv->bottom_margin - buf->priv->_cursor_row + 1 }; g_return_if_fail (n != 0); g_return_if_fail (top <= cursor && cursor <= bottom); /* TODO: scroll the gdk window */ if (n > bottom - cursor + 1) n = bottom - cursor + 1; for (i = bottom - n + 1; i <= bottom; ++i) delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, i), TRUE, TRUE); if (n < bottom - cursor + 1) memmove (&g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, cursor + n), &g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, cursor), (bottom - cursor + 1 - n) * sizeof(gpointer)); for (i = cursor; i < cursor + n; ++i) g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, i) = _moo_term_line_new (buf->priv->screen_width, buf->priv->current_attr); buf_changed_add_rect (buf, changed); _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); } void moo_term_buffer_set_mode (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint mode, gboolean set) { switch (mode) { case MODE_CA: _moo_term_buffer_set_ca_mode (buf, set); break; /* xterm does this */ case MODE_DECANM: if (set) { buf->priv->GL[0] = buf->priv->GL[1] = CHARSET_ASCII; buf->priv->GL[2] = buf->priv->GL[3] = CHARSET_ASCII; } buf->priv->modes[mode] = set; break; case MODE_DECOM: buf->priv->modes[mode] = set; /* vttest says this homes cursor */ if (set) _moo_term_buffer_cup (buf, 0, 0); break; /* these do not require anything special, just record the value */ case MODE_IRM: case MODE_LNM: case MODE_DECAWM: case MODE_REVERSE_WRAPAROUND: /* TODO*/ buf->priv->modes[mode] = set; break; /* these are ignored in the buffer */ case MODE_SRM: case MODE_DECCKM: case MODE_DECSCNM: case MODE_DECTCEM: case MODE_DECNKM: case MODE_DECBKM: case MODE_DECKPM: case MODE_PRESS_TRACKING: case MODE_PRESS_AND_RELEASE_TRACKING: case MODE_HILITE_MOUSE_TRACKING: buf->priv->modes[mode] = set; break; default: g_warning ("%s: unknown mode %d", G_STRLOC, mode); } } void _moo_term_buffer_set_ca_mode (MooTermBuffer *buf, gboolean set) { buf->priv->modes[MODE_CA] = set; _moo_term_buffer_scrollback_changed (buf); } static void set_defaults (MooTermBuffer *buf) { buf->priv->_cursor_col = buf->priv->_cursor_row = 0; buf->priv->top_margin = 0; buf->priv->bottom_margin = buf->priv->screen_height - 1; buf->priv->scrolling_region_set = FALSE; set_default_modes (buf->priv->modes); buf->priv->current_attr.mask = 0; buf->priv->single_shift = -1; buf->priv->GL[0] = buf->priv->GL[2] = buf->priv->GL[3] = CHARSET_ASCII; buf->priv->GL[1] = CHARSET_DRAWING; buf->priv->current_graph_set = CHARSET_ASCII; } void _moo_term_buffer_reset (MooTermBuffer *buf) { guint i; FREEZE_NOTIFY; for (i = 0; i < buf->priv->lines->len; ++i) delete_line (buf, g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, i), TRUE, TRUE); g_ptr_array_free (buf->priv->lines, TRUE); buf->priv->screen_offset = 0; buf->priv->lines = g_ptr_array_sized_new (buf->priv->screen_height); for (i = 0; i < buf->priv->screen_height; ++i) g_ptr_array_add (buf->priv->lines, _moo_term_line_new (buf->priv->screen_width, buf->priv->current_attr)); set_defaults (buf); buf_changed_set_all (buf); THAW_AND_NOTIFY; _moo_term_buffer_scrollback_changed (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_soft_reset (MooTermBuffer *buf) { set_default_modes (buf->priv->modes); buf->priv->top_margin = 0; buf->priv->bottom_margin = buf->priv->screen_height - 1; buf->priv->scrolling_region_set = FALSE; buf->priv->current_attr.mask = 0; buf->priv->single_shift = -1; buf->priv->GL[0] = buf->priv->GL[2] = buf->priv->GL[3] = CHARSET_ASCII; buf->priv->GL[1] = CHARSET_DRAWING; buf->priv->current_graph_set = CHARSET_ASCII; buf_changed_set_all (buf); _moo_term_buffer_changed (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_cursor_next_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint i; _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); for (i = 0; i < n ; ++i) { if (buf->priv->_cursor_row + 1 < buf->priv->screen_height) _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, buf->priv->_cursor_row + 1, 0); else break; } _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_cursor_prev_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { guint i; _moo_term_buffer_freeze_cursor_notify (buf); for (i = 0; i < n ; ++i) { if (buf->priv->_cursor_row > 0) _moo_term_buffer_cursor_move_to (buf, buf->priv->_cursor_row - 1, 0); else break; } _moo_term_buffer_thaw_cursor_notify (buf); _moo_term_buffer_cursor_moved (buf); } void _moo_term_buffer_decaln (MooTermBuffer *buf) { guint i; guint width = buf_screen_width (buf); guint height = buf_screen_height (buf); FREEZE_CHANGED; for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) { MooTermLine *line = buf_screen_line (buf, i); g_assert (_moo_term_line_width (line) == width); _moo_term_line_set_unichar (line, 0, MOO_TERM_DECALN_CHAR, width, buf->priv->current_attr); } buf_changed_set_all (buf); THAW_AND_NOTIFY_CHANGED; } MooTermLine * _moo_term_buffer_get_line (MooTermBuffer *buf, guint n) { if (buf_get_mode (MODE_CA)) { g_assert (n < buf->priv->screen_height); return g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, n + buf->priv->screen_offset); } else { g_assert (n < buf->priv->screen_offset + buf->priv->screen_height); return g_ptr_array_index (buf->priv->lines, n); } }