/* * mooterm/mootermline.c * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Yevgen Muntyan * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * See COPYING file that comes with this distribution. */ #define MOOTERM_COMPILATION #include "mooterm/mootermline-private.h" #include #define EMPTY_CHAR MOO_TERM_EMPTY_CHAR G_GNUC_UNUSED static MooTermTextAttr ZERO_ATTR = MOO_TERM_ZERO_ATTR; G_GNUC_UNUSED static MooTermCell EMPTY_CELL = {EMPTY_CHAR, MOO_TERM_ZERO_ATTR}; #define CELLMOVE(dest__,src__,n__) memmove (dest__, src__, (n__) * sizeof (MooTermCell)) #define CELLCPY(dest__,src__,n__) memcpy (dest__, src__, (n__) * sizeof (MooTermCell)) #define PTRCPY(dest__,src__,n__) memcpy (dest__, src__, (n__) * sizeof (gpointer)) #define PTRSET(s__,c__,n__) memset (s__, c__, (n__) * sizeof (gpointer)) static gboolean line_has_tag_in_range (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint start, guint len); static gboolean line_has_tag (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag); static int ptr_cmp (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0); } MooTermLine* _moo_term_line_new (guint width, MooTermTextAttr attr) { MooTermLine *line; guint i; g_assert (width != 0); g_assert (width <= MOO_TERM_LINE_MAX_LEN); line = g_new0 (MooTermLine, 1); line->cells = g_new (MooTermCell, width); line->width = line->width_allocd__ = width; for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = EMPTY_CHAR; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } return line; } void _moo_term_line_free (MooTermLine *line, gboolean remove_tags) { if (line) { if (line->tags) { guint i; if (remove_tags) { GSList *tags = NULL, *l; MooTermTag *tag; for (i = 0; i < line->width; ++i) { if (line->tags[i]) { for (l = line->tags[i]; l != NULL; l = l->next) tags = g_slist_prepend (tags, l->data); g_slist_free (line->tags[i]); } } tags = g_slist_sort (tags, ptr_cmp); for (tag = NULL, l = tags; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (tag != l->data) { tag = l->data; _moo_term_tag_remove_line (tag, line); } } g_slist_free (tags); } else { for (i = 0; i < line->width; ++i) g_slist_free (line->tags[i]); } g_free (line->tags); } g_free (line->cells); g_free (line); } } void _moo_term_line_resize (MooTermLine *line, guint width, MooTermTextAttr attr) { guint i; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (width != 0); g_assert (width < MOO_TERM_LINE_MAX_LEN); if (width == line->width) return; line->wrapped = FALSE; if (width <= line->width) { if (line->tags) { GSList *removed = NULL, *l; MooTermTag *tag; for (i = width; i < line->width; ++i) { if (line->tags[i]) { for (l = line->tags[i]; l != NULL; l = l->next) removed = g_slist_prepend (removed, l->data); g_slist_free (line->tags[i]); } } removed = g_slist_sort (removed, ptr_cmp); for (tag = NULL, l = removed; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (tag != l->data) { tag = l->data; if (!line_has_tag_in_range (line, tag, 0, width)) _moo_term_tag_remove_line (tag, line); } } if (!line_has_tag_in_range (line, NULL, 0, width)) { g_free (line->tags); line->tags = NULL; } g_slist_free (removed); } } else { if (line->width_allocd__ < width) { MooTermCell *tmp = g_new (MooTermCell, width); CELLCPY (tmp, line->cells, line->width); g_free (line->cells); line->cells = tmp; if (line->tags) { GSList **tmp2 = g_new (GSList*, width); PTRCPY (tmp2, line->tags, line->width); g_free (line->tags); line->tags = tmp2; } line->width_allocd__ = width; } for (i = line->width; i < width; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = EMPTY_CHAR; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } if (line->tags) PTRSET (&line->tags[line->width], 0, width - line->width); } line->width = width; line->len = MIN (line->len, width); line->wrapped = FALSE; } void _moo_term_line_erase_range (MooTermLine *line, guint pos, guint len, MooTermTextAttr attr) { guint i; guint end = MIN ((guint) line->width, pos + len); if ((int) end >= line->len) line->len = MIN (line->len, pos); for (i = pos; i < end; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = EMPTY_CHAR; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } } void _moo_term_line_delete_range (MooTermLine *line, guint pos, guint len, MooTermTextAttr attr) { guint i; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (len != 0); g_assert (pos < line->width); line->wrapped = FALSE; if (pos < line->len) { if (len + pos >= line->len) line->len = pos; else line->len -= pos; } if (len + pos >= line->width) { for (i = pos; i < line->width; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = EMPTY_CHAR; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } } else { CELLMOVE (&line->cells[pos], &line->cells[pos+len], line->width - (pos + len)); for (i = line->width - len; i < line->width; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = EMPTY_CHAR; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } } } void _moo_term_line_set_unichar (MooTermLine *line, guint pos, gunichar c, guint num, MooTermTextAttr attr) { guint i; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (num != 0); g_assert (pos < line->width); if (pos + num > line->width) num = line->width - pos; if (!c) c = EMPTY_CHAR; if (c != EMPTY_CHAR) line->len = MAX (line->len, pos + num); g_assert (line->len <= line->width); for (i = pos; i < pos + num; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = c; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } } void _moo_term_line_insert_unichar (MooTermLine *line, guint pos, gunichar c, guint num, MooTermTextAttr attr) { guint i; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (num != 0); g_assert (pos < line->width); if (!c) c = EMPTY_CHAR; line->wrapped = FALSE; if (c != EMPTY_CHAR) { if (pos <= line->len) line->len += num; else line->len = pos + num; if (line->len > line->width) line->len = line->width; } if (pos + num >= line->width) { for (i = pos; i < line->width; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = c; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } } else { CELLMOVE (&line->cells[pos+num], &line->cells[pos], line->width - (pos+num)); for (i = pos; i < pos+num; ++i) { line->cells[i].ch = c; line->cells[i].attr = attr; } } } guint _moo_term_line_get_chars (MooTermLine *line, char *buf, guint first, int len) { guint i; guint res = 0; g_assert (line != NULL); if (!len || first >= line->width) return 0; if (len < 0 || first + len > line->width) len = line->width - first; for (i = first; i < first + len; ++i) { gunichar c = _moo_term_line_get_char (line, i); guint l = g_unichar_to_utf8 (c, buf); buf += l; res += l; } return res; } gboolean _moo_term_line_wrapped_chk__ (MooTermLine *line) { g_assert (line != NULL); return MOO_TERM_LINE_WRAPPED__ (line); } guint _moo_term_line_len_chk__ (MooTermLine *line) { g_assert (line != NULL); return MOO_TERM_LINE_LEN__ (line); } guint moo_term_line_len (MooTermLine *line) { g_return_val_if_fail (line != NULL, 0); return MOO_TERM_LINE_LEN__ (line); } guint _moo_term_line_width_chk__ (MooTermLine *line) { g_assert (line != NULL); return MOO_TERM_LINE_WIDTH__ (line); } gunichar _moo_term_line_get_char_chk__ (MooTermLine *line, guint index_) { g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (index_ < line->width); return MOO_TERM_LINE_CHAR__ (line, index_); } gunichar moo_term_line_get_char (MooTermLine *line, guint index_) { g_return_val_if_fail (line != NULL, 0); return index_ < line->width ? MOO_TERM_LINE_CHAR__ (line, index_) : EMPTY_CHAR; } MooTermTextAttr _moo_term_line_get_attr (MooTermLine *line, guint index_) { MooTermTextAttr attr; GSList *tags, *l; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (index_ < line->width); if (!line->tags || !line->tags[index_]) return line->cells[index_].attr; attr = line->cells[index_].attr; tags = line->tags[index_]; for (l = tags; l != NULL; l = l->next) { MooTermTag *tag = l->data; MooTermTextAttr tag_attr = tag->attr; if (tag_attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_REVERSE) { if (attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_REVERSE) attr.mask &= ~MOO_TERM_TEXT_REVERSE; else attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_REVERSE; } if (tag_attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_BLINK) attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_BLINK; if (tag_attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_BOLD) attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_BOLD; if (tag_attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_UNDERLINE) attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_UNDERLINE; if (tag_attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_FOREGROUND) { attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_FOREGROUND; attr.foreground = tag_attr.foreground; } if (tag_attr.mask & MOO_TERM_TEXT_BACKGROUND) { attr.mask |= MOO_TERM_TEXT_BACKGROUND; attr.background = tag_attr.background; } } return attr; } MooTermCell* _moo_term_line_get_cell_chk__ (MooTermLine *line, guint index_) { g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (index_ < line->width); return MOO_TERM_LINE_CELL__ (line, index_); } GSList* _moo_term_line_get_tags_chk__ (MooTermLine *line, guint index_) { g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (index_ < line->width); return MOO_TERM_LINE_TAGS__ (line, index_); } void _moo_term_line_apply_tag (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint start, guint len) { guint i; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (start < line->width); g_assert (len > 0); g_assert (start + len <= line->width); g_assert (MOO_IS_TERM_TAG (tag)); if (!line->tags) line->tags = g_new0 (GSList*, line->width_allocd__); for (i = start; i < start + len; ++i) line->tags[i] = g_slist_append (line->tags[i], tag); _moo_term_tag_add_line (tag, line); } static gboolean line_has_tag (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag) { guint i; if (!line->tags) return FALSE; if (tag) { for (i = 0; i < line->width; ++i) if (g_slist_find (line->tags[i], tag)) return TRUE; } else { for (i = 0; i < line->width; ++i) if (line->tags[i]) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean line_has_tag_in_range (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint start, guint len) { guint i; if (!line->tags) return FALSE; if (tag) { for (i = start; i < start + len; ++i) if (g_slist_find (line->tags[i], tag)) return TRUE; } else { for (i = start; i < start + len; ++i) if (line->tags[i]) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean _moo_term_line_has_tag (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint index_) { if (!line->tags || index_ >= line->width || !line->tags[index_]) return FALSE; if (tag) return g_slist_find (line->tags[index_], tag) != NULL; else return line->tags[index_] != NULL; } gboolean _moo_term_line_get_tag_start (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint *index_) { if (!_moo_term_line_has_tag (line, tag, *index_)) return FALSE; for ( ; *index_ > 0; (*index_)--) if (!_moo_term_line_has_tag (line, tag, *index_ - 1)) return TRUE; return TRUE; } gboolean _moo_term_line_get_tag_end (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint *index_) { if (*index_ >= line->width || !_moo_term_line_has_tag (line, tag, *index_)) return FALSE; for ( ; *index_ < line->width; (*index_)++) if (!_moo_term_line_has_tag (line, tag, *index_)) return TRUE; return TRUE; } void _moo_term_line_remove_tag (MooTermLine *line, MooTermTag *tag, guint start, guint len) { guint i; g_assert (line != NULL); g_assert (start < line->width); g_assert (len > 0); g_assert (start + len <= line->width); g_assert (MOO_IS_TERM_TAG (tag)); if (!line->tags) return; for (i = start; i < start + len; ++i) line->tags[i] = g_slist_remove (line->tags[i], tag); if (!line_has_tag (line, tag)) { _moo_term_tag_remove_line (tag, line); if (!line_has_tag (line, NULL)) { g_free (line->tags); line->tags = NULL; } } } char* moo_term_line_get_text (MooTermLine *line, guint start, guint len) { GString *text; guint i; g_return_val_if_fail (line != NULL, NULL); if (!len || start >= line->width) return g_strdup (""); text = g_string_new (NULL); if (start + len > line->width) len = line->width - start; for (i = start; i < start + len; ++i) g_string_append_unichar (text, _moo_term_line_get_char (line, i)); return g_string_free (text, FALSE); } GType moo_term_line_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) type = g_pointer_type_register_static ("MooTermLine"); return type; }