if not minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_mvps") then minetest.log("warning","mesecons_mvps is not installed - digilines movestone will not be available") return end local function abortmovement(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local state = meta:get_string("state") if state ~= "" then state = minetest.deserialize(state) else state = {} end state.targetx = pos.x state.targety = pos.y state.targetz = pos.z state.moveaxis = nil meta:set_string("state",minetest.serialize(state)) end local function checkprotection(pos,player) if not player then player = "" end if type(player) ~= "string" then player = player:get_player_name() end if minetest.is_protected(pos,player) and not minetest.check_player_privs(player,{protection_bypass=true}) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos,player) return false end return true end local function move(pos,dir,state) local stack = mesecon.mvps_get_stack(pos,dir,state.maxstack,state.sticky and state.allsticky) if not stack then abortmovement(pos) return false end for _,i in pairs(stack) do if not checkprotection(i.pos,state.player) then abortmovement(pos) return false end end --luacheck: no redefined local success,stack,oldstack = mesecon.mvps_push(pos,dir,state.maxstack) if not success then abortmovement(pos) return false end mesecon.mvps_process_stack(stack) mesecon.mvps_move_objects(pos,dir,oldstack) if state.sound == "mesecons" then minetest.sound_play("movestone",{pos = pos,max_hear_distance = 20,gain = 0.5,},true) end if not state.sticky then return true end local ppos = vector.add(pos,vector.multiply(dir,-1)) --luacheck: no unused, no redefined local success,stack,oldstack if state.allsticky then success,stack,oldstack = mesecon.mvps_pull_all(ppos,dir,state.maxstack) else success,stack,oldstack = mesecon.mvps_pull_single(ppos,dir,state.maxstack) end if success then mesecon.mvps_move_objects(ppos,dir,oldstack,-1) else abortmovement(pos) return false end return true end local rules = { {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}, {x =-1, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0}, {x = 0, y =-1, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1}, {x = 0, y = 0, z =-1}, } minetest.register_node("digistuff:movestone", { description = "Digilines Movestone", groups = {cracky = 3,}, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec","field[channel;Channel;${channel}") local initialstate = { targetx = pos.x, targety = pos.y, targetz = pos.z, sound = "mesecons", maxstack = 0, allsticky = false, } meta:set_int("active",0) meta:set_string("state",minetest.serialize(initialstate)) end, after_place_node = function(pos,player) if not player then return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("owner",player:get_player_name()) end, tiles = { "jeija_movestone_side.png", "jeija_movestone_side.png", "digistuff_movestone.png", "digistuff_movestone.png", "digistuff_movestone.png", "digistuff_movestone.png", }, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local name = sender:get_player_name() if minetest.is_protected(pos,name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name,{protection_bypass=true}) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos,name) return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.channel then meta:set_string("channel",fields.channel) end end, on_timer = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if meta:get_int("active") < 1 then return end local state = meta:get_string("state") local newpos = pos if state ~= "" then state = minetest.deserialize(state) else return end if not state.player then state.player = meta:get_string("owner") end if state.moveaxis == "x" then local dir = vector.new(state.targetx > pos.x and 1 or -1,0,0) move(pos,dir,state) newpos = vector.add(pos,dir) if newpos.x == state.targetx then if newpos.y ~= state.targety then state.moveaxis = "y" elseif newpos.z ~= state.targetz then state.moveaxis = "z" else state.moveaxis = nil end end elseif state.moveaxis == "y" then local dir = vector.new(0,state.targety > pos.y and 1 or -1,0) move(pos,dir,state) newpos = vector.add(pos,dir) if newpos.y == state.targety then if newpos.z ~= state.targetz then state.moveaxis = "z" else state.moveaxis = nil end end elseif state.moveaxis == "z" then local dir = vector.new(0,0,state.targetz > pos.z and 1 or -1) move(pos,dir,state) newpos = vector.add(pos,dir) if newpos.z == state.targetz then state.moveaxis = nil end end local newmeta = minetest.get_meta(newpos) newmeta:set_int("active",state.moveaxis and 1 or 0) newmeta:set_string("state",minetest.serialize(state)) if state.moveaxis then local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(newpos) timer:start(0.33) end end, _digistuff_channelcopier_fieldname = "channel", digiline = { wire = { rules = rules, }, receptor = {}, effector = { action = function(pos,node,channel,msg) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local setchan = meta:get_string("channel") if channel ~= setchan then return end if type(msg) ~= "table" or not msg.command then return end if msg.command == "getstate" then local ret = {} local state = meta:get_string("state") if state ~= "" then state = minetest.deserialize(state) else state = {} end if not state then minetest.log("error",string.format("Invalid state information for digilines movestone at %d,%d,%d: %s",pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,meta:get_string("state"))) return end ret.pos = pos ret.targetpos = vector.new(state.targetx,state.targety,state.targetz) ret.moveaxis = state.moveaxis digilines.receptor_send(pos,rules,channel,ret) elseif msg.command == "absmove" then local state = meta:get_string("state") if state ~= "" then state = minetest.deserialize(state) else state = {} end if not state then minetest.log("error",string.format("Invalid state information for digilines movestone at %d,%d,%d: %s",pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,meta:get_string("state"))) return end if type(msg.sound) == "string" then state.sound = msg.sound end if type(msg.x) ~= "number" then msg.x = pos.x end if type(msg.y) ~= "number" then msg.y = pos.y end if type(msg.z) ~= "number" then msg.z = pos.z end msg.x = math.max(pos.x-50,math.min(pos.x+50,math.floor(msg.x))) msg.y = math.max(pos.y-50,math.min(pos.y+50,math.floor(msg.y))) msg.z = math.max(pos.z-50,math.min(pos.z+50,math.floor(msg.z))) local firstaxis if msg.x ~= pos.x then firstaxis = "x" elseif msg.y ~= pos.y then firstaxis = "y" elseif msg.z ~= pos.z then firstaxis = "z" end if firstaxis then state.targetx = msg.x state.targety = msg.y state.targetz = msg.z state.moveaxis = firstaxis if msg.sticky then state.sticky = true elseif msg.sticky == false then state.sticky = false end if msg.allsticky then state.allsticky = true elseif msg.allsticky == false then state.allsticky = false end if type(msg.maxstack) == "number" and msg.maxstack >= 0 and msg.maxstack <= 50 then state.maxstack = math.floor(msg.maxstack) end meta:set_string("state",minetest.serialize(state)) meta:set_int("active",1) minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(0.1) end elseif msg.command == "relmove" then local state = meta:get_string("state") if state ~= "" then state = minetest.deserialize(state) else state = {} end if not state then minetest.log("error",string.format("Invalid state information for digilines movestone at %d,%d,%d: %s",pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,meta:get_string("state"))) return end if type(msg.sound) == "string" then state.sound = msg.sound end if type(msg.x) ~= "number" then msg.x = 0 end if type(msg.y) ~= "number" then msg.y = 0 end if type(msg.z) ~= "number" then msg.z = 0 end msg.x = pos.x+math.max(0,math.min(50,math.floor(msg.x))) msg.y = pos.y+math.max(0,math.min(50,math.floor(msg.y))) msg.z = pos.z+math.max(0,math.min(50,math.floor(msg.z))) local firstaxis if msg.x ~= pos.x then firstaxis = "x" elseif msg.y ~= pos.y then firstaxis = "y" elseif msg.z ~= pos.z then firstaxis = "z" end if firstaxis then state.targetx = msg.x state.targety = msg.y state.targetz = msg.z state.moveaxis = firstaxis if msg.sticky then state.sticky = true elseif msg.sticky == false then state.sticky = false end if msg.allsticky then state.allsticky = true elseif msg.allsticky == false then state.allsticky = false end if type(msg.maxstack) == "number" and msg.maxstack >= 0 and msg.maxstack <= 50 then state.maxstack = math.floor(msg.maxstack) end meta:set_string("state",minetest.serialize(state)) meta:set_int("active",1) minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(0.1) end end end }, }, })