Back to home"); } // Get the mod row $row = mysql_fetch_array($res) or SQLerrorFancy("Unable to display extension","No results where found for an extension with the id $gen_num"); $id=$row['mod_id']; $page_keywords=$row['tags']; // Get the owner's name if (is_numeric($row['owner'])==true){ $r = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id=".$row['owner'],$handle) or SQLerror("MySQL Query Error","Error on getting owner name from users"); $ra = mysql_fetch_array($r); $owner = $ra['name']; }else{ $owner = $row['owner']; } // Get the page description $page_description=$row['overview']; // Set pageheader.php attributes $page_title="View mod - {$row['name']}"; $dnw_content=true; // Run pageheader.php include "scripts/pageheader.php"; // Get control panel content if (is_member_moderator($_SESSION['user'],$handle) || getUserId($_SESSION['user'],$handle)==$row['owner']){ $links="
  • Edit
  • "; $links.="
  • Increase 3m Release
  • "; $links.="
  • Delete
  • "; }else{ $links=""; } // Extension banner echo "
    "; echo "

    {$row['name']} - by {$owner}

    \n"; // Title and User Link echo "
    "; ?>
    \n"; // Download section echo "
    \n"; echo "Download\n"; echo "
    \n"; $like_ext=""; if (is_logged_in()==true){ if (likeMod($id,$_SESSION['user'],$handle,false)==true) $like_ext="_high"; echo "

    "; }else{ echo "


    "; } echo "


    "; function tabCol($title,$msg){ echo "".$title.":$msg\n"; } // Details section echo "
    \n"; echo "Details\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "

    \n"; tabCol("Name",$row['basename']); tabCol("Version",$row['version']); // Version tabCol("Release",$row['3m_rele']); tabCol("License",$row['license']); tabCol("Method",$row['repotype']); tabCol("Depends",$row['depend']); tabCol("Tags",tagLinks($row['tags'])); echo "

    \n"; echo "
    "; progressBar($row['progress'],260,$row['progress']."% completed"); echo "
    "; // Control panel section if ($links!=""){ echo "
    \n"; echo "Control Panel\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; } // Admin section if (is_member_moderator($_SESSION['user'],$handle)){ echo "
    \n"; echo "Admin Scripts\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; } // Recommended section echo "

    "; include_once "scripts/recommend.php"; echo "

    "; // Reviews section echo "
    \n"; echo "Reviews\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "

    "; include "scripts/show_reviews.php"; echo "

    "; // End of the mod bar echo "
    \n\n"; ?>
    p($row['description'],1); // Write the description echo "


    "; ?>