-- CSM death formspec. Only used when clientside modding is enabled, otherwise -- handled by the engine. core.register_on_death(function() core.display_chat_message("You died.") local formspec = "size[11,5.5]bgcolor[#320000b4;true]" .. "label[4.85,1.35;" .. fgettext("You died") .. "]button_exit[2,3;3,0.5;btn_respawn;".. fgettext("Respawn") .. "]button_exit[6,3;3,0.5;btn_ghost_mode;".. fgettext("Ghost Mode") .."]" core.show_formspec("bultin:death", formspec) end) core.register_on_formspec_input(function(formname, fields) if formname == "bultin:death" then if fields.btn_ghost_mode then core.display_chat_message("You are in ghost mode. Use .respawn to Respawn") else core.send_respawn() end end end) core.register_chatcommand("respawn", { description = core.gettext("Respawn when in ghost mode"), func = function() if core.localplayer:get_hp() == 0 then core.send_respawn() core.display_chat_message("Respawned.") else core.display_chat_message("You are not in ghost mode.") end end })