-- CC0/Unlicense Emilia 2020 local tlang = {} local prefix = "" if minetest ~= nil then prefix = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. "/" end local function merge_tables(l1, l2) local out = {} for k, v in pairs(l1) do out[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(l2) do out[k] = v end return out end local function load_api_file(file) tlang = merge_tables(tlang, dofile(prefix .. file)) end load_api_file("tlang_lex.lua") load_api_file("tlang_parse.lua") load_api_file("tlang_vm.lua") function tlang.combine_builtins(b1, b2) return merge_tables(b1, b2) end function tlang.construct_builtins(builtins) return merge_tables(tlang.builtins, builtins) end -- TODO --[[ lexer should include line/character number in symbols error messages maps should be able to have out of order number indexes (like [1 2 3 10:"Out of order"]) map.key accessing syntax parse as identifier, include . as identifier character, split on . and thats the indexing tree --]] function tlang.run(state) while true do local more = tlang.step(state) if more == true or more == nil then -- continue along elseif type(more) == "string" then print(more) -- error elseif more == false then return -- done else print("Unknown error, tlang.step returned: " .. tostring(more)) end end end function tlang.get_state(code) local lexed = tlang.lex(code) local parsed = tlang.parse(lexed) return { locals = {{ pc = {sg = 1, pos = {"__ast__"}, elem = 1}, vars = { __src__ = tlang.value_to_tlang(code), __lex__ = tlang.value_to_tlang(lexed), __ast__ = {type = "code", value = parsed} } }}, stack = {}, code_stack = {}, builtins = tlang.builtins } end function tlang.exec(code) local state = tlang.get_state(code) tlang.run(state) end function tlang.pretty_pc(pc) return tostring(pc.sg) .. ";" .. tostring(pc.pos) .. ";" .. tostring(pc.elem) end function tlang.format_table(t, depth, maxdepth) depth = depth or 0 maxdepth = maxdepth or -1 if depth == maxdepth then return "{...}" end local out = {} out[1] = "{\n" for k, v in pairs(t) do local idx = k if type(k) == "string" then idx = '"' .. k .. '"' elseif type(k) == "table" then idx = "{...}" end out[#out + 1] = string.rep("\t", depth + 1) .. "[" .. idx .. "] = " if type(v) == "table" then out[#out + 1] = tlang.format_table(v, depth + 1, maxdepth) elseif type(v) == "string" then out[#out + 1] = '"' .. v .. '"' else out[#out + 1] = tostring(v) end out[#out + 1] = ",\n" end out[#out + 1] = string.rep("\t", depth) .. "}" return table.concat(out) end function tlang.print_table(t, maxdepth) print(tlang.format_table(t, nil, maxdepth)) end local function test() local complex = [[{dup *} `square = -5.42 square "Hello, world!" print [1 2 3 str:"String"] ]] local number = "-4.2123" local simple = "{dup *}" local map = "[this:2 that:3]" local square = [[{dup *} `square = 5 square print]] local square_run = "5 {dup *} run print" local comment_test = "'asd' print # 'aft' print" local forever_test = [[ 5 # iteration count { dup # duplicate iter count print # print countdown -- # decrement dup 0 == # check if TOS is 0 {break} if # break if TOS == 0 } forever # run loop ]] local local_test = [[ 'outside' `var = { var print # should be 'outside' 'inside' `var = var print # should be 'inside' } run var print # should be 'inside' ]] local while_test = [[ 5 `cur = { `cur -- cur } { "four times" print } while ]] local repeat_test = [[ { "four times" print } 4 repeat { i print } 5 `i repeat ]] local stack_test = "5 5 == print" local args_test = [[ { 0 `first `second args first print second print } `test = 1 2 test ]] local ifelse_test = [[ { { 'if' print } { 'else' print } if } `ifprint = 1 ifprint 0 ifprint ]] local nest_run = [[ { { 'innermost' print } run } run 'work' print ]] local mapid_test = "this.that.2.here .81..wao.88912" local paren_test = "('works' print) 'out' print" local mapdot_test = [[ [1 a:5 b:[a:2 b:3] ] `a = 4 `a.a = a.a print a.b.b print ]] local stackdot_test = [[ [a:1 b:2] .b print 6 `.a = .a print ]] local test = stackdot_test --tlang.print_table(tlang.lex(test)) --tlang.print_table(tlang.parse(tlang.lex(test))) tlang.exec(test) end if minetest == nil then test() end return tlang