local placed_crystal local switched_to_totem = 0 local used_sneak = true local totem_move_action = InventoryAction("move") totem_move_action:to("current_player", "main", 9) core.register_list_command("friend", "Configure Friend List (friends dont get attacked by Killaura or Forcefield)", "friendlist") core.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local player = core.localplayer if not player then return end local control = player:get_control() local pointed = core.get_pointed_thing() local item = player:get_wielded_item():get_name() if core.settings:get_bool("killaura") or core.settings:get_bool("forcefield") and control.LMB then local friendlist = core.settings:get("friendlist"):split(",") for _, obj in ipairs(core.get_objects_inside_radius(player:get_pos(), 5)) do local do_attack = true if obj:is_local_player() then do_attack = false else for _, friend in ipairs(friendlist) do if obj:get_name() == friend or obj:get_nametag() == friend then do_attack = false break end end end if do_attack then obj:punch() end end elseif core.settings:get_bool("crystal_pvp") then if placed_crystal then if core.switch_to_item("mobs_mc:totem") then switched_to_totem = 5 end placed_crystal = false elseif switched_to_totem > 0 then if item ~= "mobs_mc:totem" then switched_to_totem = 0 elseif pointed and pointed.type == "object" then pointed.ref:punch() switched_to_totem = 0 else switched_to_totem = switched_to_totem end elseif control.RMB and item == "mcl_end:crystal" then placed_crystal = true elseif control.sneak then if pointed and pointed.type == "node" and not used_sneak then local pos = core.get_pointed_thing_position(pointed) local node = core.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and (node.name == "mcl_core:obsidian" or node.name == "mcl_core:bedrock") then core.switch_to_item("mcl_end:crystal") core.place_node(pos) placed_crystal = true end end used_sneak = true else used_sneak = false end end if core.settings:get_bool("autototem") then local totem_stack = core.get_inventory("current_player").main[9] if totem_stack and totem_stack:get_name() ~= "mobs_mc:totem" then local totem_index = core.find_item("mobs_mc:totem") if totem_index then totem_move_action:from("current_player", "main", totem_index) totem_move_action:apply() player:set_wield_index(9) end end end end)