-- Wisp by system32 -- CC0/Unlicense 2020 -- version 1.0 -- -- a clientmod for minetest that lets people send 1 on 1 encrypted messages -- also has a public interface for other mods -- -- check out cora's tchat mod, which supports using wisp as a backend -- uses the lua-openssl library by George Zhao: https://github.com/zhaozg/lua-openssl -- public interface -- -- Methods -- send(player, message) - send a message -- register_on_receive(function(message)) - register a receiving callback (includes To: messages), if it returns true the message will not be shown to the player -- register_on_receive_split(function(player, message)) - register_on_receive but player and message are pre split -- register_on_send_split(function(player, message)) - register a sending callback, if it returns true the message will not be sent -- -- Properties -- players - list of online players (updated every 2 seconds , when someone may have left, and when a message is queued) -- minetest mod security doesn't work so require() is still disabled while modsec is off -- so this doesnt work without patches (it should tho :]) -- PATCHING MINETEST -- -- in src/script/lua_api/l_util.cpp add the following to ModApiUtil:InitializeClient() below API_FCT(decompress); --[[ API_FCT(request_insecure_environment); --]] -- -- in src/script/cpp_api/s_security.cpp add the following below int thread = getThread(L); in ScriptApiSecurity:initializeSecurityClient() --[[ // Backup globals to the registry lua_getglobal(L, "_G"); lua_rawseti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, CUSTOM_RIDX_GLOBALS_BACKUP); --]] -- -- Recompile Minetest (just using make -j$(nproc) is fine) -- INSTALLING OPENSSL -- -- Git clone, make, make install (git repo is https://github.com/zhaozg/lua-openssl) -- # mkdir /usr/lib/lua/5.1 -- # mv /usr/lib/lua/openssl.so /usr/lib/lua/5.1 -- ADDING TO TRUSTED -- -- add wisp to the trusted mods setting in Minetest --[[ protocol: on joining a game, generate a keypair for ECDH medium is minetest private messages for all conversation alice and bob dont know each other alice introduces herself, giving her ECDH public component to bob (using PEM) bob generates the secret and gives alice his public component alice generates the same secret then at any point alice or bob can talk to the other (for eg, alice talks) alice generates a 256 bit nonce and encrypts her message using AES 256 CBC with the nonce as the initialization vector, sending the nonce and message to bob (both base64 encoded and separated by a space character) bob decrypts her message using AES 256 CBC with the nonce as the initialization vector you can swap alice with bob and vice versa to get what will happen if bob messages alice the key exchanging step is performed whenever alice or bob don't have the other's key the encryption step is performed every time a private encrypted message is sent if a player leaves all players with their public key and other data will forget them, it is important to do this since the keys for a player are not persistent across joining/leaving servers if this was not done alice may use a stale key for bob or vice versa, giving an incorrect shared secret this is not damaging to security, it just wouldn't let them talk --]] if minetest.request_insecure_environment == nil then error("Wisp: Minetest scripting patches were not applied, please apply them and recompile Minetest.") end local env = minetest.request_insecure_environment() if env == nil then error("Wisp: not in trusted mods (secure.trusted_mods), please go into the advanced settings and add wisp (all lowercase).") end local openssl = env.require("openssl") -- private stuff local function init_settings(setting_table) for k, v in pairs(setting_table) do if minetest.settings:get(k) == nil then if type(v) == "boolean" then minetest.settings:set_bool(k, v) else minetest.settings:set(k, v) end end end end init_settings({ wisp_prefix = "&**&", wisp_curve = "prime256v1", wisp_cipher = "aes256", wisp_digest = "sha256", wisp_iv_size = 8, wisp_whisper = "msg", wisp_hide_sent = true }) -- players must agree on these local prefix = minetest.settings:get("wisp_prefix") local curve = minetest.settings:get("wisp_curve") local cipher = minetest.settings:get("wisp_cipher") local digest = minetest.settings:get("wisp_digest") local iv_size = minetest.settings:get("wisp_iv_size") local whisper = minetest.settings:get("wisp_whisper") local hide_sent = minetest.settings:get_bool("wisp_hide_sent") local my_key = openssl.pkey.new("ec", curve) local my_ec = my_key:parse().ec local my_export = my_key:get_public():export() local pem_begin = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" local pem_end = "\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" my_export = my_export:sub(pem_begin:len() + 1, -pem_end:len() - 1):gsub("\n", "~") local friends = {} -- convenience aliases local function qsplit(message) return string.split(message, " ") end local function b64_decode(message) return minetest.decode_base64(message) end local function b64_encode(message) return minetest.encode_base64(message) end local function in_list(list, value) for k, v in ipairs(list) do if v == value then return true end end return false end local function append(list, item) list[#list + 1] = item end local function popfirst(t) local out = {} for i = 2, #t do out[#out + 1] = t[i] end return out end local function unpack(t, i) if type(t) ~= "table" then return t end i = i or 1 if t[i] ~= nil then return t[i], unpack(t, i + 1) end end -- key trading local function dm(player, message) minetest.send_chat_message("/" .. whisper .. " " .. player .. " " .. message) end -- initialize local function establish(player) dm(player, prefix .. "I " .. my_export) end -- receiving local function establish_receive(player, message, sendout) friends[player] = {} local friend = friends[player] local key = pem_begin .. message:gsub("~", "\n") .. pem_end friend.pubkey = openssl.pkey.read(key) friend.secret = my_ec:compute_key(friend.pubkey:parse().ec) friend.key = openssl.digest.digest(digest, friend.secret, true) if sendout == true then dm(player, prefix .. "R " .. my_export) end end -- encryption local function run_callbacks(list, params) for k, v in ipairs(list) do if v(unpack(params)) then return true end end end -- encrypt and send local function message_send(player, message, hide_to, force_send) local me = minetest.localplayer:get_name() if run_callbacks(wisp.send_split_callbacks, {player, message}) then return end -- for displaying the To: stuff if not hide_to then local target = player if target == me then target = "Yourself" end local display_message = "To " .. target .. ": " .. message local callback_value = run_callbacks(wisp.receive_callbacks, display_message) callback_value = callback_value or run_callbacks(wisp.receive_split_callbacks, {player, message}) if not callback_value then minetest.display_chat_message(display_message) end end -- actual encryption local friend = friends[player] if friend == nil then return end local nonce = openssl.random(iv_size, true) local enc_message = openssl.cipher.encrypt(cipher, message, friend.key, nonce) local final_message = b64_encode(nonce) .. " " .. b64_encode(enc_message) if player ~= me or force_send then dm(player, prefix .. "E " .. final_message) end end -- decrypt and show local function message_receive(player, message) local friend = friends[player] if friend == nil then return end local nonce = b64_decode(qsplit(message)[1]) local enc_message = b64_decode(qsplit(message)[2]) local dec_message = openssl.cipher.decrypt(cipher, enc_message, friend.key, nonce) final_message = "From " .. player .. ": " .. dec_message local callback_value = run_callbacks(wisp.receive_callbacks, final_message) callback_value = callback_value or run_callbacks(wisp.receive_split_callbacks, {player, dec_message}) if not callback_value then minetest.display_chat_message(final_message) end end -- check if a player actually left local function player_left(message) for player in message:gmatch("[^ ]* (.+) left the game.") do wisp.players = minetest.get_player_names() for k, v in ipairs(wisp.players) do if v == player then return player end end end end -- check if a message is a PM local function pm(message) for player, message in message:gmatch(".*rom (.+): (.*)") do return player, message end return nil, nil end -- check if a message is encrypted local function encrypted(message) local split = string.split(message, " ") if split[1] == prefix then return string.sub(message, string.len(prefix) + 2) end end -- check if a message is 'Message sent.' or similar local function message_sent(message) return message == "Message sent." end wisp = {} wisp.receive_callbacks = {} wisp.receive_split_callbacks = {} wisp.send_split_callbacks = {} wisp.players = {} local player_check_epoch = 0 -- message queue, accounts for establishing taking non-zero time -- messages are enqueued and dequeued once they can be sent local queue = {} local function enqueue(player, message, hide_to, force_send) append(queue, { player = player, message = message, hide_to = hide_to, force_send = force_send }) wisp.players = minetest.get_player_names() end local function dequeue() local new_queue = {} local out = queue[1] for k, v in ipairs(queue) do if k ~= 1 then append(new_queue, v) end end queue = new_queue return out end local function peek() return queue[1] end function wisp.send(player, message, hide_to, force_send) if (player ~= minetest.localplayer:get_name() or force_send) and friends[player] == nil then establish(player) end enqueue(player, message, hide_to, force_send) end function wisp.register_on_receive(func) append(wisp.receive_callbacks, func) end function wisp.register_on_receive_split(func) append(wisp.receive_split_callbacks, func) end function wisp.register_on_send_split(func) append(wisp.send_split_callbacks, func) end -- glue minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_message( function(message) -- hide Message sent. if hide_sent and message_sent(message) then return true end -- if its a PM local player, msg = pm(message) if player and msg then local split = qsplit(msg) local plain = table.concat(popfirst(split), " ") -- initial key trade if split[1] == prefix .. "I" then establish_receive(player, plain, true) return true -- key trade response elseif split[1] == prefix .. "R" then establish_receive(player, plain) return true -- encrypted message receive elseif split[1] == prefix .. "E" then -- encrypt message_receive(player, plain) return true end end -- remove friends if they leave local player = player_left(message) if player then friends[player] = nil end end ) minetest.register_globalstep( function() if os.time() > player_check_epoch + 2 then wisp.players = minetest.get_player_names() end local p = peek() if p then if not in_list(wisp.players, peek().player) then minetest.display_chat_message("Player " .. peek().player .. " is not online. If they are please resend the message.") dequeue() return end if (p.player == minetest.localplayer:get_name() and not p.force_send) or friends[p.player] then local v = dequeue() message_send(v.player, v.message, v.hide_to, v.force_send) end end end ) minetest.register_chatcommand("e", { params = "", description = "Send encrypted whisper to player", func = function(param) local player = qsplit(param)[1] local message = table.concat(popfirst(qsplit(param)), " ") if player == nil then minetest.display_chat_message("Player not specified.") return end wisp.send(player, message) end })