autoeat = {} autoeat.lock = false local autodupe = false --rawget(_G, "autodupe") local hud_id = nil local function get_float(name, default) return tonumber(minetest.settings:get("autoeat_" .. name) or "") or default end local etime = 0 function local food_index local food_count = 0 for index, stack in pairs(minetest.get_inventory("current_player").main) do local stackname = stack:get_name() if stackname ~= "" then local def = minetest.get_item_def(stackname) if def and then food_count = food_count + 1 if food_index then break end food_index = index end end end if food_index then if food_count == 1 and autodupe then --autodupe.needed(food_index) autoeat.lock = true else local player = minetest.localplayer local old_index = player:get_wield_index() player:set_wield_index(food_index) --minetest.interact("activate", {type = "nothing"}) minetest.place_node(minetest.localplayer:get_pos()) player:set_wield_index(old_index) autoeat.lock = false end end end function autoeat.get_hunger() if hud_id then return minetest.localplayer:hud_get(hud_id).number else return 20 end end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if not minetest.localplayer then return end etime = etime + dtime if autoeat.lock or minetest.settings:get_bool("autoeat") and etime >= get_float("cooldown", 0.5) and autoeat.get_hunger() < get_float("hunger", 9) then etime = 0 end end) local function get_hud() local player = minetest.localplayer local def local i = -1 if not player then minetest.after(5,get_hud) return end repeat i = i + 1 def = player:hud_get(i) until not def or def.text == "hbhunger_icon.png" if def then hud_id = i end end minetest.after(15,get_hud ) minetest.register_cheat("AutoEat", "Player", "autoeat")