list = {} function, setting) local def = {} def.description = desc def.params = "del | add | list" function def.func(param) local list = (minetest.settings:get(setting) or ""):split(",") if param == "list" then return true, table.concat(list, ", ") else local sparam = param:split(" ") local cmd = sparam[1] local item = sparam[2] if cmd == "del" then if not item then return false, "Missing item." end local i = table.indexof(list, item) if i == -1 then return false, item .. " is not on the list." else table.remove(list, i) minetest.settings:set(setting, table.concat(list, ",")) return true, "Removed " .. item .. " from the list." end elseif cmd == "add" then if not item then return false, "Missing item." end local i = table.indexof(list, item) if i ~= -1 then return false, item .. " is already on the list." else table.insert(list, item) minetest.settings:set(setting, table.concat(list, ",")) return true, "Added " .. item .. " to the list." end end end return false, "Invalid usage. (See /help )" end return def end minetest.register_chatcommand("xray","Configure X-Ray", "xray_nodes")) --minetest.register_chatcommand("Configure Search Nodes", "search_nodes")