-- CC0/Unlicense system32 2020 local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local function storage_init_table(key) if storage:get(key) == nil or storage:get(key) == "null" then storage:set_string(key, "{}") end return minetest.parse_json(storage:get_string(key)) end local function storage_save_json(key, value) storage:set_string(key, minetest.write_json(value)) end -- public interface hignore = {} -- name: color hignore.highlight = storage_init_table("hignore_highlight") -- name: mode hignore.ignore = storage_init_table("hignore_ignore") -- strip: mode hignore.strip = storage_init_table("hignore_strip") function hignore.save() storage_save_json("hignore_highlight", hignore.higlight) storage_save_json("hignore_ignore", hignore.ignore) storage_save_json("hignore_strip", hignore.strip) end local function localize_player(player) local info = minetest.get_server_info() local name = info.ip if info.address ~= "" then name = info.address end return player .. "@" .. info.ip .. ":" .. info.port end minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_message(function(message) local dm = message:match(".*rom (.*): .*") local pub = message:match("<(.*)>.*") local player = dm or pub if player then player = localize_player(dm or pub) else return end -- ignore and hide if hignore.ignore[player] then if hignore.ignore[player] == "summarize" then if dm then minetest.display_chat_message(player .. " sent you a DM.") else minetest.display_chat_message(player .. " sent a message.") end end return true end -- strip title if hignore.strip[player] then message = message:match(".- | (.*)") if hignore.highlight[player] == nil then minetest.display_chat_message(message) end end -- highlight message if hignore.highlight[player] then minetest.display_chat_message(minetest.colorize(hignore.highlight[player], message)) return true end end) local function noplayer() minetest.display_chat_message("No player specified.") end local function string_table(t) local out = "" for k, v in pairs(t) do if out ~= "" then out = out .. ", " .. tostring(k) .. ": " .. tostring(v) else out = tostring(k) .. ": " .. tostring(v) end end if out == "" then return "Empty" else return out end end minetest.register_chatcommand("ignore", { params = " ", description = "Ignore a player's messages, mode can be omitted (hide) or hide/summarize/none (stops ignoring).", func = function(params) local plist = string.split(params, " ") if plist[1] == nil then noplayer() return end local player = localize_player(plist[1]) local val = plist[2] -- hide/summarize are already set if plist[2] == nil then val = "hide" elseif plist[2] == "none" then val = nil end hignore.ignore[player] = val hignore.save() end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ignore_list", { description = "List ignored players.", func = function(params) minetest.display_chat_message(string_table(hignore.ignore)) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("highlight", { params = " ", description = "Highlight a player's messages, omit color to stop highlighting. Supports CSS and RGBA hex colors.", func = function(params) local plist = string.split(params, " ") if plist[1] == nil then noplayer() return end local player = localize_player(plist[1]) hignore.highlight[player] = plist[2] hignore.save() end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("highlight_list", { description = "List highlighted players.", func = function(params) minetest.display_chat_message(string_table(hignore.highlight)) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("strip", { params = "", description = "Toggle stripping of a player's titles.", func = function(params) local plist = string.split(params, " ") if plist[1] == nil then noplayer() return end local player = localize_player(plist[1]) if hignore.strip[player] then hignore.strip[player] = nil else hignore.strip[player] = "remove" end hignore.save() end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("strip_list", { description = "List players with stripped titles.", func = function(params) minetest.display_chat_message(string_table(hignore.strip)) end })