--- -- random screenshots randomscreenshot = {} local interval=10 -- minimum number of minutes to wait til next screenshot local rnd=10 --random time local nextsc=0 minetest.register_globalstep(function() if not minetest.settings:get_bool("randomsc") then return end if os.time() < nextsc then return end math.randomseed(os.clock()) nextsc=os.time() + ( interval * 60 ) + math.random(rnd * 60) minetest.after("15.0",function() minetest.hide_huds() minetest.display_chat_message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") minetest.after("0.1",minetest.take_screenshot) minetest.after("0.2",function() minetest.show_huds() end) end) end) if (_G["minetest"]["register_cheat"] ~= nil) then minetest.register_cheat("Random Screenshot", "World", "randomsc") else minetest.settings:set_bool('randomsc',true) end