woodcutting = {} woodcutting.settings = { tree_distance = 1, -- 1 means touching nodes only leaves_distance = 2, -- do not touch leaves around the not removed trees with this distance player_distance = 80, -- max distance away from player on_new_process_hook = function(process) return true end, -- do not start the process if set to nil or return false on_step_hook = function(process) return true end, -- if false is returned finish the process on_woodcut_hook = function(process, pos) return true end, -- if false is returned the node is skipped } woodcutting.tree_content_ids = {} woodcutting.leaves_content_ids = {} woodcutting.process_runtime = {} local woodcutting_class = {} woodcutting_class.__index = woodcutting_class ---------------------------- --- Constructor. Create a new process with template ---------------------------- function woodcutting.new_process(playername, template) local process = setmetatable(template, woodcutting_class) process.__index = woodcutting_class process.treenodes_sorted = {} -- simple sortable list process.treenodes_hashed = {} -- With minetest.hash_node_position() as key for deduplication process.playername = playername process.tree_distance = process.tree_distance or woodcutting.settings.tree_distance process.leaves_distance = process.leaves_distance or woodcutting.settings.leaves_distance process.player_distance = process.player_distance or woodcutting.settings.player_distance local hook = woodcutting.settings.on_new_process_hook(process) if hook == false then return end woodcutting.process_runtime[playername] = process process = woodcutting.get_process(playername) -- note: self is stored in inporcess table, but get_process function does additional data enrichments process:show_hud() process:process_woodcut_step() return process end ---------------------------- -- Getter - get running process for player ---------------------------- function woodcutting.get_process(playername) local process = woodcutting.process_runtime[playername] if process then process._player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if not process._player then -- stop process if player leaved the game process:stop_process() return end end return process end ---------------------------------- --- Stop the woodcutting process ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:stop_process() if self._hud and self._player then self._player:hud_remove(self._hud) end woodcutting.process_runtime[self.playername] = nil end ---------------------------------- --- Add neighbors tree nodes to the list for further processing ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:add_tree_neighbors(pos) -- read map around the node local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local r_min = vector.subtract(pos, self.tree_distance) local r_max = vector.add(pos, self.tree_distance) local minp, maxp = vm:read_from_map(r_min, r_max) local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = minp, MaxEdge = maxp}) local data = vm:get_data() -- collect tree nodes to the lists for i in area:iterp(r_min, r_max) do local tree_nodename = woodcutting.tree_content_ids[data[i]] if tree_nodename then local pos = area:position(i) local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if not self.treenodes_hashed[poshash] then table.insert(self.treenodes_sorted, pos) self.treenodes_hashed[poshash] = tree_nodename end end end end ---------------------------------- --- Get the delay time before processing the node at pos ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:get_delay_time(pos) local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[self.treenodes_hashed[poshash]] local capabilities = self._player:get_wielded_item():get_tool_capabilities() local dig_params = minetest.get_dig_params(nodedef.groups, capabilities) return dig_params.time end ---------------------------------- --- Check node removal allowed ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:check_processing_allowed(pos) return vector.distance(pos, self._player:get_pos()) < self.player_distance end ---------------------------------- --- Select the next tree node for cutting ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:select_next_tree_node() local playerpos = self._player:get_pos() -- sort the table for priorization higher nodes, select the first one and process them table.sort(self.treenodes_sorted, function(a,b) local aval = math.abs(playerpos.x-a.x) + math.abs(playerpos.z-a.z) local bval = math.abs(playerpos.x-b.x) + math.abs(playerpos.z-b.z) if aval == bval then -- if same horizontal distance, prever higher node aval = -a.z bval = -b.z end return aval < bval end) return self.treenodes_sorted[1] end ---------------------------------- --- Process a woodcut step in minetest.after chain. Select a tree node and trigger processing for them ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:process_woodcut_step() local function run_process_woodcut_step(playername) local process = woodcutting.get_process(playername) if not process then return end local hook = woodcutting.settings.on_step_hook(process) if hook == false then process:stop_process() return end local pos = process:select_next_tree_node() process:show_hud(pos) if pos then table.remove(process.treenodes_sorted, 1) if process:check_processing_allowed(pos) then -- dig the node local delaytime = process:get_delay_time(pos) process:woodcut_node(pos, delaytime) end elseif next(process.treenodes_hashed) then -- nothing selected but still running. Trigger next step process:process_woodcut_step() else process:stop_process() return end end minetest.after(0.1, run_process_woodcut_step, self.playername) end ---------------------------- -- Process single node async ---------------------------- function woodcutting_class:woodcut_node(pos, delay) local function run_woodcut_node(playername, pos) -- get current process object (async start) local process = woodcutting.get_process(playername) if not process then return end -- Check it is async chain, trigger the next step in this case local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if process.treenodes_hashed[poshash] then process:process_woodcut_step() process.treenodes_hashed[poshash] = nil end local hook = woodcutting.settings.on_woodcut_hook(process, pos) if hook == false then return end -- Check right node at the place before removal local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local id = minetest.get_content_id(node.name) if not (woodcutting.tree_content_ids[id] or woodcutting.leaves_content_ids[id]) then return end -- dig the node minetest.node_dig(pos, node, process._player) end minetest.after(delay, run_woodcut_node, self.playername, pos) end ---------------------------- -- Process leaves around the tree node ---------------------------- function woodcutting_class:process_leaves(pos) local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local r_min = vector.subtract(pos, self.leaves_distance * 2 + 3) local r_max = vector.add(pos, self.leaves_distance * 2 + 3) local minp, maxp = vm:read_from_map(r_min, r_max) local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = minp, MaxEdge = maxp}) local data = vm:get_data() for i in area:iterp(r_min, r_max) do if woodcutting.leaves_content_ids[data[i]] then local leavespos = area:position(i) -- search if no other tree node near the leaves local tree_found = false for i2 in area:iterp(vector.subtract(leavespos,self.leaves_distance), vector.add(leavespos,self.leaves_distance)) do if woodcutting.tree_content_ids[data[i2] ] then tree_found = true break end end if not tree_found then self:woodcut_node(leavespos, 0) end end end end ---------------------------------- --- Enable players hud message ---------------------------------- function woodcutting_class:show_hud(pos) if not self._player then return end local message = "Woodcutting active. Hold sneak key to disable it" if pos then message = '['..#self.treenodes_sorted..'] '..minetest.pos_to_string(pos).." | "..message end if self._hud then self._player:hud_change(self._hud, "text", message) else self._hud = self._player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", position = {x=0.3,y=0.3}, alignment = {x=0,y=0}, size = "", text = message, number = 0xFFFFFF, offset = {x=0, y=0}, }) end end ---------------------------- -- dig node - check if woodcutting and initialize the work ---------------------------- minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, oldnode, digger) -- check removed node is tree / check the digger is still online local id = minetest.get_content_id(oldnode.name) if not woodcutting.tree_content_ids[id] or not digger then return end -- Get the process or create new one local playername = digger:get_player_name() local sneak = digger:get_player_control().sneak local process = woodcutting.get_process(playername) if not process and sneak then process = woodcutting.new_process(playername, { sneak_pressed = true, -- to control sneak toggle }) end if not process then return end -- process the sneak toggle if sneak then if not process.sneak_pressed then -- sneak pressed second time - stop the work process:stop_process() return end else if process.sneak_pressed then process.sneak_pressed = false end end -- add the neighbors to the list. -- Note: The processing is started in new_process() using minetest.after() functionlity process:add_tree_neighbors(pos) -- process leaves for cutted node process:process_leaves(pos) end) ---------------------------- -- start collecting infos about trees and leaves after all mods loaded ---------------------------- minetest.after(0, function () for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if v.groups.tree then local id = minetest.get_content_id(k) woodcutting.tree_content_ids[id] = k elseif v.groups.leafdecay then local id = minetest.get_content_id(k) woodcutting.leaves_content_ids[id] = k end end end) ---------------------------- -- Stop work if the player dies ---------------------------- minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local process = woodcutting.get_process(player:get_player_name()) if process then process:stop_process() end end)