local function is_same_item(item1, item2) local chkgroup = nil local chkitem = nil -- simple check by name (group match is ok/true too) if item1 == item2 then --simple check return true end if not item1 or not item2 then -- if one of the items not there => difference return false end -- group check if item1:sub(1, 6) == "group:" then chkgroup = item1:sub(7) chkitem = item2 end if item2:sub(1, 6) == "group:" then if chkgroup then -- defined from item1, but not the same in simple check return false else chkgroup = item2:sub(7) chkitem = item1 end end if chkgroup and chkitem then local chkitemdef = minetest.registered_nodes[chkitem] if not chkitemdef then --should not be happen. But unknown item cannot be in a group return false elseif chkitemdef.groups[chkgroup] then --is in the group return true end end return false --checks not passed end local function is_same_recipe(rec1, rec2) -- Maybe TODO? : recalculation to universal format (width=0). same recipes can be defined in different ways (no samples) if not (rec1.items or rec2.items) then --nill means no recipe that is never the same oO return false end if rec1.type ~= rec2.type or rec1.width ~= rec2.width then return false end for i =1, 9 do -- check all fields. max recipe is 3x3e if not is_same_item(rec1.items[i], rec2.items[i]) then return false end end return true --checks passed, no differences found end local known_recipes = {} local print_no_recipe = false -- load and execute file each click --for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if (not def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory or def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory == 0) and def.description and def.description ~= "" then --check valide entrys only local recipes_for_node = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(name) if recipes_for_node == nil then if print_no_recipe then qa_block.out(name, "no_recipe") end else for kn, vn in ipairs(recipes_for_node) do for ku, vu in ipairs(known_recipes) do if vu.output ~= vn.output and is_same_recipe(vu, vn) == true then qa_block.out('same recipe', vu.output, vn.output) -- print (dump(vu),dump(vn)) --debug end end table.insert(known_recipes,vn ) end end end end