From bbfd7823002a3f464b53b5e4f7a422b8bc24529b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hugo Locurcio <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2020 11:34:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove legacy Stairs+ conversion code

It was only required to import worlds last edited before Q3 2013.
---              |   5 ++
 stairsplus/aliases.lua    |  70 -------------------
 stairsplus/conversion.lua | 139 --------------------------------------
 stairsplus/init.lua       |   3 -
 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 stairsplus/aliases.lua
 delete mode 100644 stairsplus/conversion.lua

diff --git a/ b/
index fd5cbb4..6b5cb52 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ## [Unreleased]
+### Removed
+- Legacy Stairs+ conversion code.
+  - It was only required to import worlds last edited before Q3 2013.
 ## [2.0.0] - 2019-11-25
 ### Added
diff --git a/stairsplus/aliases.lua b/stairsplus/aliases.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cdfd53..0000000
--- a/stairsplus/aliases.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-More Blocks: alias definitions
-Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
-Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
-local function register_stairsplus_alias(modname, origname, newname)
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname, "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname)
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_inverted", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_wall", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_wall")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_quarter", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_quarter")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_quarter_inverted", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_quarter_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_quarter_wall", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_quarter_wall")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_three_quarter", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_three_quarter")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_three_quarter_inverted", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_three_quarter_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_three_quarter_wall", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_three_quarter_wall")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname, "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname)
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_half")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_half_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_right_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_right_half")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_right_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_right_half_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_inner", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_inner")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_inner_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_inner_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_outer", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_outer")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_outer_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_outer_inverted")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":panel_" ..origname.. "_bottom", "moreblocks:panel_" ..newname.. "_bottom")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":panel_" ..origname.. "_top", "moreblocks:panel_" ..newname.. "_top")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":panel_" ..origname.. "_vertical", "moreblocks:panel_" ..newname.. "_vertical")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":micro_" ..origname.. "_bottom", "moreblocks:micro_" ..newname.. "_bottom")
-	minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":micro_" ..origname.. "_top", "moreblocks:micro_" ..newname.. "_top")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "stone", "stone")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "wood", "wood")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "pinewood", "pinewood")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "cobble", "cobble")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "brick", "brick")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "sandstone", "sandstone")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "glass", "glass")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "tree", "tree")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "jungletree", "jungletree")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "pinetree", "pinetree")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "desert_stone", "desert_stone")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "steelblock", "steelblock")
-register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "mossycobble", "mossycobble")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "coalstone", "coal_stone")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "junglewood", "jungle_wood")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "circlestonebrick", "circle_stone_bricks")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironstone", "iron_stone")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "coalglass", "coal_glass")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironglass", "iron_glass")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "glowglass", "glow_glass")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "superglowglass", "super_glow_glass")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "coalchecker", "coal_checker")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironchecker", "iron_checker")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "cactuschecker", "cactus_checker")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironstonebrick", "iron_stone_bricks")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "stonesquare", "stone_tile")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "splitstonesquare", "split_stone_tile")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "woodtile", "wood_tile")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "woodtile_centered", "wood_tile_centered")
-register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "woodtile_full", "wood_tile_full")
diff --git a/stairsplus/conversion.lua b/stairsplus/conversion.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca5fbd..0000000
--- a/stairsplus/conversion.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-More Blocks: conversion
-Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
-Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
--- Function to convert all stairs/slabs/etc nodes from
--- inverted, wall, etc to regular + 6d facedir
-local dirs1 = {21, 20, 23, 22, 21}
-local dirs2 = {15, 8, 17, 6, 15}
-local dirs3 = {14, 11, 16, 5, 14}
-function stairsplus:register_6dfacedir_conversion(modname, material)
-	--print("Register stairsplus 6d facedir conversion")
-	--print('ABM for '..modname..' "'..material..'"')
-	local objects_list1 = {
-		modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_inverted",
-		modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_quarter_inverted",
-		modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_three_quarter_inverted",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_inverted",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_wall",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_wall_half",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_wall_half_inverted",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_half_inverted",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_right_half_inverted",
-		modname.. ":panel_" ..material.. "_vertical",
-		modname.. ":panel_" ..material.. "_top",
-	}
-	local objects_list2 = {
-		modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_wall",
-		modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_quarter_wall",
-		modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_three_quarter_wall",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_inner_inverted",
-		modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_outer_inverted",
-		modname.. ":micro_" ..material.. "_top"
-	}
-	for _, object in pairs(objects_list1) do
-		local flip_upside_down = false
-		local flip_to_wall = false
-		local dest_object = object
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_inverted") then
-			flip_upside_down = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_inverted", "")
-		end
-		if string.find(object, "_top") then
-			flip_upside_down = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_top", "")
-		end
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_wall") then
-			flip_to_wall = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_wall", "")
-		end
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_vertical") then
-			flip_to_wall = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_vertical", "")
-		end
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_half") and not string.find(dest_object, "_right_half") then
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_half", "_right_half")
-		elseif string.find(dest_object, "_right_half") then
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_right_half", "_half")
-		end
-		--print("    +---> convert " ..object)
-		--print("    |     to " ..dest_object)
-		minetest.register_abm({
-			nodenames = {object},
-			interval = 1,
-			chance = 1,
-			action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
-				local fdir = node.param2 or 0
-				local nfdir
-				if flip_upside_down and not flip_to_wall then
-					nfdir = dirs1[fdir + 2]
-				elseif flip_to_wall and not flip_upside_down then
-					nfdir = dirs2[fdir + 1]
-				elseif flip_to_wall and flip_upside_down then
-					nfdir = dirs3[fdir + 2]
-				end
-				minetest.set_node(pos, {name = dest_object, param2 = nfdir})
-			end
-		})
-	end
-	for _, object in pairs(objects_list2) do
-		local flip_upside_down = false
-		local flip_to_wall = false
-		local dest_object = object
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_inverted") then
-			flip_upside_down = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_inverted", "")
-		end
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_top") then
-			flip_upside_down = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_top", "")
-		end
-		if string.find(dest_object, "_wall") then
-			flip_to_wall = true
-			dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_wall", "")
-		end
-		--print("    +---> convert " ..object)
-		--print("    |     to " ..dest_object)
-		minetest.register_abm({
-			nodenames = {object},
-			interval = 1,
-			chance = 1,
-			action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
-				local fdir = node.param2
-				local nfdir = 20
-				if flip_upside_down and not flip_to_wall then
-					nfdir = dirs1[fdir + 1]
-				elseif flip_to_wall and not flip_upside_down then
-					nfdir = dirs2[fdir + 2]
-				end
-				minetest.set_node(pos, {name = dest_object, param2 = nfdir})
-			end
-		})
-	end
diff --git a/stairsplus/init.lua b/stairsplus/init.lua
index 1baefe2..a1fcdff 100644
--- a/stairsplus/init.lua
+++ b/stairsplus/init.lua
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ function stairsplus:register_all(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
 	self:register_slope(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
 	self:register_panel(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
 	self:register_micro(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
-	-- self:register_6dfacedir_conversion(modname, subname) -- Not needed as of Q3 2013, uncomment to fix old maps.
 function stairsplus:register_alias_all(modname_old, subname_old, modname_new, subname_new)
@@ -71,8 +70,6 @@ local function register_stair_slab_panel_micro(modname, subname, recipeitem, gro
--- dofile(modpath.. "/aliases.lua") -- Not needed as of Q2 2013, uncomment to fix old maps.
--- dofile(modpath.. "/conversion.lua") -- Not needed as of Q2 2013, uncomment to fix old maps.
 dofile(modpath .. "/defs.lua")
 dofile(modpath .. "/recipes.lua")
 dofile(modpath .. "/common.lua")