function village_at_point(minp, noise1) local bseed for xi = -2, 2 do for zi = -2, 0 do if xi~=0 or zi~=0 then local pi = PseudoRandom(get_bseed({x=minp.x+80*xi, z=minp.z+80*zi})) if pi:next(1,400)<=28 and noise1:get2d({x=minp.x+80*xi, z=minp.z+80*zi})>-0.3 then return 0,0,0,0 end end end end local pr = PseudoRandom(get_bseed(minp)) if pr:next(1,400)>28 then return 0,0,0,0 end local x = pr:next(minp.x, minp.x+79) local z = pr:next(minp.z, minp.z+79) if noise1:get2d({x=x, y=z})<-0.3 then return 0,0,0,0 end local size = pr:next(20, 40) local height = pr:next(5, 20) print("A village spawned at: x="..x..", z="..z) return x,z,size,height end --local function dist_center2(ax, bsizex, az, bsizez) -- return math.max((ax+bsizex)*(ax+bsizex),ax*ax)+math.max((az+bsizez)*(az+bsizez),az*az) --end local function inside_village2(bx, sx, bz, sz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) return inside_village(bx, bz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) and inside_village(bx+sx, bz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) and inside_village(bx, bz+sz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) and inside_village(bx+sx, bz+sz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) end local function choose_building(l, pr) ::choose:: p = pr:next(1, 3000) for b, i in ipairs(buildings) do if i.max_weight > p then btype = b break end end if buildings[btype].pervillage ~= nil then local n = 0 for j=1, #l do if l[j].btype == btype then n = n + 1 end end if n >= buildings[btype].pervillage then goto choose end end return btype end local function choose_building_rot(l, pr) local btype = choose_building(l, pr) local rotation if buildings[btype].no_rotate then rotation = 0 else rotation = pr:next(0, 3) end bsizex = buildings[btype].sizex bsizez = buildings[btype].sizez if rotation%2 == 1 then bsizex, bsizez = bsizez, bsizex end return btype, rotation, bsizex, bsizez end local function placeable(bx, bz, bsizex, bsizez, l, exclude_roads) for _, a in ipairs(l) do if (a.btype ~= "road" or not exclude_roads) and math.abs(bx+bsizex/2-a.x-a.bsizex/2)<=(bsizex+a.bsizex)/2 and math.abs(bz+bsizez/2-a.z-a.bsizez/2)<=(bsizez+a.bsizez)/2 then return false end end return true end local function road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) if rdx == 0 then return not placeable(rx-roadsize+1, rz, 2*roadsize-2, 0, l, true) else return not placeable(rx, rz-roadsize+1, 0, 2*roadsize-2, l, true) end end local function when(a, b, c) if a then return b else return c end end local function generate_road(vx, vz, vs, vh, l, pr, roadsize, rx, rz, rdx, rdz, vnoise) local calls_to_do = {} local rxx = rx local rzz = rz local mx, m2x, mz, m2z mx, m2x, mz, m2z = rx, rx, rz, rz while inside_village(rx, rz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) and not road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) do if roadsize > 1 and pr:next(1, 4) == 1 then --generate_road(vx, vz, vs, vh, l, pr, roadsize-1, rx, rz, math.abs(rdz), math.abs(rdx)) calls_to_do[#calls_to_do+1] = {rx=rx+(roadsize - 1)*rdx, rz=rz+(roadsize - 1)*rdz, rdx=math.abs(rdz), rdz=math.abs(rdx)} m2x = rx + (roadsize - 1)*rdx m2z = rz + (roadsize - 1)*rdz rx = rx + (2*roadsize - 1)*rdx rz = rz + (2*roadsize - 1)*rdz end --else ::loop:: if not inside_village(rx, rz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) or road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) then goto exit1 end btype, rotation, bsizex, bsizez = choose_building_rot(l, pr) local bx = rx + math.abs(rdz)*(roadsize+1) - when(rdx==-1, bsizex-1, 0) local bz = rz + math.abs(rdx)*(roadsize+1) - when(rdz==-1, bsizez-1, 0) if not placeable(bx, bz, bsizex, bsizez, l) or not inside_village2(bx, bsizex, bz, bsizez, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) then--dist_center2(bx-vx, bsizex, bz-vz, bsizez)>vs*vs then rx = rx + rdx rz = rz + rdz goto loop end rx = rx + (bsizex+1)*rdx rz = rz + (bsizez+1)*rdz mx = rx - 2*rdx mz = rz - 2*rdz l[#l+1] = {x=bx, y=vh, z=bz, btype=btype, bsizex=bsizex, bsizez=bsizez, brotate = rotation} --end end ::exit1:: if road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) then mx = rx - 2*rdx mz = rz - 2*rdz end rx = rxx rz = rzz while inside_village(rx, rz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) and not road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) do if roadsize > 1 and pr:next(1, 4) == 1 then --generate_road(vx, vz, vs, vh, l, pr, roadsize-1, rx, rz, -math.abs(rdz), -math.abs(rdx)) calls_to_do[#calls_to_do+1] = {rx=rx+(roadsize - 1)*rdx, rz=rz+(roadsize - 1)*rdz, rdx=-math.abs(rdz), rdz=-math.abs(rdx)} m2x = rx + (roadsize - 1)*rdx m2z = rz + (roadsize - 1)*rdz rx = rx + (2*roadsize - 1)*rdx rz = rz + (2*roadsize - 1)*rdz end --else ::loop:: if not inside_village(rx, rz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) or road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) then goto exit2 end btype, rotation, bsizex, bsizez = choose_building_rot(l, pr) local bx = rx - math.abs(rdz)*(bsizex+roadsize) - when(rdx==-1, bsizex-1, 0) local bz = rz - math.abs(rdx)*(bsizez+roadsize) - when(rdz==-1, bsizez-1, 0) if not placeable(bx, bz, bsizex, bsizez, l) or not inside_village2(bx, bsizex, bz, bsizez, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) then--dist_center2(bx-vx, bsizex, bz-vz, bsizez)>vs*vs then rx = rx + rdx rz = rz + rdz goto loop end rx = rx + (bsizex+1)*rdx rz = rz + (bsizez+1)*rdz m2x = rx - 2*rdx m2z = rz - 2*rdz l[#l+1] = {x=bx, y=vh, z=bz, btype=btype, bsizex=bsizex, bsizez=bsizez, brotate = rotation} --end end ::exit2:: if road_in_building(rx, rz, rdx, rdz, roadsize, l) then m2x = rx - 2*rdx m2z = rz - 2*rdz end mx = rdx*math.max(rdx*mx, rdx*m2x) mz = rdz*math.max(rdz*mz, rdz*m2z) if rdx == 0 then rxmin = rx - roadsize + 1 rxmax = rx + roadsize - 1 rzmin = math.min(rzz, mz) rzmax = math.max(rzz, mz) else rzmin = rz - roadsize + 1 rzmax = rz + roadsize - 1 rxmin = math.min(rxx, mx) rxmax = math.max(rxx, mx) end l[#l+1] = {x=rxmin, y=vh, z=rzmin, btype="road", bsizex=rxmax-rxmin+1, bsizez=rzmax-rzmin+1, brotate = 0} for _,i in ipairs(calls_to_do) do generate_road(vx, vz, vs, vh, l, pr, roadsize-1, i.rx, i.rz, i.rdx, i.rdz, vnoise) end end local function generate_bpos(vx, vz, vs, vh, pr, vnoise) --[=[local l={} local total_weight = 0 for _, i in ipairs(buildings) do if i.weight == nil then i.weight = 1 end total_weight = total_weight+i.weight i.max_weight = total_weight end local multiplier = 3000/total_weight for _,i in ipairs(buildings) do i.max_weight = i.max_weight*multiplier end for i=1, 2000 do bx = pr:next(vx-vs, vx+vs) bz = pr:next(vz-vs, vz+vs) ::choose:: --[[btype = pr:next(1, #buildings) if buildings[btype].chance ~= nil then if pr:next(1, buildings[btype].chance) ~= 1 then goto choose end end]] p = pr:next(1, 3000) for b, i in ipairs(buildings) do if i.max_weight > p then btype = b break end end if buildings[btype].pervillage ~= nil then local n = 0 for j=1, #l do if l[j].btype == btype then n = n + 1 end end if n >= buildings[btype].pervillage then goto choose end end local rotation if buildings[btype].no_rotate then rotation = 0 else rotation = pr:next(0, 3) end bsizex = buildings[btype].sizex bsizez = buildings[btype].sizez if rotation%2 == 1 then bsizex, bsizez = bsizez, bsizex end if dist_center2(bx-vx, bsizex, bz-vz, bsizez)>vs*vs then goto out end for _, a in ipairs(l) do if math.abs(bx-a.x)<=(bsizex+a.bsizex)/2+2 and math.abs(bz-a.z)<=(bsizez+a.bsizez)/2+2 then goto out end end l[#l+1] = {x=bx, y=vh, z=bz, btype=btype, bsizex=bsizex, bsizez=bsizez, brotate = rotation} ::out:: end return l]=]-- local l={} local rx = vx-vs local rz = vz while inside_village(rx, rz, vx, vz, vs, vnoise) do rx = rx - 1 end rx = rx + 5 generate_road(vx, vz, vs, vh, l, pr, 3, rx, rz, 1, 0, vnoise) return l --[=[while rx1 < vx+vs do local building = choose_building(l, pr) local rotation if buildings[btype].no_rotate then rotation = 0 else rotation = pr:next(0, 3) end bsizex = buildings[btype].sizex bsizez = buildings[btype].sizez if rotation%2 == 1 then bsizex, bsizez = bsizez, bsizex end local bx = rx1 rx1 = rx1+bsizex+1 local bz = rz - bsizez - 3 if dist_center2(bx-vx, bsizex, bz-vz, bsizez)>vs*vs then goto out end l[#l+1] = {x=bx, y=vh, z=bz, btype=btype, bsizex=bsizex, bsizez=bsizez, brotate = rotation} ::out:: end while rx2 < vx+vs do local building = choose_building(l, pr) local rotation if buildings[btype].no_rotate then rotation = 0 else rotation = pr:next(0, 3) end bsizex = buildings[btype].sizex bsizez = buildings[btype].sizez if rotation%2 == 1 then bsizex, bsizez = bsizez, bsizex end local bx = rx2 rx2 = rx2+bsizex+1 local bz = rz + 3 if dist_center2(bx-vx, bsizex, bz-vz, bsizez)>vs*vs then goto out end l[#l+1] = {x=bx, y=vh, z=bz, btype=btype, bsizex=bsizex, bsizez=bsizez, brotate = rotation} ::out:: end return l]=] end local function generate_building(pos, minp, maxp, data, a, pr, extranodes) local binfo = buildings[pos.btype] local scm if type(binfo.scm) == "string" then local f, err ="mg").."/schems/"..binfo.scm..".we", "r") if not f then error("Could not open schematic '" .. binfo.scm .. ".we': " .. err) end value = f:read("*a") f:close() value = value:gsub("return%s*{", "", 1):gsub("}%s*$", "", 1) local escaped = value:gsub("\\\\", "@@"):gsub("\\\"", "@@"):gsub("(\"[^\"]*\")", function(s) return string.rep("@", #s) end) local startpos, startpos1, endpos = 1, 1 local nodes = {} while true do startpos, endpos = escaped:find("},%s*{", startpos) if not startpos then break end local current = value:sub(startpos1, startpos) table.insert(nodes, minetest.deserialize("return " .. current)) startpos, startpos1 = endpos, endpos end table.insert(nodes, minetest.deserialize("return " .. value:sub(startpos1))) scm = {} local maxx, maxy, maxz = -1, -1, -1 for i = 1, #nodes do local ent = nodes[i] if ent.x > maxx then maxx = ent.x end if ent.y > maxy then maxy = ent.y end if ent.z > maxz then maxz = ent.z end if scm[ent.y] == nil then scm[ent.y] = {} end if scm[ent.y][ent.x] == nil then scm[ent.y][ent.x] = {} end if ent.param2 == nil then ent.param2 = 0 end if ent.meta == nil then ent.meta = {fields={}, inventory={}} end if ent.param2 == 0 and #ent.meta.fields == 0 and #ent.meta.inventory == 0 then scm[ent.y][ent.x][ent.z] = minetest.get_content_id( else scm[ent.y][ent.x][ent.z] = {node={, param2=ent.param2}, meta=ent.meta} end end local c_ignore = minetest.get_content_id("ignore") for x = 1, maxx do for y = 1, maxy do for z = 1, maxz do if scm[ent.y] == nil then scm[ent.y] = {} end if scm[ent.y][ent.x] == nil then scm[ent.y][ent.x] = {} end if scm[ent.y][ent.x][ent.z] == nil then scm[ent.y][ent.x][ent.z] = c_ignore end end end end else scm = binfo.scm end scm = rotate(scm, pos.brotate) local t for x = 0, pos.bsizex-1 do for y = 0, binfo.ysize-1 do for z = 0, pos.bsizez-1 do ax, ay, az = pos.x+x, pos.y+y+binfo.yoff, pos.z+z if (ax >= minp.x and ax <= maxp.x) and (ay >= minp.y and ay <= maxp.y) and (az >= minp.z and az <= maxp.z) then t = scm[y+1][x+1][z+1] if type(t) == "table" then table.insert(extranodes, {node=t.node, meta=t.meta, pos={x=ax, y=ay, z=az},}) elseif t~=c_ignore then data[a:index(ax, ay, az)] = t end end end end end end local MIN_DIST = 5 local function pos_far_buildings(x, z, l) for _,a in ipairs(l) do if a.x-MIN_DIST<=x and x<=a.x+a.bsizex+MIN_DIST and a.z-MIN_DIST<=z and z<=a.z+a.bsizez+MIN_DIST then return false end end return true end function generate_village(vx, vz, vs, vh, minp, maxp, data, a, vnoise, to_grow) local seed = get_bseed({x=vx, z=vz}) local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) local bpos = generate_bpos(vx, vz, vs, vh, pr, vnoise) local extranodes = {} for _, pos in ipairs(bpos) do generate_building(pos, minp, maxp, data, a, pr, extranodes) end local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) for _, g in ipairs(to_grow) do if pos_far_buildings(g.x, g.z, bpos) then if g.content == c_sapling then add_tree(data, a, g.x, g.y, g.z, minp, maxp, c_tree, c_leaves, pr) elseif g.content == c_junglesapling then add_jungletree(data, a, g.x, g.y, g.z, minp, maxp, c_jungletree, c_jungleleaves, pr) elseif g.content == c_savannasapling then add_savannatree(data, a, g.x, g.y, g.z, minp, maxp, c_savannatree, c_savannaleaves, pr) elseif g.content == "savannabush" then add_savannabush(data, a, g.x, g.y, g.z, minp, maxp, c_savannatree, c_savannaleaves, pr) elseif g.content == c_pinesapling then add_pinetree(data, a, g.x, g.y, g.z, minp, maxp, c_pinetree, c_pineleaves, c_snow, pr) elseif g.content == c_cactus then ch = pr:next(0, 3) for yy = math.max(g.y, minp.y), math.min(g.y+ch, maxp.y) do data[a:index(x, yy, z)] = c_cactus end elseif g.content == c_papyrus then ch = pr:next(1, 3) for yy = math.max(g.y, minp.y), math.min(g.y+ch, maxp.y) do data[a:index(x, yy, z)] = c_papyrus end end end end return extranodes end