commoditymarket.registered_markets = {} local log_length_limit = 30 -- from --[[ table.bininsert( table, value [, comp] ) Inserts a given value through BinaryInsert into the table sorted by [, comp]. If 'comp' is given, then it must be a function that receives two table elements, and returns true when the first is less than the second, e.g. comp = function(a, b) return a > b end, will give a sorted table, with the biggest value on position 1. [, comp] behaves as in table.sort(table, value [, comp]) returns the index where 'value' was inserted ]]-- local comp_default = function(a, b) return a < b end function table.bininsert(t, value, comp) -- Initialise compare function local comp = comp or comp_default -- Initialise numbers local iStart, iEnd, iMid, iState = 1, #t, 1, 0 -- Get insert position while iStart <= iEnd do -- calculate middle iMid = math.floor( (iStart+iEnd)/2 ) -- compare if comp(value, t[iMid]) then iEnd, iState = iMid - 1, 0 else iStart, iState = iMid + 1, 1 end end local target = iMid+iState table.insert(t, target, value) return target end -- lowest price first local buy_comp = function(order1, order2) local price1 = order1.price local price2 = order2.price if price1 < price2 then return true elseif price1 == price2 and order1.timestamp < order2.timestamp then return true end return false end -- highest price first local sell_comp = function(order1, order2) local price1 = order1.price local price2 = order2.price if price1 > price2 then return true elseif price1 == price2 and order1.timestamp < order2.timestamp then return true end return false end --------------------------------- local get_account = function(market, player_name) local account = market.player_accounts[player_name] if account then return account end account = {} = "" = player_name account.balance = 0 -- currency account.inventory = {} -- items stored in the market inventory that aren't part of sell orders yet. stored as "[item] = count" account.filter_participating = "false" account.log = {} -- might want to use a more sophisticated queue, but this isn't going to be a big list so that's more trouble than it's worth right now. market.player_accounts[player_name] = account return account end -- Caution: the data structures produced by sale logging caused me to discover -- issue with minetest.serialize() -- I'm working around it by using the code in persistence.lua instead local log_sale = function(item, quantity, price, purchaser, seller) local log_entry = {item=item, quantity=quantity, price=price, purchaser=purchaser, seller=seller, timestamp = minetest.get_gametime()} local purchaser_log = purchaser.log local seller_log = seller.log table.insert(purchaser_log, log_entry) if #purchaser_log > log_length_limit then table.remove(purchaser_log, 1) end if (purchaser ~= seller) then table.insert(seller_log, log_entry) if #seller_log > log_length_limit then table.remove(seller_log, 1) end end end local remove_orders_by_account = function(orders, account) if not orders then return end local i = 1 while i < #orders do local order = orders[i] if order.account == account then table.remove(orders, i) else i = i + 1 end end end local remove_account = function(player_name) local account = player_accounts[player_name] if account == nil then return end player_accounts[player_name] = nil for item, lists in pairs(market) do remove_orders_by_account(lists.buy_orders, account) remove_orders_by_account(lists.sell_orders, account) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local add_inventory_to_account = function(market, account, item, quantity) if quantity < 1 or minetest.registered_items[item] == nil then return false end if market.def.currency[item] then account.balance = account.balance + market.def.currency[item] * quantity else account.inventory[item] = (account.inventory[item] or 0) + quantity end return true end local remove_inventory_from_account = function(account, item, quantity) if quantity < 1 then return false end local inventory = account.inventory local current_quantity = inventory[item] or 0 if current_quantity < quantity then return false end local new_quantity = current_quantity - quantity if new_quantity == 0 then inventory[item] = nil else inventory[item] = new_quantity end return true end local remove_order = function(order, array) for i, market_order in ipairs(array) do if order == market_order then table.remove(array, i) return true end end return false end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local add_sell = function(market, account, item, price, quantity) price = tonumber(price) quantity = tonumber(quantity) local sell_limit = market.def.sell_limit local sell_limit_exceeded if sell_limit then local total_sell = 0 for item, orders in pairs(market.orders_for_items) do for _, order in ipairs(orders.sell_orders) do if order.account == account then total_sell = total_sell + order.quantity end end end sell_limit_exceeded = total_sell + quantity > sell_limit end -- validate that this sell order is possible if sell_limit_exceeded or price < 0 or not remove_inventory_from_account(account, item, quantity) then return false end local buy_market = market.orders_for_items[item].buy_orders local buy_order = buy_market[#buy_market] local current_buy_volume = market.orders_for_items[item].buy_volume -- go through existing buy orders that are more expensive than or equal to the price -- we're demanding, selling them at the order's price until we run out of -- buy orders or run out of demand while quantity > 0 and buy_order and buy_order.price >= price do local quantity_to_sell = math.min(buy_order.quantity, quantity) quantity = quantity - quantity_to_sell local earned = quantity_to_sell*buy_order.price account.balance = account.balance + earned add_inventory_to_account(market, buy_order.account, item, quantity_to_sell) buy_order.quantity = buy_order.quantity - quantity_to_sell current_buy_volume = current_buy_volume - quantity_to_sell if buy_order.account ~= account then -- don't update the last price if a player is just buying and selling from themselves market.orders_for_items[item].last_price = buy_order.price end log_sale(item, quantity_to_sell, buy_order.price, buy_order.account, account) if buy_order.quantity == 0 then table.remove(buy_market, #buy_market) end buy_order = buy_market[#buy_market] end market.orders_for_items[item].buy_volume = current_buy_volume if quantity > 0 then local sell_market = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_orders -- create the order and insert it into order arrays local order = {account=account, price=price, quantity=quantity, timestamp=minetest.get_gametime()} table.bininsert(sell_market, order, sell_comp) market.orders_for_items[item].sell_volume = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_volume + quantity end end local cancel_sell = function(market, item, order) local account = order.account local quantity = order.quantity local sell_market = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_orders remove_order(order, sell_market) market.orders_for_items[item].sell_volume = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_volume - quantity add_inventory_to_account(market, account, item, quantity) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local test_buy = function(market, balance, item, price, quantity) if price < 0 or quantity < 1 then return false end local sell_market = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_orders local test_quantity = quantity local test_balance = balance local i = 0 local sell_order = sell_market[#sell_market] while test_quantity > 0 and sell_order and sell_order.price <= price do local quantity_to_buy = math.min(sell_order.quantity, test_quantity) test_quantity = test_quantity - quantity_to_buy test_balance = test_balance - quantity_to_buy*sell_order.price i = i + 1 sell_order = sell_market[#sell_market-i] end local spent = balance - test_balance test_balance = test_balance - test_quantity*price if test_balance < 0 then return false, spent, test_quantity end return true, spent, test_quantity end local add_buy = function(market, account, item, price, quantity) price = tonumber(price) quantity = tonumber(quantity) if not test_buy(market, account.balance, item, price, quantity) then return false end local sell_market = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_orders local sell_order = sell_market[#sell_market] local current_sell_volume = market.orders_for_items[item].sell_volume -- go through existing sell orders that are cheaper than or equal to the price -- we're wanting to offer, buying them up at the offered price until we run out of -- sell orders or run out of supply while quantity > 0 and sell_order and sell_order.price <= price do local quantity_to_buy = math.min(sell_order.quantity, quantity) quantity = quantity - quantity_to_buy local spent = quantity_to_buy*sell_order.price account.balance = account.balance - spent sell_order.account.balance = sell_order.account.balance + spent sell_order.quantity = sell_order.quantity - quantity_to_buy current_sell_volume = current_sell_volume - quantity_to_buy add_inventory_to_account(market, account, item, quantity_to_buy) if sell_order.account ~= account then -- don't update the last price if a player is just buying and selling from themselves market.orders_for_items[item].last_price = sell_order.price end log_sale(item, quantity_to_buy, sell_order.price, account, sell_order.account) -- Sell order completely used up, remove it if sell_order.quantity == 0 then table.remove(sell_market, #sell_market) end -- get the next sell order sell_order = sell_market[#sell_market] end market.orders_for_items[item].sell_volume = current_sell_volume if quantity > 0 then local buy_market = market.orders_for_items[item].buy_orders -- create the order for the remainder and insert it into order arrays local order = {account=account, price=price, quantity=quantity, timestamp=minetest.get_gametime()} account.balance = account.balance - quantity*price -- buy orders are pre-paid table.bininsert(buy_market, order, buy_comp) market.orders_for_items[item].buy_volume = market.orders_for_items[item].buy_volume + quantity end return true end local cancel_buy = function(market, item, order) local account = order.account local quantity = order.quantity local price = order.price local buy_market = market.orders_for_items[item].buy_orders market.orders_for_items[item].buy_volume = market.orders_for_items[item].buy_volume - quantity remove_order(order, buy_market) account.balance = account.balance + price*quantity end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local remove_market_item = function(market, item) local marketitem = market.orders_for_items[item] if marketitem then local buy_orders = marketitem.buy_orders while #buy_orders > 0 do market:cancel_buy(item, buy_orders[#buy_orders]) end local sell_orders = marketitem.sell_orders while #sell_orders > 0 do market:cancel_sell(item, sell_orders[#sell_orders]) end market.orders_for_items[item] = nil end end minetest.register_chatcommand("market.removeitem", { params = "marketname item", privs = {server=true}, decription = "remove item from market. All existing buys and sells will be cancelled.", func = function(name, param) local params = param:split(" ") if #params ~= 2 then return end local market = commoditymarket.registered_markets[params[1]] if market == nil then return end remove_market_item(market, params[2]) end, }) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local initialize_market_item = function(orders_for_items, item) if orders_for_items[item] == nil then local lists = {} lists.buy_orders = {} lists.sell_orders = {} lists.buy_volume = 0 lists.sell_volume = 0 lists.item = item -- leave last_price nil to indicate it's never been sold before orders_for_items[item] = lists end end -- API exposed to the outside world local add_inventory = function(self, player_name, item, quantity) return add_inventory_to_account(self, get_account(self, player_name), item, quantity) end local remove_inventory = function(self, player_name, item, quantity) return remove_inventory_from_account(get_account(self, player_name), item, quantity) end local sell = function(self, player_name, item, quantity, price) return add_sell(self, get_account(self, player_name), item, price, quantity) end local buy = function(self, player_name, item, quantity, price) return add_buy(self, get_account(self, player_name), item, price, quantity) end -- Using this instead of minetest.serialize because of local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) local persistence_store, persistence_load = dofile(MP.."/persistence.lua") local load_market_data = function(marketname) local path = minetest.get_worldpath() local filename = path .. "/market_"..marketname..".lua" return persistence_load(filename) end local save_market_data = function(market) local path = minetest.get_worldpath() local filename = path .. "/market_"".lua" local data = {} data.player_accounts = market.player_accounts data.orders_for_items = market.orders_for_items persistence_store(filename, data) return true end commoditymarket.register_market = function(market_name, market_def) assert(not commoditymarket.registered_markets[market_name]) market_def.currency_symbol = market_def.currency_symbol or "ยค" -- \u{00A4} -- defaults to the generic currency symbol ("scarab") market_def.description = market_def.description or "Market" market_def.long_description = market_def.long_description or "A market where orders to buy or sell items can be placed and fulfilled." -- Reprocess currency table into a form easier for the withdraw code to work with market_def.currency_ordered = {} for item, amount in pairs(market_def.currency) do table.insert(market_def.currency_ordered, {item=item, amount=amount}) end table.sort(market_def.currency_ordered, function(currency1, currency2) return currency1.amount > currency2.amount end) local new_market = {} new_market.def = market_def commoditymarket.registered_markets[market_name] = new_market local loaded_data = load_market_data(market_name) if loaded_data then new_market.player_accounts = loaded_data.player_accounts new_market.orders_for_items = loaded_data.orders_for_items else new_market.player_accounts = {} new_market.orders_for_items = {} end -- If there's a list of initial items in the market def, initialize them. allow_item can trump this. local initial_items = market_def.initial_items if initial_items then -- defer until after to ensure that all initial items have been registered, so we can guard against invalid items minetest.after(0, function() for _, item in ipairs(initial_items) do if minetest.registered_items[item] and ((not market_def.allow_item) or market_def.allow_item(item)) and not market_def.currency[item] then initialize_market_item(new_market.orders_for_items, item) end end end) end market_def.initial_items = nil -- don't need this any more = market_name new_market.add_inventory = add_inventory new_market.remove_inventory = remove_inventory new_market.sell = sell = buy new_market.cancel_sell = cancel_sell new_market.cancel_buy = cancel_buy new_market.get_formspec = commoditymarket.get_formspec new_market.get_account = get_account = save_market_data -- save markets on shutdown minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() new_market:save() end) -- and also every ten minutes, to be on the safe side in case Minetest crashes -- TODO: a more sophisticated approach that checks whether the market data is "dirty" before actually saving local until_next_save = 600 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) until_next_save = until_next_save - dtime if until_next_save < 0 then new_market:save() until_next_save = 600 end end) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Detached inventory for adding items into the market local inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory("commoditymarket:"..market_name, { allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0 end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) local item = stack:get_name() -- reject unknown items if minetest.registered_items[item] == nil then return 0 end -- Currency items are always allowed if new_market.def.currency[item] then return stack:get_count() end -- only new tools, no used tools if stack:get_wear() ~= 0 then return 0 end --nothing with metadata permitted local meta = stack:get_meta():to_table() local fields = meta.fields local inventory = meta.inventory if (fields and next(fields)) or (inventory and next(inventory)) then return 0 end -- If there's no allow_item function defined, allow everything. Otherwise check if the item is allowed if (not market_def.allow_item) or market_def.allow_item(item) then local allowed_count = stack:get_count() if market_def.inventory_limit then -- limit additions to the inventory_limit, if there is one local current_count = 0 for _, inventory_quantity in pairs(new_market:get_account(player:get_player_name()).inventory) do current_count = current_count + inventory_quantity end allowed_count = math.min(allowed_count, allowed_count + market_def.inventory_limit - (current_count+allowed_count)) if allowed_count <= 0 then return 0 end end --ensures the item is in the market listing if it wasn't before initialize_market_item(new_market.orders_for_items, item) return allowed_count end return 0 end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return 0 end, on_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end, on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) end, on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if listname == "add" then local item = stack:get_name() local count = stack:get_count() new_market:add_inventory(player:get_player_name(), item, count) inv:set_list("add", {}) local name = player:get_player_name() local formspec = new_market:get_formspec(new_market:get_account(name)) minetest.show_formspec(name, "commoditymarket:"..market_name..":", formspec) end end }) inv:set_size("add", 1) end commoditymarket.show_market = function(market_name, player_name) local market = commoditymarket.registered_markets[market_name] if market == nil then return end local formspec = market:get_formspec(market:get_account(player_name)) minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "commoditymarket:"..market_name..":"..player_name, formspec) end