diff --git a/locale/anvil.de.tr b/locale/anvil.de.tr index b172408..b647dd7 100644 --- a/locale/anvil.de.tr +++ b/locale/anvil.de.tr @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Anvil=Amboss #WARNING: AUTOTRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE Right-click on this anvil with a damaged tool to place the damaged tool upon it. You can then repair the damaged tool by striking it with a blacksmith's hammer. Repeated blows may be necessary to fully repair a badly worn tool. To retrieve the tool either punch or right-click the anvil with an empty hand.=Klicken Sie mit einem beschädigten Werkzeug mit der rechten Maustaste auf diesen Amboss, um das beschädigte Werkzeug darauf zu platzieren. Sie können das beschädigte Werkzeug dann reparieren, indem Sie es mit einem Schmiedehammer schlagen. Wiederholte Schläge können erforderlich sein, um ein stark abgenutztes Werkzeug vollständig zu reparieren. Um das Werkzeug abzurufen, schlagen Sie entweder mit einer leeren Hand auf den Amboss oder klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf. +#WARNING: AUTOTRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE +Shared anvil=Geteilter Amboss #WARNING: AUTOTRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE Steel blacksmithing hammer=Stahlschmiedehammer This anvil is for damaged tools only.=Das Werkstueckfeld gilt nur fuer beschaedigtes Werkzeug. diff --git a/locale/anvil.es.tr b/locale/anvil.es.tr index 19617af..014eb19 100644 --- a/locale/anvil.es.tr +++ b/locale/anvil.es.tr @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Anvil=Yunque Right-click on this anvil with a damaged tool to place the damaged tool upon it. You can then repair the damaged tool by striking it with a blacksmith's hammer. Repeated blows may be necessary to fully repair a badly worn tool. To retrieve the tool either punch or right-click the anvil with an empty hand.=Haga clic derecho sobre este yunque con una herramienta dañada Puede reparar la herramienta dañada golpeándola con el martillo del herrero Para reparar completamente una herramienta puede dar varios golpes Para sacar la herramienta, golpeela con la mano vacia o tambien con un clic derecho +#WARNING: AUTOTRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE +Shared anvil=Yunque compartido Steel blacksmithing hammer=Martillo de acero para la herrería This anvil is for damaged tools only.=Este yunque es sólo para herramientas dañadas diff --git a/locale/anvil.fr.tr b/locale/anvil.fr.tr index ce6e5f1..d87086b 100644 --- a/locale/anvil.fr.tr +++ b/locale/anvil.fr.tr @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ Anvil=Enclume Right-click on this anvil with a damaged tool to place the damaged tool upon it. You can then repair the damaged tool by striking it with a blacksmith's hammer. Repeated blows may be necessary to fully repair a badly worn tool. To retrieve the tool either punch or right-click the anvil with an empty hand.=Cliquez-droit sur cette enclume avec un outil endommagé pour le placer dessus. Vous pourrez alors réparer l'outil endommagé en le frappant avec un marteau de forgeron. Des coups successifs seront nécessaires pour réparer l'outil entièrement. Pour récupérer l'outil, frappez dessus ou faites un click-droit en ayant la main vide. +#WARNING: AUTOTRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE +Shared anvil=Enclume partagée Steel blacksmithing hammer=Marteau de forgeron en acier This anvil is for damaged tools only.=L'enclume s'utilise sur les outils endommagés. diff --git a/locale/anvil.it.tr b/locale/anvil.it.tr index 03296ef..31dc20d 100644 --- a/locale/anvil.it.tr +++ b/locale/anvil.it.tr @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Anvil=Incudine Right-click on this anvil with a damaged tool to place the damaged tool upon it. You can then repair the damaged tool by striking it with a blacksmith's hammer. Repeated blows may be necessary to fully repair a badly worn tool. To retrieve the tool either punch or right-click the anvil with an empty hand.=Fate click destro su questa incudine con un attrezzo danneggiato per metterlo sull'incudine. Poi potrete ripararlo colpendolo con un martello da fabbro. Potrebbero essere necessari più colpi per riparare un attrezzo gravemente danneggiato. Per riprendere l'attrezzo colpite o fate click destro sull'incudine a mani vuote. +#WARNING: AUTOTRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE +Shared anvil=Incudine condivisa Steel blacksmithing hammer=Martello da fabbro di acciaio This anvil is for damaged tools only.=Questa incudine è solo per attrezzi danneggiati. diff --git a/locale/template.txt b/locale/template.txt index 32aee05..d0e5562 100644 --- a/locale/template.txt +++ b/locale/template.txt @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Anvil= Right-click on this anvil with a damaged tool to place the damaged tool upon it. You can then repair the damaged tool by striking it with a blacksmith's hammer. Repeated blows may be necessary to fully repair a badly worn tool. To retrieve the tool either punch or right-click the anvil with an empty hand.= +Shared anvil= Steel blacksmithing hammer= This anvil is for damaged tools only.=