local modname = assert(core.get_current_modname()) local modstorage = core.get_mod_storage() local mod_channel dofile(core.get_modpath(modname) .. "example.lua") core.register_on_shutdown(function() print("[PREVIEW] shutdown client") end) local id = nil do local server_info = core.get_server_info() print("Server version: " .. server_info.protocol_version) print("Server ip: " .. server_info.ip) print("Server address: " .. server_info.address) print("Server port: " .. server_info.port) print("CSM restrictions: " .. dump(core.get_csm_restrictions())) local l1, l2 = core.get_language() print("Configured language: " .. l1 .. " / " .. l2) end mod_channel = core.mod_channel_join("experimental_preview") core.after(4, function() if mod_channel:is_writeable() then mod_channel:send_all("preview talk to experimental") end end) core.after(1, function() print("armor: " .. dump(core.localplayer:get_armor_groups())) id = core.localplayer:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "example", number = 0xff0000, position = {x=0, y=1}, offset = {x=8, y=-8}, text = "You are using the preview mod", scale = {x=200, y=60}, alignment = {x=1, y=-1}, }) end) core.register_on_modchannel_message(function(channel, sender, message) print("[PREVIEW][modchannels] Received message `" .. message .. "` on channel `" .. channel .. "` from sender `" .. sender .. "`") core.after(1, function() mod_channel:send_all("CSM preview received " .. message) end) end) core.register_on_modchannel_signal(function(channel, signal) print("[PREVIEW][modchannels] Received signal id `" .. signal .. "` on channel `" .. channel) end) core.register_on_inventory_open(function(inventory) print("INVENTORY OPEN") print(dump(inventory)) return false end) core.register_on_placenode(function(pointed_thing, node) print("The local player place a node!") print("pointed_thing :" .. dump(pointed_thing)) print("node placed :" .. dump(node)) return false end) core.register_on_item_use(function(itemstack, pointed_thing) print("The local player used an item!") print("pointed_thing :" .. dump(pointed_thing)) print("item = " .. itemstack:get_name()) if not itemstack:is_empty() then return false end local pos = core.camera:get_pos() local pos2 = vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(core.camera:get_look_dir(), 100)) local rc = core.raycast(pos, pos2) local i = rc:next() print("[PREVIEW] raycast next: " .. dump(i)) if i then print("[PREVIEW] line of sight: " .. (core.line_of_sight(pos, i.above) and "yes" or "no")) local n1 = core.find_nodes_in_area(pos, i.under, {"default:stone"}) local n2 = core.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(pos, i.under, {"default:stone"}) print(("[PREVIEW] found %s nodes, %s nodes under air"):format( n1 and #n1 or "?", n2 and #n2 or "?")) end return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_receiving_chat_message(function(message) print("[PREVIEW] Received message " .. message) return false end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_sending_chat_message(function(message) print("[PREVIEW] Sending message " .. message) return false end) core.register_on_chatcommand(function(command, params) print("[PREVIEW] caught command '"..command.."'. Parameters: '"..params.."'") end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_hp_modification(function(hp) print("[PREVIEW] HP modified " .. hp) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_on_damage_taken(function(hp) print("[PREVIEW] Damage taken " .. hp) end) -- This is an example function to ensure it's working properly, should be removed before merge core.register_chatcommand("dump", { func = function(param) return true, dump(_G) end, }) local function preview_minimap() local minimap = core.ui.minimap if not minimap then print("[PREVIEW] Minimap is disabled. Skipping.") return end minimap:set_mode(4) minimap:show() minimap:set_pos({x=5, y=50, z=5}) minimap:set_shape(math.random(0, 1)) print("[PREVIEW] Minimap: mode => " .. dump(minimap:get_mode()) .. " position => " .. dump(minimap:get_pos()) .. " angle => " .. dump(minimap:get_angle())) end core.after(2, function() print("[PREVIEW] loaded " .. modname .. " mod") modstorage:set_string("current_mod", modname) assert(modstorage:get_string("current_mod") == modname) preview_minimap() end) core.after(5, function() if core.ui.minimap then core.ui.minimap:show() end print("[PREVIEW] Time of day " .. core.get_timeofday()) print("[PREVIEW] Node level: " .. core.get_node_level({x=0, y=20, z=0}) .. " max level " .. core.get_node_max_level({x=0, y=20, z=0})) print("[PREVIEW] Find node near: " .. dump(core.find_node_near({x=0, y=20, z=0}, 10, {"group:tree", "default:dirt", "default:stone"}))) print("[PREVIEW] Settings: preview_csm_test_setting = " .. tostring(core.settings:get_bool("preview_csm_test_setting", false))) end) core.register_on_dignode(function(pos, node) print("The local player dug a node!") print("pos:" .. dump(pos)) print("node:" .. dump(node)) return false end) core.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node) print("The local player punched a node!") local itemstack = core.localplayer:get_wielded_item() print(dump(itemstack:to_table())) print("pos:" .. dump(pos)) print("node:" .. dump(node)) local meta = core.get_meta(pos) print("punched meta: " .. (meta and dump(meta:to_table()) or "(missing)")) return false end) core.register_chatcommand("privs", { func = function(param) return true, core.privs_to_string(minetest.get_privilege_list()) end, }) core.register_chatcommand("text", { func = function(param) return core.localplayer:hud_change(id, "text", param) end, }) core.register_on_mods_loaded(function() core.log("Yeah preview mod is loaded with other CSM mods.") end)