File mods/spawn_usher/spawnusher.lua


spawnusher.activate (random_placement_radius, required_bubble_size, retry_time) Activates the spawn usher system.
spawnusher.is_air_bubble (start_pos) Tests if the given position is an air bubble big enough.
spawnusher.move_later (player, current_pos) Schedules the player to be moved later.
spawnusher.move_player (player) Moves the player to a safe location.
spawnusher.move_players () Move all players that could not be placed so far.
spawnusher.move_random (player) Moves the player randomly on the x and z plane.
spawnusher.on_spawn_player (player) Callback for if a player spawns.


spawnusher.activate (random_placement_radius, required_bubble_size, retry_time)
Activates the spawn usher system.


  • random_placement_radius: Optional. The player will be respawned in the given radius around the spawn point.
  • required_bubble_size: Optional. The size/height of the bubble of air that is required for the player to spawn. Defaults to 2.
  • retry_time: Optional. This is the time that passes between tries to place to the player.
spawnusher.is_air_bubble (start_pos)
Tests if the given position is an air bubble big enough.


  • start_pos: The position at which to check.

Return value:

true if at the given position is an air bubble big enough.
spawnusher.move_later (player, current_pos)
Schedules the player to be moved later. Also moves the player to the given position.


  • player: The player object.
  • current_pos: The current position to which the player will be moved.
spawnusher.move_player (player)
Moves the player to a safe location.


  • player: The player object.
spawnusher.move_players ()
Move all players that could not be placed so far.
spawnusher.move_random (player)
Moves the player randomly on the x and z plane.


  • player: The Player object to move.
spawnusher.on_spawn_player (player)
Callback for if a player spawns.


  • player: The Player that spawned.

Return value:

true, to disable default placement.

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