local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) ranged_weapons = {} ranged_weapons.mod_name = "rangedweapons" local weapon = dofile(modpath .. "/weapon.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/colors.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/settings.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/cooldown_stuff.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/skills.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/misc.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/bullet_knockback.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/ammo.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/crafting.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/armor.lua") dofile(modpath .. "/blocks/antigun_block.lua") -- Load all weapons for k, v in pairs(weapon.weapons) do weapon_type = k for _, weapon_data in ipairs(v) do dofile(weapon.get_weapon_path(modpath, weapon_type, weapon_data)) end end make_sparks = function(pos) minetest.sound_play("rengedweapons_ricochet", {pos, gain = 0.75}) for i = 1, 9 do minetest.add_particle( { pos = pos, velocity = {x = math.random(-6.0, 6.0), y = math.random(-10.0, 15.0), z = math.random(-6.0, 6.0)}, acceleration = {x = math.random(-9.0, 9.0), y = math.random(-15.0, -3.0), z = math.random(-9.0, 9.0)}, expirationtime = 1.0, size = math.random(1, 2), collisiondetection = true, vertical = false, texture = "rangedweapons_spark.png", glow = 25 } ) end end rangedweapons_gain_skill = function(player, skill, chance) if math.random(1, chance) == 1 then local p_meta = player:get_meta() local skill_num = p_meta:get_int(skill) if skill_num < rweapons_max_gun_efficiency then p_meta:set_int(skill, skill_num + 1) minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "" .. core.colorize("#25c200", "You've improved your skill with this type of gun!") ) end end end rangedweapons_reload_gun = function(itemstack, player) local gun_data = itemstack:get_definition().rw_gun_data minetest.sound_play(gun_data.unload_sound, {player}) local playerMeta = player:get_meta() local gunMeta = itemstack:get_meta() gunMeta:set_float("rw_reload_delay", gun_data.reload_delay) playerMeta:set_float("rw_cooldown", gun_data.reload_delay) local player_has_ammo = 0 local clipSize = 0 local reload_ammo = "" local inv = player:get_inventory() -- TODO: break out into separate function. -- Iterate over player inventory searching for ammo, and mark it -- for use during reload. for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do for _, ammo in pairs(gun_data.suitable_ammo) do if inv:get_stack("main", i):get_name() == ammo[1] then reload_ammo = inv:get_stack("main", i) clipSize = ammo[2] player_has_ammo = 1 break end end if player_has_ammo == 1 then break end end if player_has_ammo == 1 then local ammo_icon = "rangedweapons_emergency_ammo_icon.png" if reload_ammo:get_definition().inventory_image ~= nil then ammo_icon = reload_ammo:get_definition().inventory_image end player:hud_change(gunimg, "text", gun_data.texture.icon) player:hud_change(ammoimg, "text", ammo_icon) local gunMeta = itemstack:get_meta() local ammoCount = gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets") local ammoName = gunMeta:get_string("rw_ammo_name") local inv = player:get_inventory() inv:add_item("main", ammoName .. " " .. ammoCount) if inv:contains_item("main", reload_ammo:get_name() .. " " .. clipSize) then inv:remove_item("main", reload_ammo:get_name() .. " " .. clipSize) gunMeta:set_int("rw_bullets", clipSize) else gunMeta:set_int("rw_bullets", reload_ammo:get_count()) inv:remove_item("main", reload_ammo:get_name() .. " " .. reload_ammo:get_count()) end gunMeta:set_string("rw_ammo_name", reload_ammo:get_name()) player:hud_change(gunammo, "text", gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets")) weapon.drop_magazine(player, gun_data) if gun_data.gun_unloaded ~= nil then itemstack:set_name(gun_data.gun_unloaded) end end end rangedweapons_single_load_gun = function(itemstack, player) local gun_data = itemstack:get_definition().rw_gun_data local reload_delay = gun_data.reload_delay local playerMeta = player:get_meta() local gunMeta = itemstack:get_meta() gunMeta:set_float("rw_reload_delay", reload_delay) playerMeta:set_float("rw_cooldown", reload_delay) local player_has_ammo = 0 local clipSize = 0 local reload_ammo = "" if gun_data.suitable_ammo ~= nil then local inv = player:get_inventory() for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do for _, ammo in pairs(gun_data.suitable_ammo) do if inv:get_stack("main", i):get_name() == ammo[1] then reload_ammo = inv:get_stack("main", i) clipSize = ammo[2] player_has_ammo = 1 break end end if player_has_ammo == 1 then break end end end if player_has_ammo == 1 then local ammo_icon = "rangedweapons_emergency_ammo_icon.png" if reload_ammo:get_definition().inventory_image ~= nil then ammo_icon = reload_ammo:get_definition().inventory_image end player:hud_change(gunimg, "text", gun_data.texture.icon) player:hud_change(ammoimg, "text", ammo_icon) local gunMeta = itemstack:get_meta() local ammoCount = gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets") local ammoName = gunMeta:get_string("rw_ammo_name") local inv = player:get_inventory() if ammoName ~= reload_ammo:get_name() then inv:add_item("main", ammoName .. " " .. ammoCount) gunMeta:set_int("rw_bullets", 0) end if inv:contains_item("main", reload_ammo:get_name()) and gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets") < clipSize then inv:remove_item("main", reload_ammo:get_name()) gunMeta:set_int("rw_bullets", gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets") + 1) end gunMeta:set_string("rw_ammo_name", reload_ammo:get_name()) player:hud_change(gunammo, "text", gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets")) if gun_data.gun_unloaded ~= nil then itemstack:set_name(gun_data.gun_unloaded) end end end rangedweapons_yeet = function(itemstack, player) if minetest.find_node_near(player:getpos(), 10, "rangedweapons:antigun_block") then minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "" .. core.colorize("#ff0000", "throwable weapons are prohibited in this area!") ) else ThrowCaps = itemstack:get_definition().RW_throw_capabilities playerMeta = player:get_meta() if ThrowCaps ~= nil then throw_cooldown = ThrowCaps.throw_cooldown or 0 end if playerMeta:get_float("rw_cooldown") <= 0 then playerMeta:set_float("rw_cooldown", throw_cooldown) local throw_damage = {fleshy = 1} local throw_sound = "rangedweapons_throw" local throw_velocity = 20 local throw_accuracy = 100 local throw_cooling = 0 local throw_crit = 0 local throw_critEffc = 1 local throw_mobPen = 0 local throw_nodePen = 0 local throw_dps = 0 local throw_gravity = 0 local throw_door_breaking = 0 local throw_skill = "" local throw_skillChance = 0 local throw_ent = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet" local throw_visual = "wielditem" local throw_texture = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual" local throw_glass_breaking = 0 local throw_particles = {} local throw_sparks = 0 local throw_bomb_ignite = 0 local throw_size = 0 local throw_glow = 0 if ThrowCaps ~= nil then throw_damage = ThrowCaps.throw_damage or {fleshy = 1} throw_sound = ThrowCaps.throw_sound or "rangedweapons_glock" throw_velocity = ThrowCaps.throw_velocity or 20 throw_accuracy = ThrowCaps.throw_accuracy or 100 throw_cooling = ThrowCaps.throw_cooling or itemstack:get_name() throw_crit = ThrowCaps.throw_crit or 0 throw_critEffc = ThrowCaps.throw_critEffc or 1 throw_projectiles = ThrowCaps.throw_projectiles or 1 throw_mobPen = ThrowCaps.throw_mob_penetration or 0 throw_nodePen = ThrowCaps.throw_node_penetration or 0 throw_dps = ThrowCaps.throw_dps or 0 throw_gravity = ThrowCaps.throw_gravity or 0 throw_door_breaking = ThrowCaps.throw_door_breaking or 0 throw_ent = ThrowCaps.throw_entity or "rangedweapons:shot_bullet" throw_visual = ThrowCaps.throw_visual or "wielditem" throw_texture = ThrowCaps.throw_texture or "rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual" throw_glass_breaking = ThrowCaps.throw_glass_breaking or 0 throw_particles = ThrowCaps.throw_particles or nil throw_sparks = ThrowCaps.throw_sparks or 0 throw_bomb_ignite = ThrowCaps.ignites_explosives or 0 throw_size = ThrowCaps.throw_projectile_size or 0 throw_glow = ThrowCaps.throw_projectile_glow or 0 OnCollision = ThrowCaps.OnCollision or function() end if ThrowCaps.throw_skill ~= nil then throw_skill = ThrowCaps.throw_skill[1] or "" throw_skillChance = ThrowCaps.throw_skill[2] or 0 else throw_skill = "" throw_skillChance = 0 end end if throw_skillChance > 0 and throw_skill ~= "" then rangedweapons_gain_skill(player, throw_skill, throw_skillChance) end if throw_skill ~= "" then skill_value = playerMeta:get_int(throw_skill) / 100 else skill_value = 1 end rangedweapons_launch_projectile( player, throw_projectiles, throw_damage, throw_ent, throw_visual, throw_texture, throw_sound, throw_velocity, throw_accuracy, skill_value, OnCollision, throw_crit, throw_critEffc, throw_mobPen, throw_nodePen, 0, "", "", "", throw_dps, throw_gravity, throw_door_breaking, throw_glass_breaking, throw_particles, throw_sparks, throw_bomb_ignite, throw_size, 0, itemstack:get_wear(), throw_glow ) itemstack:take_item() end end end rangedweapons_shoot_gun = function(itemstack, player) if minetest.find_node_near(player:getpos(), 10, "rangedweapons:antigun_block") then minetest.sound_play("rangedweapons_empty", {player}) minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "" .. core.colorize("#ff0000", "Guns are prohibited in this area!") ) else local gun_data = itemstack:get_definition().rw_gun_data if gun_data ~= nil then gun_ammo_save = gun_data.ammo_saving or 0 end local gunMeta = itemstack:get_meta() local playerMeta = player:get_meta() if gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets") > 0 and playerMeta:get_float("rw_cooldown") <= 0 then playerMeta:set_float("rw_cooldown", gun_data.cooldown) player:hud_change(gunammo, "text", gunMeta:get_int("rw_bullets")) player:hud_change(gunimg, "text", gun_data.texture.icon) local OnCollision = function() end local bulletStack = ItemStack({name = gunMeta:get_string("rw_ammo_name")}) AmmoCaps = bulletStack:get_definition().RW_ammo_capabilities local gun_damage = {fleshy = 1} local gun_sound = "rangedweapons_glock" local gun_velocity = 20 local gun_accuracy = 100 local gun_cooling = 0 local gun_crit = 0 local gun_critEffc = 1 local gun_mobPen = 0 local gun_nodePen = 0 local gun_shell = 0 local gun_durability = 0 local gun_dps = 0 local gun_gravity = 0 local gun_door_breaking = 0 local gun_skill = "" local gun_skillChance = 0 local gun_smokeSize = 0 local bullet_damage = {fleshy = 0} local bullet_velocity = 0 local bullet_ent = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet" local bullet_visual = "wielditem" local bullet_texture = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual" local bullet_crit = 0 local bullet_critEffc = 0 local bullet_projMult = 1 local bullet_mobPen = 0 local bullet_nodePen = 0 local bullet_shell_ent = "rangedweapons:empty_shell" local bullet_shell_visual = "wielditem" local bullet_shell_texture = "rangedweapons:shelldrop" local bullet_dps = 0 local bullet_gravity = 0 local bullet_glass_breaking = 0 local bullet_particles = {} local bullet_sparks = 0 local bullet_bomb_ignite = 0 local bullet_size = 0 local bullet_glow = 20 if gun_data ~= nil then gun_damage = gun_data.gun_damage or {fleshy = 1} gun_sound = gun_data.gun_sound or "rangedweapons_glock" gun_velocity = gun_data.gun_velocity or 20 gun_accuracy = gun_data.gun_accuracy or 100 gun_cooling = gun_data.gun_cooling or itemstack:get_name() gun_crit = gun_data.gun_crit or 0 gun_critEffc = gun_data.gun_critEffc or 1 gun_projectiles = gun_data.gun_projectiles or 1 gun_mobPen = gun_data.gun_mob_penetration or 0 gun_nodePen = gun_data.gun_node_penetration or 0 gun_shell = gun_data.has_shell or 0 gun_durability = gun_data.gun_durability or 0 gun_dps = gun_data.gun_dps or 0 gun_gravity = gun_data.gun_gravity or 0 gun_door_breaking = gun_data.gun_door_breaking or 0 gun_smokeSize = gun_data.gun_smokeSize or 0 if gun_data.gun_skill ~= nil then gun_skill = gun_data.gun_skill[1] or "" gun_skillChance = gun_data.gun_skill[2] or 0 else gun_skill = "" gun_skillChance = 0 end end if gun_skillChance > 0 and gun_skill ~= "" then rangedweapons_gain_skill(player, gun_skill, gun_skillChance) end local ammo_icon = "rangedweapons_emergency_ammo_icon.png" if bulletStack:get_definition().inventory_image ~= nil then ammo_icon = bulletStack:get_definition().inventory_image end player:hud_change(ammoimg, "text", ammo_icon) if AmmoCaps ~= nil then OnCollision = AmmoCaps.OnCollision or function() end bullet_damage = AmmoCaps.ammo_damage or {fleshy = 1} bullet_velocity = AmmoCaps.ammo_velocity or 0 bullet_ent = AmmoCaps.ammo_entity or "rangedweapons:shot_bullet" bullet_visual = AmmoCaps.ammo_visual or "wielditem" bullet_texture = AmmoCaps.ammo_texture or "rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual" bullet_crit = AmmoCaps.ammo_crit or 0 bullet_critEffc = AmmoCaps.ammo_critEffc or 0 bullet_projMult = AmmoCaps.ammo_projectile_multiplier or 1 bullet_mobPen = AmmoCaps.ammo_mob_penetration or 0 bullet_nodePen = AmmoCaps.ammo_node_penetration or 0 bullet_shell_ent = AmmoCaps.shell_entity or "rangedweapons:empty_shell" bullet_shell_visual = AmmoCaps.shell_visual or "wielditem" bullet_shell_texture = AmmoCaps.shell_texture or "rangedweapons:shelldrop" bullet_dps = AmmoCaps.ammo_dps or 0 bullet_gravity = AmmoCaps.ammo_gravity or 0 bullet_glass_breaking = AmmoCaps.ammo_glass_breaking or 0 bullet_particles = AmmoCaps.ammo_particles or nil bullet_sparks = AmmoCaps.has_sparks or 0 bullet_bomb_ignite = AmmoCaps.ignites_explosives or 0 bullet_size = AmmoCaps.ammo_projectile_size or 0.0025 bullet_glow = AmmoCaps.ammo_projectile_glow or 20 end local combined_crit = gun_crit + bullet_crit local combined_critEffc = gun_critEffc + bullet_critEffc local combined_velocity = gun_velocity + bullet_velocity local combined_projNum = math.ceil(gun_projectiles * bullet_projMult) local combined_mobPen = gun_mobPen + bullet_mobPen local combined_nodePen = gun_nodePen + bullet_nodePen local combined_dps = gun_dps + bullet_dps local combined_dmg = {} local combined_gravity = gun_gravity + bullet_gravity for i, _ in pairs(gun_damage) do if bullet_damage[i] ~= nil then combined_dmg[i] = gun_damage[i] + bullet_damage[i] else combined_dmg[i] = gun_damage[i] end end for i, _ in pairs(bullet_damage) do if gun_damage[i] == nil then combined_dmg[i] = bullet_damage[i] end end --minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.serialize(combined_dmg)) if gun_skill ~= "" then skill_value = playerMeta:get_int(gun_skill) / 100 else skill_value = 1 end rangedweapons_launch_projectile( player, combined_projNum, combined_dmg, bullet_ent, bullet_visual, bullet_texture, gun_sound, combined_velocity, gun_accuracy, skill_value, OnCollision, combined_crit, combined_critEffc, combined_mobPen, combined_nodePen, gun_shell, bullet_shell_ent, bullet_shell_texture, bullet_shell_visual, combined_dps, combined_gravity, gun_door_breaking, bullet_glass_breaking, bullet_particles, bullet_sparks, bullet_bomb_ignite, bullet_size, gun_smokeSize, 0, bullet_glow ) if rweapons_gun_durability == "true" then itemstack:add_wear(65535 / gun_durability) end itemstack:set_name(gun_cooling) end end end rangedweapons_shoot_powergun = function(itemstack, player) if minetest.find_node_near(player:getpos(), 10, "rangedweapons:antigun_block") then minetest.sound_play("rangedweapons_empty", {player}) minetest.chat_send_player( player:get_player_name(), "" .. core.colorize("#ff0000", "Guns are prohibited in this area!") ) else local power_cooldown = 0 PowerCaps = itemstack:get_definition().RW_powergun_capabilities if PowerCaps ~= nil then power_cooldown = PowerCaps.power_cooldown or 0 power_consumption = PowerCaps.power_consumption or 0 end local inv = player:get_inventory() local playerMeta = player:get_meta() if inv:contains_item("main", "rangedweapons:power_particle " .. PowerCaps.power_consumption) and playerMeta:get_float("rw_cooldown") <= 0 then playerMeta:set_float("rw_cooldown", power_cooldown) local OnCollision = function() end local power_damage = {fleshy = 1} local power_sound = "rangedweapons_laser" local power_velocity = 20 local power_accuracy = 100 local power_cooling = 0 local power_crit = 0 local power_critEffc = 1 local power_mobPen = 0 local power_nodePen = 0 local power_durability = 0 local power_dps = 0 local power_gravity = 0 local power_door_breaking = 0 local power_skill = "" local power_skillChance = 0 local power_ent = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet" local power_visual = "wielditem" local power_texture = "rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual" local power_glass_breaking = 0 local power_particles = {} local power_sparks = 0 local power_bomb_ignite = 0 local power_size = 0 local power_glow = 20 if PowerCaps ~= nil then power_damage = PowerCaps.power_damage or {fleshy = 1} power_sound = PowerCaps.power_sound or "rangedweapons_glock" power_velocity = PowerCaps.power_velocity or 20 power_accuracy = PowerCaps.power_accuracy or 100 power_cooling = PowerCaps.power_cooling or itemstack:get_name() power_crit = PowerCaps.power_crit or 0 power_critEffc = PowerCaps.power_critEffc or 1 power_projectiles = PowerCaps.power_projectiles or 1 power_mobPen = PowerCaps.power_mob_penetration or 0 power_nodePen = PowerCaps.power_node_penetration or 0 power_durability = PowerCaps.power_durability or 0 power_dps = PowerCaps.power_dps or 0 power_gravity = PowerCaps.power_gravity or 0 power_door_breaking = PowerCaps.power_door_breaking or 0 OnCollision = PowerCaps.OnCollision or function() end power_ent = PowerCaps.power_entity or "rangedweapons:shot_bullet" power_visual = PowerCaps.power_visual or "wielditem" power_texture = PowerCaps.power_texture or "rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual" power_glass_breaking = PowerCaps.power_glass_breaking or 0 power_particles = PowerCaps.power_particles or nil power_sparks = PowerCaps.has_sparks or 0 power_bomb_ignite = PowerCaps.ignites_explosives or 0 power_size = PowerCaps.power_projectile_size or 0.0025 power_glow = PowerCaps.power_projectile_glow or 20 if PowerCaps.power_skill ~= nil then power_skill = PowerCaps.power_skill[1] or "" power_skillChance = PowerCaps.power_skill[2] or 0 else power_skill = "" power_skillChance = 0 end end if power_skillChance > 0 and power_skill ~= "" then rangedweapons_gain_skill(player, power_skill, power_skillChance) end if power_skill ~= "" then skill_value = playerMeta:get_int(power_skill) / 100 else skill_value = 1 end rangedweapons_launch_projectile( player, power_projectiles, power_damage, power_ent, power_visual, power_texture, power_sound, power_velocity, power_accuracy, skill_value, OnCollision, power_crit, power_critEffc, power_mobPen, power_nodePen, 0, "", "", "", power_dps, power_gravity, power_door_breaking, power_glass_breaking, power_particles, power_sparks, power_bomb_ignite, power_size, 0, 0, power_glow ) if rweapons_gun_durability == "true" then itemstack:add_wear(65535 / power_durability) end itemstack:set_name(power_cooling) inv:remove_item("main", "rangedweapons:power_particle " .. PowerCaps.power_consumption) end end end rangedweapons_launch_projectile = function( player, projNum, projDmg, projEnt, visualType, texture, shoot_sound, combined_velocity, accuracy, skill_value, ColResult, projCrit, projCritEffc, mobPen, nodePen, has_shell, shellEnt, shellTexture, shellVisual, dps, gravity, door_break, glass_break, bullet_particles, sparks, ignite, size, smokeSize, proj_wear, proj_glow) --minetest.chat_send_all(accuracy) ---------------------------------- local pos = player:get_pos() local dir = player:get_look_dir() local yaw = player:get_look_horizontal() local svertical = player:get_look_vertical() if pos and dir and yaw then minetest.sound_play(shoot_sound, {player}) pos.y = pos.y + 1.45 if has_shell > 0 then local shl = minetest.add_entity(pos, shellEnt) shl:set_velocity({x = dir.x * -10, y = dir.y * -10, z = dir.z * -10}) shl:set_acceleration({x = dir.x * -5, y = -10, z = dir.z * -5}) shl:set_rotation({x = 0, y = yaw + math.pi, z = -svertical}) shl:set_properties( { textures = {shellTexture}, visual = shellVisual } ) end if smokeSize > 0 then minetest.add_particle( { pos = pos, velocity = { x = (dir.x * 3) + (math.random(-10, 10) / 10), y = (dir.y * 3) + (math.random(-10, 10) / 10), z = (dir.z * 3) + (math.random(-10, 10) / 10) }, acceleration = {x = dir.x * -3, y = 2, z = dir.z * -3}, expirationtime = math.random(5, 10) / 10, size = smokeSize, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "tnt_smoke.png", glow = 5 } ) end local projectiles = projNum or 1 for i = 1, projectiles do local rndacc = (100 - accuracy) or 0 local spawnpos_x = pos.x + (math.random(-rndacc, rndacc) / 100) local spawnpos_y = pos.y + (math.random(-rndacc, rndacc) / 100) local spawnpos_z = pos.z + (math.random(-rndacc, rndacc) / 100) local obj = minetest.add_entity({x = spawnpos_x, y = spawnpos_y, z = spawnpos_z}, projEnt) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() obj:set_properties( { textures = {texture}, visual = visualType, collisionbox = {-size, -size, -size, size, size, size}, glow = proj_glow } ) ent.owner = player:get_player_name() if obj then ent.damage = projDmg ent.crit = projCrit ent.critEffc = projCritEffc ent.OnCollision = ColResult ent.mobPen = mobPen ent.nodePen = nodePen ent.dps = dps ent.door_break = door_break ent.glass_break = glass_break ent.skill_value = skill_value ent.bullet_particles = bullet_particles ent.sparks = sparks ent.ignite = ignite ent.size = size ent.timer = 0 + (combined_velocity / 2000) ent.wear = proj_wear obj:set_velocity( {x = dir.x * combined_velocity, y = dir.y * combined_velocity, z = dir.z * combined_velocity} ) acc = (((100 - accuracy) / 10) / skill_value) or 0 obj:set_acceleration( {x = math.random(-acc, acc), y = math.random(-acc, acc) - gravity, z = math.random(-acc, acc)} ) obj:set_rotation({x = 0, y = yaw + math.pi, z = -svertical}) end end end end --------------------------------------------------- if rweapons_explosives == "true" then dofile(modpath .. "/explosives.lua") end if rweapons_glass_breaking == "true" then dofile(modpath .. "/glass_breaking.lua") end if not minetest.settings:get_bool("glass_breaking") then minetest.register_abm( { nodenames = {"rangedweapons:broken_glass"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "rangedweapons:broken_glass" then node.name = "default:glass" minetest.set_node(pos, node) end end } ) end local rangedweapons_empty_shell = { physical = false, timer = 0, visual = "wielditem", visual_size = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3}, textures = {"rangedweapons:shelldrop"}, lastpos = {}, collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} } rangedweapons_empty_shell.on_step = function(self, dtime, pos) self.timer = self.timer + dtime local pos = self.object:get_pos() local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if self.lastpos.y ~= nil then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] ~= nil then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].walkable then local vel = self.object:get_velocity() local acc = self.object:get_acceleration() self.object:set_velocity({x = vel.x * -0.3, y = vel.y * -0.75, z = vel.z * -0.3}) minetest.sound_play("rangedweapons_shellhit", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) self.object:set_acceleration({x = acc.x, y = acc.y, z = acc.z}) end end end if self.timer > 1.69 then minetest.sound_play("rangedweapons_bulletdrop", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) self.object:remove() end self.lastpos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} end minetest.register_entity("rangedweapons:empty_shell", rangedweapons_empty_shell) minetest.register_abm( { nodenames = {"doors:hidden"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) pos.y = pos.y - 1 if minetest.get_node(pos).name == "air" then pos.y = pos.y + 1 node.name = "air" minetest.set_node(pos, node) end end } ) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) gunammo = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", name = "gunammo", text = "", number = 0xFFFFFF, scale = {x = 100, y = 20}, position = {x = 0.7, y = 0.1}, offset = {x = 30, y = 100}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) gunimg = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", text = "rangedweapons_empty_icon.png", scale = {x = 2, y = 2}, position = {x = 0.7, y = 0.065}, offset = {x = 30, y = 100}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) ammoimg = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", text = "rangedweapons_empty_icon.png", scale = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5}, position = {x = 0.725, y = 0.1}, offset = {x = 30, y = 100}, alignment = {x = 0, y = -1} }) hit = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", text = "rangedweapons_empty_icon.png", scale = {x = 2, y = 2}, position = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = 0, y = 0}, alignment = {x = 0, y = 0} }) scope_hud = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", position = { x=0.5, y=0.5 }, scale = { x=-100, y=-100 }, text = "rangedweapons_empty_icon.png", }) end) local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep( function(dtime, player) timer = timer + dtime if timer >= 1.0 then for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do player:hud_change(hit, "text", "rangedweapons_empty_icon.png") timer = 0 end end end )