-- sethome/init.lua sethome = {} -- Load support for MT game translation. local S local homes_file = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/homes" local homepos = {} local is_50 = minetest.has_feature("object_use_texture_alpha") or false if minetest.get_translator ~= nil then S = minetest.get_translator("sethome") -- 5.x translation function else if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("intllib") .. "/init.lua") if intllib.make_gettext_pair then gettext, ngettext = intllib.make_gettext_pair() -- new gettext method else gettext = intllib.Getter() -- old text file method end S = gettext else -- boilerplate function S = function(str, ...) local args = {...} return str:gsub("@%d+", function(match) return args[tonumber(match:sub(2))] end) end end end local function loadhomes() local input = io.open(homes_file, "r") if not input then return -- no longer an error end -- Iterate over all stored positions in the format "x y z player" for each line for pos, name in input:read("*a"):gmatch("(%S+ %S+ %S+)%s([%w_-]+)[\r\n]") do homepos[name] = minetest.string_to_pos(pos) end input:close() end loadhomes() sethome.set = function(name, pos) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player or not pos then return false end if is_50 then local player_meta = player:get_meta() player_meta:set_string("sethome:home", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) else player:set_attribute("sethome:home", minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end -- remove `name` from the old storage file if not homepos[name] then return true end local data = {} local output = io.open(homes_file, "w") if output then homepos[name] = nil for i, v in pairs(homepos) do table.insert(data, string.format("%.1f %.1f %.1f %s\n", v.x, v.y, v.z, i)) end output:write(table.concat(data)) io.close(output) return true end return true -- if the file doesn't exist - don't return an error. end sethome.get = function(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false, S("This command can only be executed in-game!") end local player_meta local pos if is_50 then player_meta = player:get_meta() pos = minetest.string_to_pos(player_meta:get_string("sethome:home")) else pos = minetest.string_to_pos(player:get_attribute("sethome:home")) end if pos then return pos end -- fetch old entry from storage table pos = homepos[name] if pos then return vector.new(pos) else return nil end end sethome.go = function(name) local pos = sethome.get(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player and pos then player:set_pos(pos) return true end return false end minetest.register_privilege("home", { description = S("Can use /sethome and /home"), give_to_singleplayer = false }) minetest.register_chatcommand("home", { description = S("Teleport you to your home point"), privs = {home = true}, func = function(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false, S("This command can only be executed in-game!") end if sethome.go(name) then return true, S("Teleported to home!") end return false, S("Set a home using /sethome") end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("sethome", { description = S("Set your home point"), privs = {home = true}, func = function(name) name = name or "" -- fallback to blank name if nil local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player and sethome.set(name, player:get_pos()) then return true, S("Home set!") end return false, S("Player not found!") end, })