mobs = {} mobs.mob_list = { npc={}, barbarian={}, monster={}, animal={}} function mobs:register_mob(name, def) table.insert(mobs.mob_list[def.type],name) minetest.register_entity(name, { name = name, hp_min = def.hp_min, hp_max = def.hp_max, physical = true, collisionbox = def.collisionbox, visual = def.visual, visual_size = def.visual_size, mesh = def.mesh, textures = def.textures, makes_footstep_sound = def.makes_footstep_sound, view_range = def.view_range, walk_velocity = def.walk_velocity, run_velocity = def.run_velocity, damage = def.damage, light_damage = def.light_damage, water_damage = def.water_damage or 1, lava_damage = def.lava_damage, disable_fall_damage = def.disable_fall_damage, drops = def.drops, armor = def.armor, drawtype = def.drawtype, on_rightclick = def.on_rightclick, type = def.type, attack_type = def.attack_type, attack_range = def.attack_range or 2, attack_function = def.attack_function or nil, arrow = def.arrow, arrow_offset = def.arrow_offset or 1, shoot_interval = def.shoot_interval, sounds = def.sounds, animation = def.animation, follow = def.follow, jump = def.jump, exp_min = def.exp_min or 0, exp_max = def.exp_max or 0, walk_chance = def.walk_chance or 50, attacks_monsters = def.attacks_monsters or false, group_attack = def.group_attack or false, step = def.step or 0, fov = def.fov or 165, passive = def.passive or false, recovery_time = def.recovery_time or 0.5, knock_back = def.knock_back or 3, blood_offset = def.blood_offset or 0, blood_amount = def.blood_amount or 15, blood_texture = def.blood_texture or "mobs_blood.png", rewards = def.rewards or nil, stationary = def.stationary or false, activity_level = def.activity_level or 10, stimer = 0, timer = 0, env_damage_timer = 0, -- only if state = "attack" attack = {player=nil, dist=nil}, state = "stand", v_start = false, old_y = nil, lifetimer = 600, tamed = false, last_state = nil, pause_timer = 0, path = nil, path_pos = nil, last_dist = nil, leg_timer = nil, path_callback = nil, start_path = function(self,callback) -- start on the defined path self.physical = false -- allow the mob to walk through other entities self.path_pos = 1 self.state = "path" self.set_animation(self,"walk") mobs:face_pos(self,self.path[1]) self.set_velocity(self,self.walk_velocity/2) self.last_dist = get_distance(self.object:getpos(),self.path[1]) self.leg_timer = 0 self.path_callback = callback end, check_path = function(self) local p = self.object:getpos() local pa = self.path[self.path_pos] local this_dist = get_distance(p,pa) if this_dist > self.last_dist or self.leg_timer > 1 then -- overshot the point so redirect the mob mobs:face_pos(self,self.path[self.path_pos]) self.leg_timer = 0 end self.last_dist = this_dist if math.abs(p.x - pa.x) < 1 and math.abs(p.z - pa.z) < 1 or ( self.path_pos == #self.path and this_dist < 1 ) then -- goto next position self.path_pos = self.path_pos + 1 if self.path_pos <= #self.path then -- continue to next point mobs:face_pos(self,self.path[self.path_pos]) self.set_velocity(self,self.walk_velocity) self.set_animation(self,"walk") self.leg_timer = 0 else if self.path_callback ~= nil then -- do the arrival callback self.path_callback(self) end -- stop following path self.set_velocity(self,0) self.state = "stand" self.set_animation(self,"stand") self.path = nil self.path_pos = nil self.physical = true self.leg_timer = nil end end end, do_attack = function(self, player, dist) if self.state ~= "attack" then if self.sounds.war_cry then if math.random(0,100) < 90 then minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.war_cry,{ object = self.object }) end end self.state = "attack" self.attack.player = player self.attack.dist = dist end end, set_velocity = function(self, v) local yaw = self.object:getyaw() if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end local x = math.sin(yaw) * -v local z = math.cos(yaw) * v self.object:setvelocity({x=x, y=self.object:getvelocity().y, z=z}) end, get_velocity = function(self) local v = self.object:getvelocity() return (v.x^2 + v.z^2)^(0.5) end, in_fov = function(self,pos) -- checks if POS is in self's FOV local yaw = self.object:getyaw() if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end local vx = math.sin(yaw) local vz = math.cos(yaw) local ds = math.sqrt(vx^2 + vz^2) local ps = math.sqrt(pos.x^2 + pos.z^2) local d = { x = vx / ds, z = vz / ds } local p = { x = pos.x / ps, z = pos.z / ps } local an = ( d.x * p.x ) + ( d.z * p.z ) local a = math.deg( math.acos( an ) ) return true --[[ if a > ( self.fov / 2 ) then return false else return true end ]] end, set_animation = function(self, type) if not self.animation then return end if not self.animation.current then self.animation.current = "" end if type == "stand" and self.animation.current ~= "stand" then if self.animation.stand_start and self.animation.stand_end and self.animation.speed_normal then self.object:set_animation( {x=self.animation.stand_start,y=self.animation.stand_end}, self.animation.speed_normal, 0 ) self.animation.current = "stand" end elseif type == "walk" and self.animation.current ~= "walk" then if self.animation.walk_start and self.animation.walk_end and self.animation.speed_normal then self.object:set_animation( {x=self.animation.walk_start,y=self.animation.walk_end}, self.animation.speed_normal, 0 ) self.animation.current = "walk" end elseif type == "run" and self.animation.current ~= "run" then if self.animation.run_start and self.animation.run_end and self.animation.speed_run then self.object:set_animation( {x=self.animation.run_start,y=self.animation.run_end}, self.animation.speed_run, 0 ) self.animation.current = "run" end elseif type == "punch" and self.animation.current ~= "punch" then if self.animation.punch_start and self.animation.punch_end and self.animation.speed_normal then self.object:set_animation( {x=self.animation.punch_start,y=self.animation.punch_end}, self.animation.speed_normal, 0 ) self.animation.current = "punch" end end end, on_step = function(self, dtime) if self.type == "monster" and minetest.setting_getbool("only_peaceful_mobs") then self.object:remove() end self.lifetimer = self.lifetimer - dtime if self.lifetimer <= 0 and not self.tamed and self.type ~= "npc" then local player_count = 0 for _,obj in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 10)) do if obj:is_player() then player_count = player_count+1 end end if player_count == 0 and self.state ~= "attack" then minetest.log("action","lifetimer expired, removed mob " self.object:remove() return end end if self.object:getvelocity().y > 0.1 then local yaw = self.object:getyaw() if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end local x = math.sin(yaw) * -2 local z = math.cos(yaw) * 2 self.object:setacceleration({x=x, y=-10, z=z}) else self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0}) end if self.disable_fall_damage and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then if not self.old_y then self.old_y = self.object:getpos().y else local d = self.old_y - self.object:getpos().y if d > 5 then local damage = d-5 self.object:set_hp(self.object:get_hp()-damage) if self.object:get_hp() == 0 then self.object:remove() end end self.old_y = self.object:getpos().y end end -- if pause state then this is where the loop ends -- pause is only set after a monster is hit if self.pause_timer > 0 then self.pause_timer = self.pause_timer - dtime if self.pause_timer <= 0 then self.pause_timer = 0 end return end self.timer = self.timer+dtime if self.state ~= "attack" then if self.timer < 1 then return end self.timer = 0 end if self.sounds and self.sounds.random and math.random(1, 100) <= 1 then minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.random, {object = self.object}) end local do_env_damage = function(self) local pos = self.object:getpos() local n = minetest.get_node(pos) if self.light_damage and self.light_damage ~= 0 and pos.y>0 and minetest.get_node_light(pos) and minetest.get_node_light(pos) > 4 and minetest.get_timeofday() > 0.2 and minetest.get_timeofday() < 0.8 then self.object:set_hp(self.object:get_hp()-self.light_damage) if self.object:get_hp() == 0 then self.object:remove() end end if self.water_damage and self.water_damage ~= 0 and minetest.get_item_group(, "water") ~= 0 then self.object:set_hp(self.object:get_hp()-self.water_damage) if self.object:get_hp() == 0 then self.object:remove() end end if self.lava_damage and self.lava_damage ~= 0 and minetest.get_item_group(, "lava") ~= 0 then self.object:set_hp(self.object:get_hp()-self.lava_damage) if self.object:get_hp() == 0 then self.object:remove() end end end self.env_damage_timer = self.env_damage_timer + dtime if self.state == "attack" and self.env_damage_timer > 1 then self.env_damage_timer = 0 do_env_damage(self) elseif self.state ~= "attack" then do_env_damage(self) end -- FIND SOMEONE TO ATTACK if ( self.type == "monster" or self.type == "barbarian" ) and minetest.setting_getbool("enable_damage") and self.state ~= "attack" then local s = self.object:getpos() local inradius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s,self.view_range) local player = nil local type = nil for _,oir in ipairs(inradius) do if oir:is_player() then player = oir type = "player" else local obj = oir:get_luaentity() if obj then player = obj.object type = obj.type end end if type == "player" or type == "npc" then local s = self.object:getpos() local p = player:getpos() local sp = s p.y = p.y + 1 sp.y = sp.y + 1 -- aim higher to make looking up hills more realistic local dist = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 --print("Dist "..tostring(dist) .. " < " .. tostring(self.view_range) .. " in_fov " .. tostring(self.in_fov(self,p))) if dist < self.view_range and self.in_fov(self,p) then if minetest.line_of_sight(sp,p,2) == true then self.do_attack(self,player,dist) break else --print("no line of site") end end end end end -- NPC FIND A MONSTER TO ATTACK if self.type == "npc" and self.attacks_monsters and self.state ~= "attack" then local s = self.object:getpos() local inradius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(s,self.view_range) for _, oir in pairs(inradius) do local obj = oir:get_luaentity() if obj then if obj.type == "monster" or obj.type == "barbarian" then -- attack monster local p = obj.object:getpos() local dist = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 self.do_attack(self,obj.object,dist) break end end end end if self.follow ~= "" and not self.following then for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local s = self.object:getpos() local p = player:getpos() local dist = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 if self.view_range and dist < self.view_range then self.following = player break end end end if self.following and self.following:is_player() then if self.following:get_wielded_item():get_name() ~= self.follow then self.following = nil else local s = self.object:getpos() local p = self.following:getpos() local dist = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 if dist > self.view_range then self.following = nil self.v_start = false else local vec = {x=p.x-s.x, y=p.y-s.y, z=p.z-s.z} local yaw = math.atan(vec.z/vec.x)+math.pi/2 if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw+math.pi end self.object:setyaw(yaw) if dist > 2 then if not self.v_start then self.v_start = true self.set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity) else if self.jump == true and self.get_velocity(self) <= 1.5 and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then local v = self.object:getvelocity() v.y = 6 self.object:setvelocity(v) end self.set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity) end self:set_animation("walk") else self.v_start = false self.set_velocity(self, 0) self:set_animation("stand") end return end end end if self.state == "stand" then -- randomly turn if math.random(1, 100) < self.activity_level then -- if there is a player nearby look at them local lp = nil local s = self.object:getpos() if self.type == "npc" then local o = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:getpos(), 3) local yaw = 0 for _,o in ipairs(o) do if o:is_player() then lp = o:getpos() break end end end if lp ~= nil then mobs:face_pos(self,lp) else local yaw = self.object:getyaw()+((math.random(0,360)-270)/180*math.pi) self.object:setyaw(yaw) end end self.set_velocity(self, 0) self.set_animation(self, "stand") if math.random(1, 100) <= self.activity_level and self.stationary == false then self.set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity) self.state = "walk" self.set_animation(self, "walk") end elseif self.state == "walk" or self.state == "path" then if ( math.random(1, 100) <= 30 or ( self.get_velocity(self) < self.walk_velocity ) ) and self.state ~= "path" then self.object:setyaw(self.object:getyaw()+((math.random(0,360)-270)/180*math.pi)) end if self.jump == true and self.get_velocity(self) <= 0.5 and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then local v = self.object:getvelocity() v.y = 5 self.object:setvelocity(v) end self:set_animation("walk") self.set_velocity(self, self.walk_velocity) if math.random(1, 100) <= 30 and self.state ~= "path" then self.set_velocity(self, 0) self.state = "stand" self:set_animation("stand") end if self.state == "path" then self.leg_timer = self.leg_timer + dtime self.check_path(self) end elseif self.state == "attack" and self.attack_type == "dogfight" then if not self.attack.player or not self.attack.player:getpos() then self.state = "stand" self:set_animation("stand") return end local s = self.object:getpos() local p = self.attack.player:getpos() local dist = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 if dist > self.view_range or self.attack.player:get_hp() <= 0 then self.state = "stand" self.v_start = false self.set_velocity(self, 0) self.attack = {player=nil, dist=nil} self:set_animation("stand") return else self.attack.dist = dist end local vec = {x=p.x-s.x, y=p.y-s.y, z=p.z-s.z} local yaw = math.atan(vec.z/vec.x)+math.pi/2 if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw+math.pi end self.object:setyaw(yaw) if self.attack.dist > self.attack_range then if not self.v_start then self.v_start = true self.set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity) else if self.jump == true and self.get_velocity(self) <= 0.5 and self.object:getvelocity().y == 0 then local v = self.object:getvelocity() v.y = 5 self.object:setvelocity(v) end self.set_velocity(self, self.run_velocity) end self:set_animation("run") else self.set_velocity(self, 0) self:set_animation("punch") self.v_start = false if self.timer > 1 then self.timer = 0 local p2 = p local s2 = s p2.y = p2.y + 1.5 s2.y = s2.y + 1.5 if minetest.line_of_sight(p2,s2) == true then if self.sounds and self.sounds.attack then minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.attack, {object = self.object}) end if self.attack_function ~= nil then self.attack_function(self,self.attack.player) else self.attack.player:punch(self.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval=1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy=self.damage} }, vec) end if self.attack.player:get_hp() <= 0 then self.state = "stand" self:set_animation("stand") end end end end elseif self.state == "attack" and self.attack_type == "shoot" then if not self.attack.player or not self.attack.player:is_player() then self.state = "stand" self:set_animation("stand") return end local s = self.object:getpos() local p = self.attack.player:getpos() p.y = p.y - .5 s.y = s.y + .5 local dist = ((p.x-s.x)^2 + (p.y-s.y)^2 + (p.z-s.z)^2)^0.5 if dist > self.view_range or self.attack.player:get_hp() <= 0 then self.state = "stand" self.v_start = false self.set_velocity(self, 0) if self.type ~= "npc" then self.attack = {player=nil, dist=nil} end self:set_animation("stand") return else self.attack.dist = dist end local vec = {x=p.x-s.x, y=p.y-s.y, z=p.z-s.z} local yaw = math.atan(vec.z/vec.x)+math.pi/2 if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end if p.x > s.x then yaw = yaw+math.pi end self.object:setyaw(yaw) self.set_velocity(self, 0) if self.timer > self.shoot_interval and math.random(1, 100) <= 60 then self.timer = 0 self:set_animation("punch") if self.sounds and self.sounds.attack then minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.attack, {object = self.object}) end local p = self.object:getpos() p.y = p.y + self.arrow_offset local obj = minetest.add_entity(p, self.arrow) local amount = (vec.x^2+vec.y^2+vec.z^2)^0.5 local v = obj:get_luaentity().velocity vec.y = vec.y vec.x = vec.x*v/amount vec.y = vec.y*v/amount vec.z = vec.z*v/amount obj:setvelocity(vec) if obj:get_luaentity().drop_rate ~= nil then obj:setacceleration({x=vec.x, y=obj:get_luaentity().drop_rate, z=vec.z}) end end end end, on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) -- reset HP local pos = self.object:getpos() local distance_rating = ( ( get_distance({x=0,y=0,z=0},pos) ) / 20000 ) local newHP = self.hp_min + math.floor( self.hp_max * distance_rating ) self.object:set_hp( newHP ) self.object:set_armor_groups({fleshy=self.armor}) self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0}) self.state = "stand" self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=self.object:getvelocity().y, z=0}) self.object:setyaw(((math.random(0,360)-270)/180*math.pi)) if self.type == "monster" and minetest.setting_getbool("only_peaceful_mobs") then self.object:remove() end if self.type ~= "npc" then self.lifetimer = 600 - dtime_s end if staticdata then local tmp = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if tmp and tmp.lifetimer then self.lifetimer = tmp.lifetimer - dtime_s end if tmp and tmp.tamed then self.tamed = tmp.tamed end --[[if tmp and tmp.textures then self.object:set_properties(tmp.textures) end]] end if self.lifetimer <= 0 and not self.tamed and self.type ~= "npc" then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata = function(self) local tmp = { lifetimer = self.lifetimer, tamed = self.tamed, textures = { textures = self.textures }, } return minetest.serialize(tmp) end, on_punch = function(self, hitter, tflp, tool_capabilities, dir) if tflp == nil then tflp = 1 end process_weapon(hitter,tflp,tool_capabilities) local pos = self.object:getpos() if self.object:get_hp() <= 0 then if hitter and hitter:is_player() and hitter:get_inventory() then for _,drop in ipairs(self.drops) do if math.random(1, drop.chance) == 1 then local d = ItemStack(" "..math.random(drop.min, drop.max)) default.drop_item(pos,d) end end if self.sounds.death ~= nil then minetest.sound_play(self.sounds.death,{ object = self.object, }) end if minetest.get_modpath("skills") and minetest.get_modpath("experience") then -- DROP experience local distance_rating = ( ( get_distance({x=0,y=0,z=0},pos) ) / ( skills.get_player_level(hitter:get_player_name()).level * 1000 ) ) local emax = math.floor( self.exp_min + ( distance_rating * self.exp_max ) ) local expGained = math.random(self.exp_min, emax) skills.add_exp(hitter:get_player_name(),expGained) local expStack = experience.exp_to_items(expGained) for _,stack in ipairs(expStack) do default.drop_item(pos,stack) end end -- see if there are any NPCs to shower you with rewards if self.type ~= "npc" and self.type ~= "animal" then local inradius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(hitter:getpos(),10) for _, oir in pairs(inradius) do local obj = oir:get_luaentity() if obj then if obj.type == "npc" and obj.rewards ~= nil then local lp = hitter:getpos() local s = obj.object:getpos() local yaw = mobs:face_pos(self,lp) local vec = {x=lp.x-s.x, y=1, z=lp.z-s.z} local x = math.sin(yaw) * -2 local z = math.cos(yaw) * 2 acc = {x=x, y=-5, z=z} for _, r in pairs(obj.rewards) do if math.random(0,100) < r.chance then default.drop_item(obj.object:getpos(),r.item, vec, acc) end end end end end end end end blood_particles(pos,self.blood_offset,self.blood_amount,self.blood_texture) -- knock back effect, adapted from blockmen's pyramids mod -- local kb = self.knock_back local r = self.recovery_time if tool_capabilities ~= nil then if tflp < tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval then kb = kb * ( tflp / tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval ) r = r * ( tflp / tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval ) end else kb = kb * ( tflp / 1 ) r = r * ( tflp / 1 ) end local ykb=2 local v = self.object:getvelocity() if v.y ~= 0 then ykb = 0 end self.object:setvelocity({x=dir.x*kb,y=ykb,z=dir.z*kb}) self.pause_timer = r -- attack puncher and call other mobs for help if self.passive == false then if self.state ~= "attack" then self.do_attack(self,hitter,1) end -- alert other NPCs to the attack local inradius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(hitter:getpos(),10) for _, oir in pairs(inradius) do local obj = oir:get_luaentity() if obj then if obj.group_attack == true and obj.state ~= "attack" and self.type == obj.type then obj.do_attack(obj,hitter,1) end end end end end, }) end mobs.spawning_mobs = {} function mobs:register_spawn(name, nodes, max_light, min_light, chance, active_object_count, max_height, min_dist, max_dist, spawn_func) mobs.spawning_mobs[name] = true minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = nodes, --neighbors = {"air"}, interval = 30, chance = chance, action = function(pos, node, _, active_object_count_wider) if active_object_count_wider > active_object_count then return end if not mobs.spawning_mobs[name] then return end --[[ don't spawn inside of blocks local p2 = pos p2.y = p2.y + 1 local p3 = p2 p3.y = p3.y + 1 if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p2).name].walkable == false or minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p3).name].walkable == false then return end]] pos.y = pos.y+1 if not minetest.get_node_light(pos) then return end if minetest.get_node_light(pos) > max_light then return end if minetest.get_node_light(pos) < min_light then return end if pos.y > max_height then return end if min_dist == nil then min_dist = {x=-1,z=-1} end if max_dist == nil then max_dist = {x=33000,z=33000} end if math.abs(pos.x) < min_dist.x or math.abs(pos.z) < min_dist.z then return end if math.abs(pos.x) > max_dist.x or math.abs(pos.z) > max_dist.z then return end if spawn_func and not spawn_func(pos, node) then return end if minetest.setting_getbool("display_mob_spawn") then minetest.chat_send_all("[mobs] Add "" at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end mobs:spawn_mob(pos,name) end }) end function mobs:spawn_mob(pos,name) -- make sure the nodes above are walkable if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] ~= nil then if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].walkable == true or minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].walkable == nil then return -1 end pos.y = pos.y + 1 if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].walkable == true or minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].walkable == nil then return -1 end pos.y = pos.y - 1 end local mob = minetest.add_entity(pos, name) -- setup the hp, armor, drops, etc... for this specific mob local distance_rating = ( ( get_distance({x=0,y=0,z=0},pos) ) / 15000 ) if mob ~= nil then mob = mob:get_luaentity() if mob ~= nil then local newHP = mob.hp_min + math.floor( mob.hp_max * distance_rating ) mob.object:set_hp( newHP ) mob.state = "walk" -- make them walk when they spawn so they walk away from their original spawn position return true end end end function mobs:get_random(type) if mobs.mob_list[type] ~= nil then local seed = os.clock() + os.time() math.randomseed(seed) local idx = math.random(1,#mobs.mob_list[type]) if mobs.mob_list[type][idx] ~= nil then return mobs.mob_list[type][idx] end return false end end function mobs:register_arrow(name, def) minetest.register_entity(name, { physical = false, visual = def.visual, visual_size = def.visual_size, textures = def.textures, velocity = def.velocity, hit_player = def.hit_player, hit_node = def.hit_node, timer = 0, on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer=self.timer+dtime if self.timer > 0.2 then local pos = self.object:getpos() if minetest.get_node(self.object:getpos()).name ~= "air" and minetest.get_node(self.object:getpos()).name ~= "fire:basic_flame"then self.hit_node(self, pos, node) self.object:remove() return end --pos.y = pos.y-1 local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2) for _,player in pairs(objs) do if player:get_luaentity() ~= nil then local luae = player:get_luaentity() if ~= self.object:get_luaentity().name and ~= "__builtin:item" then self.hit_player(self, player) self.object:remove() return end else self.hit_player(self, player) self.object:remove() return end end end end }) end function mobs:face_pos(self,pos) local s = self.object:getpos() local vec = {x=pos.x-s.x, y=pos.y-s.y, z=pos.z-s.z} local yaw = math.atan(vec.z/vec.x)+math.pi/2 if self.drawtype == "side" then yaw = yaw+(math.pi/2) end if pos.x > s.x then yaw = yaw+math.pi end self.object:setyaw(yaw) --print("Yaw "..tostring(yaw)) return yaw end function get_distance(pos1,pos2) if ( pos1 ~= nil and pos2 ~= nil ) then return math.abs(math.floor(math.sqrt( (pos1.x - pos2.x)^2 + (pos1.z - pos2.z)^2 ))) else return 0 end end blood_particles = function(pos,offset,amount,texture) if amount > 0 and pos ~= nil then local p = pos p.y = p.y + offset minetest.add_particlespawner( amount, --amount 0.25, --time {x=p.x-0.2, y=p.y-0.2, z=p.z-0.2}, --minpos {x=p.x+0.2, y=p.y+0.2, z=p.z+0.2}, --maxpos {x=0, y=-2, z=0}, --minvel {x=2, y=2, z=2}, --maxvel {x=-4,y=-4,z=-4}, --minacc {x=4,y=-4,z=4}, --maxacc 0.1, --minexptime 1, --maxexptime 0.5, --minsize 1, --maxsize false, --collisiondetection texture --texture ) end end function process_weapon(player, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities) local weapon = player:get_wielded_item() if tool_capabilities ~= nil then local wear = ( tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval / 75 ) * 65535 weapon:add_wear(wear) player:set_wielded_item(weapon) end if weapon:get_definition().sounds ~= nil then local s = math.random(0,#weapon:get_definition().sounds) minetest.sound_play(weapon:get_definition().sounds[s], { object=player, }) else minetest.sound_play("default_sword_wood", { object = player, }) end end