-- villages up to this many nodes in each direction are shown on the map mg_villages.MAP_RANGE = 1000; mg_villages.draw_tile = function( content_id, image, x, z, dx, dz, tile_nr ) if( not( image )) then local node_name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id( content_id ); if( not( node_name )) then return ''; end local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ]; if( not( node_def )) then return ''; end local tiles = node_def.tiles; local tile = nil; if( tiles ~= nil ) then if( not(tile_nr) or tile_nr > #tiles or tile_nr < 1 ) then tile_nr = 1; end tile = tiles[tile_nr]; end if type(tile)=="table" then tile=tile["name"] end image = tile; if( not( image )) then image = "unknown_object.png"; end end return "image["..tostring(x)..",".. tostring(z) ..";"..dx..','..dz..";" .. image .."]"; end mg_villages.map_of_world = function( pname ) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name( pname ); if( not( player )) then return ''; end local ppos = player:getpos(); -- also usable: diamond_block, sand, water local formspec = "size[14.4,10]".. "background[0,0;10,10;"..mg_villages.MAP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE.."]".. "label[10,10;x axis]".. "label[0,0;z axis]".. "label[0,10;|]".. "label[0.2,10;->]"; local r = mg_villages.MAP_RANGE; local f1 = 10/(2*r); local map_tiles_shown = math.floor( mg_villages.MAP_RANGE/80 ); local center_x = math.floor( ppos.x/80 ); local center_z = math.floor( ppos.z/80 ); for x = center_x - map_tiles_shown, center_x + map_tiles_shown do for z = center_z - map_tiles_shown, center_z + map_tiles_shown do if( mg_villages.mg_generated_map[ x ] and mg_villages.mg_generated_map[ x ][ z ] ) then local surface_types = mg_villages.mg_generated_map[ x ][ z ]; local content_id = 0; if( type( surface_types )=='table' ) then content_id = surface_types[ 26 ]; else content_id = surface_types; end local x1 = f1 * ((x*80) - ppos.x +r); local z1 = f1 * ( (2*r) - ((z*80) - ppos.z + r)); local dx = f1 * 80; local dz = f1 * 80; formspec = formspec..mg_villages.draw_tile( content_id, nil, x1+0.5, z1-0.5, dx*1.25, dz*1.25, 1 ); -- if more detailed information is available, draw those tiles that differ from the most common tile if( type( surface_types )=='table' and false) then -- TODO: disabled for now dx = dx/5; dz = dz/5; for i,v in ipairs( surface_types ) do if( v ~= content_id ) then local x2 = x1+( math.floor( (i-1)/5 )*dx); local z2 = z1+( math.floor( (i-1)%5 )*dz); formspec = formspec..mg_villages.draw_tile( v, nil, x2+0.5, z2-0.5, dx*1.3, dz*1.3, 1); end end end end end end local shown_villages = {}; r = mg_villages.MAP_RANGE; f1 = 10/(2*r); for name,v in pairs( mg_villages.all_villages ) do local data = v; --minetest.deserialize( v ); local x = data.vx - ppos.x; local z = data.vz - ppos.z; -- show only villages which are at max mg_villages.MAP_RANGE away from player if( x and z and mg_villages.village_type_data[ data.village_type ] and mg_villages.village_type_data[ data.village_type ].texture and math.abs( x ) < r and math.abs( z ) < r ) then -- the village size determines the texture size local dx = f1 * (data.vs*2) *1.25; local dz = f1 * (data.vs*2) *1.0; -- center the village texture x = x - (data.vs/2); z = z + (data.vs/2); -- calculate the position for the village texture x = f1 * (x+r); z = f1 * ( (2*r) -(z+r)); formspec = formspec.. "label["..x..",".. z ..";"..tostring( data.nr ).."]"..mg_villages.draw_tile( nil, mg_villages.village_type_data[ data.village_type ].texture, x, z, dx, dz, 1 ); shown_villages[ #shown_villages+1 ] = tostring( data.nr )..". "..tostring( v.name or 'unknown' ).."]"; end end -- code and arrows taken from mapp mod local yaw = player:get_look_yaw() local rotate = 0; if yaw ~= nil then -- Find rotation and texture based on yaw. yaw = math.deg(yaw) yaw = math.fmod (yaw, 360) if yaw<0 then yaw = 360 + yaw end if yaw>360 then yaw = yaw - 360 end if yaw < 90 then rotate = 90 elseif yaw < 180 then rotate = 180 elseif yaw < 270 then rotate = 270 else rotate = 0 end yaw = math.fmod(yaw, 90) yaw = math.floor(yaw / 10) * 10 end -- show the players yaw if rotate ~= 0 then formspec = formspec.."image[".. 4.95 ..",".. 4.85 ..";0.4,0.4;d" .. yaw .. ".png^[transformFYR".. rotate .."]" else formspec = formspec.."image[".. 4.95 ..",".. 4.85 ..";0.4,0.4;d" .. yaw .. ".png^[transformFY]" end local i = 0.05; formspec = formspec.."label[10,-0.4;Village types:]"; -- explain the meaning of the textures if mg_villages.village_types ~= nil then for _,typ in ipairs(mg_villages.village_types) do formspec = formspec.."label[10.5,"..tostring(i)..";"..tostring( typ ).."]".. "image[10.0,"..tostring(i+0.1)..";0.4,0.4;"..tostring( mg_villages.village_type_data[ typ ].texture ).."]"; i = i+0.45; end end i = i+0.45; formspec = formspec.."label[10.0,"..tostring(i)..";Villages shown on this map:]"; i = i+0.45; local j = 1; while (i<10.5 and j<=#shown_villages) do formspec = formspec.."label[10.0,"..tostring(i)..";"..tostring( shown_villages[ j ] ).."]"; i = i+0.45; j = j+1; end return formspec; end minetest.register_chatcommand( 'vmap', { description = "Shows a map of all known villages withhin "..tostring( mg_villages.MAP_RANGE ).." blocks.", privs = {}, func = function(name, param) minetest.show_formspec( name, 'mg:world_map', mg_villages.map_of_world( name )); end });